SMS:2D Mesh Files *.2dm
A finite element mesh can be saved in a generic format defined by SMS, called the 2dm format. In addition, the Generic Model interface in the Mesh module uses this format to save a template definition, in addition to model parameter, material property, and boundary condition assignments for a specific simulation. When a *.2dm file is opened, the current numerical model changes to the Generic Model interface. To save a numerical model definition as a template file, first set up the template and save a *.2dm file before any nodes are created.
Mesh Cards
Card Type | MESH2D |
Description | Identifies the file as a 2d mesh file. Must be the first line of the file. |
Required | YES |
Description | Defines number of materials per element | ||
Required | YES | ||
Format | MATERIALS Quantity | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | Quantity | + integer | Number of materials |
Card Type | ND | ||
Description | Defines the ID and location for each node of the mesh. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | ND id x y z | ||
Sample | ND 1 7.75e+005 1.10e+005 5.00e-001 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the node. |
2–4 | x,y,z | ± real number | The x, y, and z coordinates of the point. |
Note: The xyz positions are positive/negative one digit with eight decimal places followed by “e” (times ten to the…) positive/negative power real numbers. |
Linear Elements
Card Type | E2L | ||
Description | Identifies a 2-noded linear element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E2L id n1 n2 matid | ||
Sample | E2L 1 1 2 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–3 | n1 - n2 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
4 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
Card Type | E3L | ||
Description | Identifies a 3-noded linear element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E3L id n1 n2 n3 matid | ||
Sample | E3L 1 1 2 3 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–4 | n1 - n3 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
5 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
Triangular Elements
Card Type | E3T | ||
Description | Identifies a 3-noded triangular element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E3T id n1 n2 n3 matid | ||
Sample | E3T 1 1 2 3 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–4 | n1 - n3 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
5 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
Card Type | E6T | ||
Description | Identifies a 6-noded triangular element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E6T id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 matid | ||
Sample | E6T 1 1 2 3 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–7 | n1 - n6 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
8 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
- Note: The E3T, E4Q, E6T, E8Q and E9Q cards may be intermixed in the written order. The mesh is written by starting with one element and listing neighboring elements. The node IDs for these cards are in counterclockwise order around the element (ending with the centroid node for EQ9s). Each card will be written only if an element of the type is present in the mesh.
Quadrilateral Elements
Card Type | E4Q | ||
Description | Identifies a 4-noded quadrilateral element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E4Q id n1 n2 n3 n4 matid | ||
Sample | E4Q 1 1 2 3 4 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–5 | n1 - n4 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
6 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
Card Type | E8Q | ||
Description | Identifies an 8-noded quadrilateral element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E8Q id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 matid | ||
Sample | E8Q 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–9 | n1 - n8 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
10 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
Card Type | E9Q | ||
Description | Identifies an 9-noded quadrilateral element. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | E9Q id n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 matid | ||
Sample | E9Q 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | + integer | The ID of the element. |
2–10 | n1 - n9 | + integer | The ID's of nodes in the element. |
11 | matid | + integer | The ID of the material assigned to the element. |
- Note: The E3T, E4Q, E6T, E8Q and E9Q cards may be intermixed in the written order. The mesh is written by starting with one element and listing neighboring elements. The node IDs for these cards are in counterclockwise order around the element (ending with the centroid node for EQ9s). Each card will be written only if an element of the type is present in the mesh.
Card Type | NS | |||
Description | Identifies a nodestring. | |||
Required | NO | |||
Format | NS n1 n2 n3 ... - nn (number of nodes in nodestring) | |||
Sample |
| |||
Field | Variable | Value | Description | |
n1 - nn (number of nodes in nodestring) | nx | + integer | The ID's of the nodes in the nodestring. The last node id is written as a negative number, thus signaling the nodestring's end. Multiple NS cards can be used on consecutive lines for a single nodestring. |
- Note: The nodestring tail is denoted by a negative sign in front of the tail node ID. A nodestring may consist of more than ten nodes which constitute a file line, consequently a nodestring may extend multiple NS cards. Each sequential line should be read until the negative tail node ID is found, ending the nodestring definition. If no nodestrings are present in the mesh, this card will not be written.
- Note: Node IDs for all cards above are limited to six digits (i.e. 999999 maximum).
Model Parameter Definition Cards
The model control parameters, boundary conditions and material options available for a specific model are defined in the generic model parameter definition section of the 2D mesh file. The generic model parameter definition section is begun by specifying the BEGPARAMDEF card and ended with the ENDPARAMDEF card.
Starting with SMS version 11.0, all of the parameter cards follow a similar pattern and the available options for several of the types of parameters were increased. The pattern is similar for global parameters, GP, boundary conditions BC, and materials MAT. More information can be found in each individual card.
Global Parameters | Boundary Conditions | Materials | Description |
GP | BC | MAT | Name,Id |
GP_DEF | BC_DEF | MAT_DEF | definitions |
GP_OPTS | BC_OPTS | MAT_OPTS | options |
GP_VAL | BC_VAL | MAT_VAL | values |
(parent, so it has no dependencies) | BC_DEP | MAT_DEP | dependencies |
Card Type | BEGPARAMDEF | ||
Description | Identifies the beginning of the model parameter definition section of the 2D mesh file. | ||
Required | Required if model parameters are to be defined. |
Card Type | ENDPARAMDEF | ||
Description | Identifies the end of the model parameter definition section of the 2D mesh file. | ||
Required | Required if model parameters are to be defined. |
Global Parameters
Card Type | GM | ||
Description | Identifies the model name. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | GM name | ||
Sample | GM "Gen2DM" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | name | string | Model name. |
Note: Text is always delimited by quotation marks. |
Card Type | SI | ||
Description | Identifies the model units. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | SI val | ||
Sample | SI 0 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | val | boolean |
Card Type | DY | ||
Description | Identifies whether the model is dynamic or steady state. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | DY val | ||
Sample | DY 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | val | boolean |
Card Type | TU | ||
Description | Identifies the model time units. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | TU val | ||
Sample | TU seconds | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | val | string | A string value describing the model units (days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc.). |
Card Type | TD | ||
Description | Identifies the model time step and total simulation time. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | TD time_step total_time | ||
Sample | TD 20 1000 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | time_step | + real number | Time step (for dynamic simulations). |
1 | total_time | + real number | Total simulation run time (for dynamic simulations). |
Note: TD data is written as an integer when possible or written as a real number if decimal places are not all zeroes. |
Card Type | KEY | ||
Description | Identifies the key to unlock and edit the model definition inside of the SMS interface. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | KEY key | ||
Sample | KEY "sms-gen2dm" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | key | string | Case sensitive key to unlock and edit the model definition. |
Card Type |
| ||
Description | How a specific display option... colors, line thickness, etc.
| ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | DISP_OPTS EntityId Red Green Blue Display Pattern Width Style | ||
Sample | DISP_OPTS entity 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 | ||
Sample | DISP_OPTS multiple 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | EnitityId | integer (0–2)
id of the group it belongs to. |
2 | Red | integer (0–255) | red pixels |
3 | Green | integer (0–255) | green pixels |
4 | Blue | integer (0–255) | blue pixels |
5 | Display | boolean (0,1) | turned on = 1, turned off = 0 |
6 | Pattern | integer | display pattern |
7 | Width | integer | width |
8 | Style | integer | style pattern |
Global Parameter Assignment Cards
Card Type | GP | ||
Description | Defines a global parameter group | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | GP Id Name Active | ||
Sample | GP 1 "Hydro" 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | id | ||
id | |||
2 | name | string | name |
3 | active | boolean |
Card Type | GP_DEF | ||
Description | Global Parameter Defaults | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | The format will depend up the type (field 4). Fields 5, 6, and 7 will be impacted by the choice of field 4. Note that the min and max information is only applicable to integer and double types.
bool, integer, double, text, or options : GP_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type Default Min Max curve: GP_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type x_axis_title y_axis_title Float/Curve: GP_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type Float_Default Float_Min Float_Max DefaultFloatOrCurve x_axis_title y_axis_titleGP param_name val | ||
Sample | Values depend upon type (see format).
bool, integer, double, text or options : GP_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 1 0 0 10 curve: GP_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 5 "x-axis" "y-axis" Float/Curve: GP_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 6 0.2 0.0 1.0 CURVE "x-axis" "y-axis" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | group Id | + integer | id of the global parameter group that it belongs to |
2 | param Id | string | its id |
3 | name | string | its name |
4 | type | int | 0-Bool, 1-Integer, 2-Double, 3-Text, 4-Options, 5-Curve, 6-Float/Curve |
5 |
6 |
7 | max | type specific (max) | max value |
(only float/curve) |
DefaultFloatOrCurve | string either
The default version float or integer that is seen |
(only float/curve) |
x_axis_title | string | x-axis title when bringing up curve editor |
(only float/curve) |
y_axis_title | string | y-axis title when bringing up curve editor |
Note: The GP_OPTS card is only written when the previous GP_DEF card has a parameter type of four. The default value of the option parameter should be one of the options list in the GP_OPTS card line.
Note: Maximum/minimum integer values of 2147483648 and -2147483647 are understood as no bounds. The integer limits are characterized by four bytes. Maximum/minimum real number values of 1.79769e+308 and -1.79769e+308 are understood as no bounds. The real number limits are characterized by eight bytes. |
Card Type | GP_VAL | ||
Description | Global parameters values | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | GP_VAL GroupId ParamId (CURVE or FLOAT only if type is float/curve) Value | ||
Sample | GP_VAL 1 1 30.23 | ||
Sample | GP_VAL 1 2 "Manning" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | Group Id | + integer | id of the global parameter group that it belongs to |
2 | Param Id | + integer | its id |
3 | Value | varies depending on type | value |
Card Type | GP_DEP | ||
Description | Global Parameters dependencies | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | GP_DEP GroupId ParamId Type Parent ParentActive Opts OptsValue | ||
Sample | GP_DEP 1 7 "PARENT_SELF" "Friction type" 0 "Manning" 0 "Chezy" 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | Group Id | + integer | id of the global parameter group that it belongs to |
2 | Param Id | + integer | its id |
3 | Type | string valid values are:
4 | Parent | + integer | parent name |
5 | Parent Active | boolean |
6 | Opts | string | name of the option |
7 | OptsValue | boolean | whether this option is turned on/off |
Boundary Condition Definition Cards
Card Type | BCPGC | ||
Description | Defines whether or not to allow boundary condition / parameter group correlation. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BCPGC val | ||
Sample | BCPGC 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | val | boolean |
Card Type | BEDISP | ||
Description | Defines inactive boundary condition display options and boundary condition label options. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BEDISP entity_ID font_red font_green font_blue label_on label_vals_on inactive_size inactive_style inactive_red inactive_green inactive_blue inactive_on | ||
Sample |
BEDISP 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 255 128 255 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | entity_ID | integer |
2 | font_red | integer | 0–255, Red component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition font color. |
3 | font_green | integer | 0–255, Green component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition font color. |
4 | font_blue | integer | 0–255, Blue component of RGB triplet defining boundary condition font color. |
5 | label_on | boolean |
6 | label_vals_on | boolean |
7 | inactive_size | integer |
8 | inactive_style | integer |
9 | inactive_red | integer | 0–255, Red component of RGB triplet defining inactive boundary condition font color. |
10 | inactive_green | integer | 0–255, Green component of RGB triplet defining inactive boundary condition font color. |
11 | inactive_blue | integer | 0–255, Blue component of RGB triplet defining inactive boundary condition font color. |
12 | inactive_on | boolean |
Card Type | BEFONT | Single integer method. | |
Description | Defines boundary condition label font attributes. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BEFONT entity_id font_size | ||
Sample | BEFONT 1 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | entity_ID | integer |
2 | font_size | integer |
Note: The font information may be represented by a single integer or represented by multiple integers and a font name.
Note: The BEDISP and BEFONT cards are written before the entity’s boundary condition and values (if any) are written. The next instance of these cards will begin the next entity. The entity type ID equals zero for node, one for nodestring and two for element. |
Card Type | BEFONT | Multiple value method. | |
Description | Defines boundary condition label font attributes. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BEFONT entity_id height width escapement orientation weight italic underline strikeout charSet precision clipPrecision quality pitchAndFamily faceName | ||
Sample | BEFONT 1 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | entity_ID | integer |
2 | height | integer | Font height. |
3 | width | integer | Font width. |
4 | escapement | integer | Font escapement. |
5 | orientation | integer | Font orientation. |
6 | weight | integer | Font weight. |
7 | italic | integer | Font italic. |
8 | underline | integer | Font underline. |
9 | strikeout | integer | Font strikeout. |
10 | charSet | integer | Font character set. |
11 | precision | integer | Font precision. |
12 | clipPrecision | integer | Font clip precision. |
13 | quality | integer | Font quality. |
14 | pitchAndFamily | integer | Font pitch and family. |
15 | faceName | string | Font face name. |
Note: The font information may be represented by a single integer or represented by multiple integers and a font name.
Note: The BEDISP and BEFONT cards are written before the entity’s boundary condition and values (if any) are written. The next instance of these cards will begin the next entity. The entity type ID equals zero for node, one for nodestring and two for element. |
Card Type | BC_DISP_OPTS | ||
Description | Boundary condition display options (how the boundary conditions are going to be displayed) | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BC_DISP_OPTS GroupId Red Green Blue Display Pattern Width Style | ||
Sample | BC_DISP_OPTS 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | Group Id | integer |
2 | Red | integer (0–255) | red pixels |
3 | Green | integer (0–255) | green pixels |
4 | Blue | integer (0–255) | blue pixels |
5 | Display | boolean (0,1) | turned on = 1, turned off = 0 |
6 | Pattern | integer | displayed pattern |
7 | Width | integer | width |
8 | Style | integer | style pattern |
Card Type | BEG2DMBC | ||
Description | Identifies the beginning of the boundary condition assignment section of the 2D mesh file. | ||
Required | Required if boundary conditions are assigned. |
Card Type | END2DMBC | ||
Description | Identifies the end of the boundary condition assignment section of the 2D mesh file. | ||
Required | Required if boundary conditions are assigned. |
Boundary Condition Assignment Cards
The following cards are used to assign values to the boundary conditions defined in using Boundary Condition Definition Cards:
Card Type | BC | ||
Description | Defines input values required for a boundary condition. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BC EntityId Name Id 0 LegalOnInterior ParamGroupCorrelation | ||
Sample |
| ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | entity id | integer | Entity id that the bc belongs to (NODE = 0, NDSTR =1, ELEM = 2 |
2 | name | string | Name of value to be specified. |
3 | id | integer | The boundary conditions id. |
4 | filler | 0 | Always 0 |
5 | legalOnInterior | boolean |
6 | paramGroupCorrelation | string | Name of the parameter group (defined using the GP card) with which the boundary condition is correlated. If the boundary condition is not correlated with a parameter group, "none" should be specified. |
Card Type | BC_DEF | ||
Description | Boundary Condition Parameter Defaults | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | The format will depend up the type (field 4). Fields 5, 6, and 7 will be impacted by the choice of field 4. Note that the min and max information is only applicable to integer and double types.
bool, integer, double, text, or options : BC_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type Default Min Max curve: BC_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type x_axis_title y_axis_title Float/Curve: BC_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type Float_Default Float_Min Float_Max DefaultFloatOrCurve x_axis_title y_axis_title | ||
Sample |
Values depend upon type (see format). bool, integer, double, text or options : BC_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 1 0 0 10 curve: BC_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 5 "x-axis" "y-axis" Float/Curve: BC_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 6 0.2 0.0 1.0 CURVE "x-axis" "y-axis" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | group Id | + integer | id of the boundary condition group that it belongs to |
2 | param Id | string | its id |
3 | name | string | its name |
4 | type | int | 0-Bool, 1-Integer, 2-Double, 3-Text, 4-Options, 5-Curve, 6-Float/Curve |
5 | default or
type specific
default value
6 | min or
type specific (min)
minimum value
7 | max | type specific (max) | max value |
8 (only float/curve) | DefaultFloatOrCurve | string either
The default version float or integer that is seen |
9 (only float/curve | x_axis_title | string | x-axis title when bringing up curve editor |
10 (only float/curve) | y_axis_title | string | y-axis title when bringing up curve editor |
Card Type | BC_OPTS | ||
Description | Boundary Condition options | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BC_OPTS GroupId, ParamId, Values | ||
Sample | BC_OPTS 1 5 "a" "b" "c" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | group Id | + integer | id of the boundary condition group that it belongs to |
2 | param Id | string | its id |
3 | values | string |
Card Type | BC_VAL | ||
Description | Boundary condition values | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BC_VAL N, E, S (Node, Elem or nodeString) Node or Elem Id, GroupId, ParamId, (CURVE or FLOAT only if type is float/curve) Value | ||
Sample | BC_VAL S 1 1 2 2 | ||
Sample | BC_VAL S 1 1 2 CURVE 2 | ||
Sample | BC_VAL S 1 1 2 FLOAT 7.675 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | N, E or S | + integer | Node, Elem or Nodestring |
2 | Node, Elem, or Nodestring Id | + integer | id of the node/element |
3 | group Id | + integer | id of the group it belongs to |
4 | param Id | + integer | id of the parameter it belongs to |
5 | value | varies depending on type | value |
Note: These cards are only written if the data that exists is different than the default data. |
Card Type | BC_DEP | ||
Description | Boundary condition dependencies | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BC_DEP GroupId ParamId Type Parent ParentActive Opts OptsValue | ||
Sample | BC_DEP 1 7 "PARENT_SELF" "Friction type" 0 "Manning" 0 "Chezy" 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | Group Id | + integer | id of the global parameter group that it belongs to |
2 | Param Id | + integer | its id |
3 | Type | string valid values are:
4 | Parent | + integer | parent name |
5 | Parent Active | boolean |
6 | Opts | string | name of the option |
7 | OptsValue | boolean | whether this option is turned on/off |
Material Properties Cards
Card Type | MAT_MULTI | ||
Description | Is Material Assignment Multiple | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | MAT_MULTI Assigned | ||
Sample | MAT_MULTI 1 | ||
Sample | MAT_MULTI 0 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | assigned | boolean | 0 - Single, 1 - Multiple |
Card Type | MAT_PARAMS | ||
Description | Material Parameters Assigned | ||
Required | NOT NEEDED IF MAT_MULTI 0 | ||
Format | MAT_PARAMS MaterialId, GroupId (1 or More) | ||
Sample | MAT_PARAMS 1 2 3 5 | ||
Sample | MAT_PARAMS 1 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | Material Id | + integer | id of the material |
2 | Group id | + integer | id of the assigned group |
Material Properties Assignment Cards
Card Type | MAT | ||
Description | Defines the assigned material properties. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | MAT ID "name" | ||
Sample | MAT 1 "Clay" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | mat_ID | + integer | Material id (sequentially numbered, starting at 1). The disabled material is always id 0 and does not need to be specified in the 2DM file. |
2 | name | string | The name of the material. Should be unique. |
Card Type | MAT_DEF | ||
Description | Material Parameters defaults | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | The format will depend up the type (field 4). Fields 5, 6, and 7 will be impacted by the choice of field 4. Note that the min and max information is only applicable to integer and double types.
bool, integer, double, text, or options : MAT_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type Default Min Max curve: MAT_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type x_axis_title y_axis_title Float/Curve: MAT_DEF GroupId ParamId Name Type Float_Default Float_Min Float_Max DefaultFloatOrCurve x_axis_title y_axis_title | ||
Sample | Values depend upon type (see format).
bool, integer, double, text or options : MAT_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 1 0 0 10 curve: MAT_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 5 "x-axis" "y-axis" Float/Curve: MAT_DEF 1 1 "manning n" 6 0.2 0.0 1.0 CURVE "x-axis" "y-axis" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | group id | + integer | id of the material group that it belongs to. |
2 | param id | string | its id |
3 | name | string | its name |
4 | type | int | 0-Bool, 1-Integer, 2-Double, 3-Text, 4-Options, 5-Curve, 6-Float/Curve |
5 | default or
type specific
default value
6 | min or
type specific (min)
minimum value
7 | max | type specific (max) | max value |
(only float/curve) |
DefaultFloatOrCurve | string either
The default version float or integer that is seen |
(only float/curve) |
x_axis_title | string | x-axis title when bringing up curve editor |
(only float/curve) |
y_axis_title | string | y-axis title when bringing up curve editor |
Card Type | MAT_OPTS | ||
Description | Material options | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | MAT_OPTS GroupId, ParamId, Values | ||
Sample | MAT_OPTS 1 5 "a" "b" "c" | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | group id | + integer | id of the boundary condition group that it belongs to |
2 | param id | + integer | its id |
3 | values | string |
Card Type | MAT_VALS | ||
Description | Material values | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | MAT_VAL MaterialId, GroupId, ParamId, (CURVE or FLOAT only if type is float/curve) Value | ||
Sample | MAT_VAL S 1 1 2 2 | ||
Sample | MAT_VAL 2 1 8 VALUE 8.8888 | ||
Sample | MAT_VAL 2 1 8 CURVE 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | material id | + integer | id of the material |
2 | group id | + integer | id of the group it belongs to |
3 | param id | string | id of the parameter it belongs to |
4 | VALUE or CURVE | string | Only if type is float/curve |
5 | value | varies depending on type | value |
Card Type | MAT_DEP | ||
Description | Material dependencies | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | MAT_DEP GroupId ParamId Type Parent ParentActive Opts OptsValue | ||
Sample | MAT_DEP 1 7 "PARENT_SELF" "Friction type" 0 "Manning" 0 "Chezy" 1 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | GroupId | + integer | id of the global parameter group that it belongs to |
2 | ParamId | + integer | its id |
3 | Type | string valid values are:
4 | Parent | + integer | parent name |
5 | ParentActive | boolean |
6 | Opts | string | name of the option |
7 | OptsValue | boolean | whether this option is turned on/off |
Time Series Data Cards
Card Type | BEGCURVE Version: version | ||
Description | Identifies the beginning of the time series data section of the 2D mesh file. | ||
Required | NO | ||
Format | BEGCURVE | ||
Sample | BCE 2 2 300 | ||
Field | Variable | Value | Description |
1 | version | + integer | Used to version file format for the curve portion of the file. |
Note: Version 1 writes the time series data using the XY series file, XYS format within the 2D mesh file. See XY series files (*.xys) for a description of the cards used to define the time series data. |
Card Type | ENDCURVE | ||
Description | Identifies the end of the time series data section of the 2D mesh file. | ||
Required | NO |
Obsolete Cards
The following cards are no longer used in SMS:
Changes from 10.1 to 11.0
New Cards:
- GP replaces PG
- GP_DEF replaces PD
- BC replaces BD
- BC_DEF replaces BV card
- BC_OPTS replaces PO card
- BC_VAL replaces BC card
- BC_DISP_OPTS replaces bedisp
- MAT_DEF replaces MV card
- DISP_OPTS entity
- DISP_OPTS inactive
- DISP_OPTS multiple
Sample File 1
BEGCURVE Version: 1 XYS 1 29 "new_series" 0.0 3000.0 1.5 3000.0 2.5 3050.0 3.0 3150.0 3.5 3300.0 4.0 3500.0 4.5 3700.0 5.0 3950.0 5.5 4150.0 6.0 4350.0 6.5 4550.0 7.0 4700.0 7.45 4825.0 8.0 4925.0 8.5 4975.0 9.0 5000.0 9.5 4975.0 10.0 4800.0 10.5 4500.0 11.0 4250.0 11.5 4000.0 12.0 3750.0 13.0 3500.0 14.0 3350.0 15.5 3200.0 17.5 3100.0 19.5 3050.0 22.0 3000.0 25.0 3000.0 XYS 3 29 "new_series" 0.0 3000.0 1.5 3000.0 2.5 3050.0 3.0 3150.0 3.5 3300.0 4.0 3500.0 4.5 3700.0 5.0 3950.0 5.5 4150.0 6.0 4350.0 6.5 4550.0 7.0 4700.0 7.45 4825.0 8.0 4925.0 8.5 4975.0 9.0 5000.0 9.5 4975.0 10.0 4800.0 10.5 4500.0 11.0 4250.0 11.5 4000.0 12.0 3750.0 13.0 3500.0 14.0 3350.0 15.5 3200.0 17.5 3100.0 19.5 3050.0 22.0 3000.0 25.0 3000.0 XYS 5 29 "new_series" 0.0 3000.0 1.5 3000.0 2.5 3050.0 3.0 3150.0 3.5 3300.0 4.0 3500.0 4.5 3700.0 5.0 3950.0 5.5 4150.0 6.0 4350.0 6.5 4550.0 7.0 4700.0 7.45 4825.0 8.0 4925.0 8.5 4975.0 9.0 5000.0 9.5 4975.0 10.0 4800.0 10.5 4500.0 11.0 4250.0 11.5 4000.0 12.0 3750.0 13.0 3500.0 14.0 3350.0 15.5 3200.0 17.5 3100.0 19.5 3050.0 22.0 3000.0 25.0 3000.0 XYS 7 29 "new_series" 0.0 3000.0 1.5 3000.0 2.5 3050.0 3.0 3150.0 3.5 3300.0 4.0 3500.0 4.5 3700.0 5.0 3950.0 5.5 4150.0 6.0 4350.0 6.5 4550.0 7.0 4700.0 7.45 4825.0 8.0 4925.0 8.5 4975.0 9.0 5000.0 9.5 4975.0 10.0 4800.0 10.5 4500.0 11.0 4250.0 11.5 4000.0 12.0 3750.0 13.0 3500.0 14.0 3350.0 15.5 3200.0 17.5 3100.0 19.5 3050.0 22.0 3000.0 25.0 3000.0 XYS 9 29 "new_series" 0.0 3000.0 1.5 3000.0 2.5 3050.0 3.0 3150.0 3.5 3300.0 4.0 3500.0 4.5 3700.0 5.0 3950.0 5.5 4150.0 6.0 4350.0 6.5 4550.0 7.0 4700.0 7.45 4825.0 8.0 4925.0 8.5 4975.0 9.0 5000.0 9.5 4975.0 10.0 4800.0 10.5 4500.0 11.0 4250.0 11.5 4000.0 12.0 3750.0 13.0 3500.0 14.0 3350.0 15.5 3200.0 17.5 3100.0 19.5 3050.0 22.0 3000.0 25.0 3000.0 XYS 11 29 "new_series" 0.0 3000.0 1.5 3000.0 2.5 3050.0 3.0 3150.0 3.5 3300.0 4.0 3500.0 4.5 3700.0 5.0 3950.0 5.5 4150.0 6.0 4350.0 6.5 4550.0 7.0 4700.0 7.45 4825.0 8.0 4925.0 8.5 4975.0 9.0 5000.0 9.5 4975.0 10.0 4800.0 10.5 4500.0 11.0 4250.0 11.5 4000.0 12.0 3750.0 13.0 3500.0 14.0 3350.0 15.5 3200.0 17.5 3100.0 19.5 3050.0 22.0 3000.0 25.0 3000.0 XYS 13 8 "new_series" 0.0 237.35 24.0 137.9 48.0 1347.4 72.0 351.05 96.0 1465.25 120.0 1247.1 144.0 847.35 168.0 731.75 XYS 14 8 "Curve" 0.0 1600.7 24.0 700.85 48.0 1353.7 72.0 712.25 96.0 866.6 120.0 1626.35 144.0 567.6 168.0 980.55 XYS 15 8 "Curve" 0.0 1240.7 24.0 772.25 48.0 741.3 72.0 908.45 96.0 599.45 120.0 522.8 144.0 946.8 168.0 170.4 XYS 16 8 "Curve" 0.0 1252.55 24.0 1467.95 48.0 876.25 72.0 250.2 96.0 479.95 120.0 981.65 144.0 1432.4 168.0 1382.8 XYS 17 8 "Curve" 0.0 1507.65 24.0 202.6 48.0 905.3 72.0 1051.45 96.0 434.95 120.0 267.5 144.0 547.95 168.0 349.2 ENDCURVE
Sample File 2
Sample files are available in the SMS tutorials in the Generic Model tutorial under the models section.
MESH2D E3T 1 4 1 3 2 E3T 2 2 5 6 2 E4Q 3 7 8 5 2 2 . . . E4Q 1543 205 1226 1225 1221 2 E4Q 1544 191 1222 1226 189 1 E3T 1545 205 189 1226 2 ND 1 -7.62907961e+001 4.00243909e+001 8.41808447e+001 ND 2 -7.62907174e+001 4.00219296e+001 8.36614138e+001 ND 3 -7.62907700e+001 4.00238340e+001 7.32122342e+001 . . . ND 1222 -7.62811008e+001 4.00272795e+001 7.28898113e+001 ND 1225 -7.62814608e+001 4.00273631e+001 7.29479847e+001 ND 1226 -7.62812859e+001 4.00271526e+001 7.41231480e+001 NS 1 3 10 15 6 -2 NS 126 127 128 129 173 -194 NS 1006 988 987 989 968 948 931 930 929 906 NS -904 NS 720 701 699 686 680 664 649 648 647 640 NS -621 BEGPARAMDEF GM "Gen2DM" SI 0 DY 1 TU "minutes" TD 20 1000 KEY "sms-gen2dm" PG "Hydrodynamic" 1 PD "Time interval" 1 20 0 2147483647 PD "Velocity max (ft/sec)" 2 75 0 100 PD "H min" 2 0.25 0 1.79769e+308 PD "A min" 2 1 1e-015 1.79769e+308 PD "Check for dry elements" 0 1 PD "Element style" 3 "quadratic" PD "Critical scour velocity" 4 "2.0 ft/sec" PO "0.8 ft/sec" "2.0 ft/sec" "2.6 ft/sec" PG "Sediment transport" 0 PD "Time interval" 1 10 0 2147483647 PD "Source X postion" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 PD "Source Y position" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 PD "Source elevation" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 PD "Parcel mass (slug)" 2 0.5 0.0001 1.79769e+308 PD "Particle mass (slug)" 2 0.003 0.0001 1.79769e+308 PD "Particle size (in)" 2 0.05 0 1.79769e+308 PD "Deviation" 2 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 PD "Average density (slug/ft^3)" 2 3 1.5 6 NUME 3 BCPGC 1 BEDISP 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 255 128 255 1 BEFONT 0 1 BD 0 "Water sink/source" 2 3 "Flow rate (cfs)" "Water temperature (F)" "Flow rate(cfs)" 1 "(none)" BV "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 BV "Water temperature (F)" 65 32.5 100 BV "Flow rate(cfs)" 0 0 1.79769e+308 BCDISP 0 2 10 1 0 255 255 1 BD 0 "Ceiling (pressure flow)" 1 1 "Ceiling (ft above sea level)" 0 "(none)" BV "Ceiling (ft above sea level)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 BCDISP 0 1 3 1 128 128 255 1 BD 0 "Water surface observation gauge" 3 0 1 "(none)" BCDISP 0 3 3 1 255 128 128 1 BEDISP 1 0 0 255 1 1 1 0 255 128 0 1 BEFONT 1 1 BD 1 "Water surface" 1 3 "Elevation" "Essential/Natural factor" "Vary along nodestring factor" 0 "(none)" BV "Elevation" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 BV "Essential/Natural factor" 0 0 1 BV "Vary along nodestring factor" 1 0 10 BCDISP 1 1 5 0 255 0 0 1 BD 1 "Flow" 2 1 "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 "(none)" BV "Flow rate (cfs)" 0 0 1.79769e+308 BCDISP 1 2 5 0 128 255 0 1 BD 1 "Supercritical" 3 0 0 "(none)" BCDISP 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 BD 1 "1D weir segment" 4 4 "Discharge coefficient" "Weir width (ft)" "Crest level (m above sea level)" "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 1 "(none)" BV "Discharge coefficient" 1 0 1.79769e+308 BV "Weir width (ft)" 1 0 1.79769e+308 BV "Crest level (m above sea level)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 BV "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 0 0 1 BCDISP 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 BD 1 "Sediment trap" 5 0 1 "Sediment transport" BCDISP 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 1 BEDISP 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 BEFONT 2 1 BD 2 "2D weir" 1 3 "Discharge coefficient" "Crest level (ft above sea level)" "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 1 "(none)" BV "Discharge coefficient" 1 0 1.79769e+308 BV "Crest level (ft above sea level)" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 BV "Equation (0 = water level / 1 = energy head)" 0 0 1 BCDISP 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 MD 2 "Manning" "Kinematic eddy viscosity" MV "Manning" 0.035 0.01 0.18 MV "Kinematic eddy viscosity" 0 -1.79769e+308 1.79769e+308 ENDPARAMDEF BEG2DMBC MAT 1 0.03 20 MAT 2 0.045 20 GG "Hydrodynamic" GP "Time interval" 20 GP "Velocity max (ft/sec)" 75 GP "H min" 0.25 GP "A min" 1 GP "Check for dry elements" 1 GP "Element style" "quadratic" GP "Critical scour velocity" "2.0 ft/sec" GG "Sediment transport" GP "Time interval" 10 GP "Source X postion" 0 GP "Source Y position" 0 GP "Source elevation" 0 GP "Parcel mass (slug)" 0.5 GP "Particle mass (slug)" 0.003 GP "Particle size (in)" 0.05 GP "Deviation" 0 GP "Average density (slug/ft^3)" 3 BCN 772 3 BCN 774 3 BCN 776 3 . . . BCS 4 5 BCS 1 1 80 0 1 BCE 1293 1 1 0 0 TIME 20 BCS 2 2 380 TIME 40 BCS 2 2 400 TIME 60 BCS 2 2 380 TIME 80 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 100 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 120 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 140 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 160 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 180 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 200 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 220 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 240 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 260 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 280 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 300 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 320 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 340 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 360 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 380 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 400 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 420 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 440 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 460 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 480 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 500 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 520 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 540 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 560 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 580 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 600 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 620 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 640 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 660 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 680 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 700 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 720 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 740 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 760 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 780 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 800 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 820 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 840 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 860 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 880 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 900 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 920 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 940 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 960 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 980 BCS 2 2 300 TIME 1000 BCS 2 2 300 END2DMBC
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