SMS:PTM Graphical Interface

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The SMS interface to PTM includes tools for creating input files as well as post-processing capabilities. The PTM interface includes the following components:

PTM Menu

The following menu commands are available in the PTM Menu:

New Simulation
Creates a new PTM simulation and adds it to the Project Explorer.
Model Check
Checks the active PTM simulation for common input errors.
Model Control
Opens the Model Control dialog (used to organize input files, specify model parameters, choose output options, etc.).
Run Model
Launches the PTM model using the active PTM simulation input files.

Model Control

The PTM Model Control dialog is used to setup the options that apply to the simulation as a whole. These options include time controls, computation parameters, output options, and other global settings.

Running the Model

The PTM files are written automatically with the SMS project file or can be saved separately using the File | Save PTM or File | Save As menu commands. See PTM Files for more information on the files used for the PTM run.

PTM can be launched from SMS using the PTM | Run Model menu command. A check of some of the common problems called the Model Checker is done each time the model is launched, or by selecting the PTM | Model Check menu command.

PTM Model Check

The model check will give a warning if it suspects a potential error has been made in creating the input files for PTM and suggest how to resolve the issue. The issues shown in the model checker may or may not cause problems, it is left to the modeler to decide if an issue will affect the results of their simulation.

Map Module

PTM sources and traps are created in the Map module as feature objects in a PTM type coverage.

Feature Points

  • Instant Mass Source – Release at a single point in time (Ex. accidental vessel spill)
  • Point Mass Rate Source – Release over a period of time (Ex. leaking pipeline)
  • Vertical Line Source – Release with a uniform distribution along the line and a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution in the plane perpendicular to the line (Ex. bucket dredge)

Feature Arcs

  • Horizontal Line Source – Release with a uniform distribution along the line and a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution in the plane perpendicular to the line
  • Horizontal Line Trap – Count particles crossing a line
  • Vertical Area Source – Under development

Feature Polygons

  • Horizontal Area Source – Release with a uniform distribution over the area and a Gaussian distribution perpendicular to the source
  • Horizontal Area Trap – Count particles entering an area

For more information on sources, see PTM Sources. For more information on traps, see PTM Traps.

Polygon Attributes Dialog

Feature polygons created in a PTM type coverage can be used to create either sources or traps.

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