User:Jcreer/SMS:SRH-2D Plots

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SMS proved some tools to quickly generate plots from the solution of a successful SRH-2D model run.

Simulation Plots

Example of the SRH-2D Solution Plots dialog for a simulation

In the SRH-2D simulation right-click menu, using the Tools | View Simulation Plots command brings up the SRH-2D Solution Plots dialog. This dialog provides a list of solution plots that were generated during the model run. The list of available plots in on the left side of the dialog. Once a plot is selected from the list, the plot will be shown in the plot window on the right side of the dialog.

Available plots include:

  • Net_Q/INLET_Q – Net Q -vs- time. Percentage of flow entering the simulation that leaves the simulation at a given time:
    • -100% means all the flow that entered the simulation at this time stayed in the simulation
    • 0% means the same amount of flow exited during this time step as entered
    • >0% means more flow left the simulation than entered it.
  • Mass Balance – includes mass loss -vs- time and average mass loss -vs- time
  • Monitor Points WSE – Monitor point water level -vs- time. Will display one plot for each monitor point in the simulation.
  • Monitor Points Z – Monitor point ground level -vs- time. Will display one for each monitor point in the simulation. This plot is not meaningful unless the simulation includes sediment transport.
  • Monitor Lines – Monitor line flux vs time. Will display one plot for each monitor line in the simulation.

Under the plot list, there is the following option:

  • Specify time range – allows specifying the time range of the plot to be viewed. The possible range will be 0 to the length (time in hours) of the simulation.
    • Minimum time – The beginning time range.
    • Maximum time – The ending time range.

Monitor and Structure Plots

Example of the SRH-2D Solution Plots dialog for an SRH-2D structure

SMS can generate a solution plot at a monitoring location or at a structure location. The plot will use the solution datasets generated during the model run. If the coverage was edited after running SRH-2D, rerun SRH-2D with the updated coverage to ensure that hte plot is consistant with the SRH-2D outputs.

For a monitoring point or line, in the monitor coverage, select the monitoring point or line then right-click and select the Monitor Points Plot or Monitor Lines Plot command to open the SRH-2D Solution Plots dialog for a monitor location. Note that the monitor coverage must have been included in the simulation model run. Also note that only one point or line can be selected

For an SRH-2D structure, in the boundary conditions coverage, select the structure arcs then right-click and select the Structure Output Plots command to open the SRH-2D Solution Plots dialog for SRH-2D structures. Only one structure arc can be selected to access the structure plots.

The SRH-2D Solution Plots dialog is similar for both monitor points or lines, and SHR-2D strucutes. The dialog has the following options.

  • Simulations – Contains a list of all available simulations where the monitor coverage or boundary conditions coverage was included during the simulation run. Select which of these simulations to include in the plot.
    • All on – Select to include all available simulations in the plot.
    • All off – Select to remove all simulations from the plot.
  • Plots – Contains a list of all available solution datasets from the model run. Selected datasets will appear in the plot.
  • Specify time range – Turning on the option allows setting the plot to show only a specific range of time.
    • Minimum time – Enter the minimum, or starting, time for the plot.
    • Maximum time – Enter the maximum, or ending, time for the plot.

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