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Building a FEMWATER Model
FEMWATER Model Input
Saving a FEMWATER Simulation
FEMWATER Display Options
FEMWATER Post-Processing Viewing Options
FEMWATER Tutorials

Computed flows can be automatically summed and displayed for FEMWATER simulations. To enable this option, the Save flux file (*.flx) option must be selected in the FEMWATER Output Control dialog prior to saving the FEMWATER model. When this option is selected, FEMWATER saves a lumped nodal flow dataset file as part of the FEMWATER solution. This file is automatically read into GMS as part of the FEMWATER solution.

Once a FEMWATER flux file (*.flx) has been read into memory as part of a FEMWATER solution, the computed flux through a set of nodes can be displayed simply by selecting the nodes. The flow budget (in, out, net) for the selected nodes is displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the GMS window. The flow budget is only displayed if the active solution is a FEMWATER solution.

It should be noted that lumped nodal fluxes are only non-zero for boundary nodes where a boundary condition has been assigned.