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== Intermediate Release GMS 8.2.1 - Feb 21, 2012 ==
*GMS freeze when mapping to MODFLOW - User: Sarah Lyle
== Important Note ==
*Grid cell not displaying correctly
If you download and install the latest update and your software maintenance has expired, you will not be able to run that install of GMS. You will need to install an earlier build of GMS or purchase maintenance. Please make sure your GMS maintenance license has not expired before downloading. You can determine your maintenance expiration date by selecting the [[GMS:Help Menu|''Help'' | '''Register''']] command from GMS. You can renew your maintenance by visiting [ Aquaveo's web page] or by contacting a sales representative. Prices and other information about renewing your license are available on the [ GMS Pricing Page]. The latest update to GMS can be downloaded [ here].
*Adding contacts to TIN command causes freeze - User Michael Popp
*FEMWATER - GMS can't read in the solution after FEMWATER run
*FEMWATER - Contour color isn't displayed correctly in GMS
*Scatter set appearing behind grid
*“Boreholes | Cross Section Editor” command always greyed out - User: Colin Smith
*MODFLOW-NWT Tutorial Testing
*Plot Issues with large datasets - User:Chaoying Jiao
*SEAWAT: Misspelled DENSEREF in VDF dialog
*SEAWAT: Disable input option incorrectly
*SEAWAT: Parameters named incorrectly in VSC package dialog.  
*Errors when import MODPATH solution. - User: Toru Itazu
*flow vector displayed in cell with all flow leaving through well - User: Richard Peralta
*Crash in MT3D areal source/sinks dialog
*make a test for mtiCheckRt3dChemica
*Double Precision MODFLOW/MT3D Bug - Christian Winde Pedersen
*crash after trying to open locked project
*GMS 8.2 beta hangs when mapping SFR2 coverage to MODFLOW - User: Bruce Campbell
*Cells look spiky in LAK package tutorial
*Vertical conductivity/vertical anisotropy units not updating - Shuangshuang Xie
*Import from web issues
*SEAWAT: Diable input trigger incorrectly in VDF dialog
*deleting TIN node doesn't delete value from dataset
*SEAWAT: Default coefficient values in VSC Package
*Zonebudget will not run

== Intermediate Release GMS 8.2.1 - Feb 21, 2012 ==
=GMS 10.8 Release Notes=
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.1.7 - Feb 17, 2012 ==
==GMS 10.8.8 - December 17, 2024==
*Scatter points colored by data set value have limited range of -5 to 5 - User: Phillip C. de Blanc
*MNW with MT3D
*15334 Projection for *.asc Raster Filesnot handled correctly
*Source/Sink Limit not updating in MT3D - User: Eric Lappala
*15395 Projection Labels Are Reading Incorrectly
*Crash when opening project file - User: William Werner
*Stochastic Inverse Model doesn't run with more than one material set combination.
*15344 Horizontal Anisotropy Is Not Being Applied in MODFLOW USG
*GMS crashes when converting 3d mesh to 3d scatter
*Crash when deleting time step number
*15385 Display of UGrid not correct after running MT3DMS
*Crash when exporting to levee analyst DB
*GMS 8.1 - MT3D / GCG solver input labels - User: Toru Itazu
*15278 Update version of MT3D-USGS
*Converting Mesh to Scatter
*15373 "Reproject Rasters" Tool Converts Units Incorrectly
*Line properties help
*"Tutfile" Tutorial Text Bug
*15398 Aquifer and Species Properties in MDT Package Freeze GMS
*TIN contour labels do not show up until you create a new coverage and feature object - User:Calvin Erdman
*15346 GMS Crashes When Trying to Paste Data into TVM Package
*Unique values contour option crashes GMS - User: Thomas Mühlbauer
*15417 PEST fails when there is only one parameter using pilot points and it is a RCH parameter
*crashes at end of MODFLOW Translator run - User: David Li
*crash when selecting multiple 3d mesh nodes - User: Lance Jones
*15370 Simulation Run Queue says MODFLOW 6 Run with SAMG+ passes but it doesn't
*Problem opening “.bas” file in GMS 8.1.6 32-Bit which opens in 8.1.6 64-bit  - User: Mary Halstead
*15376 MODFLOW 6 Disu Grids Receive an Incorrect HWVA Array
*select cross section and then delete from project explorer
*Starting head values aren't saved after running the model.
*15404 Clean tool - delete short arcs deletes arcs that it should not
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.1.6 - Dec 20, 2011 ==
'''Online Maps'''
*MODFLOW translator problem
*15300 Improve error message when online data sources are unavailable
*Crash when setting up time series plot in plot wizard - User: Chaoying Jiao
*"Cannot open model output file..." error when running PEST with tutorial file
*15480 Dry Cell Symbols Display On All Ugrid Layers, Even When the Layer Has No Dry Cells
*grid to CAD data error
*Crash when changing the page orientation to landscape with PDFCreator set as default printer  - User: Michael Popp
*15492 GMS Crashes while Selecting Default in Isosurface options in the Display options
*Cannot disable arcobjects - User: Eric Lappala
*Problem with multiplier/dataset in Modflow parameters - User: Tim Cowdery
*15481 GMS Crashes while editing Variograms in the variogram Editor
*Parameter estimation box in Modflow | Parameters does not remain checked after saving GMS
*time steps grayed out/unavailable in the 3D Data Set -> Grid window  - User: Sean Czarniecki
*15415 While importing from web SMS gets stuck loading for certain rater cell sizes
*MODPATH polygon disappears
==GMS 10.8.7 - September 09, 2024==
*crash when opening .gpr file - User: William Werner
*MODFLOW/MT3DMS do not run with 64-bit and parallel options selected  - User:Eric Lappala
*15247 Clean results in invalid arcs (two segments on top of each other).
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.1.5 - Nov 17, 2011 ==
*Contours on iso-surfaces do not animate correctly
*15303 Isosurface legend doesn’t update after changing “Float format” options in display options.
*Display of inactive cells
'''Feature Objects'''
*block fill
*15235 UZF attributes don't map from shapefile.
*Intermediate image tests bug
*terraserver not working
*15249 MF6 MDT 3D project fails to run with inconsistent error messages.
*Kriging interpolation in tutorial not working properly
*15200 MF6 CHD Package Time-series files add row generates unexpected error.
*Mixing up of polygon properties - User: Thomas Mühlbauer
*Improper display of refined points - User: Walid Sabbah
*15334 Projection for *.asc Raster Filesnot handled correctly.
*modflow files do not read into GMS 8.1 - User: Jeff Davis
*Vector legend text should be white with black background
*15321 Elevation count not matching point count error when deleting UGrid cells.
*When redrawing display, z magnification goes to 1
*15309 GMS crashes when changing UGrid constraint.
*Error in Generating data from solids tutorial
*15283 Changing constraint type on UGrids causes layering to disappear.
*Unexpected stranded cell warning
*15274 Translating a UGrid is changing its coordinates to NaN.
*Project file will not save with SEEP2D
*Scalar values in display options does not work
*GMS hangs when trying to load file - User: Chris Burke
*Inactive Cells not Displayed
*Switching to ortho mode changes layer
*After running MODFLOW flow translator, error reading in files, crash
*water capacity curve button does not work in FEMWATER materials window - User: Julian Weir
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.1.4 - Sept 28, 2011 ==
*Cell faces option doesn't work properly with inactive cells
*Display issues when the size of symbol attributes.
*GMS crashes when loading the starting file for SEAWAT conceptual approach tutorial
*3D Grid data to Grid doesn't work
*GMS crashes when assigning upper value for iso-surface. - Geostatistics 3D tutorial.
*Line does not show up with single arrowhead
*FEMWATER saves mass related cards when it's a flow only simulation
*Progress bar when converting point shapes to scatter points  
*Exporting shape from 2D scatter
*Linear contours do not disappear when turned off
*64 bit: Enable ArcObjects delete all existing shape file data
*MODFLOW parallel 64-bit does not run with SAMG solver - User: Thomas Mühlbauer
*Select With Polyline command not enabled correctly
*GMS doesn't load the correct contour option display - related to bug 1252
*Community edition doesn't work until restart
*Times not saved in ADH Time and Output Control
*GMS 2D mode: Attribute table is not visible.
*GMS crashes when testing the save and reload of a shared test project.
*MODFLOW layers display doesn't get updated.
*SEEP2D Tutorial Issue
*SEEP2D Tutorial Issue
*Auto-Fill Blank Cross Section doesn't work correctly.
*3D grid contour legend diplayed when 3D grid turned off.
*GlobalMapperInterface warning window pop up when importing shapefile/ArcObject data.
*GMS crashes when opening file
*GMS crashes when displaying both iso-surfaces and contours
*Error message when opening the project with existing MODPATH solution
*Cross Section Options window does not appear
*Vector color legend issue
*Text not visible when contours are turned on
*2D grid cell numbers do not line up with the grid
*Display issues with block fill and color fill
*Crash when enabling specified data set contours
*Grid node number colors issue
*IJK triad text color issue
*Block fill contours not reflecting contour options
*GMS doesn't show inactive cells for 2D grid data - Image test
*GMS 8.1 doesn't automatically frame image after translation - User: Giep du Toit
*GMS 8.1 doesn't automatically frame image after translation  - User: René J. Suárez-Soto
*Texture mapping weird banding
*Inactive cells do not display correctly
*GMS 8.1 - SEAM3D tutorial Crash
*Solids faces are fuzzy
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.0.11 - Nov 9, 2011 ==
*Vector legend text should be white with black background
*When redrawing display, z magnification goes to 1
*water capacity curve button does not work in FEMWATER materials window - User: Julian Weir
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.0.10 - Sept 22, 2011 ==
*Unselected polygons shown in polygon attributes window with show selected option active  - User: Giep du Toit
*3D Grid cell edges not displayed  - User: Mary Southerland
*Warning pops up after computing particles with Boundary option turned on  - User: Julian Weir
*GMS crashes after adding one more layer and saving the project file  - User: Richard F. Carbonaro
*Z magnification doesn't work with IJK triad on
*MODFLOW simulation from GMS 6.0 does not load into GMS 8.0  - User: Diesner, Kai
*When editing 3D mesh nodes, a phantom node appears 
*Capture Zone Polygon Disappears 
*Fill should not be behind text 
*Scatter set only partially visible
*When turning the CAD data off, the CAD layers remain checked
*Too many error messages when interpolating 
*Enabling IJK triad changes z magnification 
*Named layer ranges do not influence T-PROGS output  - User: Pasqualino Littera
*Cannot create MODFLOW simulation from bounding 3D grid  - User: Kuhn, Thomas
*Warning message when add image with arcobjects enabled
*Cannot select inactive cells in front or side ortho mode
*Max # sources and sinks isn't set correctly in MT3DMS model.
*Map to MODFLOW freezes at 60% for specific model  - User: Clarkson, Maria
*Errors when trying to display element faces  - User: Julian Weir
*GMS outputs files to MODFLOW that aren't specified in the project  - User: Tim Cowdery
*Contour doesn't work correctly with starting heads.
*Change vertical anisotropy ratio input from Kh/Kv to Kv/Kh  - User: Julian Weir
*MODFLOW runs in GMS but not in USGS MODFLOW  - User: Xiulan He
*Freeze when loading GMS project file 
*Data offset by 3 cells after running CCF -> Data Sets 
*Inconsistent display of pathlines  - User: Thomas Mühlbauer
*Polygon displayed when deleted 
*Linear contour legend display issue
*Crash when changing the solution time step
*Crash when generate unsat curve in femwater
*Extra TIN data sets created when reprojecting
*Crash when scrolling through time steps
*FEMWATER manual incorrect on CB2, NB2 cards
*Crash when going to Ortho Mode
*GMS hangs after running SEEP2D.
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.0.9 - Aug 9, 2011 ==
*Crash when loading .gpr file - User: Emanual Amen Storey
*Generating MODPATH pathlines takes up more than 2-3 GB of RAM - Jack Dahl
*Interpolate To | MODFLOW Layers command does not run successfully - User: Jack Dahl
*PEST does not run with MODFLOW 2005 - User: Julian Wier
*Problem with Network Hardware Lock with single license in GMS 8.0.7 - Julian Weir
*NEVTOP equals 3 is not available in the “MODFLOW EVT Package” window - User: Kirstin Neff
*Dates will not change in time series windows - User: Medhat El bihery
*“Export” item in MT3D menu should not be there - User: Rene J. Suarez-Soto
*Default observation target scale is 0.0 - User: Todd Wood
*Native MF2K files exported from GMS do not load back into GMS - User: Xiulan He
*Reopening project with HUF materials sets loses material IDs - User: Xiulan He
*3D grid layer boundary display issue
*Breakpoint triggered - Risk Analysis Wizard Debug assertion failed
*Color is not updated in the Materials window and Layer Ranges Legend
*Cells edges are displayed wrong
*Crash when changing HGU in Borehole editor with attached cross section
*Color fill bug - default data set range - only happens to the computer with low-end NVIDIA graphic cards
*Color fill bug - transparency doesn't work - only happens to the computer with low-end NVIDIA graphic cards
*FEMWATER polygon properties mass flux units
*FEMWATER right-click menu properties command disabled
*FEMWATER spec. mass flux getting written as variable conc.
*FEMWATER symbols not dissappearing
*Frame Happens on Hitting Transform's Cancel Button
*Grid not appearing when project opens
*Hangs on Converting Map to 2D Mesh
*Import from web doesn't work on the advanced case study 1
*Indices for inactive cells are displayed
*Many error messages when animating
*Map to MT3D Recharge Crashes When No MF Recharge Package
*Model runs in 7.1 but not 8.0
*Named Layer Ranges inconsistencies
*Nothing happens when you select transparency
*Project does not close when you click the projects 'x' button in the upper right corner
*SEAWAT import error
*Screen Capture reverse the drawing order in GMS
*The whites of draped image are transparent
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.0.8 - Jun 20, 2011 ==
*Crash when opening GMS project file created in GMS 6.5.6  - User: Anne Waitz Vistrup
*Error when attempting to convert solids to modflow - User: Bruce Campbell
*Crash when enabling arcobjects - User: Chad Ballard
*Background color changes to black after importing shapefile through GIS module - User: Chaoying Jiao
*Crash when converting layer contours to arcs - User: Christoph Möbus
*LINK-AMG (LMG) Package control parameters incorrect - User: Christoph Möbus
*GMS 8.0 fails to run PEST with the parallel pest option turned on - User: Julian Weir
*Borehole data set
*CMainGraphicsWindow constructed but not deleted.
*Crash reading large modflow simulation
*Crash when editing borehole contact elevation
*Reproject scatter points doesn't work
*GMS doesn't automatically set the projection for the project based on the import data
*GMS needs to automatically reproject the importing data to the current projection.
*Image coordinate stays the same when you reproject a project
*Image import has no watch cursor at first
*Memory leak at exit in EnableDockingEx(CBRS_ALIGN_ANY);
*MODFLOW Display Options Check None doesn't change Wells (MNW1) and Drains (DRT1)
*Select all doesn't work with point
*Screen capture with obs targets
*Time value isn't listed properly for plotting
== Intermediate Release GMS 8.0.7 - May 24, 2011 ==
*TIN vertices “jump” down when you start dragging them in oblique view - User: Stefanie Lamb
*Contours incorrectly displayed when toggling on specify a range  - User: Jeffrey Davis
*Problem with frame macro in GMS 8.0.6 - User: Julian Weir
*Grid merge and display Problems - User: Matt Gamache
*“Long Shadows” being displayed when displaying cell faces and inactive cells - User: Christoph Möbus
*Inactive cells not displayed correctly - User: Christoph Möbus
* *.sen file not saved correctly with DRT parameter while running PEST - User: Xiulan He
*KMZ animation with dates/times uses wrong times - User: Suarez-Soto, Rene J. (ATSDR/DHAC/EISAB)
*Animation with 3D Grid Vectors
*Crash when reproject global projection
*Contour Options dlg - legend toggle
*Resize Modflow Observation dialog
*Computed flow with CHOB arc groups
*Remove the following from shared flineutl.cpp since it uses definitions in GMS
*NUZTOP Default Value Incorrect in UZF Package
*Annotations: Anchoring not restored on save/reload
*Annotations: Image Properties dialog, color button dimming
*Annotations: Imported annotation using % isn't sized or positioned right
*Annotations: Properties dialog titles are inconsistent, as are tab names
*Annotations: Scale bar fills behind with the wrong background color
*Annotations: Anchor tab undoes Revert To Original Aspect Ratio
*Annotations: No way to have an image be its native size 
*Improper Value in IUZFBND When Mapping to MODFLOW
*SFR package - DLEAK
*GMS kmz animation always saved in default directory, and avi is always saved
*Crash converting layer contours to arcs
*GMS Crashes on Selecting Material Zone Without Grid
*Crash On Material Edit After Deleting Cross-Section
*Export native mf2k text - Array Multiplier
*Flow vs Time plot
*Window named MODFLOW-2000 when running PESTusing MF2K5
*MODFLOW 2K5 doesn't run when using advanced parameter option
*Can't change text format for factor of safety in UTEXAS
*Can't change color for flow line in SEEPD2D
*files not opening correctly in GMS 8.0
*Legend in animation with 3D Grid Vectors
*Transient RCH data
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.10 - March 2, 2011 ==
*GMS 7.1 displaying slower then 6.5 - Andrzej Rodzoch
*False positive in MODFLOW model checker
*Mf stress periods dialog
*Importing mf simulation from state of UT
*Blanks Error message
*Problems running Pest - Bianca Pedersen
* file
*Rotate Tool not being unselected when ortho mode is turn on
*Transform Not working
*Not saving Multiplier for longitudinal Dispersivity - Frank Tsai
*Changing the Ibound in a polygon does not change make the cells inactive - Toni Smith
*Crash when Assigning ELEVUP
*computed flows not displaying - Julian Weir
*Create animation crashes GMS
*Insert 3D grid layer crash
*Gaussian Fields bug
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.9 - January 12, 2011 ==
*32 bit crash when Auto-Assigning Horizons - Johan Haan
*Edit Projection Crash - Xiaoyong Zhan
*Stream flows
*Layer Contours -> Arcs cannot find existing linear contours
*Transform command on Cross Sections
*Map to WASH123D missing from project explorer right click menu - Jerry Lin
*Problems reading in the ETS Package - Mary Halstead
*Problems with the Contours legend - John Czarnecki
*Crash running simulation check - Rose McAndrew
*Mapping to MODFLOW overwrites data not in specified layer range - Ken Heim
*Nothing happens when right cliking on a coverage and selecting reproject
*Crash when mapping to MODFLOW - Julian Weir
*MODFLOW coverage areal properties layer range attribute
*Oblique view while in ortho mode
*Mesh is patching and now paving - Sittinan Benjasupattananan
*Problems with recharge being deleted - Mary Halstead
*Cannot hide the active coverage when hiding inactive coverages.
*Feature arc Z field functionality
*Mass vs. Time plot crashes when a polygon is selected.
*Problems running MT3D - Julian Weir
*Export arcs into shape file doesn't work.
*MODFLOW files not importing.
*Crash when opening the starting file for the lake package tutorial.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.8 - November 18, 2010 ==
*MT3DMS computed mass flux is not reported.
*Fieldgen input was being written to the wrong location.
*Grid would shift when selecting a 2D Scatter Data set.
*Pasting into times dialog for "Print at specified times" would hang GMS.
*GIS layer files now use a relative path.
*Grid's display didn't get updated in normal mode.
*Couldn't merge 2D grid cells.
*Clock display in film loop didn't work.
*GMS didn't convert scatter data imported from web to the correct projection.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.7 - October 18, 2010 ==
*Sometimes GMS would crash with an error message of "rows, columns, or layers do not match the current grid"
*The cross section display occasionally would not get updated when material color or pattern was changed.
*2D Mesh was being paved instead of created as a patch.
*Clock animation wasn't displaying correctly. - John Czarneki
*GMS would crash after incorrectly parsing a project. - Bianca Pedersen
*Layer contours could show crazy values.
*Primary and secondary storage coefficients would not load when opening NAM file in GMS. - Jobst Massmann
*MODFLOW translator wouldn't ensure file names were unique. - Mary Halstead
*Reprojection would not always correctly apply to the vertical datum. - Michael Boiardi
*Porocity wouldn't update. - Philippe Perrier
*The Shift key when connection points didn't work correctly.
*GMS wouldn't report when there was a problem creating a 3D Mesh. - James Bellin
*GMS occasionally couldn't locate the MFR file.
*GMS would launch itself when encountering "Error Launching Model".
*Materials were wrong when importing from a GeoStudio file.
*Residuals in modflow output were calculated differently than the residuals in the attribute table. - Rene Suarez-Soto
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.6 - August 19, 2010 ==
*Contour Labels did not convert correctly. - John D. Gallinatti
*Z was displayed uner the wrong Project Explorer item.
*Cross Sections did not always match the Solids. - Matt O'Banion
*Google Earth Vector would include hidden feature points.
*Recharge wouldn't map to MT3D correctly. - Julian Weir
*Cross Section Editor would incorrectly display vertices.
*GMS would write the 2D Mesh file without E6T cards.
*GMS wouldn't recalculate the shading color start value.
*Texture mapped image wouldn't display correctly.
*GMS was not assigning materials when using Solids to MODFLOW Layers. - Bill Simpkins
*Printing would produce faint contours. - Jenny Malmquist
*GMS wouldn't save material properties correctly. - Julian Weir
*GMS would crash opening a file. - Daniel Meyer
*TIN contours were incorrect.
*Map -> MODFLOW with recharge would crash some 32-bit machines. - Julian Weir
*The legend wouldn't show the correct values with recharge. - Julian Weir
*The selected cell in a 3D Grid wouldn't display properly.
*Building a Horizon coverage could crash GMS
*Layered Mesh would display errors and not correct create a 3D Mesh. - James Bellin
*GMS 3.1 files wouldn't read into 7.1. - Reinhard Zapata
*Help button for SEEP2D Materials would display the wrong information.
*Fixed several SEEP2D New Simulation errors.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.5 - July 15, 2010 ==
*Interpolating a scatter set to a layer would take a really long time. - Val Britton.
*Recharge would change the head more than expected. - Julian Weir
*Pasting information into the Stress Periods dialog would cause a crash.
*Fix problem with invalid NROW/NCOL in binary files.
*Modflow importer problem involved LMB solver data would cause GMS 7.1 to not read GMS 6.0 files.
*Refining 3D Mesh elements with a cross section would cause a crash.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.4 - June 28, 2010 ==
* Memory issue when reading a particular project with last release. -Bruce Campbell
* Only able to display the computed flux for one FEMWATER node at a time. - Anders Soderstrom
* Coverages could not be rearranged or dropped into folders. - Kevin Winters
* New materials could be created with non-unique IDs when a materialwith ID 0 existed. - Michael Boiardi
* Increased speed on importing large MODFLOW models into GMS.
* Increased speed on reading and saving large MODFLOW models.  Can increase speed by disabling option to compress MODFLOW h5 data in Edit | General Preferences.  This causes more hard disk memory to be used.
* Was possible to cause GMS to crash by entering a small segment sizewhen redistributing arc vertices.
* Material patterns were not drawn correctly on the sides of a grid.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.3 - June 15, 2010 ==
* Crash selecting confined radio button in HUF dialog.
* New coverages could appear as child objects of improper project explorer tree items. - Kevin Winters
* Seep2D simulation created even though cancel was selected.
* Creating a bounding 2D Grid could causes a crash.
* Turning on Draw tools and saving in a different location caused crash.
* HUF data sets outside HUF sim folder when reading 6.5 TPROGs HUF sample.
* Pasting larger amount of spreadsheet data into package dialog caused crash.
* Converting dataset to CAD with existing CAD data could cause crash.
* Graphics window does not update after hiding a 3D mesh element selected by clicking.
* Bad cross section extents caused "Convert to Coverage" to fail. - Ken Pattermann
* 2D Scatter -> 2D Mesh can result in 2 meshes.
* Inconsistent feature arcs to 3D mesh cross sections. - Barbara Donnell
* 2D mesh dataset duplication adds to dataset size when nodes have been deleted.
* Not able to move nodes in Cross Section Editor when node display off in Map Display Options.
* File Import Wizard does not ignore missing values in unmapped columns. - Barbara Donnell
* Merging cells with an MT3D simulation results in crash.
* MODFLOW translator fails when reading external binary array. - Shabbir Ahmed
* Unable to open MT3D GCG package dialog.
* MODAEM does not respond to changes in porosity. - Soheil Afshari
* The X, Y cursor location is not updated during process of creating a feature arc. - Kevin Winters
* When displaying vector arrows the view won't zoom, pan, or rotate. - Carl Davies
* The Unselect all tool doesn't update the display.
* Redistribute Vertices fills in bad default spacing and crashes with default. - Kevin Winters
* All row change shouldn't affect non-applicable cells in Attribute Table. - Kevin Winters
* Crash while reading gpr file with invalid map data.
* Plot axes in the graphics view don't pan or rotate.
* Mulitple MT3D plot issues. - Kevin Winters
* Drawing Tools don't display after drawing and not turned on when added to project explorer.
* Project not loaded after double clicking on it in Windows Explorer - David Blackmore
* Crash when reading project file with missing MODFLOW solution.
* Crash when reading project file with missing MT3D solution.
* Crash on importing species in MT3D BTN package dialog.
* Reading the modpath sample gives errors looking for files.
* Importing into an existing project could overwrite existing materials with imported materials without warning.
* Exporting 2D scatter points from tree item and module folder produces different results. - Jerry Lin
* Drag and drop the sample femwater fws and material project explorer item gets created in wrong place.
* Crash could happen when generating particles.
* Scatter Interpolation to Layer taking a really long time. - Val Britton
* Display final array values for pilot points not updating correctly.
* In some cases zone budget doesn't match USGS zone budget.
* Possibility of writing out of bounds when reading FEMWATER BC file.
* SEEP2D Attribute Table does not sort based on BC Type. - Kevin Winters
* Frame current cross section or all cross sections not working in Cross Section Editor.
* Reading in a UTEXAS solution crashes crash.
* Crash while loading project file.
* UTEXAS - When saving in GMS 2D mode it thinks an existing project should be saved as new project.
* UTEXAS - Factor of safety and solution doesn't display.
* UTEXAS - Fixed grid coordinate not saved.
* UTEXAS - Fixed grid display not correct.
* UTEXAS - Fixed grid option not exporting correctly.
* UTEXAS - Display options not saved and restored.
* UTEXAS - Distributed loads not displayed orthogonally.
* UTEXAS - Not exporting GRAPH line.
* UTEXAS - Distributed load arrows linger.
* UTEXAS - Only exporting one distributed load arc.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.2 - April 26, 2010 ==
* The MODFLOW boundary conditions don't initially appear unless you uncheck and recheck MODFLOW. - Scott Morgan
* Material legend text randomly doesn't appear when copying to an image.
* Modflow translator crashing on import of external binary array. - Erick Powell
* Some wiki links to tutorials not working correctly.
* Converting shapes to feature objects not working. - Hisham Zarour
* WASH123D 1D mesh coordinate conversion not working. - Kevin Winters
* Crash during horizons to solids. - Eskelinen Anu
* MODFLOW Sources/Sinks shows incorrect K value.
* Use last somehow set for first stress period resulting in MODFLOW solutions not matching.
* A particular MODFLOW model crashes in 7.1 when running this model but in 6.5 works great. - Hal Davis
* Opening particular shape file results in incorrect background color and program hangs.
* Crash in 2D mode when creating points using attribute table.
* Modflow translator imports incorrect values for external binary array. - Erick Powell
* When reading 6.5 TPROG HUF sample data sets show up outside HUF sim folder.
* Error appears and pathlines not displayed upon generating particles. - Jeremy Robinson
* Print button not working in borehole cross section editor. - Grzegorz Jeleniewicz
* Sometimes hangs when generating contours.
* GMS hangs when loading RT3D files. - Ki Young Cha
* Grid dimensions are changed during transformation. - Julian Weir
* Zone budget IDs weren't mapping and saving correctly. - Julian Weir
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.1.1 - March 15, 2010 ==
* Unable to extract 2D water table from FEMWATER. - James Bellin
* Double-click on project (.gpr) file doesn't load it in GMS.
* Unable to convert CCF file to data sets. - Griet Heuvelman
* Color fill won't display correctly for pore pressure in SEEP2D.
* Unable to import MODFLOW name file with spaces. - Donato Sollitto
* Error message appears when selecting different TIN after using Snap Vertices to TIN. - Jim Wieck
* Merging coverages does not carry the attributes.
* Crash on deleting selected nodes for mesh.
* Button in Shading Options Dialog doesn't handle window resize properly.
* Doesn't delete old SEEP2D simulation when creating a new one.
* No flow head of 999.99 changes to 999.98902 after MODFLOW import.
* MODFLOW translator not importing files. - Julian Weir

== Intermediate Release GMS 7.0.4 - February 22, 2010 ==
==GMS 10.8.6 - July 10, 2024==
* Don't automatically run model checker.
* GMS crash when deleting MT3D or grid. - Bruce Siegmund
*15170 Horizons to UGrid tool results in identical grids whether or not the Horizons Coverages are used.
* Crash setting up new RT3D model with user defined reaction.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.0.3 - January 4, 2010 ==
*15223 "Error: Invalid breaklines detected (cross empty space)" message with no breaklines.
* Initial Concentrations Not mapping to MT3D.
* Max Rate of Substrate Utilization not Saved in Seam3d. - Mark Widdowson and Bruce Campbell
*15230 Unexpected error occurs when exporting the HGS simulation.
* Switching tools redraws the screen when it shouldn't.
== Intermediate Release GMS 7.0.2 - October 29, 2009 ==
*15220 Horizons to HUF tool crashes GMS.
* Convert to CAD Error. - Thomas Burke
*15195 HK Arrays aren't importing to GMS.
* Project that opens in 6.5 but not 7.0. - John Czarnecki
*15088 Using "3D Dataset > Array" for specified vertical cells in RCH crashes GMS.
* Crash when trying to interpolate 2D scatter to MODFLOW layers. - Nathan Haws
* GMS 7.0 Crash in MODFLOW Global Options with MT3D. - Nathan Dye
*15200 MODFLOW6 CHD Package Time-series files add row generates unexpected error.
* FEMWATER | Geometry BUG. - Simon Woodward
*15199 MODFLOW6 array not showing.
* Some boreholes don't show on opening file.
* Van Genuchten parameters not saving.
*15213 Mapping to Quadtree/Octree doesn't update canvas correctly.
* Duplicate vector data set.
* CCF time steps don't show times.
* Image doesn't clear switching from plan view to previous view. - Kevin Winters
* Blanks Warning when making a big 2D grid.
* Crash while create new species in MT3D.
* Open 2dg file crashes GMS 7.0.
* GMS Crash saving with empty RIV package. - Scott Morgan
* Display bugs in ortho mode.
* Bad interpolation results using interpolate scatter to mesh. - Kevin Winters
* Observed flow of arcs not displaying. - Val Britton
* Bad help button links. - Kevin Winters
* Borehole labels become frozen in place after screen capture. - Kevin Winters
* ADH Display Options tab title is superfluous. - Kevin Winters
* File Import Wizard crashes when no coverage data exists. - Kevin Winters
* Screen does not update after changing conceptual model types. - Kevin Winters
* Time step window shows incorrect dates for MODFLOW ET datasets. - Craig Altare
* GMS crash during 2D Data Set -> Layer. - Scott Morgan
* Unable to edit number of instances in Parameters dialog.
* Dry cells displayed with SFR2 sample.
* Bad use previous after map to MODFLOW for STR Package. - Craig Altare
* MT3D Select Data Set window is missing datasets and crashes. - Craig Altare
* MODFLOW ET Surface dataset values are displayed as zero. - Craig Altare
* ADH coverage properties not working properly. - Kevin Winters
* Failed to load particle tracking points from project file.
* Crash When turning on modflow contours. - Marielle Labadens
* Abort and Read solution doesn't work with MODFLOW.
* Texture mapping - image doesn't go away on new.
* File Import Wizard's Transient node data type is broken for WASH123. - Kevin Winters
* Incomplete MODFLOW STR Package file when exporting native MK2F files. - Craig Altare
* Model Checker Doesn't Display Selected Cells.
* No Sample files with Modpath tutorial. - Scott Morgan
* GMS not printing correctly. - Herman Wolfs
* Water Table Display not Working as it should. - Mark Greenwood
* Pasting point information into Feature Properties window is mishandled. - Kevin Winters
* GMS Save Error with FEMWATER. - Simon Woodward
* Flow budget difference between 6.5 and 7.0. - John Czarneki
* Delete Arcs crash. - Tim Cowdery
* Can't run MT3D even when enabled in certain cases. - Kim Gordon

== Intermediate Release GMS 7.0.1 - September 9, 2009 ==
==GMS 10.8.5 - May 15, 2024==
* TSIM window title incorrect. - Kevin Winters
* Mapped materials changes from conceptual model not saved in project.
*15116 Couldn't open error when closing HGS Observations Arc Properties.
* Crash if using delete key to delete SEEP2D mesh.
* Crash when defining conceptual model species.
*15107 Dataset Calculator entering 0s incorrectly to a 3D Grid dataset.
* CAD drawing issues when changing views.
* Setting manual contour options doesn't work.
*15055 Vector Display Options does not display legend when selected other issues.
* Lake flow budget not displayed.
* Pathlines sometimes not regenerated for MODAEM.
*15104 VCRUNTIME140.dll Error appears on fresh 10.8.4 installations.
* Won't show selected cells in second layers if conceptual model displayed.
* Materials with patterns not displaying correctly in ortho mode.
*15134 "Day of Month Value is Out of Range" message comes up excessively.
* TIN edge color should be disabled when auto selected.
*15111 Flow Budget disabled when opening some MODFLOW projects.
* Fixed error when using well screens and observations.
*15094 MODFLOW menu options selectable without a simulation.
* Problems with mesh generation and display issues. - Kevin Winters
*15087 STR native file is getting exported with the values shuffled to the wrong columns.
* Grid overlay with keq issue. - Sean Czarniecki
* Crash when importing conceptual model species. - Eric Lappala
*15091 UZF Package in MODFLOW6 doesn't print usable values to some of the dimension flags.
*14824 Duplicating a MODFLOW6 simulation results in false error message.
*15081 Mapping a Mass Loading Coverage crashes GMS.
*15108 Observations don't work with USG Transport if .con file is turned on in Output Control.

== Intermediate Release GMS 6.5.6 - May 29, 2009 ==
==GMS 10.8.4 - March 25, 2024==
* Map -> WASH123D incorrect flow rates. - Clarissa Hansen
* MODPATH not displaying arrows on path line. - Val Britton
*14982 Help button in Contour label options dialog does nothing.
* Extra rows in 2D/3D Grid Properties Dialogs.
*14731 Hang when converting shapefile to feature objects.
*15063 Arc direction arrow length doesn't update correctly.
*15068 Transient TIN assigned to a drain polygon freezes GMS when mapping.
*15032 Model that converges with USGS exe doesn't converge inside of GMS.
*15019 GMS is printing different flags for the OS than the PHT3D documentation says.
*15003 Something in the PEST run is crashing GMS.
*15001 Unchecking the PEST box for parameters is causing the model to not run.
*14994 DRT Data can't be added to USG, even though USG does support DRT now.
*14988 "Edit All Use previous/Multipliers..." crash when SELEV. Seep elevation selected.
*15049 DRN package Map from Coverage gives bad CELL2D data.
*15039 MODFLOW6 CHD map from coverage creates boundary conditions on the wrong arc.
*14958 MODFLOW6 states that some cells are outside model domain even when they aren't.
*14955 MODFLOW6 CHD shows error in model checker that should be given when mapping the coverage.
*15041 Transient MP3DU Backward Runs results don't match what MP3DU says should happen.
*15037 "Select Intersecting Objects" for points is still selecting all layers, even when ortho mode is on.
*15045 Remember sizing of Simulation Run Queue.
*15028 Error message says the UGrid doesn't have assigned layers when it does.
*15009 Having nodes instead of vertices in certain polygons causes the Extend Raster Tool to fail.
*15006 Interpolate Priority Rasters issue with different projections.
*14999 Sample time step tool in Python toolbox results in single timestep when five expected.
*14990 Interpolate from priority raster fails with different raster sources.

== Intermediate Release GMS 6.5.5 - April 22, 2009 ==
==GMS 10.8.3 - February 07, 2024==
* Gaussian MODFLOW simulations don't work.
* Bug when creating new cube and specifying center.
*14927 Pass through cells display is random in single layer view.
* MT3DMS recharge concentration change doesn't save.
* MT3D bug with calculate mass dialog.
*14948 Converting specific shapefile to feature objects causes a crash.
* Update message for images covered by arc objects.
* Fixed help link to xmswiki for color ramp.
*14971 Use Seep Elevation checkbox doesn't stay enabled.
*14963 Raster > Array with low resolution is interpolating 0s to the array.
*14930 SAMG+ solver not licensed error even with active license.
*14935 Flow Observations aren't showing up in GMS.
'''Online Maps'''
*14794 Can't see map from new source.
*14632 The quartile method of populating contour values fails for raster.

== Intermediate Release GMS 6.5.4 - February 2, 2009 ==
==GMS 10.8.2 - January 09, 2024==
* Snap to Cross Section to Tin Crash. - Bill Simpkins
* Export Mf2k to native text. Error given "no text". - Bruce Campbell
*14879 "Updating node elevations" is slow and happens when it shouldn't.
* MT3D New Simulation command continuing after cancel.
* Map->MODFLOW with Transient Specified head not creating a step function. -Clarissa Hansen
*14908 Freeze when creating new MODFLOW 6 simulation.
* Dry wells symbol for MODAEM wells not working correctly
*14827 MODFLOW 6 Flow Budget for uncoupled transport gives "No .grb file" error.
*14893 Extruding 2D UGrid to 3D causes the grid to only partially display.

== Intermediate Release GMS 6.5.3 - December 30, 2008 ==
==GMS 10.8.1 beta - December 01, 2023==
* Material edits not saved - David Zuccala
* Minor Improvements
* Moving New Coverage
* Observation Points with 3D meshes
* GMS not saving borehole diameter
* 3D Grid properties incorrectly changing the Y and Z of the grid origin

== Intermediate Release GMS 6.5.2 - October 17, 2008 ==
==GMS 10.8.0 beta - November 22, 2023==
* Map -> 2D Mesh doesn't map materials if "Meshing options" isn't on
*[[GMS:What's New in GMS 10.8|Initial Release]]
* Material edits not saved - David Zuccala
* Minor issue with copying scatter sets - Clarissa Hansen
=GMS 10.7 Release Notes=
* GMS with ARCGIS Issues - Sean Czarniecki
==GMS 10.7.8 - January 04, 2024==
* Image issues with Arc Objects enabled - Sean Czarniecki
*Various Minor Improvements
* 3D Data Set to Grid does not always work properly - Christoph Möbus
==GMS 10.7.7 - December 01, 2023==
* SEEP2D coverage with head option causes hang - Cary Talbot
*14828 GMS 10.7: "Fill continuous color range" is disabled for Block Fill contours.
'''Cross Sections'''
*14681 When multiple cross sections are shown in the editor, only one is editable.
*14843 Crash when exporting feature objects to shapefile.
'''File IO'''
*14792 Specific shapefile cases crash in 13.3 but not 13.2.
*14033 Texture map issue - resolution too low, rips.
*14752 Mapping MNW2 coverage with invalid well screen crashes GMS.
*14751 GUI Test: Crash when opening MODFLOW Optional Packages.
*14718 Wrong MODFLOW used when choosing DRT from right click menu.
*14796 Error when creating datasets from mf6 cbc file.
*14678 "First Order Decay" option in the MDT Package for MF6 is printing the flag wrong.
*14795 USG-Transport model runs with GSI executable, but not H5 executable.
*14669 MT3DMS Basic Transport Package doesn't retain table.
*14713 Splitting layers on a UGrid causes it to stop appearing in "Single Layer" mode.
*14586 Deleting a UGrid cell causes the "Single Layer" checkbox to disappear.
*14539 Refining Quadtree cells causes an error message, but still seems to work correctly.
==GMS 10.7.6 - August 14, 2023==
'''Feature Objects'''
*14546 Display doesn't update after canceling Map -> TIN until interacted with.
*14535 Crash when copying to clipboard with a high bitmap scale factor.
*14628 GMS Models That Won't Open
*14582 GMS reports kriging must be used for Null Space Monte Carlo simulation when kriging is already being used.
*14557 Mapping transient data to a model with a stress period length of 0 causes invalid solution files.
*14551 Adding DRN parameter and editing the value causes GMS crash.
*14550 USG-Transport model runs in command line, but will not load into GMS.
*14527 ".h5 is not an HDF5 file" error occurs on a model that GMS exported.
*14437 Having on "Save Native Text Copy" stops MT3D-USGS from running.
*14517 "Create Datasets" function on the MF6 .cbc file creates a script error.
*14491 Exporting MF6 with SFR package creates a call to the diversions file, even if there are no diversions.
*14455 GMS hangs when opening an exported MODFLOW6 ZONEBUDGET simulation.
*14569 GUI Test: TIN symbol doesn't appear after creating particles at wells in MODPATH.
*14511 Reading the solution for MP3DU is freezing GMS.
*14602 WMS crash when clicking delete button in XY Series Editor dialog.
*14646 GMS crashes when trying to save imported SEAWAT model.
*14590 Interpolating scatter set to active TIN doesn't create TINs at correct elevations.
*14598 Raster tools in the GMS toolbox fail when rasters are in different projections.
*14542 GMS: Select intersecting objects does not select all cells if not zoomed in.
==GMS 10.7.5 - June 10, 2023==
*14466 The MODAEM coverage options include "Datasets", which does not do anything in MODAEM.
*14477 Nothing happens when trying to open the IFACE... dialog without a MODFLOW solution.
*14475 Crash when creating a new 3D grid while an LGR child grid exists.
*14461 Set Refinement error when clicking Child grids section in MODFLOW LGR Options.
*14458 Old MODFLOW Simulations are deleted when closing New Simulation dialog.
*14400 MT3D-USGS Error: "Maximum Number of Sources/Sinks Allowed" value is printed lower than the actual number in the model.
*14449 GUI Test: tif does not display in canvas when opening with quadtree.
*14471 SMS crashes when changing interpolation method for interpolating scatter.
*14459 Error when calculating the Isosurface Volumes of a UGrid without constraints.
==GMS 10.7.4 - May 09, 2023==
*14191 All annotations can be selected regardless of active layer.
*14242 UGrid contour labels not converted to CAD.
*14350 Isosurface color ramp change causes GMS to crash.
*14349 MODFLOW Export text fails to export all files.
*14317 Crash when importing a .gsf file that GMS created.
'''File IO'''
*14213 Warning saying the file couldn't be saved when trying to save project in a path that contains non-ASCII characters.
*14314 GMS command to open the Forum should be removed.
*14281 Cursor tracking does not show values over integer rasters.
*14413 Model Checker flags CHD key values as bad elevations and issues error messages.
*14300 GMS crashes when opening MODFLOW Flow Budget.
*14268 Location GMS is pulling the info for the Run Screen plot from is unknown.
*14251 MODFLOW cannot run in parallel on some computers due to missing .dll.
*14370 Unable to split cell into triangles error appears when running MODFLOW USG.
*14368 Model runs in command line with H5 Exes, but won't import to GMS.
*14397 Mapping coverages to MF6 only adds data to layer 1.
*14362 XY Series Editor graph cuts off label timestamps rather than resizing to show all timestamps.
*14345 MF6 OC package table drop-down cells won't open.
*14343 PEST Observations Won't Read In To MODFLOW 6, shows python script errors when reading the solution.
*14295 HFB Package for MODFLOW 6 does not map and throws many script errors.
*14424 Chemical Reaction Package in MT3DMS displays incorrect units for item being input.
*14266 Using date range in MT3DMS results in some observation values not getting calculated.
'''Online Maps'''
*14276 Web map service issue when using DGM2 Schummerung as source, import does not open in the graphics window.
*14324 Unexpected error when attempting to plot periods of WEL package.
*14414 Smooth Raster tool no longer comes up when right-clicking DEM and selecting convert | smoothed raster.
*14344 "Feature Contours at Elevation" in SMS works on some rasters but not others.
*14274 Feature Request: allow the cross section editor to interpolate to arcs using rasters the same way as TINs.
*14240 Moving pilot points in plan view changes their dataset values to 0.
*14282 Trimming an integer raster converts raster type.
*14405 "Select Intersecting Objects" does not select the correct UGrid cells.
==GMS 10.7.3 - January 09, 2023==
*14207 Can't change font color of contour legend.
*14173 Opening color dialog with space key makes it so the selected color isn't saved.
*14182 Grid Export as Shapefile results in a blank file.
*14217 HFF file not written correctly to run with MODFLOW native files.
*14210 USG native file export has a dramatically different flow budget from GMS files when using pilot points.
*Update MODFLOW 6 to version 6.4.1
*14203 'Export MF6 Copy' prints a NAM that still calls to SFR2 instead of SFR.
*14198 Error writing model.rch file when mapping from coverage.
*14197 Unhelpful "3" error dialog when mapping coverage to RCH package.
*14185 Deleting the MF6 simulation causes GMS to show as unable to save.
*14152 PNG can be selected as a raster in raster tools.
*14209 SEAWAT menu options do not appear on simulation import.
*14179 "List index out of range" error when running Arcs to Polygons tool.
*14038 "Float division by zero" error when running Arcs to Polygons tool.
*14189 "Water table" display option should not be available for UGrids.
==GMS 10.7.2 - December 08, 2022==
'''File IO'''
*14167 GMS prints an outdated "IMNWCB" flag rather than current "IWL2CB" flag in MNW2 files.
*14138 Help button in Cross Section dialog doesn't pull up a dialog or link to a page.
*14125 When the number of polygons changes, the ID renumbering from "Build Polygons" is erasing data from unrelated Polygons.
*14166 Flow Package Material dataset exports contain incorrect properties.
*14162 Raster > Array Function reverts to previous data if the Stress Period is not assigned.
*14124 Pilot Point Parameters get locked in to only one Scatter Set and can't be changed.
*14092 Some Native NWT files exported from GMS don't work.
*14035 NWT runs when "Compute Sources Sinks" OC Option is on, but not off.
*14105 TypeError makes Interpolate Priority Rasters tool fail.
*14104 Extend raster tool breaks when using a coverage with no polygons.
*14103 Bounds to polygon tool fails because of an overloaded function.
*14137 Dataset incorrectly labeled as "invalid" is removed after Interpolate → 3D Grid.
*14132 UGrid widget changes from previous selection when deleting cell.
*14131 UGrid cells can be deleted when UGrid is locked for editing.
*13953 Info dialog reads "Pointstring" when creating Nodestring where there is no node.
==GMS 10.7.1 - November 11, 2022==
*14006 Crash when creating and selecting a new Display Palette.
*13975 Isosurfaces don't register User-input Display Colors, display as default hue ramp.
*13973 PHT3D Conceptual Model approach reverting to MT3DMS when the transport package is enabled.
*13971 Crash when importing Ugrid dataset to 2D grid.
*13993 Default size of Shapefile Export dialog cuts off checkbox options.
*14044 Export to Shapefile doesn't work for UGrids.
*13999 Pathline Shapefile exports won't load into ArcPro.
'''File IO'''
*14026 Blank "file read errors" and crash when opening dev project in 10.7.
*13956 "H5 is Corrupt or Invalid" error appears for an H5 that seems to be correct.
*14049 Some help buttons link to non-existent page or link to an "potentially unsafe" website; one help button broken completely.
*13970 Current 10.6 and 10.7 Installations are missing a MF6 SAMG DLL.
*14039 Crash when closing Isosurface Options dialog.
*13990 Changing the Stress Periods in a project with multiple grids rewrites the DISU for all the Grids, not just the relevant one.
*13952 MODFLOW fails with "Error Reading Array" message, even though GMS just generated the Arrays/.h5.
*13998 User is able to change locked MODFLOW 6 FMI package settings.
*13974 "Zero division" error when creating new Zones package.
*14062 Display of TIF turns off when trying to register image.
*14064 Clip Raster from elevation tool fails because it can't find a DLL.
*14063 Unexpected error when trying to run Blend Raster to Edges tool.
*14034 Inconsistent handling of NODATA cells between displaying/trimming a raster.
*14027 Toolbox runtime error when running Dataset to Raster tool twice without an output raster name.
*14024 Convert 3D Data to 2D Data tool - too slow.
*13986 Tool doesn't run when trying to run in toolbox dialog.
*13979 Toolbox tools not linking to wiki documentation.
*13961 Trim Rasters tool runs successfully without any polygons, should give an error.
*13960 Trim raster tool should not run successfully when the polygon is outside of the raster.
*13950 Error when smoothing raster multiple times.
*13948 Saving multiple identically named rasters overwrites the file rather than creating a duplicate.
*13918 Merging rasters in the toolbox has bad pixels along the edge of the priority raster.
*13907 Interpolate Priority Rasters tool gives error that the dataset doesn't match.
==GMS 10.7.0 beta - August 24, 2022==
*[[GMS:What's New in GMS 10.7|Initial Release]]
=GMS 10.6 Release Notes=
==GMS 10.6.7 - October 25, 2022==
*13913 Color displayed for elevation raster doesn't meet expectation for "discontinuous colors" option.
*14010 "Other output encountered" error when mapping DRN to coverage.
*13904 Mapping Wells Coverage to Ugrid gives seemingly random values every time.
*13938 EVT file not importing correctly.
* Various minor improvements
==GMS 10.6.6 - August 01, 2022==
*13894 Cross Section polygon colors fail to display after zooming out.
*13891 Deleting then auto-generating Arcs blocks user from selecting any feature objects in Cross-Section Editor.
*13642 Can't import SID file
*13856 -1 Material Appearing (part 3): -1 material option showing in Attribute Table of Material Coverage.
*13835 Advanced MODFLOW Run dialog defaults the MFN to first project file rather than current.
*13823 Last modified time error when loading MODFLOW solution.
*13882 Interpolating data with Kriging produces error "Trying to Store Incorrect Number of Values".
*13842 GMS crashes when attempting to create UGrid or solids from raster catalog and horizon conceptual model.
*13833 UGrid Points fail to display after turning on cell faces.
*13719 Horizons to UGrid minimum cell thickness below user set minimum.
* Various minor improvements
==GMS 10.6.5 - June 03, 2022==
*13750 Horizons to Solids creating some but not all solids.
'''Display Options'''
*13714 Right-click Cross Sections Display Options command opens to wrong Display Options tab.
''' General'''
*13718 Using "Unlock All" on MF6 Simulation causes a Save Error when not on C Drive.
*13786 Computed flow doesn't show up for stream leakage dataset.
*13736 MODFLOW Import dialog for USG gives error message, but still imports successfully.
*13725 Interpolate to MODFLOW layers crashes program.
*13670 MODFLOW Stream Flow Report in 10.6 populates with 0s.
*13593 LPF output file is written with incorrect parameter information causing simulation to fail.
'''Opening File'''
*13685 Coverage missing polygons when opening a project.
'''Online Maps'''
*13737 Unexpected warning when exporting GIS data, data not exported successfully.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13751 Unable to select a specific scatter point after duplicating scatter set with the point selected.
*13684 Duplicating 3D Scatter Set doesn't copy dataset correctly.
*13713 UGrid Project Explorer check box not functioning correctly when turned off and on.
==GMS 10.6.4 - April 13, 2022==
*13653 Clicking OK in the View Values dialog for a Borehole sample data dataset crashes GMS.
*13641 "Auto-Match Cross Section" causes errors when used on cross sections with pre-drawn arcs.
*13652 Clicking OK in the Active/Inactive Flags dialog crashes GMS.
'''Display Options'''
*13651 Line Properties do not save after the Display Options dialog is closed.
'''Map Module'''
*13661 Z values of polygon fill dropping below the polygon.
*13654 Map module polygon fill display artifacts.
*13631 XY series warning when mapping to MODFLOW.
*13519 Computed flow for drain arcs shows different values between the project window bar and the attribute table.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13644 Converting 2D Scatter to a Raster crashes GMS.
*13640 Horizons to solids visuals look grayed out, even when selection still works.
*13639 Feature Objects | Map > TIN Command crashes GMS.
==GMS 10.6.3 - March 24, 2022==
*13617 Pressing OK in Edit Dataset Values dialog after using Edit Values command in Dataset Info dialog crashes GMS.
*13600 Creating MODPATH Particles from Wells causes the grid to disappear.
'''Opening File'''
*13525 Error popup when importing observation points.
*13532 Incorrect display location of TIF.
==GMS 10.6.2 - March 13, 2022==
'''2D Grid'''
*13523 Shapefiles exported from a 2D grid dataset do not contain elevation data.
*13515 TS_GREEN_BUILD_RETURN on tests that are hanging.
*13599 Zone Budget dialog Cells tab shows the same data for all time steps.
*13588 Checkboxes not saved when copying from a spreadsheet.
*13587 Dialog sizing not consistent when previously resized.
*13557 Output for GMG solver appears to not contain DUP, DLOW and CHGLIMIT information.
*13504 GNC package only works in MODFLOW USG with <100k ghost nodes.
'''MODFLOW 6'''
*13550 Save MODFLOW 6 copy DISV file has more vertices than actually in the model.
'''Online Maps'''
*13424 Several online data sources are not accessible.
*13383 Display attributes for raster not updating when setting display options.
*Various minor improvements.
==GMS 10.6.1 - January 19, 2022==
'''Feature Object'''
*13455 ''Convert To'' | '''Feature Objects''' for shapefile creating 0.0 elevation values in arcs where they shouldn't be. Creates more arcs than there is elevation data in the shapefile.
*13465 MODFLOW-USG executable crash when running MODFLOW.
*13430 Slow update when editing species data in the BCT package for MODFLOW.
'''Opening File'''
*12652 Unable to open KMZ and properly convert to shapefile. Nothing appears when imported.
*13462 UGrid created under grid frame instead of in frame.
*Various minor improvements.
==GMS 10.6.0 beta - December 1, 2021==
*[[GMS:What's New in GMS 10.6|Initial Release]]
=GMS 10.5 Release Notes=
==GMS 10.5.13 - January 19, 2022==
*13465 MODFLOW-USG executable crash when running MODFLOW.
*13430 Slow update when editing species data in the BCT package for MODFLOW.
'''Opening File'''
*12652 Unable to open KMZ and properly convert to shapefile. Nothing appears when imported.
*Various minor improvements
==GMS 10.5.12 - November 11, 2021==
*13337 3D UGrid shifts after mapping from coverage.
*13325 UGrid elevation was set too high when mapping from coverage.
*13308 Precision in attribute values was not maintained when converting coverage to shapefile.
* Various minor improvements.
==GMS 10.5.11 - September 15, 2021==
'''MODFLOW 6'''
*13292 GMS crashes after attempt to open the MNW2 package dialog after importing native files made in Groundwater Vistas. Unable to import those native files with MNW2 package in name file.
*13248 SFR2 Mapping SFR coverage to MODFLOW sometimes seems truncated when mapping individually. The coverage maps differently when mapped individually instead of as part of a conceptual model.
*13285 Canceling Convert CAD to Feature Objects crashes GMS.
*13180 Time Series Plot different between time zones.
*Various minor improvements.
==GMS 10.5.10 - August 24, 2021==
*13184 GMS does not average middle numbers to find the true median. It picks between them.
*13170 Copying data from tables limited to 65536 rows.
'''Display Options'''
*13176 Crash when changing contour legend font size.
*13198 Unable to copy the first column from data tables.
*13195 'Material_-1' appears in Materials legend but not in ''Materials ''dialog.
'''MODFLOW 6'''
*13193 In the Project explorer, some MODFLOW 6 components can be dragged out of the model they're in.
*12848 Selecting more than one error in Model Checker errors does not select correct cells.
*13181 MODPATH selected particles show bad information.
'''Online Maps'''
*12730 Floodplain missing blue and red lines. Not converting Z coordinates to feet for web service data read from FEMA that had Z values of meters.
*13191 Creating a new particle set corrupts original particles.
*13168 Trimmed raster name doesn't change in the main graphics window to changed name. The correct name displays in the Project Explorer but not for the legend title.
*11912 Raster in ".grd" format not displaying.
*13194 '''Snap Vertices to TIN''' creates a new dataset using values from the receiving TIN rather than the active TIN.
*13246 FEMWATER not showing vector. Vectors are covered by features.
==GMS 10.5.9 - July 12, 2021==
'''Display Options'''
*13127 ''Equal color segment height'' contour option on ''Contour Legend Options'' dialog has no effect.
*13085 Contour is not displayed for MODFLOW 6 model.
*13129 SVD assist seems incompatible with MODFLOW USG. PEST not implemented for MODFLOW-USG with the DIS package.
'''MODFLOW 6'''
*13126 Editing a scatter set changes which dataset is set for a parameter under its pilot point settings.
*13073 Errors with ''Save MODFLOW 6 Text Copy'' option in ''MODFLOW Global/Basic Package'' dialog when trying to use IBOUND Functions that should be supported.
*13071 Can't import MODFLOW 6 native files.
==GMS 10.5.8 - June 7, 2021==
*13044 ''Feature Objects''|'''Map &rarr; MODFLOW''' takes significantly longer than before.
*13025 MODFLOW default ''Displayed Precision'' in the ''Properties'' dialog is ignored.
*13022 MODFLOW-USG crashes using SAMG solver.
'''MODFLOW 6'''
*12768 MODFLOW 6 packages not created if ''Zones (ZONEBUDGET)'' is enabled when creating a new MODFLOW 6 simulation.
'''Project Explorer'''
*13031 Error message cuts off full file path when file path is too long for error dialog size.
*13001 Right-click command '''Horizons &rarr; Solids''' using "Raster Catalog" produces incorrect results in GMS 10.5 in comparison to 10.3.
==GMS 10.5.7 - April 26, 2021==
*12862 '''Select Borehole Cross Sections''' only allows up to 2 cross sections to be selected.
*12992 ''Feature Objects''|'''Activate Cells in Coverage(s)''' making only one discontinuous area inactive when attempting to create inactive cells within a set of active cells.
*12994 Time required to open MODFLOW 6 projects is longer than expected.
*12993 Error saving a MODFLOW 6 Ugrid after using the ''File''|'''Save As...''' command and then moving files in the new file.
*12987 MODFLOW 2005 terminates with error after being converted in GMS.
*12971 UZF package tutorial error when running the model. Error appears to only be in the model wrapper as the project runs successfully if the error is ignored.
*12970 Mass vs Time Plot showing identical values for different datasets.
*12956 SEAWAT Model error about being unable to access the unit 40 file and looking for the wrong file name.
*12898 Misspelled word in SEAWAT preferences.
== GMS 10.5.6 - March 2, 2021==
'''Display Options'''
*12801 Dataset legends display in Graphics Window overlap.
*12799 UGrid contour labels overlap each other in Graphics Window
*12784 SEAWAT display options lost when a second solution set is selected.
*12781 Vector contour legend overlaps other contour legends in the Graphics Window.
*12800 Add 'Continue when solver fails to converge' option for MODFLOW-USG.
'''MODFLOW 6'''
*12835 Creating new MODFLOW 6 simulation does not open a New Simulation dialog box.
*12777 MODFLOW 6 new simulation error message appears that should not appear.
*12768 MODFLOW6 packages not created if the Zones - (ZONEBUDGET) package is enabled during creation.
'''Open File'''
*12779 When a vector dataset is imported to a grid, the vx component erroneously loads as all zeroes.
==GMS 10.5.5 - January 4, 2021==
*12715 Gaussian results do not conform to specified limits. The solution datasets include values less than the minimum value specified under the Gaussian Simulations Options dialog.
'''Display Options'''
*12717 Color Fill contours do not match Linear contours.
*12702 Time step window displays dates even when dates options is unchecked.
*12676 Grid Frame cannot be adjusted by clicking-and-dragging.
*12552 USG dry cells even though the head value is greater than the bottom elevation.
'''Open File'''
*12716 Unable to read MODFLOW solution when opening GMS project, receiving an error that there is no UGrid or 3D grid when there is one in the project.
*12732 UGrid cells and points become unhidden when cell and point numbers displays are turned on when the should remain hidden.
*12731 GSF file not created correctly with vertically split cells causing cells and points to go missing.
==GMS 10.5.4 beta - November 5, 2020==
'''Display Options'''
*12617 The option "Automatically determine label spacing" does not work causing the contour numbers to not appear next to contour lines.
*12588 The state of the "Load this theme..." checkbox is not saved for Display Themes, causing the option to not be used.
*12611 Too many wells, particularly too many wells with zero flow, causes vector<T> error when mapping coverage to MODFLOW.
==GMS 10.5.3 beta - September 17, 2020==
*12436 Crash or hang when creating UGrids.
*12505 MODFLOW-USG Head Observation inconsistent calculated values that deviate from the expected values.
*12428 MOFLOW 6 LAK not found when running a MODFLOW 6 simulation.
*12426 MODFLOW 6 DISU calculator creates bad HWVA array which results in an error in the simulation run.
*12422 DISU calculator needs to return arrays in ascending order to prevent an error in the simulation run.
==GMS 10.5.2 beta - June 25, 2020==
*12344 Contour Legend Title appears editable but isn't.
*12335 "Show dates/times" toggle doesn't do anything when toggled on or off in the Time Step window.
*12298 Can't import the Storage (STO) package into MODFLOW 6 projects.
*12292 MODFLOW 6 LGR solution head files all added to the same grid. When a MODFLOW 6 model that uses LGR is run and the solution read in, both the head file for the parent grid and for the child grid are put under the parent grid.
*12346 GMS: MODFLOW 6 - after deleting and re-adding the DIS package, the GWF Package dialog hangs.
*12329 PEST blocked by NaN value in CHOB file. The factor in the CHOB file writes out as NaN, which causes errors when running PEST. Model runs fine in forward, and PEST runs fine after replacing NaN values with 1.0.
'''Opening File'''
*12400 Opening VTU file gives a "Cell has no top face" error.
'''Time Series'''
*12217 MODFLOW 6 Time Series Files dialog has no options.
==GMS 10.5.1 beta - April 28, 2020==
*12210 Exporting Active Cells from Grid includes All Cells. Exporting head dataset on a 3D Grid to a shapefile, and wanting to export the active cell, the shapefile includes values for inactive cells; which misaligns the values for the active cells with the cells themselves.
*12254 ALOS Global Digital Surface Model Data not recognized in XMS.
*12300 STO Package Dialog has an empty default SY value. When a value is entered, GMS freezes up.
*12297 MODFLOW-NWT h5 build crashes with multiple DDREFERENCE.  When toggling on later time steps to have a DDREFERNCE tag in MODFLOW output control, the h5 version of MODFLOW-NWT crashes, but the USGS build does not.
*12279 Large VTU leads to empty DISU when exporting MODFLOW files.
*12261 2D Interpolation dataset in not set to the imported optimal values by default in the Parameters dialog.
*12246 MODFLOW Parameter datasets are moved to their own MODFLOW | Parameters folders in the Project Explorer instead of being in the model run folder.
*12194 MF6 Constant-Head (CHD) Package dialog, Options section buttons. The Insert Row, Add Row, Delete Row, Move Up, and Move Down buttons at the bottom of the above dialogs do not work.
*12182 Right-click | New MODPATH command does nothing. When right-clicking on the grid in the Project Explorer, selecting New MODPATH doesn't do anything.
*12166 Cannot add Recharge-Array to existing MODFLOW 6 simulation.
*12220 MXSS Error: Maximum Number of Sources/Sinks.  When running MT3DMS, the executable fails because the maximum number of point sinks/sources has been exceeded.
'''Opening File'''
*12255 Merging Images fails when merging elevation data.
*12209 GMS crashes when the Save As file path is very long. When using the save as function, and the destination file path is very long, GMS will crash, and the files won't finish saving the project.
*12230 Legend disappears after editing raster.
*12201 Key values changed in parameterized MODFLOW model when reopening GMS project file.
*12239 Crash when clicking compute in the Data Calculator.
'''XY Series Editor'''
*12193 The XY Series editor cuts off the vertical label initially until a edits are made.
==GMS 10.5.0 beta - March 19, 2020==
*[[GMS:What's New in GMS 10.5|Initial Release]]
=GMS 10.4 Release Notes=
==GMS 10.4.10 - June 25, 2020==
*12388 Converting CCF places new datasets into separate folders.
*10705 GIS Identify tool does nothing.
*12329 PEST blocked by NaN value in CHOB file. The factor in the CHOB file writes out as NaN, which causes when running PEST. Model runs fine in forward, and PEST runs fine after replacing NaN values with 1.0.
*12207 Parameter datasets invalid for MODFLOW with HUF.
*12144 Projection causes Microsoft NET Framework error when trying to use Layout feature.
==GMS 10.4.9 - April 28, 2020==
*12210 Exporting Active Cells from Grid includes All Cells. Exporting head dataset on a 3D Grid to a shapefile, and wanting to export the active cell, the shapefile includes values for inactive cells; which misaligns the values for the active cells with the cells themselves.
*12300 STO Package Dialog has an empty default SY value. When a value is entered, GMS freezes up.
*12297 MODFLOW-NWT h5 build crashes with multiple DDREFERENCE.  When toggling on later time steps to have a DDREFERNCE tag in MODFLOW output control, the h5 version of MODFLOW-NWT crashes, but the USGS build does not.
*12279 Large VTU leads to empty DISU when exporting MODFLOW files.
*12182 Right-click | New MODPATH command does nothing. When right-clicking on the grid in the Project Explorer, selecting New MODPATH doesn't do anything.
*12220 MXSS Error: Maximum Number of Sources/Sinks.  When running MT3DMS, the executable fails because the maximum number of point sinks/sources has been exceeded.
'''Opening File'''
*12209 GMS crashes when the Save As file path is very long. When using the save as function, and the destination file path is very long, GMS will crash, and the files won't finish saving the project.
*12201 Key values changed in parameterized MODFLOW model when reopening GMS project file.
'''XY Series Editor'''
*12193 The XY Series editor cuts off the vertical label initially until a edits are made.
==GMS 10.4.8 - January 31, 2020==
'''3D Grid'''
*12180 Extra "Projection:" field in the 3D Grid Properties table dialog.
*12143 MF2K Incomplete Files when Saving Native Text. When the native text files are saved to run it through a USGS executable, and only the *.dis and *.obs files are in the *_MODFLOW_text folder. Using MODFLOW | Advanced | Export Native Files as a workaround caused the same error again using the USGS code.
*12102 Multiplier in Stream package isn't preserved.
*12100 MODFLOW-USG files incomplete. The model runs as it is with the USGS executable, but when imported to GMS and trying to run with the h5 executable there are array size issues. Running the text files saved by GMS is not an option because only the BA6, DISU, and GNC files save. However, running the USGS executable with the h5 files appears to work.
'''Time Series'''
*12079 CCF removed due to time step issues. After successfully running MODFLOW, when selecting the CCF file, an error appears that the time steps for the CCF file do not match the existing time steps and the file is removed.
*12118 UGrid XYZS S portion of toolbar not active.
*12113 Lock and unlock03: Error saving UGrid after constraints have been set to none.
*12150 Incorrect Dataset Export for Vector Datasets. Vector datasets, when exported in ASCII format from GMS 10.4, do not accurately write the dataset information. The exported values are written in a single column, rather than 3, so only the first part of the XYZ values are written, and they're written as a single component. When this dataset is reloaded, it appears as a scalar dataset.
==GMS 10.4.7 - November 11, 2019==
*12009 Exporting 3D Grid to shapefile does not include selected dataset. When exporting a 3D Grid as a shapefile, there is an option to export a selected dataset. However, no matter which dataset is selected, the resulting shapefile does not include it. The datasets appear to export fine through the 'all datasets' or 'active dataset' options.
*12032 MODFLOW-USG Transport: Loading native solution does not load CON file(s).  After running a project from native files, GMS will read the MODFLOW solution but does not load the CON file. There is a CON file with the native solution.
*12096 MODFLOW simulations are removed after opening with Save boundary fluxes option turned on.
*12081 Reducing Stress Periods manually disrupts ET array. Adjusting the number of stress periods by manually deleting rows, rather than adjusting the number in the scroll box, and after saving and reopening the project got an error that the ET array had improper dimensions. If the number of stress periods is corrected by editing the number in the scroll box, the error does not appear.
*12031 MODFLOW-USG Transport: Adding RCH package leads to unsuccessful model run.
*11949 PEST inconsistencies. In some cases, upon running MODFLOW, PEST does not create iterations or plots. However, if the project is saved and MDOFLOW run again, PEST appears to work.
*11996 MODFLOW 2000 model gets stuck on RCH package. When importing the *.mfn as a MF2K model, the model appears to translate successfully but then gives an error concerning the RCH file. If the RCH package is commented out of the MFN, the rest of the model loads without issue.
*11970 CLN inputs incorrectly read by h5 version of MODFLOW-USG. The FELEV input from the CLN is not correctly echoed in the OUT file from the h5 executable. The native files/executable echo correctly.
*12067 MP3DU cannot find CCF. For reasons unknown, modpath is giving an error in the log that there was a problem opening the MODFLOW CCF file. It appears that the file is not correctly called, because the error lists () as the CCF file.
'''Opening File'''
*12008 Importing MFN for USG model nonresponsive. When trying to load in a MODFLOW model from the MFN file for a USG model, GMS does not give any indication that a file import was attempted, let alone load the project.
*11977 When there is a large model (over 1 million cells), Map to MODFLOW causes GMS to become unresponsive.
'''Popup Menu'''
*11801 Right-clicking is not consistent for Qt menus. Menu does not always appear.
*11969 Refining quadtree fails to copy datasets to new UGrid.
*12055 UGrid created outside GMS should have flag when editing elevations from Cell Properties dialog. When attempting to edit elevation arrays through the Global Options, a warning appears that the elevations cannot be edited because the UGrid was not created by GMS. However, when selecting cells, right-clicking, and selecting 'Properties', the same flag should appear but does not.
*11984 UGrid MODFLOW head solution not accessible from array editor. When selecting a dataset to assign to the UGrid through an array editor (e.g. Starting Heads), any dataset in a subfolder is not available as an option.
==GMS 10.4.6 - September 18, 2019==
'''3D Grid'''
*11918 Crash when trying to delete a 3D grid from the Project Explorer.
*11990 Attempting to create a new vertex in cross-section editor crashes GMS.
*11965 Boreholes disappear when opening the Borehole Editor and then clicking "Cancel".
*11961 GMS crashes when trying to create vertex in borehole Cross Section Editor.
*11913 Unexpected behavior when using the Create Feature Arc tool then right-clicking. Cannot select or click anything outside of the Graphics Window until performing a left-click somewhere in the Graphics Window.
*11944 GMS process lingers when closing GMS.
*11989 Block Fill contours broken for 3D Grid cross sections. When a cross section is created, the contours appear not to work. However, upon closer inspection this only affects the contours when set to Block Fill. Also, if the 3D Grid Data toggle is turned off, the cross section contours are still visible - the toggle does not also completely toggle off the grid cross sections, even though they are nested under that folder.
*11975 Shapefile Export Error. When attempting to export a scatter set with multiple datasets as a shapefile, an error stating "Error adding one of the function fields" is generated and the shapefile is not created.
*11950 Select "Use reference time" option crashes GMS. After interpolating a transient scatter set from a scatter to a tin, checking the "Use reference time" option in the dataset calculator causes a crash.
*11700 New release of xmsmesh to fix issue with loading mesh generation and loading a project file.
*11962 Model converges in GMS 10.3.5 but diverges in 10.3.8 or 10.4.5.
*11688 MODFLOW-USG Transport tutorial files do not converge. Caused by MODFLOW-USG Transport code update. Updated tutorial.
*11836 PEST is not getting consistent results. Is an issue with parallel PEST and communication with the slaves. Issue is related to PEST, not GMS. Aquaveo cannot fix this.
*11791 DDREFERENCE not supported in OC Package. Has been implemented.
'''Project Explorer'''
*11995 Slashes / \ or other symbols or special are removed from item names in the Project Explorer.
*11991 Zone Budget ID is in the wrong place in the Project Explorer.
*11951 Raster resolution and elevations differ between GMS 10.3.8 and 10.4.5. When loading the same raster into GMS 10.3.8 and 10.4.5, the resolution is higher in 10.3.8. There is also a difference between the maximum values.
*11879 Problem displaying rasters as 3D points. Contours not in correct location when 3D point display is turned on.
*11967 Ugrids: Convert vectors to XYZ scalar datasets causes crash.
*11903 Hidden cells in UGrids become visible after changing display options.
== GMS 10.4.5 - June 21, 2019==
'''2D Grid'''
*11832 Loading Grid and Datasets Crashes GMS
'''3D Grid'''
*11886 Status bar info disappears when moving mouse to certain locations outside of display window
*11817 HFB hangs when mapping to MODFLOW
*11899 Deleting the grid crashes GMS
'''Display Options'''
*11835 Cell faces still visible when material zone is isolated
*11804 Contour labels font settings don't update
*11553 Python scripts in python package should be removed
*11853 Data Calculator 'Done' button does not move when dialog is resized
*11819 Zooming to Extents on 3D Shapefile when not in Plan View results in Blank Screen
*11854 Redraw Display Button removes GIS Legend
*11613 'Processing' appears when GIS Data is turned off
*11784 GMS not handling flt files correctly
*11792 Select KMZ files won't import
*11906 Parameter Key Values from Materials Not Initializing. When using materials instead of data arrays, only some of the HK key values initialize in MODFLOW Parameters in the project.
*11883 Add invert selection option to right-click menu in main display.
*11907 Copy + Pasting leads to Incomplete parameter rows leads to GMS crash. Since the MODFLOW Parameters dialog didn't initialize all parameters, a list was copied from Excel to paste into the Parameters dialog. However, if the user attempts to exit the Parameters dialog before all fields are filled, GMS crashes. However, at least the 'Tied' field does not allow itself to be filled.
*11798 LAK package Theta.  For steady-state models, if the user enters a non-zero value as theta in the LAK package, the value is not retained when the project is saved, closed, and reopened. The value is also not written to the native *.LAK file.
*11885 CLN Observations not handled correctly for PEST. When attempting to run PEST in a project where it should run, it gives an error that it can't open *.pval_1. This is because *.pval_1 was not written. The *.ins file is empty.
*11829 MODFLOW Check Simulation crashes GMS. The problem is due to mixing STR and SFR2 arcs in the same coverage. This shouldn't be done.
*11627 MODFLOW-USG Translator won't open files. The UGrid for these files is apparently very large, because the DIS and GSF files are both over 1 GB. When attempting to read into GMS, the 64-bit version gets further than the 32-bit version, but still gives an error when converting the GSF to VTU. In GMS 10.3 the files translate successfully but then also give the GSF to VTU error.
*11834 mod-PATH3DU Error requires LIST to be first. Running an MP3DU set gives error "FIRST ENTRY IN NAME FILE MUST BE LIST" which suggests an issue may be with the exported file.
*11843 Tutorial Review: MODPATH Polyfill not displaying.  Turning on the Poly fill options is not showing a fill behind the pathlines.
*11842 Tutorial Review: Particle set ordering not functioning. When there are multiple particle sets, the order in the project explorer is being ignored in the Graphics Window. Instead, GMS seems to be arbitrarily displaying the particle sets in the Graphics Window.
*11841 Tutorial Review: Changing particle duration creates new coverage. Changing the particle set duration is creating a new map coverage with an arc showing the capture field. Also, often this arc/coverage can't be hidden unless the Show Inactive Coverage display option is turned off.
*11820 Crash when turning on load solution checkbox after MT3D encounters an error.
'''Online Maps'''
*11823 Online images not showing when zoomed in too far. Online images was not grabbing lower resolution images when a higher resolution image was not available.
*11887 Unable to draw arcs if not framed on something else. Arc will disappear after drawing it.
*11769 Inconsistencies in XMS products after changing the images Projection. Set images to display projection regardless of what the user selects.
*11814 Unexpected behavior when converting between coordinate systems. Causes an error message to appear when using too many point conversions.
*11857 Error creating TIN with GIS data. During the TIN creation and irrelevant info dialog appeared.
*11856 Frame button doesn't work correctly with GIS layers. When additional data is loaded, visible GIS data is not considered when framing.
*11844 Trimming a raster gives an invalid data range. A raster is generated, but it has a data range of 0 to INF.
*11840 Convert to Trimmed Raster fails. Message appears saying the command did not run correctly and an empty raster is loaded.
'''Scatter Data'''
*11813 Computed flow value displayed when it shouldn't exist.
*11815 TPROGS Grid X and Y dimensions flip inside/outside GMS. The X and Y dimensions switch when exporting TPROG files to run outside vs running inside GMS.
*11888 GSF Import Issues. When opening the GSF file, GMS spins and a python window launches that does not appear to call a specific script.
== GMS 10.4.4 - May 02, 2019==
'''3D Grid'''
*011774 Splitting layer crashes GMS. Discovered when creating a new K boundary on a 3D grid caused GMS to crash.
'''Feature Object'''
*11735 Drain observation not labelled, does not plot. When an observed flux is used for drains, the words "observed flow" are missing from the status bar. Also, the S/S Flow vs. Time plot only shows the calibration target values are shown even when the box for observed values is selected. This is a MODFLOW-USG simulation on a UGrid.
*11780 GMS crashes when opening file saved with many CLN TransientIBOUND inputs. When copy + pasting transient IBOUND data into the CLN package, it appears to import OK. However, once the project is saved and then tried to reopen, GMS crashes.
'''Online Maps'''
*11794 Add online maps doesn't load the desired image.
*11729 Display Theme options incorrectly executing. The end user originally reported that the display theme options didn't always save when the project was saved, closed, and reopened, but in addition to that we also found that the display options don't behave as expected when turned on or off in the first place.
== GMS 10.4.3 - April 16, 2019==
'''3D Grid'''
*11750 "Vector<T> tool long" popup when classifying material zones.
*11752 Borehole is framed and selected after the canceled creation of a solid.
*11663 World Imagery issues. This end user runs in software graphics mode, which was sufficiently stable for him in 10.4.1. On the end user's side, updating to GMS 10.4.2 and loading a 10.4.1 project with GIS files gives error "File Read Errors - GMS couldn't read the file. The error message(s) are shown below." However no error messages are given. This produces a crash in "standard" mode.
*11770 Delete key crashes GMS when removing feature objects.
*11755 GMS crashes when clicking select all for 3D Mesh when no mesh data exists.
*11773 Mapped CLN wells with small segments can cause a crash.
*11736 Conceptual model wells map as NaN when grid conductivity is zero. When mapping wells with a well screen over to a grid where the hydraulic conductivity is zero, the error message indicates the flow will be set to zero. However, when the well is actually mapped, the flow is set to NaN.
*11674 Export native text with Pilot points using log interpolation does not allow replicating the log interpolation functionality with exported text. Warning added.
*11739 Incorrect Unit for 1st Sorption Const. in MT3DMS Chemical Reaction Package. Previously units for the first sorption constant in the MT3DMS chemical reaction package were set as volume per mass. Now, in GMS 10.4, they're labelled as volume per time.
*11680 Crash when converting empty TIN to UGrid. Should create a new empty UGrid.
== GMS 10.4.2 - February 3, 2019==
'''Display Options'''
*11557 Isosurface options dialog has wrong dialog name.
*11541 Contour labels always horizontal regardless of what is set in the Label Options dialog.
*09897 Exporting TIF file seems to give bad data where the elevation values are different than the original TIF file.
*11361 Never stops processing when removing TIF from the GIS module.
*11438 Pasted Text Import doesn't import.  When pasting a text import into GMS the Import Wizard opens OK, but when it closes the points are not actually imported.
*11454 Tutorial Review: Interpolate Raster to Feature Objects issue. The elevation values from rasters were only being interpolated to the nodes of feature objects and not to the vertices.
*11534 Missing MODAEM Legend. Turning on the legend would not cause the MODAEM legend to appear. 
*11460 Legends not appearing consistently. When using UGrids, not all of the UGrids legends would appear and those that did would overlap each other.
*11409 Legend Text Color Options. In earlier versions (verified in 10.0 and 10.1) the legend text would be white if the background was set to a darker color. In more recent versions, the text stays blank and is difficult to read.
*11429 DEM legend moved to be displayed incorrectly in the center of the DEM.
'''Main Menu'''
*11459 Contour Options is always enabled when using the Display | Contours Options command.
*11501 Deleting last HUF material causes crash. When first opening the HUF package, there are no materials listed. When adding a material and then attempting to delete it, GMS crashes.
*11544 Crash opening USG native MFN. When attempting to load in the native MFN file written out by GMS, the MODFLOW translator runs successfully, but when the project tries to load, GMS crashes.
*11507 MODFLOW-USG not using all observation points. It was not creating a gauge or calculating the head for all points.
*11556 GMS vs native results with pilot points. When changing interpolation settings for pilot points (e.g. using the nearest 16 points down to the nearest 4 points), the head solution in the GMS run does not match the head solution from the native files written out from the same run.
*11551 MODFLOW-USG different results running native files; the heads are noticeably different between the GMS files and the native files.
*11500 Capture Zone solutions display simultaneously. When you select a capture zone solution, then scroll with the up/down arrow keys to other solutions, the first solution is still displayed and two solutions are visible at once.
*11391 MODFLOW-USG results incorrect when observation on dry area included. When an obeservation point is included over a dry area of the model, the head values end up being all the same. When the dry observation point is removed, the values return to what is expected.
*11481 CCF does not match grid. After running a transient MODFLOW, the CCF file does not match the grid that was just used to run MODFLOW.
*11463 MODFLOW HOB bug. Observations that are at the end of sp1 and the beginning of sp2 are assigned to sp2 at time 0 and it makes the most sense for them to be assigned to sp1 at the end time.
*11482 MODFLOW Steady State solution keeps transient time steps. When a MODFLOW model is changed from transient to steady state and rerun, the solution keeps the transient steps.
*11490 CLN Well Observations map to MODFLOW incorrectly. When mapping CLN observation wells to MODFLOW, one of the non-pumping wells maps to 'Well To Node' instead of to 'Cln Well To Node' like the other non-pumping wells.
*11390 Generate particles at wells in MODPATH was not detecting wells that are selected.
*11319 S/S Flow vs. Time plot always enabled even when it should not be a valid plot option.
*11510 UGrid swap tool not working as expected with the tool swapping edges in an unpredictable manner.
*11509 UGrid split/merge tool not finding correct edge when merging or splitting UGrid cells. This caused the wrong set of cells to be merged or split. In some cases GMS would not allow merging or split even though the criteria had been met.
*11470 Unexpected behavior when converting Map to UGrid with a selected Map node. The Ugrid was displayed incorrectly after generating the UGrid until refreshed.
*11431 GMS hanging when creating UGrid points in the UGrid module.
*11461 Unable to unlock UGrid for editing.
*11489 Velocity vectors were not being extracted from CCF when using the Extract Velocity Vectors command in the Project Explorer.
== GMS 10.4.1 - November 14, 2018==
'''Display Options'''
*11393 Dataset Contour Options for UGrids.
*11297 XYZ files load as images.
*11403 Zone Budget only displays up to 5 zone budgets
*11345 10.3, 10.4, Dev: FEMWATER material XY series not being remembered. Emma Shipley
*11342 GMS 10.4: MP3DU direction arrows work for forward particles but not for backward particles
*09778 Max Number of Sources and Sinks
*11392 Crash When using Map to |Polygons -> UGrid
*11268 10.4 and Dev: Image not reprojecting on the fly correctly with TIN
'''Time Series'''
*11305  New SWB Simulation, crashes if launched
*11308 GUI Test: Time step window not right after opening a new solution
*11358 Contour labels don't turn off after turning off contours
*11338 F value for points has changed in dev
*11339 Select cell id off by one
*11317 UGrid points have incorrect Y value
*11310 Map Shapefile to CLN is not naming UGrid correctly
*11300 Select with Poly tool crash
== GMS 10.4.0 beta - September 22, 2018==
*[[GMS:What%27s_New_in_GMS_10.4|Initial Release]]
= GMS 10.3 Release Notes =
==GMS 10.3.8 - August 8, 2018==
'''3D Grid'''
*10888 10.3 - Insert layer in 3D grid with SEAM3D model
*11052 10.3 - PHT3D species not written as expected
*10904 10.3 - Pest with MODFLOW-USG with both types of regularization turned on
*10903 10.3 - Problem running SVDAssist with MODFLOW-USG with multiple regularization groups
'''Opening File'''
*10911 10.3, 10.4: No to all doesn't work
*10677 10.3 - Observation package in MT3D-USGS
*10989 GMS Save/Save As Crash
*10072 TESTING - Attempting to Select Stacked TIN Causes Incorrect Message Window to Appear
==GMS 10.3.7 - May 21, 2018==
'''3D Grid'''
*010684 GMS Crash when you try to create a 3D grid in new instances of GMS
*010674 Edit Variogram Crash
*010408 MODPATH Long Export/Display Update Times
*009853 Can't import Borehole Sample Data with Z Values in Ascending Order
*010527 CAD symbols don't resize as expected
*010752 GMS crashing when opening .gpr
*010349 MODFLOW Calibration tutorial
*010788 MODPATH zone code colors not saving
*010741 GMS-written native UZF file cannot be read back in
*010499 Export native text
*010516 MODPATH Backwards Particle Tracking
==GMS 10.3.6 - March 21, 2018==
*09853 Can't import Borehole Sample Data with Z Values in Ascending Order
*10527 CAD symbols don't resize as expected
*10064 GMS Attribute Table SFR2 Display Bug
*10409 I,J,K in View Values
*10502 QT Popup Menus Go Off Screen and are Unclickable
*10361 GIS Layers not showing
*10408 MODPATH Long Export/Display Update Times
*08647 LGR - Index Out of Range Error
*10456 UGrid has no Menu Item for Creating New mod-PATH3DU
*10499 Export native text
*10010 Model checker with SFR and LAK
*10357 Transient MODFLOW-USG PEST model gives error
*10056 Model checker should warn if SFR ELEVUP or ELEVDN is below cell bottom
*10349 MODFLOW Calibration tutorial
*10359 modPath3du pathline coloring
*10516 MODPATH Backwards Particle Tracking
*10463 MT3D Error with newer GMS 10.3
*10492 MT3DMS Mass Calculator not available for SEAWAT
*10237 10.3 Recharge raster
==GMS 10.3.5 - December 20, 2017==
*10204 Multiple Materials In Cross Section Polygon Should Not Be Drawn
*10011 Flooded cells symbol on UGrid with Color filled contours
*09997 Units for SEEP2D Flux BC
*10070 MODFLOW-USG CCF error w/ LAK package
*10088 Unable to Download Online Images in 10.3
*10069 Incorrectly reading Native MODFLOW files
'''Scatter Data'''
*09996 Crash pasting scatter values
'''Time Series'''
*10007 Transient datasets don't keep their timestep
*10071 Duplicating TIN Duplicates Scatter Set Instead
==GMS 10.3.4 - October 18, 2017==
*10017 Message from borehole cross section editor
*10007 Transient datasets don't keep their timestep
*10011 Flooded cells symbol on UGrid with Color filled contours
*09996 Crash pasting scatter values
*10003 Fix layer errors
*10010 Model checker with SFR and LAK
*09934 fixed pilot point with null space Monte Carlo
*09997 Units for SEEP2D Flux BC
*10012 Pathline selection
==GMS 10.3.3 - September 22, 2017==
*09990 GMS crashes when changing material for a solid.
*09969 Borehole tools missing
*09966 Unable to import old MODFLOW files
*09925 10.3 - Toolbar icons missing
*09899 ETS file compatibility
*09901 GMS Dev stops working when opening this project
*09902 After deleting the Borehole dataset redrawing the display causes a crash
*09900 MT3D-USGS Define Species
*09779 THKMIN Default Value
*09896 Interpolate To MODFLOW Layers Is Wrong
*09931 GUI Test: MODFLOW fails Testing
*09756 map to MODFLOW causes warning when using externally created DISU data
*09673 Map->MODFLOW USG
*09851 GUI Test: MP3DU generates an empty .gsf2 file
*09878 GUI Test: Crash when mapping a Grid Frame to a 3D Grid
*09823 Crash when converting a 2D Grid with all hidden cells to UGrid
==GMS 10.3.2 - August 11, 2017==
*09832 Not all native MODFLOW files are exported for project for 10.3
*09688 MODFLOW-USG translator crashes
*09611 Map to CLN tree and properties dialogs not modal
*09669 Popup reappears after the user has chosen the scatter set
*09762 GUI Test: Native Text is not being saved when the path is too long
*09646 Tutorial Test Bug: MODFLOW-LGR Dual tutorial test giving wrong results
*09669 Update to USGS MODFLOW
*09770 Kriging datasets go missing
*09789 Crash Opening Zone Code Array in MODPATH
==GMS 10.3.1 beta - June 20, 2017==
*09674 10.2 Capture Zones -> Arcs
*09438 CLN flow budget not matching OUT file
*09642 Add Breaklines command causes GMS to crash
== GMS 10.3.0 beta - May 15, 2017==
*[[GMS:What%27s_New_in_GMS_10.3|Initial Release]]
=GMS 10.2 Release Notes=
==GMS 10.2.5 - June 20, 2017==
*09564 Contour Legend for USG face contours
*09507 Paste data into MT3DMS/Source/Sink mixing package crashes GMS
*09546 10.2 - Unable to Open .dat file in PHT3D Options Window
*09627 Registering Image crashes GMS
*09652 MODFLOW Translator Crash
*09440 Map Recharge Polygons to USG
*09490 USG Contours and Recharge
*09375 MODFLOW-NWT Parallel Warning
*09486  More than 4 CLN wells causing MODFLOW to crash
==GMS 10.2.4 - March 22, 2017==
'''3D Grid'''
*09373 Cell IJK Label not Anchored
*09518 VTK Error and Crash
*09484 CLN vector crash
*09488 MT3DMS TS column
*09439 Pest Slave Directory
*09340 Can't pan while creating arcs
*09442 Crash changing materials
*09483 Stream Package Mapping Incorrect
*09473 Crash in Global Options
*09441 GMS comments appear to cause MODFLOW crash
*09427 USG Observation Well Display
*09437 Flow budget reporting different values than zone budget and *.out file
==GMS 10.2.3 - January 9, 2017==
*09340 Can't pan while creating arcs
*09235 Null Space MC with NWT Solver
*09257 SEAWAT bug with MF parameters
*09297 2D UGrid cell center Z is -99999999 for imported vtu file
*09282 Annotations disable 'Select with Poly'
*09225 Computed Values Not Updating
*09253 Dev - Display Not Updating After Converting to Point Dataset
*09189 Framing of a 3D mesh is different
*09373 Cell IJK Label not Anchored
==GMS 10.2.2 - November 9, 2016==
*09249 Stochastic runs with Clusters Tech. Support
'''Time Series'''
*09225 Vector dataset not assigned reference time on creation
*09176 MODFLOW-USG example GNC file fails to import into GMS
*09206 Unable to export and then import ugrid text dataset
*09132 Mass vs time plot not working MT3D conceptual model tutorial
*09073 MT3DMS results not being completely visualized
==GMS 10.2.1 - October 19, 2016==
'''Display Options'''
*09119 GMS quits when displaying labels, IDs, and scalars for a lot of scatter points
*09088 Crash on exit when no license is available.
*09188 Map polygon displays incorrectly
*09133 Reading map file compared with GMS 6.5
*09126 SAMG Iterations not showing
*09175 Importing MODFLOW-USG sample model fails on output control file
*09174 MODFLOW-USG import with missing geometry file should give more descriptive error
*09156 STORAGECOEFFICIENT option is not supported
*09155 Time series plot options not populating times
*09092 Observation Point error
*09168 UGrid Refinement Elevation Gaps
*09123 10.3 - Selecting UGrid cell by single click no longer works
==GMS 10.2.0 beta - August 23, 2016==
*[[GMS:What%27s_New_in_GMS_10.2|Initial Release]]
= GMS 10.1 Release Notes =
==GMS 10.1.5 - August 9, 2016==
*08933 Flow Budget "time steps don't match" for same file
*08978 GMS crashed after generating ghost nodes and accessing the Data Calculator
*09036 Value changes when entering a number with a comma
*09000 Crash when selecting Grid -> 3D Dataset button in HUF package array
*08996 Initialize Parameter Crash
*08958 Get an Error that should be a warning.
*08945 Exporting mesh before project save creates bad mesh
*09030 MODFLOW Native text external arrays
*08998 Transient Head not displaying even though there is a solution
*08889 Model Check reporting error that should be warning
*09059 Deleting a SEEP2D simulation caused GMS to crash
*08877 MODFLOW Error - Soulution did not converge for heads
*08872 Error REQUIRES NNODES=1 appears when running MODFLOW
==GMS 10.1.4 - June 2, 2016==
*08888 No Flow Vectors for a 1-Layer Model
*08862 MNWI package bug
*08852 Long execution time for Map Layer to MODFLOW from TIN
*08892 Crash with grid visibility
*08894 T-PROGS crash
*08853 Can't Open Project With Contours On
*08857 Crash When Clicking Chinese Items in the Project Explorer
*08855 Bad Dates and Times in Solution
*08655 Edited Files Not Provoking Save Operation
*08718 Crash when editing z value of feature point
*08688 MT3D Source/Sink Mixing package not applying dataset values to array
==GMS 10.1.3 - March 03, 2016==
*08676 UCN files do not read into GMS
*08658 10.1 - More LGR Issues
*08638 Parent to Child Grid RCH Package
*08471 TOBS package errors
*08523 10.1 - MODFLOW model checker for drains
*08429 10.0 - MT3DMS TOB well screen
*08614 10.1 - Export Pathline Report
'''Zone Budget'''
*08470 USG and Zone Budget
'''Pilot Points'''
*08539 HK Pilot Points Forward Run
*08619 10.1 - Crash When Attempting to Convert to Trimmed Raster
*08535 10.1 - Project Doesn't Open at the Same State of Where it was Saved
*08533 10.0 - Shape to Features crash
==GMS 10.1.2 - February 06, 2016==
*08523 MODFLOW model checker for drains fix
*08429 MT3DMS TOB well screen Fix
*08471 TOBS package errors Fix
*08470 USG and Zone Budget Problems
'''Pilot Points'''
*08539 HK Pilot Points Forward Run
*08619 Crash When Attempting to Convert to Trimmed Raster
*08535 Project Doesn't Open at the Same State of Where it was Saved
*08533 Shape to Features crash
==GMS 10.1.1 beta - December 08, 2015==
'''2D Grid'''
*8462 - MODLOW HUF Data Visualization
*8246 - Loading Display theme with material colors Does Not Update Display of Boreholes
*8485 - Text in the table should not be editable.
*8503 - GMS crashes after changing the F value for multiple cells.
*8500 - Crash When Adding Column to GwConnections Table in CLN Dialog
*8449 - Display Doesn't Update Correctly When Reading in MODPATH Solution
*8498 - Crash When Attempting to Convert 3D Dataset to 2D Dataset in SWI2 Dialog
*8486 - Changing stress periods in MODFLOW-LGR model changes stress periods in MODFLOW-USG models
*8484 - Map to MODFLOW maps to all modflow models in the project
*8463 - Model checker doesn't find elevation errors in layers other than layer 1
*8401 - MODFLOW importer fails to read sub file
'''Model Control'''
*8428 - Help group box in general section of preferences dialog cut off
*8529 - Model Check Crash
*8353 - GMS Maps to MODFLOW Slow and Saves Slow
*8420 - Crash editing layer number in Chemical Reaction Package Dialog
*8419 - Crash adding BC values
*8412 - Crash when editing dechlorination parameters
*8417 - GMS Transient Obs. Head data not importing
*8354 - MODFLOW 2005 Import Error
'''Project Explorer'''
*8298 - Converting an MNW model to MODFLOW-USG keeps MNW file in name file
'''Scatter Data'''
*8356 - UPW Package Interpolation Options
==GMS 10.1.0 beta - October 21, 2015==
*[[GMS:What%27s_New_in_GMS_10.1|Initial Release]]
= Older Versions of GMS =
See the article [[GMS:Older Release Notes GMS]].

== Intermediate Release GMS 6.5.1 - September 9, 2008 ==
* Import of Modflow 96 files - error reading the OC file
* Text import wizard crash when setting the text qualifier to 'none'
* Error saving out changes to recharge file
* Transient properties for lakes not mapping correctly
* RT3D preventing assignment of Mass loading bcs
* Iso-surface crash on 3D mesh with 5 node elements
* Crash when executing the Horizons->3D Mesh with a 2D mesh containing duplicate nodes
* UTEXAS tension crack info not written correctly
* Setting the numeric values on a color ramp based on the data from a 3D scatter set
* Converting shape file polylines to arcs where the polylines contain distint separate line segments
* Grid navigation arrowing displayed consistently
* Display of MT3D species concentration in the Point source/sink dialog
* Update to Gms2Mf2k.exe (Export native MF2K files) to handle filenames with spaces and not placing quotes around file names in the name file so that the USGS version of modflow is able to read the file

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[[Category:GMS General Information]]
[[Category:Release Notes|GMS]]
[[Category:What's New]]
[[Category:External Links]]

Latest revision as of 16:57, 20 December 2024

Important Note

If you download and install the latest update and your software maintenance has expired, you will not be able to run that install of GMS. You will need to install an earlier build of GMS or purchase maintenance. Please make sure your GMS maintenance license has not expired before downloading. You can determine your maintenance expiration date by selecting the Help | Register command from GMS. You can renew your maintenance by visiting Aquaveo's web page or by contacting a sales representative. Prices and other information about renewing your license are available on the GMS Pricing Page. The latest update to GMS can be downloaded here.

GMS 10.8 Release Notes

GMS 10.8.8 - December 17, 2024


  • 15334 Projection for *.asc Raster Filesnot handled correctly
  • 15395 Projection Labels Are Reading Incorrectly


  • 15344 Horizontal Anisotropy Is Not Being Applied in MODFLOW USG


  • 15385 Display of UGrid not correct after running MT3DMS


  • 15278 Update version of MT3D-USGS
  • 15373 "Reproject Rasters" Tool Converts Units Incorrectly


  • 15398 Aquifer and Species Properties in MDT Package Freeze GMS
  • 15346 GMS Crashes When Trying to Paste Data into TVM Package
  • 15417 PEST fails when there is only one parameter using pilot points and it is a RCH parameter


  • 15370 Simulation Run Queue says MODFLOW 6 Run with SAMG+ passes but it doesn't
  • 15376 MODFLOW 6 Disu Grids Receive an Incorrect HWVA Array


  • 15404 Clean tool - delete short arcs deletes arcs that it should not

Online Maps

  • 15300 Improve error message when online data sources are unavailable


  • 15480 Dry Cell Symbols Display On All Ugrid Layers, Even When the Layer Has No Dry Cells


  • 15492 GMS Crashes while Selecting Default in Isosurface options in the Display options


  • 15481 GMS Crashes while editing Variograms in the variogram Editor


  • 15415 While importing from web SMS gets stuck loading for certain rater cell sizes

GMS 10.8.7 - September 09, 2024


  • 15247 Clean results in invalid arcs (two segments on top of each other).


  • 15303 Isosurface legend doesn’t update after changing “Float format” options in display options.

Feature Objects

  • 15235 UZF attributes don't map from shapefile.


  • 15249 MF6 MDT 3D project fails to run with inconsistent error messages.
  • 15200 MF6 CHD Package Time-series files add row generates unexpected error.


  • 15334 Projection for *.asc Raster Filesnot handled correctly.


  • 15321 Elevation count not matching point count error when deleting UGrid cells.
  • 15309 GMS crashes when changing UGrid constraint.
  • 15283 Changing constraint type on UGrids causes layering to disappear.
  • 15274 Translating a UGrid is changing its coordinates to NaN.

GMS 10.8.6 - July 10, 2024


  • 15170 Horizons to UGrid tool results in identical grids whether or not the Horizons Coverages are used.


  • 15223 "Error: Invalid breaklines detected (cross empty space)" message with no breaklines.


  • 15230 Unexpected error occurs when exporting the HGS simulation.


  • 15220 Horizons to HUF tool crashes GMS.
  • 15195 HK Arrays aren't importing to GMS.
  • 15088 Using "3D Dataset > Array" for specified vertical cells in RCH crashes GMS.


  • 15200 MODFLOW6 CHD Package Time-series files add row generates unexpected error.
  • 15199 MODFLOW6 array not showing.


  • 15213 Mapping to Quadtree/Octree doesn't update canvas correctly.

GMS 10.8.5 - May 15, 2024


  • 15116 Couldn't open error when closing HGS Observations Arc Properties.


  • 15107 Dataset Calculator entering 0s incorrectly to a 3D Grid dataset.


  • 15055 Vector Display Options does not display legend when selected other issues.


  • 15104 VCRUNTIME140.dll Error appears on fresh 10.8.4 installations.


  • 15134 "Day of Month Value is Out of Range" message comes up excessively.
  • 15111 Flow Budget disabled when opening some MODFLOW projects.
  • 15094 MODFLOW menu options selectable without a simulation.
  • 15087 STR native file is getting exported with the values shuffled to the wrong columns.


  • 15091 UZF Package in MODFLOW6 doesn't print usable values to some of the dimension flags.
  • 14824 Duplicating a MODFLOW6 simulation results in false error message.


  • 15081 Mapping a Mass Loading Coverage crashes GMS.


  • 15108 Observations don't work with USG Transport if .con file is turned on in Output Control.

GMS 10.8.4 - March 25, 2024


  • 14982 Help button in Contour label options dialog does nothing.


  • 14731 Hang when converting shapefile to feature objects.


  • 15063 Arc direction arrow length doesn't update correctly.


  • 15068 Transient TIN assigned to a drain polygon freezes GMS when mapping.
  • 15032 Model that converges with USGS exe doesn't converge inside of GMS.
  • 15019 GMS is printing different flags for the OS than the PHT3D documentation says.
  • 15003 Something in the PEST run is crashing GMS.
  • 15001 Unchecking the PEST box for parameters is causing the model to not run.
  • 14994 DRT Data can't be added to USG, even though USG does support DRT now.
  • 14988 "Edit All Use previous/Multipliers..." crash when SELEV. Seep elevation selected.


  • 15049 DRN package Map from Coverage gives bad CELL2D data.
  • 15039 MODFLOW6 CHD map from coverage creates boundary conditions on the wrong arc.
  • 14958 MODFLOW6 states that some cells are outside model domain even when they aren't.
  • 14955 MODFLOW6 CHD shows error in model checker that should be given when mapping the coverage.


  • 15041 Transient MP3DU Backward Runs results don't match what MP3DU says should happen.


  • 15037 "Select Intersecting Objects" for points is still selecting all layers, even when ortho mode is on.


  • 15045 Remember sizing of Simulation Run Queue.


  • 15028 Error message says the UGrid doesn't have assigned layers when it does.
  • 15009 Having nodes instead of vertices in certain polygons causes the Extend Raster Tool to fail.
  • 15006 Interpolate Priority Rasters issue with different projections.
  • 14999 Sample time step tool in Python toolbox results in single timestep when five expected.
  • 14990 Interpolate from priority raster fails with different raster sources.

GMS 10.8.3 - February 07, 2024


  • 14927 Pass through cells display is random in single layer view.


  • 14948 Converting specific shapefile to feature objects causes a crash.


  • 14971 Use Seep Elevation checkbox doesn't stay enabled.
  • 14963 Raster > Array with low resolution is interpolating 0s to the array.
  • 14930 SAMG+ solver not licensed error even with active license.


  • 14935 Flow Observations aren't showing up in GMS.

Online Maps

  • 14794 Can't see map from new source.


  • 14632 The quartile method of populating contour values fails for raster.

GMS 10.8.2 - January 09, 2024


  • 14879 "Updating node elevations" is slow and happens when it shouldn't.


  • 14908 Freeze when creating new MODFLOW 6 simulation.
  • 14827 MODFLOW 6 Flow Budget for uncoupled transport gives "No .grb file" error.


  • 14893 Extruding 2D UGrid to 3D causes the grid to only partially display.

GMS 10.8.1 beta - December 01, 2023

  • Minor Improvements

GMS 10.8.0 beta - November 22, 2023

GMS 10.7 Release Notes

GMS 10.7.8 - January 04, 2024

  • Various Minor Improvements

GMS 10.7.7 - December 01, 2023


  • 14828 GMS 10.7: "Fill continuous color range" is disabled for Block Fill contours.

Cross Sections

  • 14681 When multiple cross sections are shown in the editor, only one is editable.


  • 14843 Crash when exporting feature objects to shapefile.

File IO

  • 14792 Specific shapefile cases crash in 13.3 but not 13.2.


  • 14033 Texture map issue - resolution too low, rips.


  • 14752 Mapping MNW2 coverage with invalid well screen crashes GMS.
  • 14751 GUI Test: Crash when opening MODFLOW Optional Packages.
  • 14718 Wrong MODFLOW used when choosing DRT from right click menu.


  • 14796 Error when creating datasets from mf6 cbc file.
  • 14678 "First Order Decay" option in the MDT Package for MF6 is printing the flag wrong.


  • 14795 USG-Transport model runs with GSI executable, but not H5 executable.


  • 14669 MT3DMS Basic Transport Package doesn't retain table.


  • 14713 Splitting layers on a UGrid causes it to stop appearing in "Single Layer" mode.
  • 14586 Deleting a UGrid cell causes the "Single Layer" checkbox to disappear.
  • 14539 Refining Quadtree cells causes an error message, but still seems to work correctly.

GMS 10.7.6 - August 14, 2023

Feature Objects

  • 14546 Display doesn't update after canceling Map -> TIN until interacted with.


  • 14535 Crash when copying to clipboard with a high bitmap scale factor.


  • 14628 GMS Models That Won't Open
  • 14582 GMS reports kriging must be used for Null Space Monte Carlo simulation when kriging is already being used.
  • 14557 Mapping transient data to a model with a stress period length of 0 causes invalid solution files.
  • 14551 Adding DRN parameter and editing the value causes GMS crash.
  • 14550 USG-Transport model runs in command line, but will not load into GMS.
  • 14527 ".h5 is not an HDF5 file" error occurs on a model that GMS exported.
  • 14437 Having on "Save Native Text Copy" stops MT3D-USGS from running.


  • 14517 "Create Datasets" function on the MF6 .cbc file creates a script error.
  • 14491 Exporting MF6 with SFR package creates a call to the diversions file, even if there are no diversions.
  • 14455 GMS hangs when opening an exported MODFLOW6 ZONEBUDGET simulation.


  • 14569 GUI Test: TIN symbol doesn't appear after creating particles at wells in MODPATH.


  • 14511 Reading the solution for MP3DU is freezing GMS.


  • 14602 WMS crash when clicking delete button in XY Series Editor dialog.


  • 14646 GMS crashes when trying to save imported SEAWAT model.


  • 14590 Interpolating scatter set to active TIN doesn't create TINs at correct elevations.


  • 14598 Raster tools in the GMS toolbox fail when rasters are in different projections.


  • 14542 GMS: Select intersecting objects does not select all cells if not zoomed in.

GMS 10.7.5 - June 10, 2023


  • 14466 The MODAEM coverage options include "Datasets", which does not do anything in MODAEM.


  • 14477 Nothing happens when trying to open the IFACE... dialog without a MODFLOW solution.
  • 14475 Crash when creating a new 3D grid while an LGR child grid exists.
  • 14461 Set Refinement error when clicking Child grids section in MODFLOW LGR Options.
  • 14458 Old MODFLOW Simulations are deleted when closing New Simulation dialog.


  • 14400 MT3D-USGS Error: "Maximum Number of Sources/Sinks Allowed" value is printed lower than the actual number in the model.


  • 14449 GUI Test: tif does not display in canvas when opening with quadtree.


  • 14471 SMS crashes when changing interpolation method for interpolating scatter.


  • 14459 Error when calculating the Isosurface Volumes of a UGrid without constraints.

GMS 10.7.4 - May 09, 2023


  • 14191 All annotations can be selected regardless of active layer.


  • 14242 UGrid contour labels not converted to CAD.


  • 14350 Isosurface color ramp change causes GMS to crash.


  • 14349 MODFLOW Export text fails to export all files.
  • 14317 Crash when importing a .gsf file that GMS created.

File IO

  • 14213 Warning saying the file couldn't be saved when trying to save project in a path that contains non-ASCII characters.


  • 14314 GMS command to open the Forum should be removed.


  • 14281 Cursor tracking does not show values over integer rasters.


  • 14413 Model Checker flags CHD key values as bad elevations and issues error messages.
  • 14300 GMS crashes when opening MODFLOW Flow Budget.
  • 14268 Location GMS is pulling the info for the Run Screen plot from is unknown.
  • 14251 MODFLOW cannot run in parallel on some computers due to missing .dll.


  • 14370 Unable to split cell into triangles error appears when running MODFLOW USG.
  • 14368 Model runs in command line with H5 Exes, but won't import to GMS.


  • 14397 Mapping coverages to MF6 only adds data to layer 1.
  • 14362 XY Series Editor graph cuts off label timestamps rather than resizing to show all timestamps.
  • 14345 MF6 OC package table drop-down cells won't open.
  • 14343 PEST Observations Won't Read In To MODFLOW 6, shows python script errors when reading the solution.
  • 14295 HFB Package for MODFLOW 6 does not map and throws many script errors.


  • 14424 Chemical Reaction Package in MT3DMS displays incorrect units for item being input.
  • 14266 Using date range in MT3DMS results in some observation values not getting calculated.

Online Maps

  • 14276 Web map service issue when using DGM2 Schummerung as source, import does not open in the graphics window.


  • 14324 Unexpected error when attempting to plot periods of WEL package.


  • 14414 Smooth Raster tool no longer comes up when right-clicking DEM and selecting convert | smoothed raster.
  • 14344 "Feature Contours at Elevation" in SMS works on some rasters but not others.
  • 14274 Feature Request: allow the cross section editor to interpolate to arcs using rasters the same way as TINs.


  • 14240 Moving pilot points in plan view changes their dataset values to 0.


  • 14282 Trimming an integer raster converts raster type.


  • 14405 "Select Intersecting Objects" does not select the correct UGrid cells.

GMS 10.7.3 - January 09, 2023


  • 14207 Can't change font color of contour legend.
  • 14173 Opening color dialog with space key makes it so the selected color isn't saved.


  • 14182 Grid Export as Shapefile results in a blank file.


  • 14217 HFF file not written correctly to run with MODFLOW native files.


  • 14210 USG native file export has a dramatically different flow budget from GMS files when using pilot points.


  • Update MODFLOW 6 to version 6.4.1
  • 14203 'Export MF6 Copy' prints a NAM that still calls to SFR2 instead of SFR.
  • 14198 Error writing model.rch file when mapping from coverage.
  • 14197 Unhelpful "3" error dialog when mapping coverage to RCH package.
  • 14185 Deleting the MF6 simulation causes GMS to show as unable to save.


  • 14152 PNG can be selected as a raster in raster tools.


  • 14209 SEAWAT menu options do not appear on simulation import.


  • 14179 "List index out of range" error when running Arcs to Polygons tool.
  • 14038 "Float division by zero" error when running Arcs to Polygons tool.


  • 14189 "Water table" display option should not be available for UGrids.

GMS 10.7.2 - December 08, 2022

File IO

  • 14167 GMS prints an outdated "IMNWCB" flag rather than current "IWL2CB" flag in MNW2 files.


  • 14138 Help button in Cross Section dialog doesn't pull up a dialog or link to a page.


  • 14125 When the number of polygons changes, the ID renumbering from "Build Polygons" is erasing data from unrelated Polygons.


  • 14166 Flow Package Material dataset exports contain incorrect properties.
  • 14162 Raster > Array Function reverts to previous data if the Stress Period is not assigned.
  • 14124 Pilot Point Parameters get locked in to only one Scatter Set and can't be changed.
  • 14092 Some Native NWT files exported from GMS don't work.
  • 14035 NWT runs when "Compute Sources Sinks" OC Option is on, but not off.


  • 14105 TypeError makes Interpolate Priority Rasters tool fail.
  • 14104 Extend raster tool breaks when using a coverage with no polygons.
  • 14103 Bounds to polygon tool fails because of an overloaded function.


  • 14137 Dataset incorrectly labeled as "invalid" is removed after Interpolate → 3D Grid.
  • 14132 UGrid widget changes from previous selection when deleting cell.
  • 14131 UGrid cells can be deleted when UGrid is locked for editing.
  • 13953 Info dialog reads "Pointstring" when creating Nodestring where there is no node.

GMS 10.7.1 - November 11, 2022


  • 14006 Crash when creating and selecting a new Display Palette.
  • 13975 Isosurfaces don't register User-input Display Colors, display as default hue ramp.


  • 13973 PHT3D Conceptual Model approach reverting to MT3DMS when the transport package is enabled.


  • 13971 Crash when importing Ugrid dataset to 2D grid.


  • 13993 Default size of Shapefile Export dialog cuts off checkbox options.


  • 14044 Export to Shapefile doesn't work for UGrids.
  • 13999 Pathline Shapefile exports won't load into ArcPro.

File IO

  • 14026 Blank "file read errors" and crash when opening dev project in 10.7.
  • 13956 "H5 is Corrupt or Invalid" error appears for an H5 that seems to be correct.


  • 14049 Some help buttons link to non-existent page or link to an "potentially unsafe" website; one help button broken completely.


  • 13970 Current 10.6 and 10.7 Installations are missing a MF6 SAMG DLL.


  • 14039 Crash when closing Isosurface Options dialog.


  • 13990 Changing the Stress Periods in a project with multiple grids rewrites the DISU for all the Grids, not just the relevant one.
  • 13952 MODFLOW fails with "Error Reading Array" message, even though GMS just generated the Arrays/.h5.


  • 13998 User is able to change locked MODFLOW 6 FMI package settings.
  • 13974 "Zero division" error when creating new Zones package.


  • 14062 Display of TIF turns off when trying to register image.


  • 14064 Clip Raster from elevation tool fails because it can't find a DLL.
  • 14063 Unexpected error when trying to run Blend Raster to Edges tool.
  • 14034 Inconsistent handling of NODATA cells between displaying/trimming a raster.
  • 14027 Toolbox runtime error when running Dataset to Raster tool twice without an output raster name.
  • 14024 Convert 3D Data to 2D Data tool - too slow.
  • 13986 Tool doesn't run when trying to run in toolbox dialog.
  • 13979 Toolbox tools not linking to wiki documentation.
  • 13961 Trim Rasters tool runs successfully without any polygons, should give an error.
  • 13960 Trim raster tool should not run successfully when the polygon is outside of the raster.
  • 13950 Error when smoothing raster multiple times.
  • 13948 Saving multiple identically named rasters overwrites the file rather than creating a duplicate.
  • 13918 Merging rasters in the toolbox has bad pixels along the edge of the priority raster.
  • 13907 Interpolate Priority Rasters tool gives error that the dataset doesn't match.

GMS 10.7.0 beta - August 24, 2022

GMS 10.6 Release Notes

GMS 10.6.7 - October 25, 2022


  • 13913 Color displayed for elevation raster doesn't meet expectation for "discontinuous colors" option.


  • 14010 "Other output encountered" error when mapping DRN to coverage.
  • 13904 Mapping Wells Coverage to Ugrid gives seemingly random values every time.


  • 13938 EVT file not importing correctly.


  • Various minor improvements

GMS 10.6.6 - August 01, 2022


  • 13894 Cross Section polygon colors fail to display after zooming out.
  • 13891 Deleting then auto-generating Arcs blocks user from selecting any feature objects in Cross-Section Editor.


  • 13642 Can't import SID file


  • 13856 -1 Material Appearing (part 3): -1 material option showing in Attribute Table of Material Coverage.


  • 13835 Advanced MODFLOW Run dialog defaults the MFN to first project file rather than current.
  • 13823 Last modified time error when loading MODFLOW solution.


  • 13882 Interpolating data with Kriging produces error "Trying to Store Incorrect Number of Values".


  • 13842 GMS crashes when attempting to create UGrid or solids from raster catalog and horizon conceptual model.
  • 13833 UGrid Points fail to display after turning on cell faces.
  • 13719 Horizons to UGrid minimum cell thickness below user set minimum.


  • Various minor improvements

GMS 10.6.5 - June 03, 2022


  • 13750 Horizons to Solids creating some but not all solids.

Display Options

  • 13714 Right-click Cross Sections Display Options command opens to wrong Display Options tab.


  • 13718 Using "Unlock All" on MF6 Simulation causes a Save Error when not on C Drive.


  • 13786 Computed flow doesn't show up for stream leakage dataset.
  • 13736 MODFLOW Import dialog for USG gives error message, but still imports successfully.
  • 13725 Interpolate to MODFLOW layers crashes program.
  • 13670 MODFLOW Stream Flow Report in 10.6 populates with 0s.
  • 13593 LPF output file is written with incorrect parameter information causing simulation to fail.

Opening File

  • 13685 Coverage missing polygons when opening a project.

Online Maps

  • 13737 Unexpected warning when exporting GIS data, data not exported successfully.

Scatter Data

  • 13751 Unable to select a specific scatter point after duplicating scatter set with the point selected.
  • 13684 Duplicating 3D Scatter Set doesn't copy dataset correctly.


  • 13713 UGrid Project Explorer check box not functioning correctly when turned off and on.

GMS 10.6.4 - April 13, 2022


  • 13653 Clicking OK in the View Values dialog for a Borehole sample data dataset crashes GMS.
  • 13641 "Auto-Match Cross Section" causes errors when used on cross sections with pre-drawn arcs.


  • 13652 Clicking OK in the Active/Inactive Flags dialog crashes GMS.

Display Options

  • 13651 Line Properties do not save after the Display Options dialog is closed.

Map Module

  • 13661 Z values of polygon fill dropping below the polygon.
  • 13654 Map module polygon fill display artifacts.


  • 13631 XY series warning when mapping to MODFLOW.
  • 13519 Computed flow for drain arcs shows different values between the project window bar and the attribute table.

Scatter Data

  • 13644 Converting 2D Scatter to a Raster crashes GMS.


  • 13640 Horizons to solids visuals look grayed out, even when selection still works.
  • 13639 Feature Objects | Map > TIN Command crashes GMS.

GMS 10.6.3 - March 24, 2022


  • 13617 Pressing OK in Edit Dataset Values dialog after using Edit Values command in Dataset Info dialog crashes GMS.


  • 13600 Creating MODPATH Particles from Wells causes the grid to disappear.

Opening File

  • 13525 Error popup when importing observation points.


  • 13532 Incorrect display location of TIF.

GMS 10.6.2 - March 13, 2022

2D Grid

  • 13523 Shapefiles exported from a 2D grid dataset do not contain elevation data.


  • 13515 TS_GREEN_BUILD_RETURN on tests that are hanging.


  • 13599 Zone Budget dialog Cells tab shows the same data for all time steps.
  • 13588 Checkboxes not saved when copying from a spreadsheet.
  • 13587 Dialog sizing not consistent when previously resized.
  • 13557 Output for GMG solver appears to not contain DUP, DLOW and CHGLIMIT information.
  • 13504 GNC package only works in MODFLOW USG with <100k ghost nodes.


  • 13550 Save MODFLOW 6 copy DISV file has more vertices than actually in the model.

Online Maps

  • 13424 Several online data sources are not accessible.


  • 13383 Display attributes for raster not updating when setting display options.


  • Various minor improvements.

GMS 10.6.1 - January 19, 2022

Feature Object

  • 13455 Convert To | Feature Objects for shapefile creating 0.0 elevation values in arcs where they shouldn't be. Creates more arcs than there is elevation data in the shapefile.


  • 13465 MODFLOW-USG executable crash when running MODFLOW.
  • 13430 Slow update when editing species data in the BCT package for MODFLOW.

Opening File

  • 12652 Unable to open KMZ and properly convert to shapefile. Nothing appears when imported.


  • 13462 UGrid created under grid frame instead of in frame.


  • Various minor improvements.

GMS 10.6.0 beta - December 1, 2021

GMS 10.5 Release Notes

GMS 10.5.13 - January 19, 2022


  • 13465 MODFLOW-USG executable crash when running MODFLOW.
  • 13430 Slow update when editing species data in the BCT package for MODFLOW.

Opening File

  • 12652 Unable to open KMZ and properly convert to shapefile. Nothing appears when imported.


  • Various minor improvements

GMS 10.5.12 - November 11, 2021


  • 13337 3D UGrid shifts after mapping from coverage.
  • 13325 UGrid elevation was set too high when mapping from coverage.


  • 13308 Precision in attribute values was not maintained when converting coverage to shapefile.


  • Various minor improvements.

GMS 10.5.11 - September 15, 2021


  • 13292 GMS crashes after attempt to open the MNW2 package dialog after importing native files made in Groundwater Vistas. Unable to import those native files with MNW2 package in name file.
  • 13248 SFR2 Mapping SFR coverage to MODFLOW sometimes seems truncated when mapping individually. The coverage maps differently when mapped individually instead of as part of a conceptual model.


  • 13285 Canceling Convert CAD to Feature Objects crashes GMS.


  • 13180 Time Series Plot different between time zones.


  • Various minor improvements.

GMS 10.5.10 - August 24, 2021


  • 13184 GMS does not average middle numbers to find the true median. It picks between them.
  • 13170 Copying data from tables limited to 65536 rows.

Display Options

  • 13176 Crash when changing contour legend font size.


  • 13198 Unable to copy the first column from data tables.


  • 13195 'Material_-1' appears in Materials legend but not in Materials dialog.


  • 13193 In the Project explorer, some MODFLOW 6 components can be dragged out of the model they're in.
  • 12848 Selecting more than one error in Model Checker errors does not select correct cells.


  • 13181 MODPATH selected particles show bad information.

Online Maps

  • 12730 Floodplain missing blue and red lines. Not converting Z coordinates to feet for web service data read from FEMA that had Z values of meters.


  • 13191 Creating a new particle set corrupts original particles.


  • 13168 Trimmed raster name doesn't change in the main graphics window to changed name. The correct name displays in the Project Explorer but not for the legend title.
  • 11912 Raster in ".grd" format not displaying.


  • 13194 Snap Vertices to TIN creates a new dataset using values from the receiving TIN rather than the active TIN.


  • 13246 FEMWATER not showing vector. Vectors are covered by features.

GMS 10.5.9 - July 12, 2021

Display Options

  • 13127 Equal color segment height contour option on Contour Legend Options dialog has no effect.
  • 13085 Contour is not displayed for MODFLOW 6 model.


  • 13129 SVD assist seems incompatible with MODFLOW USG. PEST not implemented for MODFLOW-USG with the DIS package.


  • 13126 Editing a scatter set changes which dataset is set for a parameter under its pilot point settings.
  • 13073 Errors with Save MODFLOW 6 Text Copy option in MODFLOW Global/Basic Package dialog when trying to use IBOUND Functions that should be supported.
  • 13071 Can't import MODFLOW 6 native files.

GMS 10.5.8 - June 7, 2021


  • 13044 Feature Objects|Map → MODFLOW takes significantly longer than before.
  • 13025 MODFLOW default Displayed Precision in the Properties dialog is ignored.
  • 13022 MODFLOW-USG crashes using SAMG solver.


  • 12768 MODFLOW 6 packages not created if Zones (ZONEBUDGET) is enabled when creating a new MODFLOW 6 simulation.

Project Explorer

  • 13031 Error message cuts off full file path when file path is too long for error dialog size.


  • 13001 Right-click command Horizons → Solids using "Raster Catalog" produces incorrect results in GMS 10.5 in comparison to 10.3.

GMS 10.5.7 - April 26, 2021


  • 12862 Select Borehole Cross Sections only allows up to 2 cross sections to be selected.


  • 12992 Feature Objects|Activate Cells in Coverage(s) making only one discontinuous area inactive when attempting to create inactive cells within a set of active cells.


  • 12994 Time required to open MODFLOW 6 projects is longer than expected.
  • 12993 Error saving a MODFLOW 6 Ugrid after using the File|Save As... command and then moving files in the new file.
  • 12987 MODFLOW 2005 terminates with error after being converted in GMS.
  • 12971 UZF package tutorial error when running the model. Error appears to only be in the model wrapper as the project runs successfully if the error is ignored.


  • 12970 Mass vs Time Plot showing identical values for different datasets.


  • 12956 SEAWAT Model error about being unable to access the unit 40 file and looking for the wrong file name.
  • 12898 Misspelled word in SEAWAT preferences.

GMS 10.5.6 - March 2, 2021

Display Options

  • 12801 Dataset legends display in Graphics Window overlap.
  • 12799 UGrid contour labels overlap each other in Graphics Window
  • 12784 SEAWAT display options lost when a second solution set is selected.
  • 12781 Vector contour legend overlaps other contour legends in the Graphics Window.


  • 12800 Add 'Continue when solver fails to converge' option for MODFLOW-USG.


  • 12835 Creating new MODFLOW 6 simulation does not open a New Simulation dialog box.
  • 12777 MODFLOW 6 new simulation error message appears that should not appear.
  • 12768 MODFLOW6 packages not created if the Zones - (ZONEBUDGET) package is enabled during creation.

Open File

  • 12779 When a vector dataset is imported to a grid, the vx component erroneously loads as all zeroes.

GMS 10.5.5 - January 4, 2021


  • 12715 Gaussian results do not conform to specified limits. The solution datasets include values less than the minimum value specified under the Gaussian Simulations Options dialog.

Display Options

  • 12717 Color Fill contours do not match Linear contours.
  • 12702 Time step window displays dates even when dates options is unchecked.
  • 12676 Grid Frame cannot be adjusted by clicking-and-dragging.
  • 12552 USG dry cells even though the head value is greater than the bottom elevation.

Open File

  • 12716 Unable to read MODFLOW solution when opening GMS project, receiving an error that there is no UGrid or 3D grid when there is one in the project.


  • 12732 UGrid cells and points become unhidden when cell and point numbers displays are turned on when the should remain hidden.
  • 12731 GSF file not created correctly with vertically split cells causing cells and points to go missing.

GMS 10.5.4 beta - November 5, 2020

Display Options

  • 12617 The option "Automatically determine label spacing" does not work causing the contour numbers to not appear next to contour lines.
  • 12588 The state of the "Load this theme..." checkbox is not saved for Display Themes, causing the option to not be used.


  • 12611 Too many wells, particularly too many wells with zero flow, causes vector<T> error when mapping coverage to MODFLOW.

GMS 10.5.3 beta - September 17, 2020


  • 12436 Crash or hang when creating UGrids.


  • 12505 MODFLOW-USG Head Observation inconsistent calculated values that deviate from the expected values.
  • 12428 MOFLOW 6 LAK not found when running a MODFLOW 6 simulation.
  • 12426 MODFLOW 6 DISU calculator creates bad HWVA array which results in an error in the simulation run.
  • 12422 DISU calculator needs to return arrays in ascending order to prevent an error in the simulation run.

GMS 10.5.2 beta - June 25, 2020


  • 12344 Contour Legend Title appears editable but isn't.


  • 12335 "Show dates/times" toggle doesn't do anything when toggled on or off in the Time Step window.
  • 12298 Can't import the Storage (STO) package into MODFLOW 6 projects.
  • 12292 MODFLOW 6 LGR solution head files all added to the same grid. When a MODFLOW 6 model that uses LGR is run and the solution read in, both the head file for the parent grid and for the child grid are put under the parent grid.
  • 12346 GMS: MODFLOW 6 - after deleting and re-adding the DIS package, the GWF Package dialog hangs.
  • 12329 PEST blocked by NaN value in CHOB file. The factor in the CHOB file writes out as NaN, which causes errors when running PEST. Model runs fine in forward, and PEST runs fine after replacing NaN values with 1.0.

Opening File

  • 12400 Opening VTU file gives a "Cell has no top face" error.

Time Series

  • 12217 MODFLOW 6 Time Series Files dialog has no options.

GMS 10.5.1 beta - April 28, 2020


  • 12210 Exporting Active Cells from Grid includes All Cells. Exporting head dataset on a 3D Grid to a shapefile, and wanting to export the active cell, the shapefile includes values for inactive cells; which misaligns the values for the active cells with the cells themselves.


  • 12254 ALOS Global Digital Surface Model Data not recognized in XMS.


  • 12300 STO Package Dialog has an empty default SY value. When a value is entered, GMS freezes up.
  • 12297 MODFLOW-NWT h5 build crashes with multiple DDREFERENCE. When toggling on later time steps to have a DDREFERNCE tag in MODFLOW output control, the h5 version of MODFLOW-NWT crashes, but the USGS build does not.
  • 12279 Large VTU leads to empty DISU when exporting MODFLOW files.
  • 12261 2D Interpolation dataset in not set to the imported optimal values by default in the Parameters dialog.
  • 12246 MODFLOW Parameter datasets are moved to their own MODFLOW | Parameters folders in the Project Explorer instead of being in the model run folder.
  • 12194 MF6 Constant-Head (CHD) Package dialog, Options section buttons. The Insert Row, Add Row, Delete Row, Move Up, and Move Down buttons at the bottom of the above dialogs do not work.
  • 12182 Right-click | New MODPATH command does nothing. When right-clicking on the grid in the Project Explorer, selecting New MODPATH doesn't do anything.
  • 12166 Cannot add Recharge-Array to existing MODFLOW 6 simulation.


  • 12220 MXSS Error: Maximum Number of Sources/Sinks. When running MT3DMS, the executable fails because the maximum number of point sinks/sources has been exceeded.

Opening File

  • 12255 Merging Images fails when merging elevation data.
  • 12209 GMS crashes when the Save As file path is very long. When using the save as function, and the destination file path is very long, GMS will crash, and the files won't finish saving the project.


  • 12230 Legend disappears after editing raster.


  • 12201 Key values changed in parameterized MODFLOW model when reopening GMS project file.


  • 12239 Crash when clicking compute in the Data Calculator.

XY Series Editor

  • 12193 The XY Series editor cuts off the vertical label initially until a edits are made.

GMS 10.5.0 beta - March 19, 2020

GMS 10.4 Release Notes

GMS 10.4.10 - June 25, 2020


  • 12388 Converting CCF places new datasets into separate folders.


  • 10705 GIS Identify tool does nothing.


  • 12329 PEST blocked by NaN value in CHOB file. The factor in the CHOB file writes out as NaN, which causes when running PEST. Model runs fine in forward, and PEST runs fine after replacing NaN values with 1.0.
  • 12207 Parameter datasets invalid for MODFLOW with HUF.


  • 12144 Projection causes Microsoft NET Framework error when trying to use Layout feature.

GMS 10.4.9 - April 28, 2020


  • 12210 Exporting Active Cells from Grid includes All Cells. Exporting head dataset on a 3D Grid to a shapefile, and wanting to export the active cell, the shapefile includes values for inactive cells; which misaligns the values for the active cells with the cells themselves.


  • 12300 STO Package Dialog has an empty default SY value. When a value is entered, GMS freezes up.
  • 12297 MODFLOW-NWT h5 build crashes with multiple DDREFERENCE. When toggling on later time steps to have a DDREFERNCE tag in MODFLOW output control, the h5 version of MODFLOW-NWT crashes, but the USGS build does not.
  • 12279 Large VTU leads to empty DISU when exporting MODFLOW files.
  • 12182 Right-click | New MODPATH command does nothing. When right-clicking on the grid in the Project Explorer, selecting New MODPATH doesn't do anything.


  • 12220 MXSS Error: Maximum Number of Sources/Sinks. When running MT3DMS, the executable fails because the maximum number of point sinks/sources has been exceeded.

Opening File

  • 12209 GMS crashes when the Save As file path is very long. When using the save as function, and the destination file path is very long, GMS will crash, and the files won't finish saving the project.


  • 12201 Key values changed in parameterized MODFLOW model when reopening GMS project file.

XY Series Editor

  • 12193 The XY Series editor cuts off the vertical label initially until a edits are made.

GMS 10.4.8 - January 31, 2020

3D Grid

  • 12180 Extra "Projection:" field in the 3D Grid Properties table dialog.


  • 12143 MF2K Incomplete Files when Saving Native Text. When the native text files are saved to run it through a USGS executable, and only the *.dis and *.obs files are in the *_MODFLOW_text folder. Using MODFLOW | Advanced | Export Native Files as a workaround caused the same error again using the USGS code.
  • 12102 Multiplier in Stream package isn't preserved.
  • 12100 MODFLOW-USG files incomplete. The model runs as it is with the USGS executable, but when imported to GMS and trying to run with the h5 executable there are array size issues. Running the text files saved by GMS is not an option because only the BA6, DISU, and GNC files save. However, running the USGS executable with the h5 files appears to work.

Time Series

  • 12079 CCF removed due to time step issues. After successfully running MODFLOW, when selecting the CCF file, an error appears that the time steps for the CCF file do not match the existing time steps and the file is removed.


  • 12118 UGrid XYZS S portion of toolbar not active.
  • 12113 Lock and unlock03: Error saving UGrid after constraints have been set to none.


  • 12150 Incorrect Dataset Export for Vector Datasets. Vector datasets, when exported in ASCII format from GMS 10.4, do not accurately write the dataset information. The exported values are written in a single column, rather than 3, so only the first part of the XYZ values are written, and they're written as a single component. When this dataset is reloaded, it appears as a scalar dataset.

GMS 10.4.7 - November 11, 2019


  • 12009 Exporting 3D Grid to shapefile does not include selected dataset. When exporting a 3D Grid as a shapefile, there is an option to export a selected dataset. However, no matter which dataset is selected, the resulting shapefile does not include it. The datasets appear to export fine through the 'all datasets' or 'active dataset' options.


  • 12032 MODFLOW-USG Transport: Loading native solution does not load CON file(s). After running a project from native files, GMS will read the MODFLOW solution but does not load the CON file. There is a CON file with the native solution.
  • 12096 MODFLOW simulations are removed after opening with Save boundary fluxes option turned on.
  • 12081 Reducing Stress Periods manually disrupts ET array. Adjusting the number of stress periods by manually deleting rows, rather than adjusting the number in the scroll box, and after saving and reopening the project got an error that the ET array had improper dimensions. If the number of stress periods is corrected by editing the number in the scroll box, the error does not appear.
  • 12031 MODFLOW-USG Transport: Adding RCH package leads to unsuccessful model run.
  • 11949 PEST inconsistencies. In some cases, upon running MODFLOW, PEST does not create iterations or plots. However, if the project is saved and MDOFLOW run again, PEST appears to work.
  • 11996 MODFLOW 2000 model gets stuck on RCH package. When importing the *.mfn as a MF2K model, the model appears to translate successfully but then gives an error concerning the RCH file. If the RCH package is commented out of the MFN, the rest of the model loads without issue.
  • 11970 CLN inputs incorrectly read by h5 version of MODFLOW-USG. The FELEV input from the CLN is not correctly echoed in the OUT file from the h5 executable. The native files/executable echo correctly.


  • 12067 MP3DU cannot find CCF. For reasons unknown, modpath is giving an error in the log that there was a problem opening the MODFLOW CCF file. It appears that the file is not correctly called, because the error lists () as the CCF file.

Opening File

  • 12008 Importing MFN for USG model nonresponsive. When trying to load in a MODFLOW model from the MFN file for a USG model, GMS does not give any indication that a file import was attempted, let alone load the project.
  • 11977 When there is a large model (over 1 million cells), Map to MODFLOW causes GMS to become unresponsive.

Popup Menu

  • 11801 Right-clicking is not consistent for Qt menus. Menu does not always appear.


  • 11969 Refining quadtree fails to copy datasets to new UGrid.


  • 12055 UGrid created outside GMS should have flag when editing elevations from Cell Properties dialog. When attempting to edit elevation arrays through the Global Options, a warning appears that the elevations cannot be edited because the UGrid was not created by GMS. However, when selecting cells, right-clicking, and selecting 'Properties', the same flag should appear but does not.
  • 11984 UGrid MODFLOW head solution not accessible from array editor. When selecting a dataset to assign to the UGrid through an array editor (e.g. Starting Heads), any dataset in a subfolder is not available as an option.

GMS 10.4.6 - September 18, 2019

3D Grid

  • 11918 Crash when trying to delete a 3D grid from the Project Explorer.


  • 11990 Attempting to create a new vertex in cross-section editor crashes GMS.
  • 11965 Boreholes disappear when opening the Borehole Editor and then clicking "Cancel".
  • 11961 GMS crashes when trying to create vertex in borehole Cross Section Editor.


  • 11913 Unexpected behavior when using the Create Feature Arc tool then right-clicking. Cannot select or click anything outside of the Graphics Window until performing a left-click somewhere in the Graphics Window.


  • 11944 GMS process lingers when closing GMS.


  • 11989 Block Fill contours broken for 3D Grid cross sections. When a cross section is created, the contours appear not to work. However, upon closer inspection this only affects the contours when set to Block Fill. Also, if the 3D Grid Data toggle is turned off, the cross section contours are still visible - the toggle does not also completely toggle off the grid cross sections, even though they are nested under that folder.


  • 11975 Shapefile Export Error. When attempting to export a scatter set with multiple datasets as a shapefile, an error stating "Error adding one of the function fields" is generated and the shapefile is not created.


  • 11950 Select "Use reference time" option crashes GMS. After interpolating a transient scatter set from a scatter to a tin, checking the "Use reference time" option in the dataset calculator causes a crash.


  • 11700 New release of xmsmesh to fix issue with loading mesh generation and loading a project file.


  • 11962 Model converges in GMS 10.3.5 but diverges in 10.3.8 or 10.4.5.
  • 11688 MODFLOW-USG Transport tutorial files do not converge. Caused by MODFLOW-USG Transport code update. Updated tutorial.
  • 11836 PEST is not getting consistent results. Is an issue with parallel PEST and communication with the slaves. Issue is related to PEST, not GMS. Aquaveo cannot fix this.
  • 11791 DDREFERENCE not supported in OC Package. Has been implemented.

Project Explorer

  • 11995 Slashes / \ or other symbols or special are removed from item names in the Project Explorer.
  • 11991 Zone Budget ID is in the wrong place in the Project Explorer.


  • 11951 Raster resolution and elevations differ between GMS 10.3.8 and 10.4.5. When loading the same raster into GMS 10.3.8 and 10.4.5, the resolution is higher in 10.3.8. There is also a difference between the maximum values.
  • 11879 Problem displaying rasters as 3D points. Contours not in correct location when 3D point display is turned on.


  • 11967 Ugrids: Convert vectors to XYZ scalar datasets causes crash.
  • 11903 Hidden cells in UGrids become visible after changing display options.

GMS 10.4.5 - June 21, 2019

2D Grid

  • 11832 Loading Grid and Datasets Crashes GMS

3D Grid

  • 11886 Status bar info disappears when moving mouse to certain locations outside of display window


  • 11817 HFB hangs when mapping to MODFLOW


  • 11899 Deleting the grid crashes GMS

Display Options

  • 11835 Cell faces still visible when material zone is isolated
  • 11804 Contour labels font settings don't update


  • 11553 Python scripts in python package should be removed


  • 11853 Data Calculator 'Done' button does not move when dialog is resized
  • 11819 Zooming to Extents on 3D Shapefile when not in Plan View results in Blank Screen


  • 11854 Redraw Display Button removes GIS Legend
  • 11613 'Processing' appears when GIS Data is turned off
  • 11784 GMS not handling flt files correctly
  • 11792 Select KMZ files won't import


  • 11906 Parameter Key Values from Materials Not Initializing. When using materials instead of data arrays, only some of the HK key values initialize in MODFLOW Parameters in the project.


  • 11883 Add invert selection option to right-click menu in main display.


  • 11907 Copy + Pasting leads to Incomplete parameter rows leads to GMS crash. Since the MODFLOW Parameters dialog didn't initialize all parameters, a list was copied from Excel to paste into the Parameters dialog. However, if the user attempts to exit the Parameters dialog before all fields are filled, GMS crashes. However, at least the 'Tied' field does not allow itself to be filled.
  • 11798 LAK package Theta. For steady-state models, if the user enters a non-zero value as theta in the LAK package, the value is not retained when the project is saved, closed, and reopened. The value is also not written to the native *.LAK file.
  • 11885 CLN Observations not handled correctly for PEST. When attempting to run PEST in a project where it should run, it gives an error that it can't open *.pval_1. This is because *.pval_1 was not written. The *.ins file is empty.
  • 11829 MODFLOW Check Simulation crashes GMS. The problem is due to mixing STR and SFR2 arcs in the same coverage. This shouldn't be done.
  • 11627 MODFLOW-USG Translator won't open files. The UGrid for these files is apparently very large, because the DIS and GSF files are both over 1 GB. When attempting to read into GMS, the 64-bit version gets further than the 32-bit version, but still gives an error when converting the GSF to VTU. In GMS 10.3 the files translate successfully but then also give the GSF to VTU error.
  • 11834 mod-PATH3DU Error requires LIST to be first. Running an MP3DU set gives error "FIRST ENTRY IN NAME FILE MUST BE LIST" which suggests an issue may be with the exported file.


  • 11843 Tutorial Review: MODPATH Polyfill not displaying. Turning on the Poly fill options is not showing a fill behind the pathlines.
  • 11842 Tutorial Review: Particle set ordering not functioning. When there are multiple particle sets, the order in the project explorer is being ignored in the Graphics Window. Instead, GMS seems to be arbitrarily displaying the particle sets in the Graphics Window.
  • 11841 Tutorial Review: Changing particle duration creates new coverage. Changing the particle set duration is creating a new map coverage with an arc showing the capture field. Also, often this arc/coverage can't be hidden unless the Show Inactive Coverage display option is turned off.


  • 11820 Crash when turning on load solution checkbox after MT3D encounters an error.

Online Maps

  • 11823 Online images not showing when zoomed in too far. Online images was not grabbing lower resolution images when a higher resolution image was not available.


  • 11887 Unable to draw arcs if not framed on something else. Arc will disappear after drawing it.


  • 11769 Inconsistencies in XMS products after changing the images Projection. Set images to display projection regardless of what the user selects.
  • 11814 Unexpected behavior when converting between coordinate systems. Causes an error message to appear when using too many point conversions.


  • 11857 Error creating TIN with GIS data. During the TIN creation and irrelevant info dialog appeared.
  • 11856 Frame button doesn't work correctly with GIS layers. When additional data is loaded, visible GIS data is not considered when framing.
  • 11844 Trimming a raster gives an invalid data range. A raster is generated, but it has a data range of 0 to INF.
  • 11840 Convert to Trimmed Raster fails. Message appears saying the command did not run correctly and an empty raster is loaded.

Scatter Data

  • 11813 Computed flow value displayed when it shouldn't exist.


  • 11815 TPROGS Grid X and Y dimensions flip inside/outside GMS. The X and Y dimensions switch when exporting TPROG files to run outside vs running inside GMS.


  • 11888 GSF Import Issues. When opening the GSF file, GMS spins and a python window launches that does not appear to call a specific script.

GMS 10.4.4 - May 02, 2019

3D Grid

  • 011774 Splitting layer crashes GMS. Discovered when creating a new K boundary on a 3D grid caused GMS to crash.

Feature Object

  • 11735 Drain observation not labelled, does not plot. When an observed flux is used for drains, the words "observed flow" are missing from the status bar. Also, the S/S Flow vs. Time plot only shows the calibration target values are shown even when the box for observed values is selected. This is a MODFLOW-USG simulation on a UGrid.


  • 11780 GMS crashes when opening file saved with many CLN TransientIBOUND inputs. When copy + pasting transient IBOUND data into the CLN package, it appears to import OK. However, once the project is saved and then tried to reopen, GMS crashes.

Online Maps

  • 11794 Add online maps doesn't load the desired image.


  • 11729 Display Theme options incorrectly executing. The end user originally reported that the display theme options didn't always save when the project was saved, closed, and reopened, but in addition to that we also found that the display options don't behave as expected when turned on or off in the first place.

GMS 10.4.3 - April 16, 2019

3D Grid

  • 11750 "Vector<T> tool long" popup when classifying material zones.


  • 11752 Borehole is framed and selected after the canceled creation of a solid.


  • 11663 World Imagery issues. This end user runs in software graphics mode, which was sufficiently stable for him in 10.4.1. On the end user's side, updating to GMS 10.4.2 and loading a 10.4.1 project with GIS files gives error "File Read Errors - GMS couldn't read the file. The error message(s) are shown below." However no error messages are given. This produces a crash in "standard" mode.


  • 11770 Delete key crashes GMS when removing feature objects.


  • 11755 GMS crashes when clicking select all for 3D Mesh when no mesh data exists.


  • 11773 Mapped CLN wells with small segments can cause a crash.
  • 11736 Conceptual model wells map as NaN when grid conductivity is zero. When mapping wells with a well screen over to a grid where the hydraulic conductivity is zero, the error message indicates the flow will be set to zero. However, when the well is actually mapped, the flow is set to NaN.
  • 11674 Export native text with Pilot points using log interpolation does not allow replicating the log interpolation functionality with exported text. Warning added.


  • 11739 Incorrect Unit for 1st Sorption Const. in MT3DMS Chemical Reaction Package. Previously units for the first sorption constant in the MT3DMS chemical reaction package were set as volume per mass. Now, in GMS 10.4, they're labelled as volume per time.


  • 11680 Crash when converting empty TIN to UGrid. Should create a new empty UGrid.

GMS 10.4.2 - February 3, 2019

Display Options

  • 11557 Isosurface options dialog has wrong dialog name.
  • 11541 Contour labels always horizontal regardless of what is set in the Label Options dialog.


  • 09897 Exporting TIF file seems to give bad data where the elevation values are different than the original TIF file.


  • 11361 Never stops processing when removing TIF from the GIS module.


  • 11438 Pasted Text Import doesn't import. When pasting a text import into GMS the Import Wizard opens OK, but when it closes the points are not actually imported.


  • 11454 Tutorial Review: Interpolate Raster to Feature Objects issue. The elevation values from rasters were only being interpolated to the nodes of feature objects and not to the vertices.


  • 11534 Missing MODAEM Legend. Turning on the legend would not cause the MODAEM legend to appear.
  • 11460 Legends not appearing consistently. When using UGrids, not all of the UGrids legends would appear and those that did would overlap each other.
  • 11409 Legend Text Color Options. In earlier versions (verified in 10.0 and 10.1) the legend text would be white if the background was set to a darker color. In more recent versions, the text stays blank and is difficult to read.
  • 11429 DEM legend moved to be displayed incorrectly in the center of the DEM.

Main Menu

  • 11459 Contour Options is always enabled when using the Display | Contours Options command.


  • 11501 Deleting last HUF material causes crash. When first opening the HUF package, there are no materials listed. When adding a material and then attempting to delete it, GMS crashes.


  • 11544 Crash opening USG native MFN. When attempting to load in the native MFN file written out by GMS, the MODFLOW translator runs successfully, but when the project tries to load, GMS crashes.
  • 11507 MODFLOW-USG not using all observation points. It was not creating a gauge or calculating the head for all points.
  • 11556 GMS vs native results with pilot points. When changing interpolation settings for pilot points (e.g. using the nearest 16 points down to the nearest 4 points), the head solution in the GMS run does not match the head solution from the native files written out from the same run.
  • 11551 MODFLOW-USG different results running native files; the heads are noticeably different between the GMS files and the native files.
  • 11500 Capture Zone solutions display simultaneously. When you select a capture zone solution, then scroll with the up/down arrow keys to other solutions, the first solution is still displayed and two solutions are visible at once.
  • 11391 MODFLOW-USG results incorrect when observation on dry area included. When an obeservation point is included over a dry area of the model, the head values end up being all the same. When the dry observation point is removed, the values return to what is expected.
  • 11481 CCF does not match grid. After running a transient MODFLOW, the CCF file does not match the grid that was just used to run MODFLOW.
  • 11463 MODFLOW HOB bug. Observations that are at the end of sp1 and the beginning of sp2 are assigned to sp2 at time 0 and it makes the most sense for them to be assigned to sp1 at the end time.
  • 11482 MODFLOW Steady State solution keeps transient time steps. When a MODFLOW model is changed from transient to steady state and rerun, the solution keeps the transient steps.


  • 11490 CLN Well Observations map to MODFLOW incorrectly. When mapping CLN observation wells to MODFLOW, one of the non-pumping wells maps to 'Well To Node' instead of to 'Cln Well To Node' like the other non-pumping wells.


  • 11390 Generate particles at wells in MODPATH was not detecting wells that are selected.


  • 11319 S/S Flow vs. Time plot always enabled even when it should not be a valid plot option.


  • 11510 UGrid swap tool not working as expected with the tool swapping edges in an unpredictable manner.
  • 11509 UGrid split/merge tool not finding correct edge when merging or splitting UGrid cells. This caused the wrong set of cells to be merged or split. In some cases GMS would not allow merging or split even though the criteria had been met.
  • 11470 Unexpected behavior when converting Map to UGrid with a selected Map node. The Ugrid was displayed incorrectly after generating the UGrid until refreshed.
  • 11431 GMS hanging when creating UGrid points in the UGrid module.
  • 11461 Unable to unlock UGrid for editing.


  • 11489 Velocity vectors were not being extracted from CCF when using the Extract Velocity Vectors command in the Project Explorer.

GMS 10.4.1 - November 14, 2018

Display Options

  • 11393 Dataset Contour Options for UGrids.


  • 11297 XYZ files load as images.


  • 11403 Zone Budget only displays up to 5 zone budgets


  • 11345 10.3, 10.4, Dev: FEMWATER material XY series not being remembered. Emma Shipley


  • 11342 GMS 10.4: MP3DU direction arrows work for forward particles but not for backward particles
  • 09778 Max Number of Sources and Sinks


  • 11392 Crash When using Map to |Polygons -> UGrid


  • 11221 MT3D-USGS MXSS


  • 11268 10.4 and Dev: Image not reprojecting on the fly correctly with TIN

Time Series

  • 11305 New SWB Simulation, crashes if launched


  • 11308 GUI Test: Time step window not right after opening a new solution
  • 11358 Contour labels don't turn off after turning off contours
  • 11338 F value for points has changed in dev
  • 11339 Select cell id off by one
  • 11317 UGrid points have incorrect Y value
  • 11310 Map Shapefile to CLN is not naming UGrid correctly
  • 11300 Select with Poly tool crash

GMS 10.4.0 beta - September 22, 2018

GMS 10.3 Release Notes

GMS 10.3.8 - August 8, 2018

3D Grid

  • 10888 10.3 - Insert layer in 3D grid with SEAM3D model


  • 11052 10.3 - PHT3D species not written as expected
  • 10904 10.3 - Pest with MODFLOW-USG with both types of regularization turned on
  • 10903 10.3 - Problem running SVDAssist with MODFLOW-USG with multiple regularization groups

Opening File

  • 10911 10.3, 10.4: No to all doesn't work


  • 10677 10.3 - Observation package in MT3D-USGS


  • 10989 GMS Save/Save As Crash


  • 10072 TESTING - Attempting to Select Stacked TIN Causes Incorrect Message Window to Appear

GMS 10.3.7 - May 21, 2018

3D Grid

  • 010684 GMS Crash when you try to create a 3D grid in new instances of GMS
  • 010674 Edit Variogram Crash
  • 010408 MODPATH Long Export/Display Update Times


  • 009853 Can't import Borehole Sample Data with Z Values in Ascending Order


  • 010527 CAD symbols don't resize as expected


  • 010752 GMS crashing when opening .gpr
  • 010349 MODFLOW Calibration tutorial
  • 010788 MODPATH zone code colors not saving


  • 010741 GMS-written native UZF file cannot be read back in
  • 010499 Export native text
  • 010516 MODPATH Backwards Particle Tracking

GMS 10.3.6 - March 21, 2018


  • 09853 Can't import Borehole Sample Data with Z Values in Ascending Order


  • 10527 CAD symbols don't resize as expected


  • 10064 GMS Attribute Table SFR2 Display Bug


  • 10409 I,J,K in View Values
  • 10502 QT Popup Menus Go Off Screen and are Unclickable


  • 10361 GIS Layers not showing


  • 10408 MODPATH Long Export/Display Update Times
  • 08647 LGR - Index Out of Range Error
  • 10456 UGrid has no Menu Item for Creating New mod-PATH3DU


  • 10499 Export native text
  • 10010 Model checker with SFR and LAK
  • 10357 Transient MODFLOW-USG PEST model gives error
  • 10056 Model checker should warn if SFR ELEVUP or ELEVDN is below cell bottom
  • 10349 MODFLOW Calibration tutorial


  • 10359 modPath3du pathline coloring
  • 10516 MODPATH Backwards Particle Tracking


  • 10463 MT3D Error with newer GMS 10.3
  • 10492 MT3DMS Mass Calculator not available for SEAWAT


  • 10237 10.3 Recharge raster

GMS 10.3.5 - December 20, 2017


  • 10204 Multiple Materials In Cross Section Polygon Should Not Be Drawn


  • 10011 Flooded cells symbol on UGrid with Color filled contours


  • 09997 Units for SEEP2D Flux BC


  • 10070 MODFLOW-USG CCF error w/ LAK package


  • 10088 Unable to Download Online Images in 10.3
  • 10069 Incorrectly reading Native MODFLOW files

Scatter Data

  • 09996 Crash pasting scatter values

Time Series

  • 10007 Transient datasets don't keep their timestep


  • 10071 Duplicating TIN Duplicates Scatter Set Instead

GMS 10.3.4 - October 18, 2017


  • 10017 Message from borehole cross section editor


  • 10007 Transient datasets don't keep their timestep
  • 10011 Flooded cells symbol on UGrid with Color filled contours


  • 09996 Crash pasting scatter values


  • 10003 Fix layer errors
  • 10010 Model checker with SFR and LAK
  • 09934 fixed pilot point with null space Monte Carlo


  • 09997 Units for SEEP2D Flux BC


  • 10012 Pathline selection

GMS 10.3.3 - September 22, 2017


  • 09990 GMS crashes when changing material for a solid.


  • 09969 Borehole tools missing
  • 09966 Unable to import old MODFLOW files
  • 09925 10.3 - Toolbar icons missing
  • 09899 ETS file compatibility
  • 09901 GMS Dev stops working when opening this project


  • 09902 After deleting the Borehole dataset redrawing the display causes a crash


  • 09900 MT3D-USGS Define Species
  • 09779 THKMIN Default Value


  • 09896 Interpolate To MODFLOW Layers Is Wrong


  • 09931 GUI Test: MODFLOW fails Testing
  • 09756 map to MODFLOW causes warning when using externally created DISU data
  • 09673 Map->MODFLOW USG


  • 09851 GUI Test: MP3DU generates an empty .gsf2 file


  • 09878 GUI Test: Crash when mapping a Grid Frame to a 3D Grid
  • 09823 Crash when converting a 2D Grid with all hidden cells to UGrid

GMS 10.3.2 - August 11, 2017


  • 09832 Not all native MODFLOW files are exported for project for 10.3
  • 09688 MODFLOW-USG translator crashes
  • 09611 Map to CLN tree and properties dialogs not modal
  • 09669 Popup reappears after the user has chosen the scatter set
  • 09762 GUI Test: Native Text is not being saved when the path is too long


  • 09646 Tutorial Test Bug: MODFLOW-LGR Dual tutorial test giving wrong results
  • 09669 Update to USGS MODFLOW
  • 09770 Kriging datasets go missing


  • 09789 Crash Opening Zone Code Array in MODPATH

GMS 10.3.1 beta - June 20, 2017


  • 09674 10.2 Capture Zones -> Arcs


  • 09438 CLN flow budget not matching OUT file


  • 09642 Add Breaklines command causes GMS to crash

GMS 10.3.0 beta - May 15, 2017

GMS 10.2 Release Notes

GMS 10.2.5 - June 20, 2017


  • 09564 Contour Legend for USG face contours


  • 09507 Paste data into MT3DMS/Source/Sink mixing package crashes GMS
  • 09546 10.2 - Unable to Open .dat file in PHT3D Options Window
  • 09627 Registering Image crashes GMS


  • 09652 MODFLOW Translator Crash
  • 09440 Map Recharge Polygons to USG
  • 09490 USG Contours and Recharge
  • 09375 MODFLOW-NWT Parallel Warning
  • 09486 More than 4 CLN wells causing MODFLOW to crash

GMS 10.2.4 - March 22, 2017

3D Grid

  • 09373 Cell IJK Label not Anchored


  • 09518 VTK Error and Crash


  • 09484 CLN vector crash
  • 09488 MT3DMS TS column
  • 09439 Pest Slave Directory


  • 09340 Can't pan while creating arcs


  • 09442 Crash changing materials


  • 09483 Stream Package Mapping Incorrect
  • 09473 Crash in Global Options
  • 09441 GMS comments appear to cause MODFLOW crash
  • 09427 USG Observation Well Display
  • 09437 Flow budget reporting different values than zone budget and *.out file

GMS 10.2.3 - January 9, 2017


  • 09340 Can't pan while creating arcs


  • 09235 Null Space MC with NWT Solver


  • 09257 SEAWAT bug with MF parameters


  • 09297 2D UGrid cell center Z is -99999999 for imported vtu file
  • 09282 Annotations disable 'Select with Poly'
  • 09225 Computed Values Not Updating
  • 09253 Dev - Display Not Updating After Converting to Point Dataset


  • 09189 Framing of a 3D mesh is different
  • 09373 Cell IJK Label not Anchored

GMS 10.2.2 - November 9, 2016


  • 09249 Stochastic runs with Clusters Tech. Support

Time Series

  • 09225 Vector dataset not assigned reference time on creation


  • 09176 MODFLOW-USG example GNC file fails to import into GMS
  • 09206 Unable to export and then import ugrid text dataset


  • 09132 Mass vs time plot not working MT3D conceptual model tutorial


  • 09073 MT3DMS results not being completely visualized

GMS 10.2.1 - October 19, 2016

Display Options

  • 09119 GMS quits when displaying labels, IDs, and scalars for a lot of scatter points


  • 09088 Crash on exit when no license is available.


  • 09188 Map polygon displays incorrectly
  • 09133 Reading map file compared with GMS 6.5


  • 09126 SAMG Iterations not showing
  • 09175 Importing MODFLOW-USG sample model fails on output control file
  • 09174 MODFLOW-USG import with missing geometry file should give more descriptive error
  • 09156 STORAGECOEFFICIENT option is not supported


  • 09155 Time series plot options not populating times


  • 09092 Observation Point error


  • 09168 UGrid Refinement Elevation Gaps
  • 09123 10.3 - Selecting UGrid cell by single click no longer works

GMS 10.2.0 beta - August 23, 2016

GMS 10.1 Release Notes

GMS 10.1.5 - August 9, 2016


  • 08933 Flow Budget "time steps don't match" for same file
  • 08978 GMS crashed after generating ghost nodes and accessing the Data Calculator


  • 09036 Value changes when entering a number with a comma
  • 09000 Crash when selecting Grid -> 3D Dataset button in HUF package array
  • 08996 Initialize Parameter Crash
  • 08958 Get an Error that should be a warning.


  • 08945 Exporting mesh before project save creates bad mesh


  • 09030 MODFLOW Native text external arrays
  • 08998 Transient Head not displaying even though there is a solution
  • 08889 Model Check reporting error that should be warning


  • 09059 Deleting a SEEP2D simulation caused GMS to crash


  • 08877 MODFLOW Error - Soulution did not converge for heads
  • 08872 Error REQUIRES NNODES=1 appears when running MODFLOW

GMS 10.1.4 - June 2, 2016


  • 08888 No Flow Vectors for a 1-Layer Model
  • 08862 MNWI package bug
  • 08852 Long execution time for Map Layer to MODFLOW from TIN


  • 08892 Crash with grid visibility


  • 08894 T-PROGS crash


  • 08853 Can't Open Project With Contours On


  • 08857 Crash When Clicking Chinese Items in the Project Explorer
  • 08855 Bad Dates and Times in Solution
  • 08655 Edited Files Not Provoking Save Operation
  • 08718 Crash when editing z value of feature point


  • 08688 MT3D Source/Sink Mixing package not applying dataset values to array

GMS 10.1.3 - March 03, 2016


  • 08676 UCN files do not read into GMS
  • 08658 10.1 - More LGR Issues
  • 08638 Parent to Child Grid RCH Package
  • 08471 TOBS package errors
  • 08523 10.1 - MODFLOW model checker for drains


  • 08429 10.0 - MT3DMS TOB well screen


  • 08614 10.1 - Export Pathline Report

Zone Budget

  • 08470 USG and Zone Budget

Pilot Points

  • 08539 HK Pilot Points Forward Run


  • 08619 10.1 - Crash When Attempting to Convert to Trimmed Raster


  • 08535 10.1 - Project Doesn't Open at the Same State of Where it was Saved
  • 08533 10.0 - Shape to Features crash

GMS 10.1.2 - February 06, 2016


  • 08523 MODFLOW model checker for drains fix


  • 08429 MT3DMS TOB well screen Fix
  • 08471 TOBS package errors Fix


  • 08470 USG and Zone Budget Problems

Pilot Points

  • 08539 HK Pilot Points Forward Run


  • 08619 Crash When Attempting to Convert to Trimmed Raster


  • 08535 Project Doesn't Open at the Same State of Where it was Saved
  • 08533 Shape to Features crash

GMS 10.1.1 beta - December 08, 2015

2D Grid

  • 8462 - MODLOW HUF Data Visualization


  • 8246 - Loading Display theme with material colors Does Not Update Display of Boreholes


  • 8485 - Text in the table should not be editable.
  • 8503 - GMS crashes after changing the F value for multiple cells.


  • 8500 - Crash When Adding Column to GwConnections Table in CLN Dialog
  • 8449 - Display Doesn't Update Correctly When Reading in MODPATH Solution
  • 8498 - Crash When Attempting to Convert 3D Dataset to 2D Dataset in SWI2 Dialog
  • 8486 - Changing stress periods in MODFLOW-LGR model changes stress periods in MODFLOW-USG models


  • 8484 - Map to MODFLOW maps to all modflow models in the project


  • 8463 - Model checker doesn't find elevation errors in layers other than layer 1


  • 8401 - MODFLOW importer fails to read sub file

Model Control

  • 8428 - Help group box in general section of preferences dialog cut off


  • 8529 - Model Check Crash
  • 8353 - GMS Maps to MODFLOW Slow and Saves Slow
  • 8420 - Crash editing layer number in Chemical Reaction Package Dialog
  • 8419 - Crash adding BC values
  • 8412 - Crash when editing dechlorination parameters
  • 8417 - GMS Transient Obs. Head data not importing
  • 8354 - MODFLOW 2005 Import Error

Project Explorer

  • 8298 - Converting an MNW model to MODFLOW-USG keeps MNW file in name file

Scatter Data

  • 8356 - UPW Package Interpolation Options

GMS 10.1.0 beta - October 21, 2015

Older Versions of GMS

See the article GMS:Older Release Notes GMS.