User:Rcorrigan/AHGW:Assign HydroID GW Pro

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Assign HydroID GW tool in the Geoprocessing pane

The Assign HydroID Table tool is accessed by double-clicking on "ArcGISPro Toolbx Tool.png Assign HydroID GW" under the "ArcGISPro Toolset.png Groundwater Analyst" toolset under the "ArcGISPro Toolbx Item.png ArcHydroGroundwater.pyt" toolbox.

ArcGIS Note – In older versions of ArcGIS, this tool appears as a dialog and is accessed through the "Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools" toolbox. The icons also vary between ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro.

The following fields are available. Required fields are marked with a ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.png icon. in ArcGIS, they are marked by a ArcGIS required - green circle icon.png icon.

  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.png Input UNIQUEID Table – Select from the drop-down the UniqueID table containing the last HydroID value in use.
  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.png Input Features to Assign HydroID – Select from the drop-down the feature where this tool will assign the new HydroID values.
  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.png HydroID Field of Input Features – Select from the drop-down the field on the features containing the HydroID values. "HydroID" is normally selected here, but another field can also be used, based on your data model.
  • Overwrite Existing HydroID Values – Optional field. This determines whether or not features with existing HydroID values will have a new HydroID assigned, or whether the current value will remain unchanged.
    • Turn this on to assign a new HydroID value, even if they already have a HydroID value.
    • Turn this off to only assign a HydroID to features that do not currently have a HydroID assigned.