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|name=          CMS-Flow
|name=          CMS-Flow
|screenshot= File:CMSFlow.png
|screenshot= File:CMSFlow.png
|model_type=    Hydrodynamic model intended for local applications, primarily at inlets, the nearshore, and bays
|model_type=    Hydrodynamic/sediment transport model intended for local applications, primarily at inlets, the nearshore, and bays
Christopher W. Reed, Ph.D. <br />
Lihwa Lin<br />
Alejandro Sanchez<br />
Honghai Li<br />
Mitchell E. Brown
Mitchell E. Brown<br />
Christopher W. Reed, Ph.D.
General Section
* Data Visualization
* Data Visualization
* Observation
* Observation
Models Section
* CMS - CMS-Flow
* CMS - CMS-Flow

Latest revision as of 14:47, 5 March 2025

CMS-Flow Screenshot
Model Info
Model type Hydrodynamic/sediment transport model intended for local applications, primarily at inlets, the nearshore, and bays

Lihwa Lin
Honghai Li
Mitchell E. Brown

Christopher W. Reed, Ph.D.
Web site
  • Data Visualization
  • Observation
  • CMS - CMS-Flow

CMS-Flow is a component of the Coastal Modeling System (CMS). Until 2007, it was developed under the name M2D. At that point in time, it was revised, file formats were updated for better flexibility and expandability, and it was incorporated into the CMS suite. The model developers at the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) maintain a wiki here specifically for the numerical engine. For more information on the model itself, refer to the users manual published by the USACE Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).

The model is a finite-volume numerical engine which includes the capabilities to compute both hydrodynamics (water levels and current flow values under any combination of tide, wind, surge, waves and river flow) sediment transport as bedload, suspended load, and total load, and morphology change. The interface in SMS allows setting up and editing computational grids, specifying model parameters, defining interaction of this model with the wave counterpart (CMS-Wave), launching the model, and visualizing the results. The model is intended to be run on a project-scale, meaning the domain should only be on the order of 1–100 kilometers in length and width. The following sections describe the interface and make recommendations for application of the model.

Beginning with SMS 12.1 a quadtree grid system was implemented allowing for telescoping and refinement while replacing the previous cartesian grid. Sediment transport is less stable in SMS after version 11.2 until version 13.1. The CMS-Flow model can be added to a paid edition of SMS.

Graphical Interface

CMS-Flow makes use of SMS’s simulation interface. The simulation interface works by creating a simulation object in the Project Explorer then adding components for the simulation. CMS-Flow makes use of the following components:

The CMS-Flow simulation has its own menu commands that can be accessed by right-clicking on the simulation object. Each of the CMS-Flow coverage may also have a right-click menu to access dialogs and functions specific to the coverage or objects in the coverage.

From the simulation menu, the CMS-Flow Model Control dialog can be accessed. In the Model Control, parameters for the simulation run can be set.

Using the Model / Practical Notes

Starting with SMS version 12.2, the basic geometry was changed from a Cartesian grid to a quadtree.

The CMS-Flow model in SMS uses a simulation based modeling approach. A CMS-Flow simulation requires:

  • A quadtree domain.
  • Model parameters defined on the simulation.

Optional components in a CMS-Flow simulation include:

  • A CMS-Flow Boundary condition coverage. This coverage is required for any simulation that is being forced with anything other than wind.
  • An Activity coverage. This defines geographic regions to be excluded from the computations of a simulation.
  • A Save points coverage. This coverage defines the locations where high temporal resolution output is desired in a simulation.

The grid/quadtree for CMS-Flow must be created in the SMS in the Map module using a Quadtree Generator coverage.

To create a quadtree:

  • Right-click on the Map Data entry in the Project Explorer and select New Coverage.
  • Select the coverage type Quadtree Generator, enter the name desired for this coverage and select OK
  • Using the Create 2D Grid Frame tool to define the domain extents. The grid position and extents are defined in the coverage using a grid frame, which can be defined with three clicks of the mouse (recommendation is to click the lower left corner, lower right corner and then upper right corner, but the position, orientation and size can all be edited during the grid generation process. The grid's i,j origin, however, will always be at the lower-left corner regardless of where the clicks are done. The coverage also defines the location of land and water in the grid using one of three methods.
  • Define polygons where higher resolution is desired and specify a resolution for each polygon.
  • Create the quadtree using the Map→Quadtree command.

To create a Boundary Conditions coverage:

  • Right-click on the Map Data entry in the Project Explorer and select New Coverage.
  • Select the coverage type Models|CMS-Flow|Boundary Conditions, enter the name desired for this coverage and select OK
  • Define arcs where forced water levels or flows are to be applied to the simulation. Define the conditions for each arc.

To create an Activity coverage:

  • Right-click on the Map Data entry in the Project Explorer and select New Coverage.
  • Select the coverage type Activity Classification, enter the name desired for this coverage and select OK
  • Define polygons where cells are to be disabled and specify an activity state for each polygon.

To create a Save Points coverage:

  • Right-click on the Map Data entry in the Project Explorer and select New Coverage.
  • Select the coverage type Models|CMS-Flow|Boundary Conditions, enter the name desired for this coverage and select OK
  • Define points where higher temporal frequency output is desired and specify an output typese for each point.

To define a simulation:

  • Right-click in the Project Explorer and select New Simulation | CMS-Flow. A new simulation will appear in the Project Explorer.
  • Right-click on the new simulation and set the name if desired.
  • Right-click on the new simulation and select Model Control to specify model parameters.
  • Right-click on the quadtree and select Link To | Sim to add the domain to the simulation
  • Right-click on the coverages to be included in the simulation and select Link To | <Sim> to add the coverage to the simulation.

CMS-Flow Files

See the article CMS-Flow Files.

Here are tables of some of the available input and output files for CMS-Flow.

  • For more information on these files see pages 224 and 242 of the manual.
Required Input Files
Name Description
_Depth.H5 Grid Depth Values XMDF
_Quadtrees.H5 Telescoping Grid
MAP Grid and Projection Information
MATERIALS Material Values
VTU Visual Toolkit Unstructured Mesh
Output Files
Name Description
CMCARDS Coastal Modeling Card Settings
Hot_Start.H5 Hot Start Information
_Datasets.H5 Mannings Number Dataset
_Diag.H5 Diagnostic Solutions XMDF
_MP.H5 Model Parameters XMDF
_Vel.H5 Current Velocity XMDF
_WSE.H5 Water Surface Elevation XMDF
TEL Telescoping Quadtree Mesh
TXT Output Text

Case Studies / Sample Problems

The following tutorials may be helpful for learning to use CMS-Flow in SMS:

  • Models Section
    • CMS – CMS-Flow

Related Links

External Links

  • CMS-FLOW Users Manual
  • Sep 2008 Modeling of Morphologic Changes Caused by Inlet Management Strategies at Big Sarasota Pass, Florida [1]
  • Jul 2007 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-69 Tips for Developing Bathymetry Grids for Coastal Modeling System Applications [2]
  • Aug 2006 ERDC/CHL TR-06-9 Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Circulation Model CMS-M2D: Version 3.0, Report 2, Sediment Transport and Morphology Change [3]
  • Feb 2006 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-67 Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQs) About Coastal Inlets and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Inlets Research Program (CIRP) [4] Updated FAQ Website [5]
  • May 2005 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-63 Representation of Nonerodible (Hard) Bottom in Two-Dimensional Morphology Change Models [6]
  • May 2004 ERDC/CHL TR-04-2 Two-Dimensional Depth-Averaged Circulation Model M2D: Version 2.0, Report 1, Technical Documentation and User’s Guide [7]
  • Dec 2003 ERDC/CHL CHETN-IV-60 SMS Steering Module for Coupling Waves and Currents, 2: M2D and STWAVE [8]