SMS:2D Mesh Files *.2dm: Difference between revisions

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A finite element mesh can be saved in a generic format defined by SMS, called the 2dm format. In addition, the Generic Model interface in the Mesh module uses this format to save a template definition, in addition to model parameter, material property, and boundary condition assignments for a specific simulation. When a .2dm file is opened, the Current Numerical Model changes to the Generic Mesh Interface. To save a numerical model definition as a template file, you should first set up the template and save a .2dm file before any nodes are created.

Mesh Cards

Card Type MESH2D
Description Identifies the file as a 2d mesh file. Must be the first line of the file.
Required YES


Card Type ND
Description Defines the ID and location for each node of the mesh.
Required NO
Format ND id x y z
Sample ND 1 7.75e+005 1.10e+005 5.00e-001
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the node.
2-4 x,y,z ± real number The x, y, and z coordinates of the point.

Linear Elements

Card Type E2L
Description Identifies a 2-noded linear element.
Required NO
Format E2L id n1 n2 matid
Sample E2L 1 1 2 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 3 n1 - n2 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
4 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.

Card Type E3L
Description Identifies a 3-noded linear element.
Required NO
Format E3L id n1 n2 n3 matid
Sample E3L 1 1 2 3 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 4 n1 - n3 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
5 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.

Triangular Elements

Card Type E3T
Description Identifies a 3-noded triangular element.
Required NO
Format E3T id n1 n2 n3 matid
Sample E3T 1 1 2 3 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 4 n1 - n3 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
5 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.

Card Type E6T
Description Identifies a 6-noded triangular element.
Required NO
Format E6T id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 matid
Sample E6T 1 1 2 3 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 7 n1 - n6 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
8 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.

Quadrilateral Elements

Card Type E4Q
Description Identifies a 4-noded quadrilateral element.
Required NO
Format E4Q id n1 n2 n3 n4 matid
Sample E4Q 1 1 2 3 4 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 5 n1 - n4 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
6 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.

Card Type E8Q
Description Identifies an 8-noded quadrilateral element.
Required NO
Format E8Q id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 matid
Sample E8Q 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 9 n1 - n8 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
10 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.

Card Type E9Q
Description Identifies an 9-noded quadrilateral element.
Required NO
Format E9Q id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 matid
Sample E9Q 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The ID of the element.
2 - 10 n1 - n9 + integer The ID's of nodes in the element.
11 matid + integer The ID of the material assigned to the element.


Card Type NS
Description Identifies a nodestring.
Required NO
Format NS n1 n2 n3 ... - nn (number of nodes in nodestring)
NS       1      3     10     15      6     -2
NS     126    127    128    129    173   -194
NS    1006    988    987    989    968    948    931    930    929    906
NS    -904
NS     720    701    699    686    680    664    649    648    647    640
NS    -621
Field Variable Value Description
n1 - nn (number of nodes in nodestring) nx + integer The ID's of the nodes in the nodestring. The last node id is written as a negative number, thus signaling the nodestring's end. Multiple NS cards can be used on consecutive lines for a single nodestring.

Model Parameter Definition Cards

The model control parameters, boundary conditions and material options available for a specific model are defined in the generic model parameter definition section of the 2D mesh file. The generic model parameter definition section is begun by specifying the BEGPARAMDEF card and ended with the ENDPARAMDEF card.

Description Identifies the beginning of the model parameter definition section of the 2D Mesh File.
Required Required if model parameters are to be defined.

Description Identifies the end of the model parameter definition section of the 2D Mesh File.
Required Required if model parameters are to be defined.

Global Parameters

Card Type GM
Description Identifies the model name.
Required NO
Format GM name
Sample GM "Gen2DM"
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Model name.

Card Type SI
Description Identifies the model units.
Required NO
Format SI val
Sample SI 0
Field Variable Value Description
1 val boolean Enter 1 for Meters, or 0 for U.S. Survey Feet or International Feet.

Card Type DY
Description Identifies whether the model is dynamic or steady state.
Required NO
Format DY val
Sample DY 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 val boolean
  • Enter 0 for steady state.
  • Enter 1 for dynamic.

Card Type TU
Description Identifies the model time units.
Required NO
Format TU val
Sample TU seconds
Field Variable Value Description
1 val string A string value describing the model units (days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.).

Card Type TD
Description Identifies the model time step and total simulation time.
Required NO
Format TD time_step total_time
Sample TD 20 1000
Field Variable Value Description
1 time_step + real number Time step (for dynamic simulations).
1 total_time + real number Total simulation run time (for dynamic simulations).

Card Type KEY
Description Identifies the key to unlock and edit the model definition inside of the SMS interface.
Required NO
Format KEY key
Sample KEY "sms-gen2dm"
Field Variable Value Description
1 key string Case sensitive key to unlock and edit the model definition.

Card Type PG
Description Parameter group definition.
Required NO
Format PG name active
Sample PG "Hydrodynamic" 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 val


  • 0 = inactive
  • 1 = active

Card Type PD type = 0 (For boolean parameter definition)
Description Parameter definition.
Required NO
Format PD name type default
PD  "Check for dry elements" 0 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Parameter name.
2 type 0 = boolean Parameter type.
3 default
  • 0 = false
  • 1 = true
Default value for parameter.

Card Type PD type = 1 or 2 (For integer and real number parameter definition)
Description Parameter definition.
Required NO
Format PD name type default min max
PD  "Time interval"               1  20.0    0.0           2147483647.0
PD  "Velocity max (ft/sec)"       2  75.0    0.0           100.0
PD  "H min"                       2  0.25    0.0           1.79769e+308
PD  "A min"                       2  1.0     1e-015        1.79769e+308
PD  "Time interval"               1  10.0    0.0           2147483647.0
PD  "Source X postion"            2  0.0    -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308
PD  "Source Y position"           2  0.0    -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308
PD  "Source elevation"            2  0.0    -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308
PD  "Parcel mass (slug)"          2  0.5     0.0001        1.79769e+308
PD  "Particle mass (slug)"        2  0.003   0.0001        1.79769e+308
PD  "Particle size (in)"          2  0.05    0.0           1.79769e+308
PD  "Deviation"                   2  0.0    -1.79769e+308  1.79769e+308
PD  "Average density (slug/ft^3)" 2  3.0     1.5           6.0
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Parameter name.
2 type
  • 1 = integer
  • 2 = real number
Parameter type.
3 default integer or real number (based on type) Default value for parameter.
4 min integer or real number (based on type) Minimum allowed value for parameter.
5 max integer or real number (based on type) Maximum allowed value for parameter.

Card Type PD type = 3 (For text parameter definition)
Description Parameter definition.
Required NO
Format PD name type default
PD  "Element style" 3 "quadratic"
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Parameter name.
2 type 3 = text Parameter type.
3 default string Default value for parameter.

Card Type PD type = 4 (For options parameter definition)
Description Parameter definition.
Required NO
Format PD name type default
PD  "Critical scour velocity" 4 "2.0 ft/sec"
PO  "0.8 ft/sec" "2.0 ft/sec" "2.6 ft/sec"
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Parameter name.
2 type 4 = options Parameter type.
3 default string Default option for parameter.
Note: a PO card must be placed on the line immediately after a line using a PD type = 4 card to define the options.

Card Type PO
Description Parameter option definition.
Required Yes, if a PD card is specified on the previous line.
Format PO option1 option2 option3 ... optionn (number of options)
PD  "Critical scour velocity" 4 "2.0 ft/sec"
PO  "0.8 ft/sec" "2.0 ft/sec" "2.6 ft/sec"
Field Variable Value Description
option1 - optionn option<x> string Option name.
Note: a PO card must be placed on the line immediately after a line using a PD type = 4 card to define the options.

Boundary Condition Definition Cards

Card Type BCPGC
Description Defines whether or not to allow boundary condition / parameter group correlation.
Required NO
Format BCPGC val
Sample BCPGC 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 val boolean
  • 0 = Do not allow boundary condition / parameter group correlation.
  • 1 = Allow boundary condition / parameter group correlation.

Card Type BEDISP
Description Defines inactive boundary condition display options and boundary condition label options.
Required NO
Format BEDISP entity_ID font_red font_green font_blue label_on label_vals_on inactive_size inactive_style inactive_red inactive_green inactive_blue inactive_on

BEDISP 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 255 128 255 1

Field Variable Value Description
1 entity_ID integer
  • 0 = node
  • 1 = nodestring
  • 2 = element
2 font_red integer 0 - 255, Red component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition font color.
3 font_green integer 0 - 255, Green component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition font color.
4 font_blue integer 0 - 255, Blue component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition font color.
5 label_on boolean
  • 0 = Do not display boundary condition labels.
  • 1 = Display boundary condition labels.
6 label_vals_on boolean
  • 0 = Do not display boundary condition values in boundary condition labels.
  • 1 = Display boundary condition values in boundary condition labels.
7 inactive_size integer
  • 1 - 63, Default size for inactive boundary condition node symbols.
  • 1 - 50, Default size for inactive boundary condition element or nodestring symbols.
8 inactive_style integer
  • Default style for inactive boundary condition symbols.
  • For nodes
    • 1 = Filled square
    • 2 = Hollow square
    • 3 = Filled circle
    • 4 = Hollow circle
    • 5 = Filled triangle
    • 6 = Hollow triangle
    • 7 = Filled diamond
    • 8 = Hollow diamond
    • 9 = Cross
    • 10 = X
    • 11 = Survey marker
  • For elements or nodestrings:
    • 0 = solid line
    • 1 = dashed line
9 inactive_red integer 0 - 255, Red component of RGB triplet defining inactive boundary condition font color.
10 inactive_green integer 0 - 255, Green component of RGB triplet defining inactive boundary condition font color.
11 inactive_blue integer 0 - 255, Blue component of RGB triplet defining inactive boundary condition font color.
12 inactive_on boolean
  • 0 = Do not display inactive boundary conditions.
  • 1 = Display inactive boundary conditions.

Card Type BEFONT Single integer method.
Description Defines boundary condition label font attributes.
Required NO
Format BEFONT entity_id font_size
Sample BEFONT 1 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 entity_ID integer
  • 0 = node
  • 1 = nodestring
  • 2 = element
2 font_size integer
  • 1 = Large font size.
  • 2 = Small font size.

Card Type BEFONT Multiple value method.
Description Defines boundary condition label font attributes.
Required NO
Format BEFONT entity_id height width escapement orientation weight italic underline strikeout charSet precision clipPrecision quality pitchAndFamily faceName
Sample BEFONT 1 1
Field Variable Value Description
1 entity_ID integer
  • 0 = node
  • 1 = nodestring
  • 2 = element
2 height integer Font height.
3 width integer Font width.
4 escapement integer Font escapement.
5 orientation integer Font orientation.
6 weight integer Font weight.
7 italic integer Font italic.
8 underline integer Font underline.
9 strikeout integer Font strikeout.
10 charSet integer Font character set.
11 precision integer Font precision.
12 clipPrecision integer Font clip precision.
13 quality integer Font quality.
14 pitchAndFamily integer Font pitch and family.
15 faceName string Font face name.

Card Type BD
Description Defines input values required for a boundary condition.
Required NO
Format BD entity_ID name ID numVals Val1 Val2 Val3 ... ValnumVals interiorOk paramGroupCorrelation
BD  0 "Water sink/source" 2 3 "Flow rate (cfs)" "Water temperature (F)" "Flow rate(cfs)" 1 "(none)"
Field Variable Value Description
1 entity_ID integer
  • 0 = node
  • 1 = nodestring
  • 2 = element
2 name string Boundary condition name
3 ID + integer Boundary condition id (sequentially numbered, starting at 1 for each entity type).
4 numVals + integer Number of boundary input values required for the boundary condition. Each input value is defined using a BV card on lines following the BD card.
4 Val1 - ValnumVals string Name of boundary input value required for the boundary condition. Each input value is defined using a BV card on lines following the BD card.
5 interiorOk boolean
  • 0 = boundary condition is not legal on the interior of the mesh.
  • 1 = boundary condition is legal on the interior of the mesh.
6 paramGroupCorrelation string Name of the parameter group (defined using the PG card) with which the boundary condition is correlated. If the boundary condition is not correlated with a parameter group, "none" should be specified.

Card Type BV
Description Defines input values required for a boundary condition.
Required NO
Format BV name default min max
BV  "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
BV  "Water temperature (F)" 65 32.5 100
BV  "Flow rate(cfs)" 0 0 1.79769e+308
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Name of value to be specified.
2 default real number Default value.
3 min real number Minimum allowed value.
4 max real number Maximum allowed value.

Card Type BCDISP
Description Defines boundary condition display options and boundary condition label options.
Required NO
Format BCDISP entity_ID ID size style red green blue display_on

BCDISP 1 1 5 0 255 0 0 1

Field Variable Value Description
1 entity_ID integer
  • 0 = node
  • 1 = nodestring
  • 2 = element
2 ID + integer Boundary condition id (sequentially numbered, starting at 1 for each entity type).
3 size integer
  • 1 - 63, Size of boundary condition node symbols.
  • 1 - 50, Size of boundary condition element or nodestring symbols.
4 style integer

Style for boundary condition symbols.

  • For nodes
    • 1 = Filled square
    • 2 = Hollow square
    • 3 = Filled circle
    • 4 = Hollow circle
    • 5 = Filled triangle
    • 6 = Hollow triangle
    • 7 = Filled diamond
    • 8 = Hollow diamond
    • 9 = Cross
    • 10 = X
    • 11 = Survey marker
  • For elements or nodestrings:
    • 0 = solid line
    • 1 = dashed line
5 red integer 0 - 255, Red component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition color.
6 green integer 0 - 255, Green component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition color.
7 blue integer 0 - 255, Blue component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition color.
8 display_on boolean
  • 0 = Do not display boundary condition labels.
  • 1 = Display boundary condition labels.

Material Properties Cards

Card Type MD
Description Defines material properties.
Required NO
Format MD num_props name1 name2 name3 ... namenum_props
Sample MD 2 "Manning" "Kinematic eddy viscosity"
Field Variable Value Description
1 num_props + integer The number of material properties to be defined. One MV card is required for each material property. MV cards must follow the MD card.
2 - num_props namex string The name of material property "x". One entry for each material property. Names are required to be unique.

Card Type MV
Description Defines material properties. Should follow the MD card.
Required NO
Format MV name default min max
Sample MV "Manning" 0.035 0.01 0.18
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Material property name.
2 default real number Default value for material property.
3 min real number Minimum allowed value for material property.
4 max real number Maximum allowed value for material property.

Obsolete Cards

The following cards are no longer used in SMS.

Card Type NUME
Description Defines the number of entities (nodes, nodestrings, elements, etc.) to which boundary conditions may be assigned.
Required NO
Format NUME num
Sample NUME 3
Field Variable Value Description
1 id + integer The number of entities to which boundary conditions may be assigned.

Boundary Condition Assignment Cards

The following cards are used to assign values to the boundary conditions defined in using Boundary Condition Definition Cards:

Card Type BEG2DMBC
Description Identifies the beginning of the boundary condition assignment section of the 2D Mesh File.
Required Required if boundary conditions are assigned.

Card Type END2DMBC
Description Identifies the end of the boundary condition assingment section of the 2D Mesh File.
Required Required if boundary conditions are assigned

Material Properties Assignment Cards

Card Type MAT
Description Defines the assigned material properties.
Required NO
Format MAT mat_ID val1 val2 ... valnum_props mat_name
Sample MAT 1 0.03 20
Field Variable Value Description
1 mat_ID + integer Material id (sequentially numbered, starting at 1). The disabled material is always id 0 and does not need to be specified in the 2dm file.
2 - num_props valx real number The value of the material parameter.
num_props + 1 mat_name string The name of the material.

Global Parameter Assignment Cards

Card Type GG
Description Defines the parameter group name.
Required NO
Format GG name
Sample GG "Hydrodynamic"
Field Variable Value Description
1 name string Parameter group name.
Note: Multiple GP cards can be used after a GG card.

Card Type GP
Description Defines the value for a global parameter in this simulation.
Required NO
Format GP param_name val
Sample GP "Time interval" 20
Field Variable Value Description
1 param_name string Parameter name.
2 val Based on parameter type. See PD card description. Parameter value.
Note: Multiple GP cards can be used after a GG card.

Boundary Condition Assignment Cards

Card Type BCE
Description Defines the boundary condition assigned to a element.
Required NO
Format BCE element_ID bc_ID val1 val2 ... valnum_vals
Sample BCE 2 2 300
Field Variable Value Description
1 nodestring_ID + integer Element id.
2 bc_ID integer Boundary condition id.
3 - num_vals valx real number Boundary condition value.

Card Type BCN
Description Defines the boundary condition assigned to a node.
Required NO
Format BCN node_ID bc_ID val1 val2 ... valnum_vals
Sample BCN 772 3
Field Variable Value Description
1 node_ID + integer Node id.
2 bc_ID integer Boundary condition id.
3 - num_vals valx real number Boundary condition value.

Card Type BCS
Description Defines the boundary condition assigned to a nodestring.
Required NO
Format BCS nodestring_ID bc_ID val1 val2 ... valnum_vals
Sample BCS 2 2 300
Field Variable Value Description
1 nodestring_ID + integer Nodestring id.
2 bc_ID integer Boundary condition id.
3 - num_vals valx real number Boundary condition value.

Card Type TIME
Description Used to define transient boundary condition values.
Required TIME
Format TIME val
Sample TIME 20
Field Variable Value Description
1 val real number Defines time at which the boundary conditions are to be applied.
Note: Transient boundary condition values are defined using multiple TIME and BCE, BCN, or BCS cards.

Time Series Data Cards

Card Type BEGCURVE Version: version
Description Identifies the beginning of the time series data section of the 2D Mesh File.
Required NO
Sample BCE 2 2 300
Field Variable Value Description
1 version + integer Used to version file format for the curve portion of the file.
Note: Version 1 writes the time series data using the XY Series File, XYS Format within the 2D Mesh File. See XY Series Files (*.xys) for a description of the cards used to define the time series data.

Description Identifies the end of the time series data section of the 2D Mesh File.
Required NO

Sample File 1

BEGCURVE Version: 1
XYS 1 29 "new_series"
0.0 3000.0
1.5 3000.0
2.5 3050.0
3.0 3150.0
3.5 3300.0
4.0 3500.0
4.5 3700.0
5.0 3950.0
5.5 4150.0
6.0 4350.0
6.5 4550.0
7.0 4700.0
7.45 4825.0
8.0 4925.0
8.5 4975.0
9.0 5000.0
9.5 4975.0
10.0 4800.0
10.5 4500.0
11.0 4250.0
11.5 4000.0
12.0 3750.0
13.0 3500.0
14.0 3350.0
15.5 3200.0
17.5 3100.0
19.5 3050.0
22.0 3000.0
25.0 3000.0
XYS 3 29 "new_series"
0.0 3000.0
1.5 3000.0
2.5 3050.0
3.0 3150.0
3.5 3300.0
4.0 3500.0
4.5 3700.0
5.0 3950.0
5.5 4150.0
6.0 4350.0
6.5 4550.0
7.0 4700.0
7.45 4825.0
8.0 4925.0
8.5 4975.0
9.0 5000.0
9.5 4975.0
10.0 4800.0
10.5 4500.0
11.0 4250.0
11.5 4000.0
12.0 3750.0
13.0 3500.0
14.0 3350.0
15.5 3200.0
17.5 3100.0
19.5 3050.0
22.0 3000.0
25.0 3000.0
XYS 5 29 "new_series"
0.0 3000.0
1.5 3000.0
2.5 3050.0
3.0 3150.0
3.5 3300.0
4.0 3500.0
4.5 3700.0
5.0 3950.0
5.5 4150.0
6.0 4350.0
6.5 4550.0
7.0 4700.0
7.45 4825.0
8.0 4925.0
8.5 4975.0
9.0 5000.0
9.5 4975.0
10.0 4800.0
10.5 4500.0
11.0 4250.0
11.5 4000.0
12.0 3750.0
13.0 3500.0
14.0 3350.0
15.5 3200.0
17.5 3100.0
19.5 3050.0
22.0 3000.0
25.0 3000.0
XYS 7 29 "new_series"
0.0 3000.0
1.5 3000.0
2.5 3050.0
3.0 3150.0
3.5 3300.0
4.0 3500.0
4.5 3700.0
5.0 3950.0
5.5 4150.0
6.0 4350.0
6.5 4550.0
7.0 4700.0
7.45 4825.0
8.0 4925.0
8.5 4975.0
9.0 5000.0
9.5 4975.0
10.0 4800.0
10.5 4500.0
11.0 4250.0
11.5 4000.0
12.0 3750.0
13.0 3500.0
14.0 3350.0
15.5 3200.0
17.5 3100.0
19.5 3050.0
22.0 3000.0
25.0 3000.0
XYS 9 29 "new_series"
0.0 3000.0
1.5 3000.0
2.5 3050.0
3.0 3150.0
3.5 3300.0
4.0 3500.0
4.5 3700.0
5.0 3950.0
5.5 4150.0
6.0 4350.0
6.5 4550.0
7.0 4700.0
7.45 4825.0
8.0 4925.0
8.5 4975.0
9.0 5000.0
9.5 4975.0
10.0 4800.0
10.5 4500.0
11.0 4250.0
11.5 4000.0
12.0 3750.0
13.0 3500.0
14.0 3350.0
15.5 3200.0
17.5 3100.0
19.5 3050.0
22.0 3000.0
25.0 3000.0
XYS 11 29 "new_series"
0.0 3000.0
1.5 3000.0
2.5 3050.0
3.0 3150.0
3.5 3300.0
4.0 3500.0
4.5 3700.0
5.0 3950.0
5.5 4150.0
6.0 4350.0
6.5 4550.0
7.0 4700.0
7.45 4825.0
8.0 4925.0
8.5 4975.0
9.0 5000.0
9.5 4975.0
10.0 4800.0
10.5 4500.0
11.0 4250.0
11.5 4000.0
12.0 3750.0
13.0 3500.0
14.0 3350.0
15.5 3200.0
17.5 3100.0
19.5 3050.0
22.0 3000.0
25.0 3000.0
XYS 13 8 "new_series"
0.0 237.35
24.0 137.9
48.0 1347.4
72.0 351.05
96.0 1465.25
120.0 1247.1
144.0 847.35
168.0 731.75
XYS 14 8 "Curve"
0.0 1600.7
24.0 700.85
48.0 1353.7
72.0 712.25
96.0 866.6
120.0 1626.35
144.0 567.6
168.0 980.55
XYS 15 8 "Curve"
0.0 1240.7
24.0 772.25
48.0 741.3
72.0 908.45
96.0 599.45
120.0 522.8
144.0 946.8
168.0 170.4
XYS 16 8 "Curve"
0.0 1252.55
24.0 1467.95
48.0 876.25
72.0 250.2
96.0 479.95
120.0 981.65
144.0 1432.4
168.0 1382.8
XYS 17 8 "Curve"
0.0 1507.65
24.0 202.6
48.0 905.3
72.0 1051.45
96.0 434.95
120.0 267.5
144.0 547.95
168.0 349.2

Sample File 2

Sample files are available in the SMS tutorials in the Generic Mesh Model tutorial under the models section.

E3T      1      4      1      3      2
E3T      2      2      5      6      2
E4Q      3      7      8      5      2      2
E4Q   1543    205   1226   1225   1221      2
E4Q   1544    191   1222   1226    189      1
E3T   1545    205    189   1226      2
ND      1 -7.62907961e+001 4.00243909e+001 8.41808447e+001
ND      2 -7.62907174e+001 4.00219296e+001 8.36614138e+001
ND      3 -7.62907700e+001 4.00238340e+001 7.32122342e+001
ND   1222 -7.62811008e+001 4.00272795e+001 7.28898113e+001
ND   1225 -7.62814608e+001 4.00273631e+001 7.29479847e+001
ND   1226 -7.62812859e+001 4.00271526e+001 7.41231480e+001
NS       1      3     10     15      6     -2
NS     126    127    128    129    173   -194
NS    1006    988    987    989    968    948    931    930    929    906
NS    -904
NS     720    701    699    686    680    664    649    648    647    640
NS    -621
GM  "Gen2DM"
SI  0
DY  1
TU  "minutes"
TD  20  1000
KEY  "sms-gen2dm"
PG  "Hydrodynamic" 1
PD  "Time interval" 1 20 0 2147483647
PD  "Velocity max (ft/sec)" 2 75 0 100
PD  "H min" 2 0.25 0 1.79769e+308
PD  "A min" 2 1 1e-015 1.79769e+308
PD  "Check for dry elements" 0 1
PD  "Element style" 3 "quadratic"
PD  "Critical scour velocity" 4 "2.0 ft/sec"
PO  "0.8 ft/sec" "2.0 ft/sec" "2.6 ft/sec"
PG  "Sediment transport" 0
PD  "Time interval" 1 10 0 2147483647
PD  "Source X postion" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
PD  "Source Y position" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
PD  "Source elevation" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
PD  "Parcel mass (slug)" 2 0.5 0.0001 1.79769e+308
PD  "Particle mass (slug)" 2 0.003 0.0001 1.79769e+308
PD  "Particle size (in)" 2 0.05 0 1.79769e+308
PD  "Deviation" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
PD  "Average density (slug/ft^3)" 2 3 1.5 6
BEDISP  0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 255 128 255 1
BD  0 "Water sink/source" 2 3 "Flow rate (cfs)" "Water temperature (F)" "Flow rate(cfs)" 1 "(none)"
BV  "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
BV  "Water temperature (F)" 65 32.5 100
BV  "Flow rate(cfs)" 0 0 1.79769e+308
BCDISP  0 2 10 1 0 255 255 1
BD  0 "Ceiling (pressure flow)" 1 1 "Ceiling (ft above sea level)" 0 "(none)"
BV  "Ceiling (ft above sea level)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
BCDISP  0 1 3 1 128 128 255 1
BD  0 "Water surface observation gauge" 3 0 1 "(none)"
BCDISP  0 3 3 1 255 128 128 1
BEDISP  1 0 0 255 1 1 1 0 255 128 0 1
BD  1 "Water surface" 1 3 "Elevation" "Essential/Natural factor" "Vary along nodestring factor" 0 "(none)"
BV  "Elevation" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
BV  "Essential/Natural factor" 0 0 1
BV  "Vary along nodestring factor" 1 0 10
BCDISP  1 1 5 0 255 0 0 1
BD  1 "Flow" 2 1 "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 "(none)"
BV  "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 0 1.79769e+308
BCDISP  1 2 5 0 128 255 0 1
BD  1 "Supercritical" 3 0 0 "(none)"
BCDISP  1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1
BD  1 "1D weir segment" 4 4 "Discharge coefficient" "Weir width (ft)" "Crest level (m above sea level)" "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 1 "(none)"
BV  "Discharge coefficient" 1 0 1.79769e+308
BV  "Weir width (ft)" 1 0 1.79769e+308
BV  "Crest level (m above sea level)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
BV  "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 0 0 1
BCDISP  1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0
BD  1 "Sediment trap" 5 0 1 "Sediment transport"
BCDISP  1 5 1 0 0 0 0 1
BEDISP  2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
BD  2 "2D weir" 1 3 "Discharge coefficient" "Crest level (ft above sea level)" "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 1 "(none)"
BV  "Discharge coefficient" 1 0 1.79769e+308
BV  "Crest level (ft above sea level)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
BV  "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 0 0 1
BCDISP  2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
MD  2 "Manning" "Kinematic eddy viscosity"
MV  "Manning" 0.035 0.01 0.18
MV  "Kinematic eddy viscosity" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308
MAT  1 0.03 20
MAT  2 0.045 20
GG "Hydrodynamic"
GP "Time interval" 20
GP "Velocity max (ft/sec)" 75
GP "H min" 0.25
GP "A min" 1
GP "Check for dry elements" 1
GP "Element style" "quadratic"
GP "Critical scour velocity" "2.0 ft/sec"
GG "Sediment transport"
GP "Time interval" 10
GP "Source X postion" 0
GP "Source Y position" 0
GP "Source elevation" 0
GP "Parcel mass (slug)" 0.5
GP "Particle mass (slug)" 0.003
GP "Particle size (in)" 0.05
GP "Deviation" 0
GP "Average density (slug/ft^3)" 3
BCN  772 3
BCN  774 3
BCN  776 3
BCS  4 5
BCS  1 1 80 0 1
BCE  1293 1 1 0 0
BCS  2 2 380
BCS  2 2 400
BCS  2 2 380
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 100
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 120
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 140
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 160
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 180
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 200
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 220
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 240
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 260
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 280
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 300
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 320
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 340
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 360
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 380
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 400
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 420
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 440
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 460
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 480
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 500
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 520
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 540
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 560
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 580
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 600
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 620
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 640
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 660
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 680
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 700
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 720
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 740
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 760
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 780
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 800
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 820
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 840
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 860
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 880
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 900
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 920
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 940
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 960
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 980
BCS  2 2 300
TIME 1000
BCS  2 2 300

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