VRT from Rasters Tool

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VRT from Rasters

The VRT from Rasters tool creates a Virtual Raster Table (VRT) file from multiple rasters according to a user specified priority. Each source is added to the VRT in priority order.

It should be noted that rasters from different sources may have errors or differences from one another for a variety of reasons. Principal causes of incompatibilities between rasters include the changes between the times when each source was gathered, differences in survey methods, and slight adjustments to datums. Large raster differences can result in discontinuities in the surface. These discontinuities can have ramifications on the hydraulic results for simulations of flow over the combined surface.

Note that this tool will make a copy of each of the input rasters in GeoTIFF (.tif) format using the base VRT filename and then add an index and file extension to the end of the filename for each raster created since all rasters must be reprojected to the same projection to create a VRT file. The resulting projection of the VRT file and its corresponding rasters is the display projection.

Input parameters

  • Resample algorithm – Select the method that will be used for interpolation.
    • "bilinear" – Select to use the cubic resampling method when warping a raster's projection.
    • "nearest_neighbor" – Select to use the nearest neighbor resampling method when warping a raster's projection.
  • Raster 1 (highest priority) – Select the raster that will be given highest priority during the VRT creation.
  • Raster 2 – Select the raster that will be given the next highest priority during the VRT creation.
  • Raster n – Additional rasters may be selected and given priority in the order they are selected.

Output parameters

  • Virtual Raster Table (VRT) file – The base name of the VRT file to be created and loaded into SMS.

Current Location in toolbox

Rasters/VRT from Rasters

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