SMS:GIS Module Menus: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 22:12, 14 November 2012

The following menus are available in the the GIS Module:

Standard Menus

See Menu Bar for more information.

Module Specific Menus


Most of the SMS modules have a Data menu, but the items in this menu are different for each module. The GIS Module commands include:

GIS Data Menu Commands


The GIS Module Selection Menu commands are only available if ArcObjects have been enabled. The GIS Module Selection Menu commands include:

GIS Selection Menu Commands

Command ArcObjects® Required Description
Select by Attributes Yes Opens the ArcObjects® Query Wizard Dialog. See the ESRI ArcGIS documentation for further explanation of the Query Wizard dialog.
Select by Location Yes Opens the ArcObjects® Select By Location Dialog. See the ESRI ArcGIS documentation for further explanation of the Select By Location dialog.
Clear Selected Features Yes Clears the current selection
Interactive Selection Method Yes Change the ArcObjects® selection options in use. Options include:
  • Create New Selection
  • Add to Current Selection
  • Remove from Current Selection
  • Select from Current Selection
Selectable Layers Yes Opens the ArcObjects® Check Selectable Layers dialog. The layers to be selected can be specified.


The GIS Module Selection Menu commands are only available if ArcObjects have been enabled. The GIS Module Selection Menu commands include:

GIS Selection Menu Commands

Command ArcObjects® Required Description
Arc Objects → Feature Objects Yes Opens the GIS to Feature Objects Wizard
Shapes → Feature Objects No Opens the GIS to Feature Objects Wizard
Feature Objects → Geodatabase Yes Saves the Feature Objects as a Personal Geodatabase file (*.mdb)