SMS:GenCade Arc Attributes

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GenCade Arc Attributes dialog

The attributes that can be associated with for feature arcs in a GenCade coverage are specified through the GenCade Arc Attributes dialog. This dialog can be reached by selecting the arc and either right-clicking and selecting Attributes from the right-click menu or selecting Attributes command from the Feature Objects menu.

Attributes that can be specified for each arc include:

  • "Generic" – Place holder in the conceptual model. Ignored by the simulation.
  • "Initial Shoreline" – The geometry of this arc defines the starting shoreline position.
  • "Reference Line" – This type is not currently used.
  • "Regional Contour" – The geometry of this arc defines the regional geometric shape.
  • "Breakwater" – Detached structure, generally offshore. In addition to location, specify depths at the ends of the structure and transmission attributes.
  • "Seawall" – The geometry defined by this arc delineates the furthest landward point the shoreline can erode to in that region.
  • "Groin" – This arc defines a shore perpendicular structure. Also the arc specifies the structure permeability and its diffractive attributes.
  • "Inlet" – This arc actually defines the location of the mouth of the inlet. For each inlet, define an inlet name, initial and equilibrium volumes of the shoals associated with that inlet, bypass coefficient and defines dredging events that occur during the simulation. Several other arcs can define other components of the inlet.
  • "Left Jetty of Inlet" – This arc defines a groin that is part of an inlet complex.
  • "Right Jetty of Inlet" – This arc defines a groin that is part of an inlet complex.
  • "Inlet Attachment Bar" – This arc defines the location of the attachment bar that will form related to an inlet complex.
  • "Bypass Event" – This arc defines the beginning and ending points of a bypass event. The arcs also defines the time ranges and the bypass rates that will occur during the simulation between these points.
  • "Beach Fill Event" – This arc defines the location of a beach nourishment event. Define with the arc the time ranges over which material will be added to the beach and the amount of berm width that will be added with each time range.

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