GMS:Exporting UGrids

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UGrid Module
Creating and Editing
Viewing Modes
Converting to Other Data Types
Exporting UGrids
UGrid Interpolation
Display Options
Tool Palette
Cell Properties
UGrid Commands

UGrids can be exported to a file by right-clicking on the UGrid item in the Project Explorer and selecting the Export command. The supported file formats are:

Format Description
VTK Binary XML File (*.vtu) Format
VTK ASCII XML File (*.vtu) Format
VTK ASCII Legacy File (*.vtk) Format
Grid Specification File (*.gsf) Used by PEST and mod-PATH3DU
Polygon Shapefile with MODFLOW Data (*.shp) The 2D polygons formed by the cells in plan view (elements should be prismatic).
Point Shapefile with MODFLOW Data (*.shp) The centroids of the cells.
Polygon Shapefile (*.shp) The 2D polygons formed by the cells in plan view (elements should be prismatic).
Point Shapefile (*.shp) The UGrid points.
TOUGH2 MESH File (*.*) Used by TOUGH2.