Raster Difference Tool

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Raster Difference

The Raster Difference tool takes two input rasters, and creates a new raster containing the difference in values between them. One input raster is identified as the base raster, and the other the secondary raster. The rasters do not need to have the same cell size or projection. In order to perform the calculation, a copy of the secondary raster will be resized to align its pixels with those of the base raster, using a cubic resampling algorithm as necessary. The values of each cell in the base raster will be subtracted by the values of each cell in the resampled secondary raster. The resulting output raster will have the same origin and cell size as the base raster. Where data exists in one raster but not in the other, the output raster values will be NODATA values. The tool could be used to compare values of datasets that have been created as rasters using the Dataset to Raster tool.

Input Parameters

  • Input base raster – The base raster for which the difference will be calculated.
  • Input secondary raster – The raster used to calculate the difference from the base raster.

Output Parameters

  • Output raster – The new raster created containing the difference between the base raster and secondary raster. This raster will have the same projection, origin, and cell size as the base raster.

Current Location in Toolbox

  • Rasters/Raster Difference

Related Tools

  • Rasters/Dataset to Raster