To import online data into SMS, use the following steps:
1. SMS project setup.
1. Start SMS, or clear existing projects in SMS.
- If SMS is already running, select File | Delete All.
- A new project can also be started by using CTRL + N.
2. Use the Virtual Map Locator tool.
- To access the Virtual Map Locator, use one of the following commands:
- Use the Get Online Maps command for dynamic images.
- Use the Import from Web command for static images.
- Use the following steps to import data from the Virtual Map Locator:
- Select a location.
- Use the Data Service Options dialog to select a web service or catelog.
- Save the data file and import the data into SMS.
3. Review data.
- Edit data in the GIS module.
4. Export online data.
- Save/export online images to computer.
- Convert images.