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To import spectral data into SMS, do the following:

1. Open spectral data files.
  1. Use File | Open... to open files with spectral data such as STWAVE ENG files (*.eng), STWAVE nesting files (*.nst), CMS-Wave ENG files (*.eng), CMS-Wave nesting files (*.nst), BOUSS-2D directional wave spectrum files (*.dws), and coastal data information program files (*.cdip).
  2. Alternatively, drag and drop the file into the Graphics Window in SMS.
2. Create a Spectral coverage.
All spectral data needs to be a spectral coverage. Opening a file with spectral data will cause the Spectral Coverage dialog to appear where a spectral coverage can be created. If this does not appear, create a coverage with the Spectral type using the steps below:
1. Create new coverage from scratch.
  1. Select Map Data in the Project Explorer and use the New Coverage right-click command.
  2. Use the New Coverage dialog to create a new coverage by selecting the desired coverage type, and naming the coverage.
2. Create new coverage from an existing coverage.
  1. Use the Duplicate command on an existing coverage. This will copy any feature objects on the coverage.
  2. Use the Rename command to give the coverage a new name.
  3. Change the coverage type.
3. View spectral data.
  1. Double-click on a point in the spectral coverage using the Select Feature Point SMS Select Node Tool.svg tool.
  2. View spectral data in the Spectral Energy dialog.

Alternatively, spectral data can be imported to a specific location in the project.

3. Assign spectral data to location.
  1. Double-click on a point in the spectral coverage using the Select Feature Point SMS Select Node Tool.svg tool.
  2. In the Spectral Energy dialog, click the Create Grid button.
  3. Enter the Grid angle in the Spectral Grid Attributes dialog.
  4. Enter the grid properties in the Create Spectral Energy Grid dialog.
  5. In the Spectral Energy dialog, click the Spectra button.
  6. In the Generate Spectra dialog, click the Import button.