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SUB package vertical displacement plot.
Solid cross sections and boreholes.
Isosurface on a 3D grid and borehole sample data.

The Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) is a comprehensive graphical user environment for performing groundwater simulations. The entire GMS system consists of a graphical user interface (the GMS program) and a number of analysis codes (MODFLOW, MT3DMS, etc.). The GMS interface is developed by Aquaveo, LLC in Provo, Utah.

GMS was designed as a comprehensive modeling environment. Several types of models are supported and facilities are provided to share information between different models and data types. Tools are provided for site characterization, model conceptualization, mesh and grid generation, geostatistics, and post-processing.


The interface for GMS is divided into twelve modules. A module is provided for each of the basic data types supported by GMS. As you switch from one module to another module, the Dynamic Tool Palette and the Menus change. This allows you to focus only on the tools and commands related to the data type you wish to use in the modeling process. The following modules are supported in GMS:

TIN Module Icon.svg TIN Module

Borehole Module Icon.svg Borehole Module

Solid Module Icon.svg Solid Module

2D Mesh Icon.svg 2D Mesh Module

2D Grid Icon.svg 2D Grid Module

2D Scatter Icon.svg 2D Scatter Point Module

3D Mesh Icon.svg 3D Mesh Module

3D Grid Icon.svg 3D Grid Module

3D Scatter Icon.svg 3D Scatter Point Module

Map Module Icon.svg Map Module

GIS Module Icon.svg GIS Module

UGrid Module Icon.svg UGrid Module

Numerical Models

Numerical models are programs that are separate from GMS that are used to run an analysis on a simulation. The simulation can be built in GMS, and then run through the numerical model program. GMS can then read in and display the results of the analysis.

The following numerical models are currently supported in GMS.

Model Name GMS Module

3D Grid


Map Module
2D Mesh
3D Mesh

Source code for some models is available upon request. Contact technical support to request source code.