SMS:Map Feature Objects Menu

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The Feature Objects Menu includes the following commands:

General Commands

Deletes all the feature objects in an SMS session and creates a new blank coverage (since SMS requires an active coverage at all times). SMS will ask for confirmation of this action.
Brings up an Attributes dialog. The specifics of the dialog are unique to each coverage.
Create Arc Group
Creates a new entity from a group of selected contiguous (end to end) arcs. If the selected arcs are not connected end to end, SMS will give an error message. These arc groups can be used in some models to assign boundary conditions. This command is used to create an arc group from a continuous string of selected arcs. Once the arc group is created, it can be selected using the Select Arc Group tool. Properties can be assigned to the arc group as a whole, and the arc group can be selected to display the computed flow through the arc group. An arc group is deleted by selecting the arc group and selecting the DELETE key. Deleting an arc group does not delete the underlying arcs.
Build Polygons
While most feature objects can be constructed with tools in the Tool Palette, polygons are constructed with the Build Polygons command. Since polygons are defined by arcs, the first step in constructing a polygon is to create the arcs forming the boundary of the polygon. After forming loops with arcs, choose Feature Objects | Build Polygons from the menu. The build polygons command will form polygons from all closed loops in the coverage.
Opens the Clean dialog which can fix certain feature object errors.
Used to order the IDs of the nodes to make numeric calculations more efficient.
Vertices ↔ Nodes
In some cases, it is necessary to split an arc into two arcs. This can be accomplished using the Vertex ↔ Node command. Before selecting this command, a vertex on the arc at the location where the arc is to be split should be selected. The selected vertex is converted to a node and the arc is split in two. The Vertex ↔ Node command can also be used to combine two adjacent arcs into a single arc. This is accomplished by converting the node joining the two arcs into a vertex. Two arcs can only be merged if no other arcs are connected to the node separating the arcs. Otherwise, the node must be preserved to define the junction between the branching arcs.
Reverse Arc Direction
Reverses the direction of all selected arcs.
Redistribute Vertices
Automatically creates a new set of vertices along a selected set of arcs at either a higher or lower density.
Transform Feature Objects
Brings up the Transform Feature Objects dialog where data can be scaled, translated, or rotated.
Select Intersecting Objects...
Requires that one or more polygons be selected. Brings up the Select Intersecting Objects dialog where data on a geometry can be selected based on the polygon boundaries.
Allows finding a feature object node, arc or polygon by its specified ID number.
Define Domain
Brings up the Domain Options dialog.
Map → 2D Mesh
Used to generate a 2D finite element mesh from feature objects.
Map → 2D Grid
Used to generate a 2D grid from feature objects.
Map → Scatter
Allows scatter sets to be interpolated from map data. Scatter points can be created from a specified source. Scatter points data can be extrapolated from feature points and vertices on arc or on feature points only on arc, feature points not on arcs or from feature polygon meshing options. The elevation source can be obtained from arc elevation, arc node and vertex elevations or from arc spacing.

Coverage Type Specific Menus

Optional menu items appear according to the active coverage type.

Generic Coverage Types


Model Coverage Types




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