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Please see the SMS Intermediate Release Bugfixes page for the version of SMS you are interested in:
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=SMS 11.1 Release Bugfixes=
The SMS Intermediate Release Bugfixes page for released versions of SMS:
==SMS 11.1.1 – Beta Release December 11, 2012==
This is a bugfix release for SMS 11.1.0

#Resolved issues related to interpolating from rasters or raster sets to scatter sets.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.3|SMS 13.3 Release]] Notes=
#Resolved issue related to the display of contours on a raster (or raster set) as a surface. Scalar values were being offset by half a raster cell.
==SMS 13.3.12 - July 10, 2024==
#Added a display state for each raster when the raster is saved to an SMS project so that they are not turned on when the project is loaded.
#If a user tries to process boundary triangles when the display projection is not the same projection used by the scatter set will immediately tell the user that the display projection must be changed.
*15197 Simulations with duplicate names can be created
#The order of rasters in the list will now control the drawing order.  Dragging a raster to a lower position in the raster set will hide that raster behind rasters above it in the list.
#Messages related to reading incomplete AdH solutions have been modified to reduce the confusion. Redundant messages have been removed.  AdH solution folders are now preserved when a project is saved.
*15155 Compare Datasets Function in Dataset Toolbox is Giving Reverse Results
#Fixed issue with converted selected map (feature) objects to a scatter set.
*15191 Point dataset with cell activity rendering issue
*15213 Mapping to Quadtree/Octree doesn't update canvas correctly
'''File IO'''
*15218 Generic Model Path Change
*15208 STWAVE Progress in the run queue does not update through multiple spectral times (jumps to 100% at end)
*15207 CMS-Flow point based Manning datasets
*15212 observation plot not showing the bridge
*15234 Incorrect Legend Label For Observation Coverages
==SMS 13.3.11 - May 15, 2024==
*15031 GUI Test: List index out of range error when trying to save CMS-Wave simulation
*15077 SRH BC Dialogs Don't Accept Values When Using German Language Settings
*15093 Ceiling dataset from 3D structure not applied correctly to simulation
*15096 SMS freezes when attempting to generate SRH-2D Summary Report for Gila River model
*15110 HY-8 Culvert crest length not saved in SRH-2D BC
*15099 Plot Time Series Crashes SMS
'''Bridge Scour'''
*15069 Energy Grade Line Values Are Filling as NaN In Bridge Scour
*15079 GUI Test: Issues with coverage cleaner
*15085 13.3 Does Not Read in Spectral Data For .eng Files
*15078 GUI test: Scatter display options issues
*15055 GUI Test: Issues with vector display options
*15090 UGrid from Surface tool reports unhelpful error when input needs to be renumbered
*15072 Reproject image fails
*15119 SMS crashes when trying to preview mesh in mesh generator polygon attributes dialog
'''File IO'''
*15095 SMS not importing .trop files correctly
==SMS 13.3.10 - March 22, 2024==
*14934 GUI Test: Error when trying to insert EWN feature arc into mesh
*14916 GUI Test: Inserting EWN feature arcs creates a huge hole in the new mesh
*14977 Unprojected mesh is a nuisace
*15002 GUI test: SMS hangs while trying to create drogue plot animation
*14975 Issues with inserting arcs into a mesh
*14979 Selection info to a window does not show the min/max as it should
*14972 Hydrotec request when interpolating to the elevation function
*14957 ADCIRC Check/Fix Levee Crest Elevations creates coverage with no attributes
*14990 Interpolate from priority raster fails with different raster sources
*15006 Interp priority rasters issue with different projections
*15000 Extract Subgrid tool results in extra "Z" dataset
*14999 Sample time step tool in Python toolbox results in single timestep when five expected
*15012 Extracting subgrid tool creates empty mesh when running with coverage that doesn't have a polygon
*15009 Having Nodes Instead of Vertices in Certain Polygons Causes the Extend Raster Tool to Fail
*14951 Polygons from Arcs - Jan 22 cases
*14980 HydroAS-2D calibration very slow
*15034 GUI Test: Spectral data appears at a weird time after opening DWS file
*14992 CMS-Wave Spectral times from old project are loaded in non-sequential order
*14978 GUI test: Error when trying to delete rows in CMS-Wave structure list and properties dialog
*14985 Checkbox in CMS-Flow model control dialog doesn't stay checked
*14892 GUI Test: Error when trying to Generate Arc at Contour from CMS-Flow simulation
*14991 CMS coupled simulation steering interval needs to be changed
*14809 GUI Test: CMS-Flow Save Points labels disappear when changing the symbol
*15015 GUI Test: Unexpected error when trying to enter values into SRH-2D BC Time series dialog
*15016 GUI test: Error when adding row to SRH-2D sediment materials dialog
*15045 Remember sizing of Model Run Queue
*14918 .2dm Files Can't Load All Time Series Charts if Their Numbering is Not Sequential
'''Cartesian Grid'''
*14703 GUI Test: Data to Select changes when it shouldn't when selecting a CGrid
*15029 GUI test: SMS crashes when trying to interpolate scatter to CGrid with Inverse distance weighted
*14382 ADCIRC Simulation fails to save with NWS set to 3 and the error is unclear
*15014 GUI Test: Errors in ADCIRC Model control dialog
*14997 WMS Crash with DEM option
*14989 Loading display theme with a single contour theme adds 16 color ramps to the "This project" area of the color ramp dialog
*15046 Increasing Tick Label Size in Display Options Crashes SMS
*15048 Issues with color ramp for mesh vectors
*14936 GUI Test: Spectral data doesn't appear after opening DWS file
*14731 Hang when converting shapefile to feature objects
'''Polygon Properties'''
*15035 The "Ugrid from Coverage" tool gets elevations for internal arcs from the arc rather than the polygon souce
'''3D Structures Coverage'''
*15042 "Point Is Not On Line" Error Message in 3D Structures Coverage
*15044 GUI Test: Error when trying to save SRH Simulation with 3D Structures
*14982 Help button in Contour label options dialog does nothing
*15022 CGWAVE Coverage Is Not Creating Nodestrings on the Generated CGWAVE Mesh

=SMS 11.0 Release Bugfixes=
==SMS 13.3.9 - February 07, 2024==
The following bugs have been fixed in this version.
*14923 GUI Test: CMS-Flow Save Point names not being written to .cmcards file correctly
*14917 GUI Test: SMS crashes when trying to open CMSWAVE spectral files
*14925 GUI Test: Trying to create Spectra for spectral grid with no parameters set crashes SMS
*14906 Dragging a vertex to another vertex results in duplicate arcs
*14929 SMS Software Grapics does not open from start menu
*14632 The quartile method of populating contour values fails for raster
'''Polygon Properties'''
*14912 Issue selecting UGrid Cells when using the Select intersecting objects tool
*14931 GUI Test: List index out of range error when trying to run Polygons from Arcs tool
*14926 Problem converting point datasets to cell datasets
*14704 GUI Test: Cell Locations doesn't work in Select Intersecting objects dialog
'''Online Maps'''
*14794 GUI Test: Can't see map from new source
*14948 Converting specifc shapefile to feautre objects causes a crash
*14965 When SRH Monitor Arcs Snap to Only 1 Element, They Add Extra Mesh Nodes to the Simulation
*14986 GUI Test: SRH PEST fails to run successfully with new version of xmssrh
==SMS 13.3.8 - January 10, 2024==
*14871 Selecting a cell in a UGrid and selecting "Refine" fails
*14898 GUI Test: Grid that is applied to BOUSS-2D simulation gets removed when saving
'''3D Structures Coverage'''
*14904 3D structure computes the wrong number of elements through the structure if different skews are used.
*14883 "cord" typo (should be "chord") in 3D structure dialog
*14325 Bringing up CMS-Wave Model Control dialog hangs (or appears to)
*14611 Observation plot from raster is wrong if the arc leaves the raster
*14806 The ARR plot in the SRH-2D Summary Report doesn't look like it is real
'''Feature Objects'''
*14905 Connecting in feature point results in a corrupt coverage
*14823 Some Color Palette Options in the Color Ramp Have a Fixed Range and Values That Can't Be Edited
'''Polygon Properties'''
*14887 Polygons from arcs tool creates bad polygons
*14909 GUI Test: Trying to Generate Snap Preview in CMS-Flow simulation with no Grid brings up python error
==SMS 13.3.7 - December 01, 2023==
*14831 GUI Test: Python error when saving CMS-Wave simulation that says "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'".
'''Film Loop'''
*14428 Crash when generating flow trace film loop with UGrid.
*14834 ADCIRC unit 22 format incorrect for NWS=8.
*14836 Unexpected Error when adding rows to Levee table with old ADCIRC project.
'''File IO'''
*14855 Error loading datasets saved with project.
*14792 Specific shapefile cases crash in 13.3 but not 13.2.
'''Cartesian Grid'''
*14853 Incorrect interpolation from CGrid to Quadtree.
*14805 The "Coverages | Features from Raster" tool creates extra datasets that should be deleted.
*14859 Using restart files in SRH for 13.3 causes significant calculation differences from 13.2.
*14852 Box Culverts in 3D Structures coverage seem to use "Rise" for both rise and span.
*14790 Info bar no longer reports min, max, and average for selected mesh nodes.

#Error in converting a stamped coverage to a scatter set was resolved
==SMS 13.3.6 - November 02, 2023==
#When loading a generic mesh in a *.2dm file, with a template that does not correspond to the current model definition, SMS could crash.  This problem was resolved to allow for preservation of the grid.
#In some situations, when generating a drogue plot or particle trace animation, some of the particles were not getting the new time step data.  This has been resolved.
*14626 UGrid vector options not scaling with UGrid.
# Fixed an error related to interpolation to nodes that are “inactive”.  All nodes now get interpolated data regardless of the state of the connected elements.
# Calibration plots using the active data set did not update when changing to a completely different scatter set.  This has been resolved.
*14791 Clicking Project|Open Project folder doesn't work after saving file to a new location.
#Fixed a drawing order that caused annotation items to appear on top of the film loop clock.  The clock now appears on top.
#Additional comments were added to the TUFLOW Flow Constriction dialog to make the units and coefficients more understandable.
*14773 New test cases for "arcs to polygons" that have issues.
#Bug related to reading in a large RMA2 solution was resolved.
*14803 Raster Difference tool not resulting in a raster that is the difference between the two inputs.
#When SMS writes GIS data (or a coverage) as a *.mif/*.mid pair, an extra “bound” record was being written.  This has been corrected.
#Calibration targets are now not drawn when the observation point falls in an inactive cell/element.
*14782 GUI Test: Unexpected warnings when loading CMS-Wave solution.
# When framing the display, SMS now includes active grid frames.
#Fixed erase behind labels to include the film loop clock.
*14786 Error when setting ADCIRC Boundary Condition arcs with a project created in a previous version of xmsadcirc.
# When creating datasets in the dataset toolbox, if all arguments to an operation come from a single folder, the result will now be placed in the same folder.
# Fixed a situation where the screen froze trying to display contour labels.

==SMS 11.0.11 – Built October 5, 2012==
==SMS 13.3.5 - October 24, 2023==
# Several internal memory leaks were corrected.
# How SMS saves the input wind file for the “Holland Symmetrical” hurricane option for wind in ADCIRC were corrected.
*14631 The tool to convert a raster to polygons should be renamed and should require that the raster be an index raster.
#  An error related to material sets in TUFLOW was corrected. SMS would lose track of which material set was assigned to a simulation when a project was saved and then read back in.
*14728 "Smooth UGrid" tool outputs a mesh and not a UGrid.
# In some cases it appeared that SMS was deleting data sets from the Project Explorer. In reality, there were just some empty folders that were left in a simulation.
*14770 The "Features from Raster" tool in toolbox needs adjustments.
# Clarification was made for the “Override Z values” option for TUFLOW in both the dialog and the documention.
*14768 The "Isobasins" tool (Rasters folder) does not handle output file names with a decimal point (".") correctly.
#In the dataset toolbox, when SMS creates a new data set, the activity was being computed from the resultant nodal activity.  This caused single cell/element islands that were inactive to become active.  This was changed to use the element activity of the input data sets to compute the resulting element activity.
*14769 The "Polygons from Index Raster" tool doesn't create coverage as expected.
# The ordering of external files in the geometry component file (tgc) is now controlled by the order of the tree items to allow the user to control this explicity.
#A crash when loading ADCIRC grid files was resolved. Some files had “Unexpected End of File” messages, and then crashed. They now read in correctly as they did with previous versions.
*14289 Zonal Classification tool works consistently on some machines, and has different results every time on others.
#Error in the TUFLOW interface to “Force cell z to at or below the node z” was resolved. The option is now available without activating the “Set Channel Invert” elevation.
#Inconsistent display of rasters corrected.
*14727 Merging stamping coverages erases their data.
#Error in the SMS steering of CMS-Wave and CMS-Flow was corrected to save the correct eta files.
#A file pointer to a shape file was not released when SMS opens the file.  This has been corrected.
*14724 SMS hangs when opening .eng file from CMS-Wave solution as an STWAVE file.
#A issue with user defined palettes was corrected.  The first palette was always active when reloading a project. Now SMS looks for a named palette that was active when the project was saved. If that palette exists, it is made current.
*14734 GUI Test: Mud dataset not saved in CMS-Wave simulation.
#SMS has been known to save an illegal material with an ID of zero when saving TUFLOW projects. This should not happen any more.
*14750 GUI test: Opening CMS-Wave .sim file opens a grid with no elevation.
#SMS allows two TUFLOW boundary condition coverages. They cannot be identical or TUFLOW will crash.
*14723 GUI Test: No error comes up when trying to read a CMS-Wave simulation that doesn't exist.
#Fixed an issue of editing BC curves associated with arcs in a TUFOW coverage. Changing the curve used to change it for other copies. The distinction of multiple curves is now maintained.
*14761 GUI Test: Python error when applying coverage to ADCIRC simulation.
#Fixed a bug with how WAM grids read in native format are loaded into SMS.
*14721 Issues with CMS-Wave Model Control/Saving model; python related errors and errors processing script.
#Fixed output of GCL strings for RMA4 to not include the midside nodes.
*14762 Populate tool message for mesh/scatter appears for raster.
*14757 Progress bar for SRH run queue not accounting for SRH-Post.
*14776 SRH sediment transport does not run.
*14730 GUI Test: Opening CMS-Wave .sim file with no other files brings up python error.
*14760 GUI Test: Error when trying to assign ADCIRC BCs.
*14733 Export of STWAVE simulation fails because of python errors.
*14765 CMS-Flow export fails when trying to save Boundary Conditions with empty salinity and temperature curves.
*14524 Can't save as package, fails to zip the files.
'''3D Structures Coverage'''
*14772 Various 3D Structure bugs.
*14777 3D Structures box culvert results are still trying to make round culverts.

==SMS 11.0.10 – Built September 10, 2012==
==SMS 13.3.4 - September 25, 2023==
# Additional documentation was added to the help manual on the AdH model control options.
#A memory overflow error when triangulating is detected so that SMS does not crash when triangulating very large scatter sets.  Several possible solutions to get the data loaded are suggested.  A future enhancement will reduce memory requirements for triangulation.  This also applies when merging two large scatter sets that cause SMS to try to retriangulate.
*14686 GUI Test: Issues with ADCIRC Station plots. Selecting Station Plots generates an error saying to contact tech support with details reading "attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence". Specify time range generates ASCII plots when they shouldn't exist.
#Fixed problem when loading STWAVE output files and converting the data sets to scalars.  The conversion was creating scalar data sets with “0.0” values.
*14693 GUI Test: Tidal constituents applied when constituents are turned off.
#Fixed an issue with graphics when dragging an arc in the Map Module. During the drag, a phantom arc would appear offset from the arc that was being dragged.
#Fixed a problem when forcing breaklines into a TIN that resulted in flat or degenerate triangles.  No degenerate triangles should be created now.
*14641 GUI Test: Polygon from UGrid boundary tool fails to name the coverage correctly.
#A problem with RMA4 giving bad values at midside nodes was isolated and reported to the TABS team at ERDC.  No update is expected.
#A problem was resolved in the “Holland Symmetrical” hurricane option (NWS = 8).
*14653 GUI Test: Map Flood can't be downloaded.
#Resolved an issue with calibration plots when multiple solutions exist.
#Fixed spacing in the model wrapper when running AdH to match what is output in a command prompt.  This makes the output more readable.
*14711 Element distortion when opening mesh as part of a project.
#Fixed a crash when creating a telescoping grid for CMS-Flow.
#Resolved an issue when reading a TUFLOW solution with overlapping elements at the confluence of two 1D tributaries.  SMS deletes the longer  (skinnier) triangles that were overlapping, but still reads the data sets for visualization.  When these cross sections are properly constructed, there should not be overlapping triangles.
*14522 Insert EWN tool fails when inserting multiple features.
#Made change so that when user tries to open the HURDAT database, SMS switches to geographic coordinates to support the data if possible.
#Fixed crash related to SMS trying to switch into PBL model even though the interface is not licensed.
#Resolved a situation which caused SMS to freeze when dragging a coverage to another location in the project explorer (in Map Module or in a TUFLOW simulation).
#Clarified the management of linear –vs- quadratic elements in the mesh module.  If both types are permissible, SMS now asks the user to specify the desired type.  The default is set to quadratic if quadratic elements exist of when working with TABS or FESWMS.  Otherwise, the default is linear.
#Fixed a crash when loading multiple map files into SMS.
#Added check to verify validity of a coastline file before reading to prevent crash.
#Fixed a situation where SMS assigns the wrong material type to polygons created during a conversion from a mesh.
#Added support for “TD Card” (the global time step) when converting SMS 10.1 generic model templates to SMS 11.0 format.
#Added a warning to let users of the generic model interface be informed that just reading a 10.1 template will not allow use of an 11.0 generic model version.
#Fixed conversion of air density for FESWMS when switching from customary units to SI.
#Implemented a change to maintain the material set assignments for TUFLOW simulations for an SMS project when saving and reopening the project.
#Corrected a linkage problem with scatter data sets being lost when deleting other data sets.
#Clarified the documentation and prompts when using the “override Z values” options in the TUFLOW interface.  The model supports several options that were causing confusion among users.
#Added a right click command in the 1D-2D connections coverage properties to allow users to select the boundary condition coverage to use with 1D-2D connections in the TUFLOW interface.
#Fixed a problem with CMS-Flow/CMS-Wave steering that was preventing the “eta” or surge file from being passed to the wave model after a flow simulation.
#Fixed a problem with the names of rasters being reset to default value after saving.

==SMS 11.0.9 – Built August 6, 2012==
==SMS 13.3.2 beta - August 06, 2023==
#Fixed an issue in the CMS-Flow model wrapper to ensure the run time would update.
#Fixed a problem with the names of rasters being reset to default value after saving and reloading an SMS project.
*14514 Name of the XY series plot in spatial data coverage changes every time the project is saved and reopened. New project doesn't wipe the time series data and the plot from the previous project will still appear.
#Fixed problem with visualization mode to support quadratic elements. This allows switching between visualization mode and TABS without problems.
*14602 WMS Crash when clicking delete button in XY Series Editor dialog
#Fixed error in computing flux across an observation arc. Documented that insufficient resolution, either by saving only TUFLOW corners, or by unrepresented AdH refinement can cause errors in computed flux.
*14655 GUI Test: SRH Structure Plots values on the time axis don't match the minimum and maximum time values in the textboxes.
#Fixed bug with bad air mass density when converting from customary units to SI and back.
#Fixed bug with node labels that stayed visible when nodes were turned off.
*14533 Toolbox tree is disabled when running a modal tool while also running a non-modal tool.
#Fixed display of node numbers so that they do not overlap nodal elevations when both are turned on.
*14612 Trimmed raster is larger file than original.
#Fixed a problem with the name that was written to the *.mp file for CMS-Flow when extracting both WSE and velocities along a boundary cellstring.
*14598 Raster tools in the SMS toolbox fail when rasters are in different projections.
#Fixed a bug when reading in *.2dm file boundary condition on a deleted node string.
*14523 Foreign Characters block Dataset to Raster tool execution.
#Fixed issue with the display of vectors after the mesh is turned off.
#Fixed a crash in the AdH materials property dialog when using sediments.
*14347 Error when trying to use Update ADH Friction with no materials defined.
#Fixed a tolerance issue when using the Paving function with geographic coordinates and inserting a new mesh into an existing mesh.
*14352 Unexpected error saying to contact tech support with details of error saying "float division by zero" when computing sediment volume management.
#Fixed crash when trying to open an STWAVE *.sim file as a CMS Wave *.sim file.
*14482 EWN Mesh preview is off when using bounding box polygon.
#Fixed a bug with the TUFLOW 2D Model Control switching from a Coverage selector to an edit field.
*14572 Unexpected error when selecting UGrid with no cells in Generate elevation raster tool. Error comes up that says to contact tech support. The details of the error say this: "float division by zero"
#Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when exporting TUFLOW files.
*14613 Unable to create PTM coverages anymore.
*14615 Contour legend shows 0s as long strings of decimals instead of 0.
*14623 Color ramp display in the vector dialogs (for the vector color) is wrong.
*14635 SMS crashes when opening color ramp dialog when the Display Options dialog is opened through the menu.
*14535 Crash when copying to clipboard with a high bitmap scale factor.
*14647 Time Series data lost for Generic Model in .2dm file.
*14610 Color ramp / Pal not displaying entries containing currently used palettes, and forces all values between 0 and 1 as if it is a percentage.
*14617 Misleading "Make Editable" option in the right-click menu of ADH data sets.
*14573 User-defined inactive values for the Compare Datasets tool are getting switched.
'''File IO'''
*14621 Save issues occur if a file explorer is open to the _data folder during an SMS save.
*14442 CGWAVE interface refers to depth when it is using elevation.
*14451 CGWAVE tutorial produces bad solutions.
*14629 Duplicate UUIDs created for snap previews.
'''Bridge Scour'''
*14570 "Unit Discharge" in the bridge scour scenario calculations is pulling data from the wrong time step.
*14640 "Wier b" misspelled as "Weir b" in 3D Structures dialog.
*14654 GUI Test: Issues with 3D Structures coverage. Items in the log are written twice.
*14637 Error comes up when trying to create 3D structures saying to contact tech support with details reading "math domain error". When culvert width is 0, the Preview Mesh button log says "Must select a Pier type when the coverage has pier arcs" when culverts do not have pier type options.
*14648 Retriangulate voids option not working as expected.
*14634 The progress message for raster difference tool is insufficient.
*14659 GUI Test: Error when turning all display options off in RSM coverages.
*14638 GUI Test: SMS can't save RSM coverages.
*14636 GUI Test: Various issues: Cancel button wipes table values. The "New Component" menu item should not be present. On the mesh tab in model control, select dataset button creates an error saying to contact tech support. Save simulation generates an error in the log saying "'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'split'".
*14666 GUI Test: Unexpected error when turning off RSM Boundary condition.
*14651 Save as Package in SMS no longer works, error "failed to create zip archive".
*14652 New CMS-Flow installation is missing a .dll.
*14668 GUI Test: Issues with STWAVE model: model checker says no spectral coverage has been linked to the siumation. On the Boundary control tab in the model control, delete row button generates error saying to contact tech support with details reading "'CaseDataTable' object has no attribute 'select_col'".
*14672 GUI Test: Attempting to export STWAVE Simulation without a CGrid applied breaks.
*14674 GUI Test: Nothing happens when reading STWAVE solution with no files.

==SMS 11.0.8 – Built July 3, 2012==
==SMS 13.3.1 beta - July 05, 2023==
#Fixed an error with exporting STWAVE simulation files.
#Fixed a bug that where SMS was crashing when trying to remesh a portion of a mesh when quadratic elements were used.
*14540 Unexpected error stating there was an error processing script when opening SRH-2D Structure plots from empty 3D Structure coverage.
#Fixed an issue where nodestring IDs were not read in correctly.
*14526 GUI Test: irest fails to be written to _dip file.
#Fixed a problem where some image files did not display until another item was read in.
*14548 The sediment size class cutoff is printed with a decimal, which causes pre-SRH to error.
#Fixed a problem with the generation of damping cellstrings for BOUSS2D.
#Corrected an issue first seen in SMS 11.0.4 where internal arcs were not handled correctly when creating a 2D mesh.
*14412 The UGrid single layer toolbar disappears when deleting 3D UGrid cells.
#Allowed negative values for TUFLOW output start times since TUFLOW allows negative times.
#Fixed an issue with ADH iteration controls not reading/writing correctly.
*14534 GUI Test: When working with SRH monitor line plots, the assigned minimum is ignored when displaying plots.
#Fixed a crash that sometimes happened when converting GIS data to feature objects.
*14537 GUI Test: When turning off display of monitor point plot with specify time range, an error directing to contact tech support appears.
#Fixed a problem where the initial contour display was a solid blue rather than specified values.
#Corrected a problem where TUFLOW material sets were put into folders incorrectly.
*14483 Time series plot generation is very slow when containing a large number of timesteps.
#Fixed an issue where SMS was creating bad triangles when merging scattersets.
*14566 GUI Test: Y-axis plot values are larger than they have been previously even though the project data has not changed.
#Dragging of feature nodes now displays connecting lines while dragging.
*14568 Observation profile plot only plotting one arc even with all arcs turned on.
#Removed an incorrect model check warning when using extracted boundary conditions with CMS-FLOW.
*14510 Spectral energy plot generates extraneous lines when rotating the plot.
#Fixed a crash that sometimes happened when opening two *.tcf files at the same time.
'''Bridge Scour'''
#Various bugfixes from software crash reports.
*14564 Bridge pier angle override value not saved.
*14552 Can't add materials to SRH Project.
*14563 Refining mesh subset, operations that edit or add boundary nodes are not prevented.
*14486 Raster from Dataset tool does not produce correct elevation ranges, the raster contains holes and are not mapped to look like the elevations of the mesh.
*14543 In ADCIRC Tidal Forcing, "forcing" in "Use periodic water level forcing" misspelled as "focing".
*14567 Python script to read an ADCIRC fort.14 file generates error message stating "listed index out of range" if there is a blank line at the end of the file.

==SMS 11.0.7 – Built May 31, 2012==
==SMS 13.3.0 beta - June 13, 2023==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.3|Initial Release!!]]

#PTM will no longer show not licensed when run from SMS using a single user lock.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.2|SMS 13.2 Release]] Notes=
#Mesh quality not displayed when a mesh is turned off in the project explorer.
==SMS 13.2.18 - August 16, 2023==
#Datasets are preserved when saving/loading a project file which wasn’t always working.
#When displaying labels on scalar values at mesh nodes, the labels could disappear sometimes. This has been fixed.
*14548 The Sediment Size Class Cutoff is Printed With a Decimal, Which Causes Pre-SRH to Error
#Fixed a problem where reading certain *.mif/*.mid files crashed SMS.
*14629 Duplicate UUIDs Created for Snap Previews
#Fixed a problem where SMS was hanging when cleaning/merging arcs.
#SMS sometimes gave an error message “Unable to write file path for keyword “:NEIGHBOR_FILE” when saving an SMS project.
*14552 Can't add materials to SRH Project
#Fixed a problem where SMS would freeze trying to perform zonal classification.
#The CMS-FLOW folder was reorganized to allow 32 and 64 bit executables to both work.
*14563 Refining mesh subset does not have appropriate restrictions
#Sometimes SMS was not maintaining the folder structure for loaded XMDF dataset files.
#Fixed a problem where zonal classification was not working correctly for Cartesian grids.
*14510 Spectral energy plot gets screwed up when rotating
#TUFLOW events now prevent commas from being used as they don’t work with the TUFLOW file formats.
*14602 WMS Crash when clicking delete button in XY Series Editor dialog
#Fixed an issue where right-clicking on coverage and choosing Map→2D Mesh would operate on the active coverage rather than the one clicked on.
#Fixed a problem where the TUFLOW files for geometry components were written out incorrectly when multiple components exist.
*14442 CGWAVE interface refers to depth when it is using elevation
#Fixed an update problem when using user defined palettes.
*14451 CGWAVE tutorial produces bad solutions
#Fixed a problem where rotating could cause parts of a functional surface to disappear.
#Fixed a problem where the data calculator was not correctly using inactive cells for CMS-FLOW.
*14647 Time Series data lost for Generic Model
#Fixed a location where SMS was giving a prompt that the project had changed when it hadn’t.
#Changed SMS to not reframe when performing a map→2D mesh.
*14652 New CMS-Flow Installation is Missing a .dll
#Fixed a crash when working with user defined tidal constituents in ADCIRC.
#Fixed an issue where breaklines of a scatterset were being displayed even though the scatterset was turned off in the project explorer.
#Fixed a problem where the runtime wasn’t being updated when running CMS-FLOW.
#Turned off a bogus model checker when using CGWAVE when using approximated wave conditions.
#Fixed a series of bugs related to setting up a generic model template.
#Fixed an issue where SMS was not writing the correct number of frequencies to the STWAVE *.eng file.

==SMS 11.0.6 – Built May 4, 2012==#Fixed a bug that was introduced in SMS 11.0.5 where SMS would hang when trying to build polygons.
==SMS 13.2.17 - June 06, 2023==
#Included a file needed to check for AVI codecs to make sure they would work with SMS. This file is only needed for versions starting with SMS 11.0.5.
#Fixed a minor issue where the welcome dialog reported that the SMS was a beta version.
*14472 SRH-2D solution files seem to be applying the wrong arcs when assigned to use BCDATA.
#Miscellaneous changes based upon crash logs sent from the software (bugtrap).
*14371 Node inlet type flags for TUFLOW 1D culverts are not printing to the output files.
*14504 SMS crashes when trying to do anything in TUFLOW Cross sections Attributes dialog when no points have been created.
*14453 SMS not exporting correct .mif data for TUFLOW model.
*14508 An empty item exists when changing the thickness of a TUFLOW Z shape which does not produce an error dialog upon closing. Error later comes up prompting user to select a thickness.
'''File IO'''
*14495 SMS hangs when clicking new project macro.
*14401 GUI Test: Cross section contours change when opening and closing dialogs.
*14484 STWAVE Model Control | Boundary Conditions - Populate button does not update reference time to match spectral coverage.

==SMS 11.0.5 – Built April 25, 2012==
==SMS 13.2.16 - May 10, 2023==
*14329 Add SRH timestep to model checks.
*14342 GUI Test: Saving SRH-2D floodway simulation without a materials coverage brings up python errors.
*14380 SRH Error if monitor line definitions contain too many nodes.
*14301 STWAVE model control help button doesn't open correct wiki article.
*14365 Z dataset for mesh disappears when clicking no to dialog that appears when triangulating with all mesh elements selected.
*14366 SMS crashes when triangulating mesh with all elements selected.
*14369 Created mesh node fails to get correct default Z value when created outside the scatter boundary.
*14376 GUI Test: Error about node not being found does not come up directly after closing the find by ID dialog.
*14356 The ADH interface is not enabled with the ADH Hydro Interface item.
*14204 SMS detects an issue with saving a project but does not give opportunity to abort and corrupts data when clicking OK to exit the dialog.
*14364 Error not shown when model requires a missing .dll file.
*14414 GUI Test: Smooth raster tool no longer comes up when right-clicking DEM and selecting convert to|smoothed raster.
*14344 "Feature Contours at Elevation" in SMS works on some rasters but not others.
*14426 GUI Test: Smooth raster tool fails to create a smoothed raster correctly with a .dem despite the tool reporting it ran successfully.
*14394 UGrid nodestring fails to be saved with project.

#Fixed a bug that caused SMS to freeze when using a large duplicate node tolerance.
==SMS 13.2.15 - March 14, 2023==
#Corrected the executable used by the BOUSS2D “1D Runup and overtopping calculator.
#Fixed a problem where framing and switching to plan view could change the display of elements and nodes.
*14233 Warning about problems getting scalar data from an HDF5 file.
#Tightened the tolerance used when loading RMA2 files to prevent curves from losing information when loading.
#Fixed a problem that sometimes made the generic mesh interface hang.
*14237 GUI Test: SMS crashes when loading aborted BOUSS Runup simulation.
#Fixed a problem where the specified image projection was not written out causing the need to respecify the projection everytime the project was loaded.
#Fixed a problem where portion of scatter set not displayed correctly when not filling above/below contour range.
*14206 Vector arrows drawn in NULL cells.
#SMS sometimes fouled up a polygon or crashed when moving nodes in the mesh attributes dialog (polygon attribute in mesh coverage).
*11935 All data disappears while spectral energy dialog is open.
#Corrected an issue where the drogue times in the log file were not reported correctly.
#Miscellaneous changes based upon crash logs sent from the software (bugtrap).
*14252 The Manning's N dataset tool is creating dataset, recognizing arguments, tool fails.
*14282 Trimming an integer raster converts raster type.
*14208 2dm file does not have a "Do not show again" toggle when prompting to select desired reader.
*14315 Mesh node elevation snaps to zero when creating a polygon rather than maintaining the same elevation as the vertices.
*14269 WN crashes while editing polygons in the EWN Polygon Properties dialog if Edit Subset is active.
*14236 Voids left in output scatter when merging scatter sets.
'''Online Maps'''
*14276 When importing an online map, the DGM2 Schummerung online source shows up in the project explorer, but nothing shows up in the graphics window.

==SMS 11.0.4 – Built March 3, 2012==
*14305 Duplicate UUID message appearing in notes.
*14195 Help button in Sediment Volume management dialog does nothing when it should be either grayed out or take the user to the wiki.
*14178 Default coverage type can be changed to Dynamic Model type coverages.
*14191 All annotations can be selected regardless of which layer is active.
*14186 Quadtree widget icon changes to a UGrid widget when deleting cell.
*14318 Using '''Build Polygons''' command erases PTM coverage data in existing polygons.
*14223 "NoneType" object in project breaks the simulation export for a TUFLOW FV simulation.
'''Model Run'''
*14331 Parameter tables don't allow floating point values and can't cut or paste values into or from the table.

#Fixed a problem where sometimes a plot didn’t generate correctly for arcs without interior vertices
==SMS 13.2.14 - January 06, 2023==
#SMS now closes STWAVE model files after running the model.
#Fixed a problem that could occur when closing spectral energy plot and then reopening the plot.
*14180 Typo in floodplain mapping options dialog, "Use FEMA Cross Seciton WS Elevations".
#Fixed an issue with the mesh quality min angle not working correctly.
#Fixed an issue where the correct tidal constituents was not being displayed when using the Harmonic Analysis option with ADCIRC.
*14129 Compare dataset not functioning as designed, error says "Invalid arguments: Dataset 2: Datsets must have the same number of values".
#Fixed a problem with default values for nodestrings when using the generic mesh model.
#Fixed a problem where the same coverage name in different folders couldn’t be differentiated when using a coverage to display vectors.
*14147 Extrude to 3D UGrid fails because of attribute error.
#Fixed a problem where AdH Iteration control parameters were not being saved.
#Fixed a problem with reprojecting a Cartesian grid incorrectly reporting the minimum data value.
*14149 Unexpected error directing user to contact Tech Support when changing mesh in Convert to 2D Mesh tool.
#Fixed a problem with curve BC data when using the generic mesh model.
#Fixed a problem where SMS was freezing when converting scatter breaklines to map.
*14151 Convert to UGrid tool runs when "--None Selected--" is chosen as the input.
#STWAVE half-plane model only supports spectral energy at 5 degree direction bins. SMS was allowing users to specify a different angle which led to problems when running the model.
*13915 Illegal mesh created with adding nodes to existing mesh.
#SMS was not handling the float/curve option for the generic mesh model correctly.
*14183 Deleting mesh nodes with "retriangulate voids" active hangs SMS.
#Fixed a problem where SMS gave a projection error message when loading an image even though the projection was valid.
#Fixed a crash when trying to paste data into the cross-section attributes dialog.
*14135 View display theme not functioning correctly when working in "Zoom to coverage".
#Fixed a crash that could sometimes happen when redistributing vertices inside the polygon attributes dialog.
*14207 Can't change font color of number labels on the contour legend.
#Fixed an issue with losing BC information specified using the generic model interface.
#Fixed a problem where the spectral index wasn’t being saved correctly.
*14185 Deleting the simulation causes SMS to show as unable to save.
#Fixed a problem in how STWAVE with breaking datasets when using XMDF dataset output.
#Fixed an issue where SMS incorrectly told the user the STWAVE data had changed after saving a file.
*14152 PNG is an option to be used as a raster in raster tools.
#Made it so that you can control which raster is the active raster.
#Fixed a problem with zoom to raster item.
*14181 SRH-2D Summary Reports are not portable when sent to another machine.
#Made it so SMS would switch modules if you clicked the root raster item.
*14226 Limitation (<100) on number of arcs/nodestrings in an SRH model.
#Add raster module to right-click switch modules in empty area of project explorer.
#Fixed a problem where SMS could freeze when trying to build polygons.
*14126 Cannot enter decimal points to SMS while in German language windows settings.
#Fixed an incorrect model check when working with the CGWAVE model.
*14199 German language system settings cause "Snap Mesh to Arcs" tool to malfunction.
#Fixed a problem with launching generic mesh models.
#Fixed a crash that could occur when specify custom tidal constituents for ADCIRC.
*14200 ADH saves its solution data to the [Project Name]_data Folder.
#Fixed a crash that could sometimes happen when using functional surfaces and moving windows.
'''File IO'''
#Made it so SMS correctly used the projection associated with a scatterset when reading.
*14220 Project files locked when file browser open.
#Corrected an issue where datasets created in the dataset calculator could end up in the hotstarts datasets when using AdH.
'''Hydrologic Data'''
#Fixed a problem where the meshing preview in the polygon attributes dialog for mesh coverages could mess up the polygon’s arcs.
*14192 Exporting .hyd in the Bridge Scour Properties causes SMS to force close.
#Fixed a crash with PTM and trap files.
#Fixed a problem where an error message similar to “No dataset specified for interpolation” when using observation plots with scattersets.
#Fixed a crash that could sometimes happen when specifying global parameters for a generic mesh model.
#Fixed an error where SMS gave a generic error message when trying to run STWAVE that did not identify the problem.
#Fixed a problem where incorrect model setup for WAM could lead to a crash when trying to run the model.
#Fixed a problem where contours were not being displayed for elements that were wet but being treated as dry.

==SMS 11.0.3 – Built Jan 27, 2012==
==SMS 13.2.13 - December 09, 2022==
#Fixed a problem where the name of a spectral grid for CMS-Wave was not preserved.
#Fixed a problem where grid frames could “disappear” behind other data and not select correctly.
*14037 Dropdown in CMS-Flow Model control is enabled in times when it should be disabled.
#Fixed a crash that could happen when trying to convert a mesh to a map.
*14086 GUI Test: Option in CMS-Flow model control doesn't stay turned on.
#Changed SMS to allow small damping cellstrings for the BOUSS2D model.
'''File IO'''
#Fixed a problem with generating cellstrings for BOUSS2D where no cellstring was created on the right side of the grid.
*13946 Points imported from clipboard added to recent file list despite referencing temp directory.
#Fixed a problem with the generic model interface where boundary condition values were lost after opening and saving.
#Fixed a crash that sometimes could happen when using texture mapping.
*14102 Blend raster to edges tool crashes when selecting the same raster as primary and secondary.
#Fixed a crash that could happen when using the steering module with CMS-Flow/CMS-Wave.
*14103 Bounds to polygon tool fails because of an overloaded function.
#Made  it so you could replace the generic model definition being used without deleting the geometry.
*14104 Extend raster tool fails when using a coverage with no polygons.
#Fixed a problem that caused element labels to print very small at times.
*14105 TypeError makes Interpolate Priority rasters tool fail.
#Fixed an issue where SMS would set the ADCIRC output files to binary if the output information wasn’t complete. This made it impossible to get back to ASCII files without editing the files by hand.
*14109 Help Button in Functional Surface dialog non-functional.
*13953 Info dialog is empty when attempting to create a nodestring where there is no node.
*14142 SMS crashes when triangulating 3D UGrid.
*14145 SMS crashes when adding nodes to 3D UGrid.
*14126 Cannot enter decimal points to SMS while in German language windows settings.
*14101 ARR plot doesn't display mesh elements in 13.2.11.
*13910 Observation plot does not update when dragging an arc in the graphics window.
*14133 An Observation Profile plot gets the wrong length when selecting a specific raster to extract from.
*14144 The SMS Graphics window is cleared while the Spectral Energy dialog is up.
*14148 Tuple index error out of range when saving SRH-2D simulation with a 3D UGrid.
*14163 SMS mesh IDs don't match exported SRH mesh IDs.
*14139 Help button in Interpolate to raster dialog shows results for "QDlgInInterpNatural" on the wiki.
*14098 ADCIRC BC dialog help button does nothing.
*14155 GUI Test: Floodway tool generates random arcs.
*14045 CMS-Wave simulation spectra written incorrectly for "Zero spectrum" option.
*14048 CMS-Wave Model Control dialog displays incorrectly and generates the incorrect wiki help page.
*14141 CMS-Wave STD file labeled incorrectly when exported.
*14143 The reference time in a CMS-Wave simulation is not populated when the boundary control values are populated.
*14111 SMS hangs while redistributing vertices with a high number of segments.
*14117 ADCIRC Model Control dialog fails to open, error message appears when processing the script.
*14116 ADCIRC DMI thinks the mesh has changed when it has not, incorrectly displays warning that simulation has been edited.
*14120 Previously linked fort.19 file is lost when project is saved and zipped.
'''Bridge Scour'''
*14170 Bridgescour auto selects data based on elevation.
*13892 GUI Test: Can't download flood data.
*13914 Following first steps of “Creating a Fast Floodplain Map” tutorial (using Map Flood tool) results in warning and no data.
*Various minor improvements

==SMS 11.0.2==
==SMS 13.2.12 - November 14, 2022==
#Problem  selecting cells in the spectral energy dialog.
#Fixed a crash that could happen if you didn’t have a scatter dataset and then converted it to mesh and then to map.
*14071 Warning when applying tidal constituents to ADCIRC Simulation saying that year 0 is out of range.
#Fixed an issue where mesh elements were not displayed according to the setting in the display options dialog after generating a mesh using LTEA.
*14073 Tidal Constituents warning note tells user to choose "New General Component" but constituents are now found under "New Simulation".
#Fixed an issue where SMS stored the wrong directory if the user had to path to  find the LeProvost files.
'''Bridge Scour'''
#Fixed an issue with the LTEA mesh generation feature where SMS was not redistributing the ocean boundary based upon the user specification.
*14018 Add check to verify that all values in "Distance" column of 3D bridge profile editor are larger than all previous values.
#Fixed an issue where LTEA had spurious error messages pop-up during the meshing process.
#SMS would sometimes write the wrong timestep when saving datasets to a tabular data file (*.txt).
*14079 SMS hangs after changing spacing for map annotations to 0.
#AdH nodestring  symbols were not displayed correctly after loading the simulation until the user went to the boundary condition dialog. This has been fixed.
#SMS was not allowing CMS-Wave structure cells to have a negative modification value but this is valid in some cases.
*14076 '''All On''' button appears when clicking table with coverages.
#Fixed an issue with the CMS-Wave model control parameters dealing with spreadsheet rows disappearing and not resizing correctly.
#Fixed a crash that happened sometimes after duplicating a CMS-Wave grid.
*14008 X, Y, and Z fields appear editable when the rotate tool is active.
#Fixed a problem where the clock for first frame in a filmloop was not being displayed correctly if the starting time was not 0.0.
*13951 Map -> Mesh hangs when trying to force breaklines.
#Fixed a problem where 1D *.mif files were not imported correctly into SMS when loading a *.tcf file.
*14095 Map -> 2D mesh gives "Void in breakline" error message
#Fixed a crash with running STWAVE full-plane after loading a project created    with an earlier version of SMS.
*14096 Map -> 2D mesh hangs in 13.2 (works in 13.1)
#SMS was not correctly interpreting some of the parameters correctly when importing STWAVE model files.
#Fixed a hang when copy/pasting values into the time-series editor used with AdH.
*14017 GUI Test: SMS crashes when trying to select grid cells after refining cells.
#STWAVE executable fixed to write datasets correctly.
#Zonal classification could sometimes identify polygons incorrectly.
*14058 No feedback to save process in XMSSTWAVE interface when saving STWAVE simulation.
#Auto-zmag was not updating when a new mesh was created until a frame or similar command was issued.
#SMS was not correctly remembering specified raster projection after saving/loading a project.
*13997 The flow plots for "sinks" with rating curves does not come up in plot window.
#In geographic projections, SMS was labeling x locations “east” that should have been labeled “west.”
*14108 Having an Internal Sink in an SRH BC Coverage prevents Pressure Arcs from generating Structure Plots.
#The raster contours sometimes changed after going to the display options dialog even when not changing the contour settings.
#The 2D Gridframe was sometimes hidden behind raster.
*14069 Merge UGrids tool fails after turning on option to stitch non-overlapping grids with matching boundary points.
#Typo fixed in the menu for data calculator.
*14106 Time Derivative tool fails when a tuple doesn't have the attribute "lower".
#STWAVE boundary conditions dialog not “cutting” a row correctly.
#Fixed crash when loading a project with 1D elements created in an earlier version of SMS.
*Various minor improvements
#Made it so you can specify paths to sediment datasets in *.xmdf file.
#Fixed problem displaying functional surfaces with ati card.
#Changed how LandXML files read to correctly identify “Northing” then “Easting.”
#SMS was incorrectly identifying elements as duplicates and removing them.
#Fixed problem with local projection in *.mif/*.mid files.
#Fixed crash when snapping two feature points.
#STWAVE files not exported correctly when wind datasets being used.
#Changed how we handle projections read when importing STWAVE model files so non-state plane coordinates are better handled.
#Converting a raster to scatter created voids in the data.
#Fixed saving tidal harmonics settings in ADCIRC model control.
#You can now select all the points in a raster (before the top values sometimes weren’t selecting).

==SMS 11.0.1==
==SMS 13.2.11 - October 19, 2022==
#Fixed a bug where reprojecting a TUFLOW grid was not updating all of the z values correctly.
#Fixed an issue where RMA2 mid-side nodes were not retaining their elevation data after saving/loading.
*13943 Can't copy and paste data from statistics table.
#Fixed a couple minor issues with the Map&rarr;scatter dialog.
#Made it so SMS would preserve the order of nodestrings from the AdH *.bc file.
*13911 Trim Coverage Tool doesn't give an error if there are no polygons in the coverage you are trimming with.
#Fixed a problem with ADCIRC fort.23 files that were reloading incorrectly.
#Fixed a crash that could occur when copy/pasting when making irregular culverts in TUFLOW.
*13932 Pt spacing tool has long run times, the result has values of 0.0 caused by duplicate vertices that aren't attached to any triangles.
#Fixed a problem where the functional surface legend was obscured by other data rather than being above the other data.
*13945 Dataset Precision issues when working with datasets containing very small values.
*13912 "Iterpolate to UGrid" tool creates non-editable dataset.
*13955 Unselected dataset contours go crazy when refining UGrid cells.
*13913 Color displayed for elevation raster don't match expectations for user selected settings.
*13983 Online image transparency not saved with project.
*13999 Pathline Shapefile Exports won't load into ArcPro.
*14044 Export to Shapefile doesn't work for UGrids.
'''File IO'''
*13972 Reading an SRH-2D "srhhydro" file with Exit-H rating curve boundaries not set correctly.
*13985 Save as package includes a TIF that is not in the project.
*14014 Scary warning makes SMS crash after clicking New Project macro.
*13902 Depths flipped for CMS-Wave Grid, shows positive where they should be negative.
*14051 Converting Cgrid generator coverage to grid takes a long time to load when the grid is large, user warning should be added.
*13981 SMS tries to read an open Excel file when it shouldn't and hangs.
*13922 EWN Tool not displaying preview tab with multiple polygons selected.
*14046 SMS hangs after redistributing vertices with a Size Function.
*14047 SMS crashes after trying to add blank rows in arc property types table, blank rows cannot be added.
*13926 Materials not mapping correctly to polygons in mesh.
*14030 Select Intersecting Objects selects some nodes outside of the polygons.
*13909 SRH-2D Structure plot for weir says solutions don't exist, when they do.
*14031 Issues with Plot display options.
*13881 Crash when saving project after loading PTM solution.
*13862 Unit conversion issue when generating flood depth rasters.
*13908 SMS takes a long time to select triangles by area.
*13920 SRH-2D Advanced Simulation doesn't show the computed value at monitor points.
*13937 BC Arc Snapping Errors
*13936 Default SRH Model exe path incorrect.
*13991 Reading the SRH solution crashes SMS.
*13996 Populate water levels for rating curve goes into infinite loop in the tool when maximum flow is entered.
*13941 STWAVE native model read in with elevations incorrect.
*13940 STWAVE depth file written out incorrectly.
*14042 Unresponsive STWAVE project due to reference time error.
*13930 Merging UGrids tool hangs when executed.
*13931 Trim Raster tool in the Toolbox fails to run.
*13907 Interpolate Priority Rasters Tool gives error about dataset not matching.
*13960 Trim Rasters tool runs successfully when the polygon is located outside of the raster.
*13961 Trim Rasters tool runs successfully without any polygons and creates an empty raster file.
*13948 Saving multiple identically named rasters overwrites the file multiple times.
*13979 Toolbox tools not linking to wiki documentation.
*13918 Merging rasters in the Toolbox creates bad pixels along the edge of the priority raster.
*13957 Arcs to Polygons tool hangs when executed.
*13958 Arcs to Polygons tool leaves unexpected gaps causing polygons to not be created that should have been created.
*13984 SMS keeps referencing raster created by the toolbox in temp directory after it has been saved with the project. This causes an overwrite message to appear in error.
*14034 Inconsistent handling of NODATA cells between displayed rasters and trimmed rasters.
*13968 Reproject single point Help button doesn't go to correct wiki article.
*14022 Generate mesh with a maximum slope that is too high causes generation to hang.

==SMS 13.2.10 - August 10, 2022==
*13896 Dynamic Model Interface Component is needed for several Tutorial workflows using EWN, but is not being included on customer licenses.
*13788 Merge Raster tool sets the incorrect vertical units for the new raster.
*13885 Scalar to Vector tool in the Toolbox creates a bad dataset for cell based datasets.
*Various minor improvements

=SMS 10.1 Intermediate Release Bugfixes=
==SMS 13.2.9 beta - August 04, 2022==
*13837 Snap preview for STWAVE and CMSWAVE disappears.
*13806 CMS-Wave elevations migrated from 13.1 have values inverted.
*13848 Mesh&rarr;Scatter command has invalid results for selected nodes.
*13858 Warning when opening .h5 file which incorrect states the mesh has an invalid unique identifier.
'''Project Explorer'''
*13859 All Project Explorer items disappears after reading SMS project file.
*13785 "Problems in fnGetVectorDataFromHDF5File" warning comes up when trying to run simulation.
*13868 Running SRH-2D simulations srashes SMS when empty coverages included.
*13895 Fall velocity option option in the SRhHYDRO file left as an empty string when it should be "None".
*13888 Channel Calculator values don't reappear when reopening the Channel Calculator.
*13879 Simulation plots fail to update with specified time ranges.
*13849 The Convert Mesh/Scatter/Cartesian Grid to UGrid tool in the Toolbox fails when using a scatter set.
*13850 Interpolate to UGrid tool in Toolbox gives errors with incorrect interpolated values and null values.
*13851 Filter Dataset Values in Toolbox gives errors with incorrect interpolated values and null values.
*13853 Interpolate to Ugrid in Toolbox offers invalid option to interpolate to cells for 2D meshes and scatter sets.
*13775 Map activity tool in the Toolbox does not map activity.
*13712 UGrid Clipping using scalar range gives errors then crashes SMS.

==SMS 10.1.11 - Released January 24, 2011==
==SMS 13.2.8 beta - July 06, 2022==
Fixed a problem where doing film loops with cartesian grids with transient datasets used the same time step over and over rather than cycling through the timesteps.
*13840 ADCIRC overlapping nodestring warning appears when reapplying a BC coverage.
*13873 Vector and node color changed from default.
*13877 Dataset Toolbox won't allow comparisons without reloading SRH-2D solutions.
*13883 Clicking on vector or scalar macros for a UGrid brings up display attributes with wrong UGrid highlighted.
*13884 Display issues on UGrid &ndash; values not displayed and disjointed nodes not displayed.
*13886 Material name fails to display in Graphic Window until polygon is unselected.
*13788 Merge Raster tool messes up the vertical units for the new raster.
*13865 Summary report plots of culverts missing information and is generated incorrectly.
*13843 Implement fix for solution sets conversion for UGrids with Tuflow FV.
*Various minor improvements.

Fixed crash using Map->Scatter.
==SMS 13.2.5 beta - June 7, 2022==
*13711 Save ADCIRC simulation causes a script error and fails.
*13799 Unexpected folders under BOUSS2D simulation data in the Project Explorer.
*13776 Converting Mesh vector dataset to scalars results in datasets that can not be renamed or edited.
'''Display Options'''
*13753 Light set definitions get separated from their names in sorting in the Lighting tab.
*13757 Exceptions thrown related to Display Themes in debug mode.
*13754 Auto z-mag not being set by elevation rasters when turned on. 
*13730 New UGrid does not inherit the display options of the default UGrid.
'''Display Theme'''
*13795 List of names associated with display theme either fails to update or creates a blank line.
*13794 If theme folder name conflicts with theme name, the folder organization gets messed up.
*13676 Display Themes for "Contours" affect the UGrid vectors as well even though vector display is not part of the theme.
*13733 Select Intersecting Objects tool gives option to select inactive objects when it should not.
*13709 Assigning the S value for selected cells in the Cgrid module has a long processing delay.
*13765 Convert UGrid to 2D Mesh tool does not convert dataset folder structure.
*13761 Adding an arc to a mesh has errors in node locations.
*13717 The geometry UUID in dataset files is not synced when converting UGrids to a 2D mesh.
*13701 Scalar paving generating disjointed nodes in mesh.
'''Online Maps'''
*13737 Unexpected warning about getting image when exporting GIS data.
*13727 Channel Calculator Plot not updating when changing datasets.
'''Project Explorer'''
*13763 Project explorer tree items fail to show up after opening project.
*13759 Save a project with new name then delete original project data causes major errors.
*13743 When saving project an warning come up about an "expected display list not found".
*13747 Project save with "." character creates a second _data folder containing map and materials file.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13734 SMS freezes when trying to optimize triangles.
*13742 The Scatter | Merge Sets command creates a new scatter set in the wrong projection.
*13793 Summary Report Dialog is very small and must be expanded.
*13659 Progress bar in the Simulation Run Queue for STWAVE does not progress during the run.
'''Time Series'''
*13792 Time step panel remains open after deleting all transient datasets in project.
*13756 Convert to UGrid command gives an error and the python script crashes.
*13716 Lidar Toolbox tools do not open when run tool command is executed.
*13783 Incorrect errors when trying to convert scatter to UGrid.
*13657 The projection of a coverage created from the Nodata to Polygon tool is not the display projection.
*13720 TUFLOW FV interface not supporting some advanced cards and has missing components.
*13746 Import a CMS-Flow *.cmcard generates a quadtree with incorrect rotation and orientation.
*13710 SMS appears to go to sleep for several minutes after interpolating elevations from raster.
*13732 Options to convert geometries to UGrids are not consistent; some options appear for some geometries and not others.
*13713 UGrid Project Explorer check box not hiding/showing as expected.
*13666 SMS hangs after converting Ugrid to scatter data.
*Various Minor Improvements-->

Fixed an issue where PTM particles would "jump" when going inactive due to improper treatment of NULL values.
==SMS 13.2.4 beta - April 28, 2022==
'''CMS Flow'''
*13647 Deleting CMS-Flow simulations crashes SMS.
*13634 Visibility affecting active dataset value shown by the cursor.
*13612 Pruning distance in geographic space must be specified in degrees instead of the user specified unit.
*13669 DMC file serialized into a shared file.
*13645 Restoring factory settings switches copy protection to "Legacy" and hides new license.
'''Opening File'''
*13685 SRH-2D materials coverage missing polygons when opened.
*13680 Crash when using the New command.
*13672 Vector solutions from SRH-2D on Voronoi grid loaded incorrectly; do not cover entire domain.
*13679 Error vs. Time Step plot option in the Plot Wizard crashes SMS when the Finish button is clicked.
*13648 Crash saving project with CMS-Flow quadtree converted to scatter.
*13682 Save causes crash and corruption due to dataset file path issue.
*13625 SMS switches active Cartesian grid when project saved.
*13655 The Edit Elevations raster tool converts the elevation values from meters to feet when elevations are already in feet.
*13675 Display of UGrid "point" values in the Edit Window showing node-centered values when should only show cell-centered values.

Fixed a crash when using ADCIRC<->CMS-WAVE steering module.
==SMS 13.2.3 beta - April 13, 2022==
'''Cartesian Grid'''
*13626 Cartesian Grid cell S and Z values not consistent for datasets are saved out correctly.
'''Display Options'''
*13576 Quadtree constrained Ugrid display of edges appear broken.
'''Map Module'''
*13654 Map module polygon generated from a shapefile display shapefile artifacts when fill turned on.
*13661 Z values of polygon fill get overwritten with bad value (0.0?) that drop below the polygon.
*13636 Merge SRH-2D material coverage polygons causes SMS to crash.
*13559 SMS reports zero points in LAZ file when there should be visible points.
*13635 Importing SRH-2D materials from a shapefile are not mapped correctly.
*13638 PreSRH fails when detailed obstructions include in a simulation.

Fixed a problem where the volume reported for selected elements is off.
==SMS 13.2.2 beta - March 29, 2022==
'''Bridge Scour'''
*13630 Bridge Scour Coverage not reporting correct values a pier value goes dry.
*13611 Display artifact with some CAD data not being converted to feature objects.
'''CMS Flow'''
*13623 Error when opening project with Rubble Mound Jetties coverage in the project.
*13620 Lag in CMS-Flow Boundary Condition option availability in the Arc Boundary Conditions dialog.
'''Display Theme'''
*13596 UGrid display settings not working with display themes.
*13606 Opening 13.1 projects with lots of components is slow.
'''Map Module'''
*13613 Pruning a loop sometimes prunes away the whole loop when it should not.
*13603 Texture mapping setting option not saved with project file.
*13532 Incorrect display location of TIF file with certain projections.
*13558 Vertical projection of a merged raster does not match the input or display projection.
*13615 Display update for map coverages with the arc direction arrows turned on is slow.
'''Project Explorer'''
*13608 For large projects, when deleting all data, items in the Project Explorer are deleted incrementally and slowly.
*13564 Status/progress prompt for raster states that it is interpolating when no such action has been taken.
*13627 Right-click simulation menu has both a Remove and Delete command when only should have one of those options.
*13601 Running SRH-2D with an empty materials depth curve causes SRH-2D to crash.
*13592 Changing the HY-8 Inlet Configuration causes SRH-2D to fail during the simulation run.
*13618 Plots working for SRH Monitor Lines but not working for Monitor Points.
*13633 User unfriendly error messages in SRH-2D Save Simulation that does not help users troubleshoot the issue.
*13556 GDAL 3.4.1 update breaks the Raster Difference tool.
*13561 Trim Raster tool fails to create a new raster.
*13562 Trim coverage tool fails the buffer distance is set to 0.0.
*13563 Crash duplicating coverage that was generated from tool in the Toolbox.

==SMS 10.1.10 - Released October 25, 2010==
==SMS 13.2.1 beta - March 12, 2022==
Fixed a problem with converting cartesian grid data to a scatterset.
'''Display Options'''
*13217 Erase behind labels option is wrong (appears as a solid block) in oblique view.
*13555 Projection from SMS projects not added to "Recent Projections" list in the Horizontal Projection dialog.
*13568 Run all simulations command does not work; fails to initiate any simulation runs.
*Various minor improvements.

Fixed a problem where SMS was not saving the georeferencing information for an image.
==SMS 13.2.0 beta - February 10, 2022==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.2|Initial Release!!]]

Fixed zonal classification so it will work correctly with multiple zones and with dynamic solutions correctly.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.1|SMS 13.1 Release]] Notes=
==SMS 13.1.24 - August 10, 2022==
*Installer permissions error when running as non-admin user.

Fixed a problem where NULL values were not plotted correctly.
==SMS 13.1.23 - August 05, 2022==
*Various Minor Improvements.

Fixed a crash that sometimes occured when going to the page setup dialog.
==SMS 13.1.20 - May 12, 2022==
'''Online Maps'''
*13737 Unexpected warning when exporting GIS data.
*Various Minor Improvements.

Fixed a crash that could occur when displaying vectors along nodes in a coverage.
==SMS 13.1.19 - April 13, 2022==
*13643 Floodway materials polygons are not generated properly and some polygons are missing.
'''Project Explorer'''
*13607 When opening large projects, the Project Explorer will rapidly flash when updating.
*13532 Incorrect display location of TIF using an Austrian projection.
*13601 SRH-2D crashes when blank materials depth curve added to project.
*13592 HY-8 inlet configuration changes after an initial run causes SRH-2D to fail.
*13618 Plots work for SRH monitor lines but not monitor points.

Fixed an issue where the palette used for contour values is not saved and restored with the project.
==SMS 13.1.18 - March 03, 2022==
*13544 EWN insert ADCIRC levee causes tool to crash.
*13546 EWN generate roughness not matching expected values.

==SMS 13.1.17 - January 25, 2022==
*Various minor improvements.

==SMS 10.1.9 - Released September 10, 2010==
==SMS 13.1.16 - January 19, 2022==
Fixed an issue with scatter datasets created incorrectly sometimes with data calculator.
*13391 Duplicating ADCIRC Simulation causes errors like boundary conditions and tidal constituents needing to be reapplied.
*13398 ADH eddy viscosity dropdown settings reset to default values after closing window.
*13451 ''Breaklines''|'''Force Breaklines''' command hangs SMS.
*13431 Unit-Q floodway boundary is bogus above Q=10.0 cfs/ft.
*13471 Resizing ''Stamping Arc Attributes'' dialog disables '''Add'''/'''Remove''' buttons.
'''Display Options'''
*13450 Triangulation goes awry when importing a LandXML file created by a CAD program.
'''Feature Object'''
*13488 Crash when closing ''Observation Coverage'' dialog that is opened when ''Feature Objects''|'''Attributes...''' command is used.
*13393 Observation Coverage dialog does not appear without a selected feature object when '''Select Feature Point''' tool is active.
*13402 Interpolating between nodes causes mesh corruption when mesh object projection and display projection differ.
'''Opening File'''
*13432 Plot loses link to dataset.
*12652 Unable to open KMZ and properly convert to shapefile. Nothing appears when imported.
*13438 Plots get shifted and have bad values.
*13396 Vertical Datums don't seem to function. Directory for relevant files not being set automatically.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13459 Populate BC tool does not work for scatter sets.
*13441 SRH solution loads to scatter set instead of desired mesh.
*13452 Script error when changing simulation name.
*13401 SMS crashes (and project gets corrupted) when trying to run STWAVE in parallel.
'''Time Series'''
*13389 Time Series plot doesn’t show time-varying observation data when using absolute dates/times.
*13496 Crash after using Create Nodestrings tool.
*13490 Vector Display Options not behaving as expected. Not appearing at every point/cell as desired.
*Various minor improvements.

Fixed a crash that occurred at times when saving a project after duplicating a scatter set.
==SMS 13.1.15 - November 11, 2021==
*13369 ADCIRC fails when there's a recording station.
*13307 ADCIRC model check does not catch quadrilateral elements in mesh. ADCIRC requires using only triangular mesh elements.
*13413 Unhelpful “tuple index out of range” error message when attempting to run ADCIRC, and ADCIRC BC coverage has to be re-applied.
*13378 CMS-WAVE datasets become duplicated after saving and reopening.
*13279 Dataset calculator for max gives unhelpful error message for mismatched timesteps.
*13299 When attempting to display vectors at nodes with large mesh, SMS hangs or crashes.
*13293 Using the Data Set Info button in the Data Set Toolbox crashes SMS.
*13339 Datasets in QuadTree and UGrids in SMS only have the option to Export when multiple datasets are selected. But selecting multiple datasets and then exporting them crashes SMS.
*13288 Double-clicking in the same spot with the '''Create Cartesian Grid''' tool results in an extreme grid size.
'''Map Module'''
*13187 SRH swaps WSE and flow data columns in rating curves with a link structure.
*13357 Converting the Nodestrings that are in a mesh to the Map Module while its a subset invalidates subset edit.
*13376 SMS crashes when selecting ''Convert''|'''Map&rarr;2D Mesh''' on a mesh generator coverage with an invalid polygon.
*13347 Map to 2D mesh doesn't assign elevations for one polygon when assigning to elevation to multiple polygons.
*13368 Current module changes from Map to Mesh unexpectedly.
*13304 Gaps in Mesh numbering cause bad project files. No warnings appear when importing the mesh back in.
*13298 2dm file without generic model interface definitions not read in correctly as a generic mesh.
'''Project Files'''
*13419 Error importing CDIP file that have a variable number of bands.
*13241 Datasets become duplicated after saving, closing, and reopening a project without closing SMS.
*13250 Interpolation of elevation from raster to selected nodes fails to assign elevation values.
*13275 GFGEN/RMA2 won't launch from SMS if there are spaces in the file name.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13367 Auto z-magnification display option uses inactive scatter sets when it should not.
*13412 Merging scatter sets hangs when too little tolerance is used.
*13370 STWAVE Nesting Output Point created in wrong location during the model run.
*13224 STWAVE path for model executable not set by default.
*13318 Replacing Mesh2D link with UGrid link while a TUFLOWFV simulation is running does not work.

Fixed a crash when trying to define a domain using selected vertices.
==SMS 13.1.14 - September 15, 2021==
*13279 Dataset calculator max function gives unhelpful error message for mismatched time steps.
*13276 The Existing Nodes meshing option brings up an error when used.
*13269 SMS crashes when interpolating Mesh to a Scatter with no datasets.
*13249 Cannot get elevation data out of rasters when converting to a mesh.
*13242 SMS crashes when saving after importing the NST files.
*13238 Monitoring Line Simulation Plot confuses results when there are multiple simulations in the project.
*Various minor improvements-->

Fixed an issue with hot starting CMS steering runs.
==SMS 13.1.13 - August 24, 2021==
*13218 SMS gets confused about which dataset is active causing the contours to not update.
*13114 Incorrect bridge scour computed values that are too high.
'''Display Options'''
*13178 Turn on the fill display option for polygons causes SMS to stall for a few seconds.
*13203 Selection status at bottom of screen does not update as expected when addition elements are selected.
*13215 Elevation (Z) dataset cannot be renamed. There is no Rename command available.
'''Online Maps'''
*12730 Floodplain missing flood extent arcs.
'''Opening File'''
*13202 Issues importing CDIP file from CDIP website into spectral coverage.
*13183 Time series plot legend does not update, and the settings do not save. Remains at default settings.
*13177 Reprojecting all corrupts certain coverages.
*13179 Horizontal projection questions/issues where new coverages are in local projections instead of global, points can't be edited, and redistribution is not working.
*13152 Quadtree dataset specific data options are lost when saving the project.
*13168 Trimmed raster name doesn't change in the Graphics Window legend; it keeps the name of the original raster.
*11912 Raster in "*.grd" format not displaying in Graphics Window.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13204 Selection of many triangles in scatter set is very slow when the same operation in the mesh or UGrid modules is not.
*13188 Breaklines not forced properly into scatter set when there are duplicate nodes.
*13220 Summary Report simulation section includes links back to the various coverages that were applied to that simulation. The mesh used appears to also try to link back, but there is nothing in between the quote marks where the mesh name should be.
*13219 Report Summary doesn't recognize simulation has results and so does not include them in the report.
*13216 SRH-2D Post detects pressure flow when no pressure flow should be present.
*13189 Can't delete SRH Sediment Layers in the Material List and Properties dialog.
*13196 Full-Plane Simulation shift in results when loaded into SMS.
*13105 Vectors orientation is wrong on solution for STWave Full plane mode simulation.
*13205 Converting a scatter set to a UGrid creates invalid cells.
*13206 The Select Cells tool does not have a "Invert Selection" option for cells in the UGrid module.

Fixed a problem where created CGWAVE nodestrings don't get saved with the project.
==SMS 13.1.12 - July 02, 2021==
*13154 Saving CMS-Flow simulation fails and brings up a python script error.
*13158 CMS-Flow boundary condition arc are labeled with double text.
*13137 When exporting, there is not a model check or export warnings for broken file references.
*13119 CMS-Flow BC file paths saves to temp directory instead of correct project directory.
*13121 CMS-Flow dataset selector gets filtered prematurely when using folders, placing datasets in the wrong location in the Project Explorer.
*13123 Loading and saving CMS-Flow project files can be very slow.
*13116 Selected arcs display differently when using the Select All command vs. dragging a box selection.
*13094 When extracting features, channel extractor prefers secondary (overflow) channels over main channel.
*13093 Feature extraction from raster fails and causes bank arcs to cross each other.
'''Feature Object'''
*13115 Shapefile not being converted correctly to feature objects. The new feature objects are not completely matching the original shapefile objects.
*11563 Using GenCade Model Control clears INIFILE value when it should not.
*13143 Display Options, specifically the contour method, don't stay constant when trimming a raster.
*13107 Default name for "Save as package..." not set in the dialog.
*13148 Python process id dialog appears when opening the Advanced SRH-2D Simulation dialog.
*13138 Error message appears when running TOPAZ on network drives.

==SMS 13.1.11 - June 07, 2021==
*13066 Exporting ADCIRC simulation with missing files, such as a missing hot start file, should give a warning.
*13037 ADCIRC grd file fails to import.
'''CMS Flow'''
*13061 Incorrect vector values for CMS Wind dataset where the Vx is correct but the Vy is not.
*13041 In the CMCARDS, project has strange collapsed rows going through it.
*12976 CMS-Flow simulation takes several minutes to export, then gives errors related to python script for BC snapping.
*13040 Aligning a contour to an elevation moves points to the wrong place.
*13032 Error retrieving scalar data from solution file when there is no matching geometry.
*13050 Elevations not populating when using Channel Calculator.
*13051 3D bridge swapping the upstream and downstream profiles.
'''Project Explorer'''
*13031 Error messages cut off full file path in dialog and there is not a way to resize the window to see the full path.
*12963 Reproject all command should set projections for floating objects.
*13062 Resampling time steps of vector dataset on quadtree grid produced incorrect values.
*13059 Dataset Properties not showing correct time step for all datasets.
*13033 Datasets to Rasters tool not functioning.
*13053 Unable to convert file path to relative when saving project with a CMS-Flow simulation.
'''Scatter Data'''
*13017 Triangles in the scatter module won't swap due to tolerance.
*13065 Can't access SRH-2D Boundary Condition dialog where arcs associated with a structure have been split.
*13055 SRH2D migration issues where not simulation data is preserved when opening an older SRh-2D model project.
*13027 Sediment table gets confused when there are more than 9 grain sizes.
*13036 Exporting SRH-2D Material file to a polygon shapefile does not assign correct properties to the shapefile.
*13019 Solution folder duplicate command doesn't organize the duplicate datasets correctly, causing the datasets to be assigned to the wrong parent.

==SMS 10.1.8 - Released July 30, 2010==
==SMS 13.1.10 - April 26, 2021==
Fixed a problem where all Bouss2D probes had the results from the first probe.
*12933 The tidal constituent parameters written to the fort.15 (ADCIRC control) file need to have matched precision.
*12894 Map elevation on Cgrids causes reference time information to be lost when swapping datasets.
'''CMS Flow'''
*12976 CMS-Flow simulation takes several minutes to export, then gives errors related to python script for BC snapping.
*12989 CMS-Flow model native import issues causing invalid quadtree cells and arcs.
*13014 CMS-Flow Arc Boundary Condition file paths not preserved causing the files to not open through SMS.
*13012 Can't specify initial conditions file for CMS-Flow simulation.
*12976 CMS-Flow simulation takes several minutes to export, then gives errors related to python script for BC snapping.
*12954 CMS-Flow boundary from ADCIRC issues where BC file is exported with the wrong BC format.
*12922 CMS-Flow boundary conditions written missing entered time series data.
*12966 Arcs in Bridge Scour Coverage not displaying in the Graphics Window.
*12965 Converting a polygon shapefile to SRH-2D materials coverage does not assign polygon attribute.
*12968 Inserting an ADCIRC Levee in an EWN coverage corrupts the EWN coverage.
*12923 CMS-Flow Boundary Conditions in version 13.0 not migrating to 13.1 correctly causing the boundary conditions to be empty.
*12913 3D Bridge to UGrid saves in the component directory by default.
*12955 Precision of Properties dialog not sufficient for many datasets, showing only values to 2 digit precision.
*12906 Datasets in solution folder not converted correctly when using the duplicate and Convert to Scatter commands.
*12892 Dataset Properties are incomplete. Missing reference time, min/max etc for the current time step and all timesteps as well as range, Mean, Std Dev, etc....
*12881 Installation of SMS *13.1 does not create desktop shortcut.
*12967 Mesh created by the EWN Insert Features operation does not have a projection.
*12950 Mesh Element selection is incorrect after clicking the Save command, with some elements being deselected.
*12924 Hydro-AS mesh gets corrupted when imported causing the elements to be scrambled.
*12901 The "Look at point" for rotation (center of rotation) not computed correctly.
*12880 Force Breakline in mesh doesn't give correct results, selected random points instead of the correct location.
*12927 2D Mesh vector display options do not stay consistent when switching between meshes.
*12931 Crash when clicking Force Breaklines command twice.
'''Opening File'''
*13010 Reading currupt projects process needs to be changed to keep SMS from crashing or freezing.
*12914 User can select 3D Ugrids to try to extract observation profiles even though this is not supported at this time.
*12908 Restore Factory settings should remove PlotDefaults.ini along with restoring defaults.
*12940 Right-click Time Preferences does not open Time tab in the Preferences dialog.
*12897 Missing notice to notify user SMS requires restart to apply icon size changes.
*12963 Reproject all should set projection for floating objects instead of ignoring them.
*12962 Object projections set to fully floating (no projection with no units) when reading an ".srhhydro" file.
*12911 Gauss-Kruger projection causes points to shift 1.6-1.7 meters.
*12916 Dataset to raster tool not working. Gives a script error instead of generating the raster.
*12930 Crash converting raster to scatter when using a large raster.
*12688 Error given when trying to run RMA2: "Error running GFGEN. Cannot continue to RMA2."
*13002 Advanced simulation tools will cause the project to not save.
*12944 Unnecessary prompt to save when using the New command and there is nothing to save.
*12953 Datasets for CMS-Flow Quadtrees are not being saved in the projname_datasets folder or restored.
*12960 EWN Project save as does not work: no components or datasets are created during the save.
*12975 Model Checker does not detect Monitor Point issue when monitor point is outside of the mesh.
*12977 SRH-2D Error of missing sediment transport file during the simulation run even though the file is present and available.
*12973 Element not snapped to material when exporting an SRH-2D simulation.
*12958 Structure Output Plot shows no solution even when solutions have been loaded into the project.
*12961 Monitor Line Plots not accessible using “Monitor Line Plots…” right-click menu item for monitor line arc as the command is missing.
*12969 Print the SRH simulation path to the output dialog when saving SRH simulation files. Feature request.
*12934 Can't run SRH-2D simulation with many monitor points. Could not run an SRH-2D simulation with more than 14 monitor points.
*12904 Selecting Advanced Simulation (Beta)... does nothing instead of opening the Advanded Simulation dialog.
*12925 SRH-2D solution won't load as a solution. Trying to load a solution causes SMS to process for a bit, then load nothing.
*12907 SRH-2D Turbulence parameter can be assigned bogus values. Should be limited to a value range of 0.01 to 1.0.
*12926 SRH material export not writing the *.srhmat file correctly as it included materials that do not have assigned elements.
*12909 Save All Simulations and Run command works but gives the user a pop up message with no message.
*12895 STWAVE solutions are swapped (left to right) when read in causing the solution to display incorrectly.
*12890 STWAVE cell size precision is too high caused by a mismatch between the file and the sim file.
*12891 STWAVE depth not loaded in transient depth case. The depth and time steps failed to load.

Fixed a crash interpolating to an ADCIRC grid.
==SMS 13.1.5 beta - December 1, 2020==
*12190 CMS datasets not read correctly, resulting in SMS displaying the datasets incorrectly.
*12697 Importing CMS-Flow CMCARDS or TEL files creates Quadtrees/UGrids with inverted Z values.
*12539 Time series plot of CMS-Flow has odd behavior including: appearing flat when it should not be flat, portions being blank, and not showing the entire range.
*12542 Problem automatically determining contour label spacing causing contour labels to not show up when automatic labels are turned on.
*12637 BC Data lines do not show up in snap preview mode.
*12641 Channel calculator not updating the dataset name and not updating the plot.
*12607 Channel Calculator doesn't update SRH BC definition if there are existing curve values.
*12614 Newly created coverages including extracted features are not placed correctly in the Project Explorer.
*12602 Synthetic Storms Coverage is missing when should be available for paid licenses.
*12695 Dataset time reference is not maintained through interpolation resulting in no reference time being used.
*12665 Data calculator gives wrong answers for Quadtree where the time steps and data ranges are wrong.
*12666 Dataset toolbox "ave" function doesn't work on Vy datasets.
*12667 Dataset toolbox doesn't recognize dataset because of inconsistent handling of variable names.
*12658 Converting CMS-Flow Solution "vector" datasets to scalar has the values aligned to the local space instead of the global space.
*12657 Vector datasets loaded from dataset file are not aligned correctly.
'''Display Options'''
*12659 UGrid vector displays don't update when using the zoom or pan tools.
*12649 Vector colors do not vary when the length option is "Fixed length".
'''Feature Objects'''
*12707 Default for extracting banks of a channel or toes of an embankment should be "Closest to previous" instead of "Closest to centerline".
*12705 Coverages generated by feature extraction have wrong vertical projection.
*12698 Redistribute vertices gets bad data where the vertices are far too course.
*12613 Feature extraction has the OK button dimmed when the it should not be dimmed.
*12589 SRH BC labels z location is off from where the points are displayed.
*12584 Copy/paste does not work in levee attribute dialog of ADCIRC BC coverage.
*12562 ADCIRC Levee BC table cannot be edited using the Assign BC command.
*12566 Term of "Bathymetry" for polygon attributes is confusing and should be "Elevation (terrain & bathymetry) source" instead.
*12670 Inactive cells (based on "Z" dataset) are not set correctly importing from CMS-Flow and are being displayed when they should not.
*12570 Inserting nodes into a geographic mesh does not update the neighbor element's ID as it should.
*12571 Specified duplicate node tolerance not being applied correctly when inserting new nodes in a mesh, allowing nodes to places outside the tolerance level.
*12569 Inserting nodes into a mesh on either side of a levee gap gets the boundary confused and SMS won't insert the node.
'''Opening Files'''
*12646 KMZ file does not load as expected when asked to convert it to a shapefile. The conversion does not happen and the file fails to load.
*12635 Problem with datasets and plots not opening with the SRH-2D project in SMS. Displays an error message that the files cannot be found.
*12591 Loading a mesh from *.h5 file is 5x slower than loading it from a *.2dm file. The *.h5 file should open faster than the *.2dm file.
*12564 Double-clicking on "*.sms" file hangs or crashes instead of opening in SMS when the file type has already been specified to be opened with SMS.
*12595 JSONDecodeError when opening older SRH-2D projects.
*12710 Loading a project results in plot finding in no active dataset for the mesh module.
*12598 SMS is not using the user specified temp directory override set in the Preferences dialog.
'''Project Explorer'''
*12565 Project explorer tree behaves inconsistently in displaying the entries.
*12615 Raster Projections are missing a "vertical" component causing a block when setting a projection.
*12561 Cell edges permanently displayed on Quadtree grids.
*12723 Crash after converting Quadtree to 2D Scatter.
*12655 Mapping a new dataset to the elevation for a quadtree destroys the source dataset.
*12510 Splitting/Merging cells of quadtree messes up datasets attached to the quadtree.
*12626 DEM converted from a LiDAR has holes in the data.
*12627 Merged TIF raster has bad values causing messed up data ranges.
*12696 New TABS executables won't launch from SMS.
*12616 Saving a project as a package incorrectly lists the package file in current working directory and recent files list.
*12625 Folders and tree order in the GIS Data section of the Project Explorer tree are not maintained when the project is saved.
*12629 Save as Package results in project name change when it should retain the original project name.
'''Scatter Data'''
*12694 SMS crashes when deleting scatter points.
*12719 Report generation gives warnings for projection even though projection is valid. Fails when reprojected as well.
*12701 Floodway tools in 13.1 not complete with missing unit q method, computation commands, etc.
*12704 Summary report fails showing a script error when first launched.
*12645 Copy from model run queue to the command line window doesn't work.
*12653 Snapping of internal BC (Pressure zone) is wrong with the snap being misaligned.
*12677 SRH PEST bug where PEST fails immediately when trying to run it.
*12633 SRH Snap preview will always frame when used.
*12590 SRH2D: Solution sets remain when geometry is changed or deleted. Solution sets are specific to geometry and should be deleted if the geometry is changed.
*12600 Y axis label is incorrect for the Net Q plot for SRH-2D, stating an error.
*12599 Garbage RST files are left behind after a simulation runs. These RST files should be deleted when loading the solution.
*12593 Unable to run SRH-2D. SRH-2D fails immediately after the pre-processor runs.
*12586 Problem snapping structures where HY-8 structures are not either missing or snapping to a smaller number of nodes than they should.
*12592 Converting a mesh to a ugrid does not convert the nodestrings.

Fixed a problem deleting scatter points.
==SMS 13.1.2 beta - September 20, 2020==
*12451 Dataset toolbox for a mesh asks for location of the new dataset (nodes vs cells) even though the mesh does not support cell based datasets.
*12454 Dataset toolbox crash for some projects.
*12453 Some datasets are not shown in summary table.
*12457 Import shapefile for SRH-2D material coverage not mapping correctly.
*12448 Important model paths for model executables are not set in Preferences.
*12424 The filtering of displayed vector arrows based on magnitude range is not working.

Fixed a problem where multiple grids could have the same GUID causing one not to get displayed.
==SMS 13.1.1 beta - August 6, 2020==
*12421 Unable to run the ADCIRC Model Checker. An error appears when trying to run the model checker.
*11451 Change All command for Arc BC display options not useful and should be removed.
'''Display Options'''
*12439 Inactive coverage displaying on mesh after model native import causing the display to change when it should not.
*12396 Observation profile plot has an unexpected gap.
*12441 Old CMS-Flow import does not create geometry and displays error that there are too many layers.
*12440 Depths &harr; elevations transform does not change Cell Z value for quadtrees.
*12418 Arc labels not re-projected after display projection changed.
*12444 SRH sediment transport data migration issues including changing the active thickness and thickness units.
*12433 Migration of an SRH-2D project from 13.0 project creates invalid Node ID.
*12420 When importing SRH-2D with a restart file, the RST file does not come through.

Fixed a problem when using Bouss2D and spectra dws files the direction of the wavemaker was not working correctly.
==SMS 13.1.0 beta - June 21, 2020==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.1|Initial Release!!]]

Fixed a problem where SMS would not startup if they moved their "My documents" folder.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.0|SMS 13.0 Release]] Notes=
==SMS 13.0.14 - June 24, 2020==
*12336 Feature stamp gives meaningless "void in breakline" message and doesn't create stamp.
*12369 Scatter set interpolated onto a quad tree grid creates a point dataset not a cell dataset.
*12368 Quadtree x location and y location should be on cells icon not on points icon in the Project Explorer.
*12365 Incorrect vector values when converting vector sets to scalar.
*12399 Unable to convert a Quadtree cell dataset to a node dataset.
*12375 Bridge Scour Crash. SMS crashes when attempting to View Values or Export Hydraulic Toolbox File for the Bridge Scour coverage.

==SMS 10.1.7 - Released June 17, 2010==
Changed the function that copies an STWAVE or CMS-Wave simulation to create a separate copy of the spectra for the new simulation.
*12407 Vector values not interpolated from scatter set to mesh.
'''Opening File'''
*12360 Crash importing some CMS models.
*12390 Loading *.grd file crashes SMS 13.0.
<!--*12343 SMS changes the projection without notice and is inconsistent *can't verify was fixed in 13.0-->
*11976 Projection that appears valid does not work with Layout tool.
*12364 Vector Values for selected cells not displayed.
*11596 Monitor Line snapping (internal) gets confused when the line follows the mesh boundary.
'''Summary Table'''
*12307 Erroneous values in Summary Table. Some of the reaches show 'NaN' when there should be flow, and the Hydraulic Radius is unreasonably large.

Added output files to the data distributed with the RMA2 tutorial
==SMS 13.0.13 - April 29, 2020==
*12277 Crash occurs when using the Convert | Stamp Features command on a Feature Stamping coverage.
*12284 SMS hangs when using source arc redistribution with cubic spline.
'''Feature Object'''
*12228 Exterior snapping counts the corner cell twice.
'''Generic Model'''
*12254 ALOS Global Digital Surface Model Data not recognized in XMS.
'''Opening File'''
*12255 Merging image tiles for some raster file types ends up failing with an unrecognized elevation.
*12263 Lighting Display Options do not show up for the Quadtree module.
*12192 No volume value found in Status bar for the Quadtree module.
*12258 Smoothing Raster converts static raster to dynamic when there are data gaps. A section of 'no data' in the raster appears to cause issues when smoothing the raster. Although all XMS softwares include the no data area when the raster is smoothed, which messes up the contours, only SMS then displays the raster as if it were dynamic. Since it's a GIS layer, the contours cannot be adjusted to truncate the range to correct the display manually.
'''XY Series Editor'''
*12193 The Xy series editor cuts off the vertical label initially when using an empty dataset.

Made a change to where SMS save the log file for TUFLOW to allow non-administrative users to run the model.
==SMS 13.0.12 - January 31, 2020==
*12094 Delete CAD Prompt is out of place. Happening when closing a project, even when no CAD data is present.
*12163 Map to Mesh Extrapolation only gives null values. Mesh generator properties set to use IDW for Extrapolation from a Scatter set bathymetry source only give null values. When directly "interpolating" from the same scatter to the mesh once created, the values are as expected from IDW. Even though large amount of extrapolation, such as in this case, may be unwise, it is still expected that SMS would honor the extrapolation method specified.
*12173 Some Bridge Scour generated arcs are not properly geolocated.
*12164 ADCIRC ''Model Checker'' flags errors but model runs without any errors.
*12123 Exported shapefile values are invalid. When mesh contours are exported from SMS, the values in the attribute table are not accurate. For example, some of the values are larger than the original dataset's maximum across all time steps. The minimum/average/maximum values are also constant for some of the exported polygons, even though the nodes those polygons intersect have different values.
'''Feature Objects'''
*12117 "Constant Paving" attribute not saved when the project is saved and closed.
*12131, 12121 Crash when using the Create Cartesian Grid tool  in the Cartesian Grid module.
*11503 Crash opening project and performing the '''Map&rarr;2D Grid''' command.
*12090 Including HY-8 slows down SRH simulations beyond what is expected.
*12178 Can't open images from directories with unusual characters such as ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü. The image appears to load, but it is not visible in SMS.
*12134 SMS crashes when importing a LiDAR file created by merging two or more LiDAR files.
*12138 Only one constant value for the bathymetry polygon attribute honored when mapping Mesh Generator coverage.
*12116 Meshing attributes from the ''2D Mesh Polygon Attributes'' dialog are not saved with project when "Constant Paving" is selected.
'''Opening File'''
*12119 When opening a project containing a TIF image, a prompt appears asking for the TIF to be unnecessarily converted to a geoTIFF.
*12124 Converting a raster to a flood depth raster crashes SMS.
'''Scatter Data'''
*12153 Removing duplicate points distorts breaklines on FHWA machines. When working with a scatter set with several duplicate points, by removing the duplicate points lines shoot out from the model, far outside of the project's bounds. Only replicates on the FHWA machines.
*11942 SRH Project won't open in SMS 13.0 when there are errors with online images, mismatched datasets, and voids in the mesh.
*12095 SRH solution can be loaded into a project where the geometry (mesh) has been changed or edited. A warning should appear instead.
*12087 STWAVE angle appears to be off by 90 degrees when compared to the wave height by direction output dataset.
'''XY Series'''
*12089 The ''XY Series Editor'' does not allow for an empty data frame.

Fixed the interactive tool for dragging column boundaries in a CMS grid.
==SMS 13.0.11 - November 11, 2019==
*12026 Raster elevation not referenced when creating a mesh. The raster is selected in the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties, but after converting the map to a 2D mesh the elevation is zero. Interpolating the raster to the mesh generates the correct elevations.
*11816 Node elevations not mapped for offset arcs.
*11852 Exit-H 'Populate' button appears unresponsive with certain datasets where there is no elevation data under the arc.
*12020 Selected elements, when duplicating a mesh, cause selection anomalies. Only elements outside the polygon are selected. The elements that were selected when the mesh was duplicated can't be selected.
*12015 If boundary condition arcs for the inflow and outflow BC are too far into the mesh, Snap Preview crashes SMS.
*11715 Assigning a new elevation dataset for a mesh deletes the previous elevation dataset. Should only update the values in the current Z dataset.
'''Model Control'''
*11997 CMS-Flow Sediment Transport Conflict between Model Control and Model Check. When the nonequilibrium formulation is selected, adaptation, size classes, and bed composition are visible. After switching to either of the equilibrium formulations, these are hidden. However, the model check still throws a warning regarding the missing size class information.

A new update for CMS-Flow resolved a few model crashes that had been reported.
'''Online Maps'''
*11230 In the Virtual Earth Map Locator Tool, the  "Show Navigation Tools" option is not working.
'''Opening File'''
*12046 Sample TIF loads in SMS 12.3.5 but not in 13.0.10. TIF file had a different projection than what was set in SMS.
*12037 Can't read LandXML files.
*12060 Plot line style changes not being implemented in the plot after setting them in plot display options on the style tab.
*11837 Start time field not populated properly in step 2 of Film Loop Setup.  Not allowing user to specify a starting time when generating the flow trace with the default simulation run (full length) set.
*12049 Observation profile arc does not work when plotted along a Cartesian Grid geometry. Plot is not generated.
*12022 Plot settings reset to default when they should not be. Occurs when changing the setting then generating an animation. Reset to default after the animation run.
*12013 Observation plot line color resets after changing plotted time step. Occurs when changing the plot line color in the plot, then going back into plot data to change the time step.
*12002 Observation profile of arc that goes through holes in mesh doesn't find all "gaps".
*11988 MPI executable option missing from Preferences dialog.
'''Spectral Data'''
*12064 Generate Contour Breaklines creates nonsensical breaklines. The command has been removed.
*11978 SMS crashes when a point in a spectral coverage is moved. SMS should allow you to move the point in the spectral coverage without closing.
*12029 SRH obstructions dialog contains misleading punctuation. A line in the Obstructions dialog box contains a colon that confused at least one end user.
*12024 SRH-Post fails because the monitor coverage was not restored when reading the model native files.
*11979 SRH not representing internal links correctly. Values are off from what is being monitored.
*12019 INLET-SC BC not written correctly to srhhydro file.
*11871 SRH Model Check Processing Script Error. Occurs when a poorly designed mesh is included in the simulation.
*12088 Active coverage isn't really active.  The active Spectral coverage isn’t really active until activating a different coverage and then clicking back on the Spectral coverage to make it active again.
*12082 Stamped Feature Endcap spreadsheet is missing a row to enter data.
*11937 Tutorial Review: STWAVE Nesting Files Will Not Open. When attempting to load a STWAVE nesting file, an error message appears.
*12085 Vector arrow location at 'Center' sometimes causes crash.
'''Feature Objects'''
*11971  Feature Stamping with Overlapping Channels Crashes SMS. When stamping features on a scatterset, overlapping items in a single stamping coverage crashes SMS.

Fixed a bug in mesh generation that occurred when degenerate loops (made out of degenerate arcs) exist in the conceptual model.
==SMS 13.0.10 - September 18, 2019==
*11925 Script error for ADCIRC NWS6 wind data
*11880 SMS crashes when trying to open BOUSS2D Spectral Analysis
*11952 CAD Files lost when saving project
*11915 Can't remove rows in Feature Stamping dialog
'''CMS Flow'''
*11940 CMS-Flow BC arc does not snap to edge cells of transformed Quadtree Grid and computed vectors not aligned with grid
*11749 Datasets are never "editable" except for the "Z" dataset.
*11720 The activity flags for time derivative datasets is not correct. The resulting dataset has a time step for the midspan of each of the pairs of input time steps, but the values outside of the channel are not contoured (inactive). The nodes have values, but they are not being contoured.
*11922 Error with ADCIRC dataset time reference. The problem was with the classes SMS creates to represent script data.
'''Display Options'''
*11677 Snapping of Monitor Lines in SRH simulation gives illegal set of nodes. The snap does not go all the way through the domain so non-adjacent nodes are listed as "in order" in the node string for SRH-2D.
*11904 SMS Display Settings inconsistent. When clicking on various datasets, the assigned display themes don't always load.
*11924 Scalar paving not generating mesh that matches size function. The mesh has "tongues" of smaller grid spacing radiating out from the inlet that don't match the desired size function.
*11921 Some Paving gives inappropriate distribution of points. Elements get bigger on first, then get small again.
*11972 Using the Patch method, it can create element with bad interior angle of more than 180 degrees.
*11664 Preview Mesh generation in 2D Mesh Polygon Attributes dialog is slow when using a raster for elevation.
*11646 vector<T> too long. The map coverage issues an error creating a mesh when the SMS project is loaded in. When the map data is loaded in independently, the mesh is created without issue.
*11916 Crash updating observation plot when using the Extract Profile From command.
*11859 Update display is very slow with selected polygon. With the polygon selected, Update Display takes around 20 seconds on my computer. Without it selected, it is almost instantaneous.
'''Scatter Data'''
*11963 Crash when attempting to export scatter set to a text file. Only occurs when there are multiple points.
*11846 Deleting a layer in an SRH Sediment Materials coverage leads to crash. The 'Insert Below' button does not insert below if a line is not selected. If the top row is then deleted, it appears to corrupt the existing line. If the dialog is closed to save those changes, attempting to reopen the properties dialog crashes SMS.
'''Time Series'''
*11719 Sampling datasets in time using the Dataset Toolbox is not clear and gives too many time steps.
*11926 When reading NWS6 fort.22 file the time steps should start at 0.0. The time steps should start at 0:00:00 if it is NWS = 6. They should start at the hot start time if NWS = -6.
*11808 TUFLOW option for ASCII or binary file for grid elevations unavailable. When the option for using ASCII or binary files for grid elevations is toggled on in 2D Model Control, the 'Browse' button remains grayed out so no files can be selected. However, when the option is toggled on and the user attempts to exit the 2D Model Control, an error appears that no file has been selected.

Fixed a problem with filtering large dataset using the angle filter.
==SMS 13.0.9 - July 17, 2019==
*11826 ADCIRC not licensed in SMS 13.0 for some users located within time zones in India.
*11863 SMS crashes when attempting to run BOUSS-2D with training exercise/tutorial. Crash occurs when using the simulation Save Project, Export, and Run BOUSS-2D command.
*11741 CMS-Flow sediment transport gives empty results. When running the simulation, no sediment transport occurs.
*11938 Cartesian Grid and CMS-Wave simulation disappear when deleting a point in the spectral coverage.
*11890 CMS-Wave XMDF solution format not read correctly.  Errors appear that the "wav" files could not be loaded and an empty folder is added to the grid.
*11872 Error loading CMS-Wave solution. SMS looking for ASCII output, even though the output format was set to XMDF.
*11806 Quadtree Dataset Contours not correct. Dataset contours are ignored in preference of the general contour settings.
*11865 The time step associated with a scour scenario is lost in file I/O. When setting the time step in the Bridge Scour Coverage Properties dialog, the setting is not saved.
*11696 [[SMS:Arcs#Prune arc|Prune arc]] leaves a leg of the arc that should be pruned.
*11866 When computing the station on the contracted arc on a bridge scour coverage, the value doesn't appear.
*11681 The ability to assign multiple dataset specific contour options at once is missing in 13.0.
*11868 Bridge Scour Properties using the View Values and Export Hydraulic Toolbox File buttons cause SMS to crash. Happens when a bridge scour arc is not defined.
*11927 Datasets read from NWS6 format not read correctly. The S value is correct, but Vx and Vy values are not.
*11821 Select SRHHYDRO files do not import. Loading in an older SRHHYDRO file to recover a simulation works in 12.2 but fails in 12.3 and 13.0.
*11860 SRH-2D (DMI) Solution is loaded in the wrong folder in the Project Explorer.
'''Main Menu'''
*11892 Macros for Contours and Vector options not available in Quadtree module.
*11822 Converting CAD to Feature Objects hangs in SMS. Mapping CAD layers to feature objects takes much longer in newer versions of SMS than in SMS 11.2.
*11772 Huge memory leak on DMI model native import. Memory not clearing after closing the project.
*11824 Infinite value in a mesh dataset causes the mesh to not display.. Truncating the dataset fixes the issue.
*11754 Interpolating elevation value from a raster does not function as is customary. Interpolate bathymetry from rasters command was missing.
*11867 Bridge Scour Properties crash SMS after creating new mesh. Occurs when creating the bridge scour coverage and opening opening the bridge scour properties before a mesh exists in the project.
*11861 Selecting a lot of elements is slow. Taking around 30 seconds for SMS to select all elements in a mesh with more than 1000 elements.
*11743 Meshes in different projections no longer align correctly. With the switch from Global Mapper to GDAL, some existing meshes no longer align. The original mesh can be reprojected again and will appear to align in SMS 13.0, but the X and Y coordinates will not actually have changed. This means that although the new mesh is set to the new projection, the coordinates are still numerically in the old projection.
*11864 Observation profiles have "gaps" at the vertices of the observation arc when viewing the plot window.
'''Opening File'''
*11874 Read of NWS 8 is broken causing a script error.
*11827 Can't load SRH Solution File. Error occurs when solution does not match geometry. A warning message has been added.
*11908 Plot of BOUSS2D solution crashes when accessing the Plot Options and changing the plot the extract the profile from points and vertices.
*11838 Polygon material assignment lost when polygon id changed in file using a text editor.
*11800 Quadtree 'Map Elevation' button doesn't work. When attempting to switch which dataset sets elevation for a Quadtree, the dataset is either ignored (if node dataset) or overwritten by the existing elevation data (if cell dataset).
'''Scatter Data'''
*11737 Converting large elevation TIF to Scatter crashes SMS.
'''Spectral Data'''
*11936 Spectral energy not plotted in Spectral Energy dialog.
*11811 CMS-Wave Spectra does not import correctly. When first opening the SMS project, an error appears that the spectral data is not assigned to a model. There is a spectral point with data written to a new spectral coverage. However, the existing 'Spectral' coverage has a point that appears to be empty.
*11894 Residual and Monitor Plots not visible in Simulation Run Queue.
*11833 SMS Hangs with Multiple Simulations.  Loading more than two simulations into the Simulation Run Queue causes SMS to hang after closing the queue.
*11807 SRH-2D Pressure arcs revert to wall type in roundup sturctures NHI exercise.
'''Time Series'''
*11891 Spectral Time is modified in "write" and "read" of the project. When editing the time for a spectral point, the time is not saved.
*11825 SMS Crashes when triangulating a UGrid.

Fixed a problem related to duplicate node tolerance that occurred when triangulating geographic data.
==SMS 13.0.8 - May 02, 2019==
*11771 Warning appears when attempting to merge coverages.  Warning dialog pops up stating "invalid map <K,T> key".
*11786 Error duplicating material coverage. A warning message comes up saying "invalid map<K, T> key. On clicking OK the geometry in the coverage is duplicated to a new SRH Material coverage, but the material list an polygon attributes are gone.
*11704 Dataset not acknowledged by Observation coverage. The Observation coverage is not recognizing all datasets in the scatter module and gives an error: "Error. No dataset specified for interpolation".
*11781 Unlink coverage command is labeled as delete.
'''Display Options'''
*11775 Selecting a polygon doesn't work when using the Select Polygon tool.
*11776 Dragging to zoom doesn't work. Instead was acting like the Rotate tool.
*11517 DMI: double-field does not work. Causes issues when entering numeric values when using the German language setting.
*11753 Symmetric storm (for.22) not written correctly (or at all) when exporting an ADCIRC simulation.
'''Online Maps'''
*11794 Add online maps doesn't load an image, nor does it download the requested data.

Fixed the infra gravity wave toolbox for generating input to CGWAVE. This fix also required the distribution of additional utilities in the BOUSS2D folder in the models folder.
==SMS 13.0.7 - April 16, 2019==
*11357 Copy protection broken for PADCIRC. States that a license is needed when increasing the number of computational processors being used above 1.
'''CMS Flow'''
*11607 CMS-Flow solution folder named incorrectly (not matching the simulation name) and doesn’t include the WSE solution.
*11614 Graphics Window doesn't update after deleting ADCIRC solution from project.
*11705 Opening fort.14 file issue 1. The BC locations were getting lost when opening a fort.14 file.
*11716 Gradient, Gradient Angle, and Directional Derivative dataset tool should operate on all time steps of the selected dataset.
*11751 ADCIRC script fails (gives errors) if a source file is already in the right place. Happens when making a change to the simulation and then exporting.
*11687 HEC-RAS 2D export encounters issues when there is a void in the mesh. A warning has now been added if a void is detected in the mesh when exporting to HEC-RAS.
*09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output where the tool did not correctly identify all selected values. Unable to consistently reproduce the issue.
'''Project Explorer'''
*11747 Importing ADCIRC project from SMS 12.3 issues. When bringing in an ADCIRC project built in SMS 12.3 or earlier, SMS 13.0 would incorrect open the project with extra meshes and coverages.
*11710 Copying a DMI coverage is too slow. When using the Duplicate command, could take several minutes to copy a coverage.
*11692 Collapse All in Project Explorer hides all tree items except "Project". Should be able to see Map Data, GIS Data and other folders.
*11660 No "Link" Menu Option on SRH-2D Map coverages when trying to link to a simulation.
*11726 Errors getting NLCD data when EPSG code is not available.
*11714 “NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 (US Feet)” Projection Missing from new projection dialog.
'''Scatter Data'''
*11695 Converting raster to scatter results in unexpected behavior where the points and triangles cannot be selected.
*11676 Feature stamp with interpolated cross sections results with bad center line elevations.
*11721 Using the Properties right-click menu command on some DMI (SRH, ADCRIC, etc.) coverages causes SMS to crash.

Fixed a problem in saving the contour options for a dataset.  These were not being preserved from one session to the next with a project.
==SMS 13.0.6 - March 20, 2019==
*11622 SMS not reading ADCIRC max files correctly. Was giving unreasonable maximum elevation and velocity values that did not match the maxele.63 and maxvel.63 files.
'''CMS Flow'''
*11606 CMS-Flow model checker checks for sediment datasets when sediment transport is turned off.
*11603 CMS-Flow wind dataset disrupts load solutionWhen running the CMS-Flow model, it runs successfully but then gives the error "File not found: 'model4_wind.h5'" When attempting to load the solution. None of the solution files then load. In the model files folder, loading in the individual h5 files loads in the results. The wind magnitude and velocity datasets are loaded from 'model4_met.h5'.
*11616 Mesh Contour Intervals overlap in exported shapefile. When exporting mesh contours to a shapefile, the min/max do not always fall inside of the designated contour interval.
*11612 Coverage legend display shows both default and specific display outcomes instead of only the specific outcome as selected.
'''Opening File'''
*11650 Cannot open ADCIRC .grd file.
'''Popup Menu'''
*11675 Project Explorer right-click menu is cut off by the top of the screen when SMS is maximized.
'''Project Explorer'''
*11660 No "Link" Menu Option on Map Data Item. After unlinking coverages from an SRH-2D simulation, the right-click "Link" menu command for coverages was missing when attempting to link new coverages to the simulation.

Fixed a problem interpolating from one scatter set to another.
==SMS 13.0.5 - February 20, 2019==
*11577 The selected polygon does not get highlighted correctly when selecting a channel polygon. The interior polygons (bendway weirs) are highlighted rather than the channel polygon.

Fixed a crash that occurred if a user hit the ESC key while saving a scatter set.
==SMS 13.0.4 - February 5, 2019==
'''Scatter Data'''
*11573 Converting map coverage to a scatter set causes SMS to crash.
*11475 FFP Scatter set loses data values after being saved. When re-opening the scatter set, all elevation values are 0.

Fixed a problem in the color of a grid cell changing.
==SMS 13.0.3 beta - January 25, 2019==
'''Display Options'''
*11451 Change All command for "Arc BC" display options not useful.
'''Opening File'''
*11445 Large LANDXML file either not opening or taking a long time to open.
*11480 Extra projections being added to the recent projections list in the ''Projections'' dialog.

Fixed a crash in zonal classification.
==SMS 13.0.2 beta - January 22, 2019==
'''2D Grid'''
*11427 2D Mesh elevations from boundary of patch not using the Coon's Patch as designed
*11505 Need consensus on positive/negative depth convention
'''Display Options'''
*11474 Map flood fails if scatter contour options not linear
*11466 In the Run Queue, the simulation associated with a set of plots is not clear - add simulation name label to plot
*11486 DMI - Database error when combobox option has apostrophes in it
*11469 Crash when trying to select dataset with DMI dataset selector
*11526 Hide Help-Button when help_button_url is unset
*11497 Opening dat file attempts to open as an image (GM)
*11471 13.0 - Project import causes crash
*11472 13.0 - SRHHYDRO import crashes SMS
*11450 Interpolate command causes confusion and loss of functionality
*11487 GUI Test: Popup does not appear when attempting an invalid Quadtree cell merge
'''Scatter Data'''
*11190 Convert Map -> Scatter does not work if node or vertex is selected but not used
*11473 Nodes on the wet/dry edge not getting negative depth as expected
*11495 Launching SRH-2D simulation unloads datasets from another projection
*11314  SRH-2D unable to run Sediment Transport
*11502 SRH Wall BC requires extra roughness height even when turned off
*11495 Launching SRH-2D simulation unloads datasets from another projection
*11467 Double quote character {"} in SRH-2D case name causes SRH-Post script to fail
*11492 GUI Test: Error when running multiple SRH2D simulations
*11513 OBSE results in STWAVE not projected correctly
*11198 Import of STWAVE solution reads vector dataset incorrectly
*11496  SMS crash when attempting to open TUFLOW node attributes

Fixed a problem when reading ".3dm" files so that the datasets associated with these files are opened automatically.
==SMS 13.0.1 beta - November 20, 2018==
*11353 User cannot view the Command Line output in the Simulation Run Queue
*11313 Crash when mapping to 2D mesh using Raster bathymetry in coastal training exercise
*11401 CAD data does not get recognized as having a range
*11293 Reference time changed when performing dataset calculator operation on Quadtree dataset
'''Display Options'''
*11408 Projection overlay issues
*11333 There is no polygon fill option in the display options for Constant Paving Density
*11406 Run Queue plot colors should be more contrasting
'''Feature Object'''
*11399 Polygons selection using a map polygon not quite right
*11367 SRH Interface Slow to Respond
*11291 Interpolate to 2D Cartesian Grid
*11368 Corrupt Materials Table when deleting rows
*11417 Converting selected mesh nodes to a scatter set produces an empty scatter set
*11383 Progress report for mesh generation goes above 100%
*11386 Setting the contour range uses inactive values. It should not.
'''Opening File'''
*11371 Processing Conversion of SRH Project from 12.x to 13.x
*11405 Observation profile plot does not update timesteps when "active" selected and user changes time step selection
*11363 Mesh Preview button causes SMS to hang
'''Project Explorer'''
*11374 Right-click in project explorer causes SMS crash
*11382 Right click menu when scalar and vector selected is missing
*11398 Mesh that is not displayed when saving a project is displayed when read in
*11395 Error Exporting SRH Simulation
*11381 User can edit text in the Model Checker
*11364 Flow trace option in Floodway tool not accessible
*11318 text is unset

Fixed a crash that occurred when trying to generate a full circle domain around a single point on a coastline arc.
==SMS 13.0.0 beta - October 15, 2018==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_13.0|Initial Release!!]]

Fixed the text that appears when you hover over the Select Grid Frame tool.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_12.3|SMS 12.3 Release]] Notes=
==SMS 12.3.5 &ndash; December 5, 2018==
'''CAD Data'''
*11455 Converting CAD to Scatter set has crashes
*10718 CMS-Wave crash: insuffcient virtual memory Windows 10
'''Feature Objects'''
*11426 Converting to Feature Objects with nothing displayed crashes SMS
*11143 SMS switched module from Map to Mesh after dragging a vertex
*11151 Converting a coverage from "Generic Model" to "Mesh Generator" loses node attributes
*11092 HY-8 Culvert with Embedment Depth Specified Fails to Generate Valid Table
*10763 Trouble Launching HY8 if the .hy8 file is Stored in a Network Location
*11433 Previously supported Scatter format doesn't import
*11436 Crash when opening the project
'''Map Module'''
*11425 Adding arcs to map coverage changes node Z values
'''Mesh Module'''
*11289 Generic Model BCs not correct
*11219 GUI Test: 2 arc intersection error
*11152 Mesh Generator coverage still references boundary conditions and crashes
*11150 Map to 2D Mesh for Generic Mesh crashes
'''Project Explorer'''
*11374 Right-click in project explorer causes SMS crash
*10933 SRH-2D Sediment Transport Solution not Generating in SMS 12.3
*11448 Progress script error during SRH-2D run
*11395 Error Exporting SRH Simulation
*11107 PostSRH-2D does not run, might be missing a dependency
*11057 SRH-2D Pre-Processor not Formatting Internal Sink
*10724 Infinite loop in map module working with TUFLOW materials file

==SMS 10.1.6 - Released May 3, 2010==
==SMS 12.3.4 &ndash; August 8, 2018==
'''CMS Flow'''
*11096 Crash Opening Project
*10886 CGWAVE Reset 1D spacing command causes crash
*11056 SMS Crashes Deleting Monitor Points
*11064 GUI Test: TUFLOW 2D materials not being renamed
*10934 Clicking Help Button in Create Coverages Dialog Does Nothing
*10924 Create coverages Dialog for New CSHORE Simulation isn't Modal
*11001 Using Scatter Transform Tool Applies Transform to All Datasets and Not Just the Active Dataset
*10843 Crash Deleting Datasets
'''Display Options'''
*10837 SMS Hangs with Specific Vector Display Options
'''Feature Object'''
*11143 SMS switched module from Map to Mesh after dragging a vertex
*10810 SMS Crashes Opening (*).sdf File
*10549 Project stuck in Build Culvert Tables
*10770 Source Arc Resdisribution Challenge
*10732 Two arcs get linked to same attributes
*11085 Dialogs pop in front of SMS when closing the material dialog
*10896 Read script crashes SMS after a linked geometry is deleted from the project tree
'''Opening File'''
*10867 Crash Opening project
*10864 Crash opening project
*10817 Plot file added to list of recent files but can't be read in
'''Project Explorer'''
*11050 Computed Values Don't Update Until Datasets Moved to a Folder
*11116 Generic Model Definition Not Saving Curve Data In SMS
'''Scatter Data'''
*10968 Importing LandXML Files Build Corrupt Scatter Sets
*10780 Crash deleting points in duplicated scatter set
*11107 PostSRH-2D does not run, might be missing a dependency
*10982 HY8 File with No .hy8 Extension Causes Invalid Path to Table File
*XMDFC output option no longer supported. So use projects that previously used the XMDFC output option:
*# Go into the model control and change the output option to something that is not "XMDF".
*# Click OK on the dialog to exit out.
*# Re-open the model control and set the output option to "XMDF" and click OK.

When saving/loading a FESWMS model the nodestrings do not get duplicated and retain the original direction.
==SMS 12.3.3 - May 30, 2018==
*010484 Multiple issues with FESWMS structures
*010732 Two arcs get linked to same attributes
*010816 Crash converting shape to map
*010473 ADH project saved from SMS does not run
*009794 Polygon material assignment not clear
*010810 SMS Crashes Opening (*).sdf File
*010614 Can't drag online images to change order of display in Project Explorer
*010506 False SRH Model Checker message for International Feet
*010507 SRH Geometry Units not written for Intl Feet
*010557 SRH-Pre failure in 12.3 but works in 12.2
*010685 Spaces Preceding SRH-2D Dataset Names

Fixed a problem where some of the FESWMS material properties were not being saved correctly.
==SMS 12.3.2 - May 8, 2018==
*010644 SMS write the IHOT value incorrectly
*010646 SMS gives a warning on ADCIRC run that appears to be wrong (the file looks okay)
*010643 The ADCIRC "Run ID" is not saved correctly
*010551 Hydrotec Related Feedback - Create and Move Point Lag
*010572 Import of native SRH files does not read time series BC data
*010547  BC Arc Options shows all possible options
*010656 Crash After Deleting All Coverages
*010676 Geometric surface of mesh disappears for some view directions
*010484 Multiple issues with FESWMS structures
*010663 Crash assigning Island weir to arcs
*010689 When opening an image (GIS Object) the file is not added to the recent list. It should be
*010605 HY-8 Build Tables Executable Filepath not Specified for New Installs of 12.3
*010553 Scalar Paving Values not Saved with the Project
'''Dynamic Model'''
*010601 Sample Dynamic XML cause crash on start-up
*010612 Add Arcs To Mesh Destroys Mesh
*010552 Crash after extrapolation value warning
'''Model Control'''
*010494 Widget Confusion in SRH Output Control
'''Online Maps'''
*010614 Can't drag online images to change order of display in Project Explorer
'''Scatter Data'''
*010576 Import of XML preserves triangulation but not boundary
*010506 False SRH Model Checker message for International Feet
*010507 SRH Geometry Units not written for Intl Feet
*010557 SRH-Pre failure in 12.3 but works in 12.2
*010685 Spaces Preceding SRH-2D Dataset Names
*009944 SRH-2D pre-processor crashes.
*010703 SRH-2D Requires Initial Conditions WSE Value in SI Units
*010232 SRH-2D Sediment Discharge Type Rating Curve not Working

Fixed a crash reading some older annotation files.
==SMS 12.3.1 beta - March 21, 2018==
*10380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project
*10342 SMS Writes Scatter ASCII Dataset Files Incorrectly
*10490 Crash Assigning Materials
*09413 Saving Mesh Contours as Shapefiles: Incorrect Polygon Attributes
*10461 Crash in Plot Wizard
*10460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
*10483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
*10476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names
*10259 Tuflow Multiple 2D Domains Not Exporting Correctly
*10369 SMS Not Reading WAM Spectra Files
*10364 WAM Spectra_User format Incorrect

'''Potentially Breaking Change''' - We changed SMS so we no longer provide path information to RMA4 for RMA2 solution files. The issue is that RMA4 does not support very long file names and the binary geometry file has to be in the same folder. We recommend saving/running your RMA4 model in the same directory as you run RMA2. Otherwise, you will need to copy the appropriate files into the same folder as RMA4.
==SMS 12.3.0 beta - February 24, 2018==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_12.3|Initial Release!!]]

Fixed an issue where a reference to PTM solution files were not being referenced in the project file.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_12.2|SMS 12.2 Release]] Notes=
==SMS 12.2.14 - May 8, 2018==
*010644 SMS write the IHOT value incorrectly
*010646 SMS gives a warning on ADCIRC run that appears to be wrong (the file looks okay)
*010643 The ADCIRC "Run ID" is not saved correctly
*010380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project
*010551 Hydrotec Related Feedback - Create and Move Point Lag
*010572 Import of native SRH files does not read time series BC data
*010547  BC Arc Options shows all possible options
*010656 Crash After Deleting All Coverages
*010663 Crash assigning Island weir to arcs
*010490 Crash Assigning Materials
*010689 When opening an image (GIS Object) the file is not added to the recent list. It should be
*010461 Crash in Plot Wizard
*010553 Scalar Paving Values not Saved with the Project
*010483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
'''Display Options'''
*010676 Geometric surface of mesh disappears for some view directions
*010601 Sample Dynamic XML cause crash on start-up
*010612 Add Arcs To Mesh Destroys Mesh
*010552 Crash after extrapolation value warning
'''Model Control'''
*010494 Widget Confusion in SRH Output Control
*010460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
'''Scatter Data'''
*010576 Import of XML preserves triangulation but not boundary
*010488 Merging SRH-2D BC coverages causes arc numbering error
*009944 SRH-2D pre-processor crashes.
*010476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names
*010259 Tuflow Multiple 2D Domains Not Exporting Correctly
*010369 SMS Not Reading WAM Spectra Files
*010364 WAM Spectra_User format Incorrect

Fixed an issue with appending mesh files that lead to bad values at element centroids.
==SMS 12.2.13 - March 21, 2018==
*10380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project
'''CMS Flow'''
*10075 Velocity checkbox in CMS-Flow BC coverage arc attributes dialog doesn’t allow user to specify velocity dataset
*10312 TUTORIAL REVIEW: CMS-Wave contour display legend issue
*10212 Select with Polygon delete dataset contour options
'''Display Options'''
*10106 Vector colors not correct
*10342 SMS Writes Scatter ASCII Dataset Files Incorrectly
*09976 CMS-Flow Salinity Statistical output times incorrect
'''Feature Object'''
*10221 TUTORIAL REVIEW:Redistribute Arc using a truncated size function removes all vertices
*09991 Multiple issues with editing storm track
*10490 Crash Assigning Materials
*09413 Saving Mesh Contours as Shapefiles: Incorrect Polygon Attributes
'''Opening File'''
*10309 Crash opening CMS File
*10461 Crash in Plot Wizard
*10288 TUTORIAL REVIEW: BOUSS-2D ETA probe plots are not popped out like other plots
*10393 Projections of TINs gets confused in 12.2, 12.3 and 13.0
*10239 Incorrect unit label exported to SRH-2D
*09693 Reproject is slower in SMS 12.2 than in previous versions of SMS.
*10460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
*10258 Conversion from CMS-Flow domain to scatterset is no longer supported
*10483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
*10108 Opening old FESWMS project and resave results in invalid project
'''Scatter Data'''
*10333 Editing scalar value wipes out timesteps
*10299 Incorrect Precision Exported for WAM Nested Grid and Spectral Site Location Coordinates
*10476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names
*09882 GUI Test: TOPAZ runs with an error when the folder path is too long

==SMS 10.1.5 - Released March 11, 2010==
==SMS 12.2.12 - December 20, 2017==
Fixed the issue with merging meshes that have duplicate or near duplicate nodes deleting border elements and preventing a clean merge.
*10083 Annotations have gray shading with lighting turned on
*10058 CAD Data Not Being Displayed After Being Generated
'''CMS Flow'''
*10130 Can’t delete multiple rows in spatially constant wind CMS-Flow table
*10132 Contour Labels Partially Obscured
*10078 Smoothing a dataset on a scatter set gives wrong answer
'''Display Options'''
*10082 Dragging of Feature Nodes Not Shown
'''Feature Object'''
*10124 Bad arc resulting from redistributing based on source arc
*10107 Clean coverage hangs or gives wrong results when attempting to "extend" an arc to intersect
*10158 Align Arc with Contour Tool Not Functional
*10102 Select connecting arc function not working
*09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering
*09922 WMS Crashes Exporting HMS with Diversions from Basin
*10067 Can't import XML file
*10186 Crash generating AdH Mesh
*10063 Duplicate Node Tolerance Incorrect
*10151 Incorrect Plot for BC Populate
*10105 Time series plot range is not saved
*09858 Location of HY8 Executable in Preferences cannot be Changed
'''Scatter Data'''
*10136 Incorrect Pt Names saved to *.h5 file for scatter set
*09946 SRH BC Populate Tool doesn't work properly unless vertices redistributed
'''Summary Table'''
*10093 Summary Table Flows Incorrect

Fixed a problem where SMS was not saving the PTM setting for "Source and trap z-value relative to datum"
==SMS 12.2.11 - October 24, 2017==
*09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering
*10067 Can't import XML file
*09979 Map Legend is using Global Lighting making it hard to read.
*09984 Numerical Precision not clear in GMI
*09825 Depth Varying Roughness XY series only displays metric units
*09695 Status Window Message Gives Wrong Impression of What Is Actually Happening
*09960 TUFLOW Cross Section Plot not functioning correctly
*10028 Plots in 12.2 are much slower than previous versions
*09983 Crashing when editing BC value
*09737 Compare datasets tool does not assign correct values in non-overlap region
*09921 Linear contours not exported to CAD when using dataset contour options
*09803 Mesh Contours to CAD Issue
*10053 Bad Snapping
*09824 Multi-Select and Add to SRH Simulation Issue

Fixed a problem with the generic model interface that resulted in duplicate global parameter tabs when a 2dm file with the same parameter group was read in.
==SMS 12.2.10 - September 26, 2017==
*09927 SRH “Assign Material Properties” dialog opens when double-clicking outside of any polygon
*09999 Minor spelling issue with feature stamping
*09965 SMS Incorrectly loading fort.22 wind file
*09975 .dat file export does not contain data
*09945 The river module commands cause SMS to crash.
*09917 Typo in the Redistribute Vertices dialog
*09972 GUI Test: Error updating widget value
*09926 Project metadata remains after selecting “File | Delete All”
*09852 Can't open file with umlaut in name
*09933 Dataset contour options not defaulting correctly for datasets in a folder
*09958 Can’t edit quadtree grid scalar dataset interpolated from scatter
*09959 SMS appears to hang when accessing material properties
*09898 Materials numbering error
*09903 Summary Table give bad values with RMA2 mesh
*09906 Modifying Polygons in SRH-2D Materials Coverage causes Other Polygons to Lose Polygon Attributes
*09947 SRH Interface doesn't understand comma input
*09993 TUFLOW Form Loss Coefficients

Fixed an issue that occurred when certain projections were used with Cartesian grids. The problem happened when using the tutorial files with CMS-Flow. The tutorial files have also been changed to the correct projection.
==SMS 12.2.9 - August 16, 2017==
*09811 Crash when loading project or when attempting to modify model control of Bouss-2D Simulation without grid
*09623 Update for the min recommended depth for BOUSS2D
*09733 Summary table gives results for only one cross section coverage
*09732 Must select centerline coverage for each cross section when generating a summary table
*09503 Smoothing dataset in scatter has no effect
*09830 CMS-Flow Bed Layer Section of Card File Exported Incorrectly
*09718 CSDB not being saved with the project
*09676 Dataset Toolbox Grid Spacing Tool very slow
*09755  Selecting radio buttons in the Extract Cross Sections window turns off radio buttons in other sections
*09785 Incorrect Unit Label in "Populate" WSE Tool
*09771 Summary Table spreadsheet too big
*09729 Feature Stamping doesn't properly trim/intersect surface
*09724 CAD to Map Snapping Options Ignored
*09780 Crash opening map file
*09719 Plot settings get reset when they shouldn't
*09774 Incorrect Errors Reported in Error Plots
*09766 Converting Quadtree to Ugrid changes the cell centered datasets to pt centered 06-19-2017
*09763 SMS 12.2 missing ability to compute volume on a Quadtree 06-14-2017
'''Scatter Data'''
*09629 Map->Scatter Not using arc elevations as specified
'''Summary Table'''
*09819 Generating Summary Table with Mesh Toggled Off Generates Unreliable Results
*09818 Summary Table Flows
*09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table
*09720 Summary Table not working as it should
*09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table

Fixed an issue with display vectors on a grid from CMS-Flow solutions.
==SMS 12.2.8 - June 20, 2017==
'''Display Options'''
*09655 Display appears to be missing some curved arrows
'''Feature Objects'''
*09634 SRH-2D Boundary condition gets corrupted
*09632 Can't merge CGrid Rows or Columns
*09742 GUI Test: Crash when redistributing vertices after doing a Delete All
*09730 Changing Temp Directory can create multiple file browser dialogs
*09678 Can't change temp directory
*09567 SMS hangs creating water level arcs for TUFLOW coverage
*09633 Dimming of widgets in Feature Stamping Dialog
*09363 Minor PTM error message when saving project
*09717 Line properties from HEC-RAS not read into SMS
*09663 Crash Merging Meshes
*09653 ARR Plot takes too long to come up and is too sensitive
*09654 Converting mesh boundary to "unprojected" coverage gives wrong result
'''Scatter Data'''
*09625 The Scatter Contour to Feature arc dialog can become too small
*09566 SMS hangs merging scatter sets
*09681 Incorrect formatting for Supercritical BC for SRH
*09616 SRH-Pre Cannot read Sediment Gradation XYS files that Have a Space in the Name

Fixed an issue where certain CMS-Flow/CMS-Wave steering files would crash during the steering process if some of the cells along the CMS-Flow boundary condition went dry.
==SMS 12.2.7 - April 11, 2017==
*09425 SMS Freezes in Spacial Attributes Dialog
*09571 Crash opening cmcards file
*09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
*09551 The DMI puts a lock on the executable and doesn't release it
*09330 Polygon attributes in DMI coverages not being saved/read correctly
*09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
*09555 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn red when process fails
*09549 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn green when process completes
*09556 DMI Model Wrapper should uncheck "Load Solution" when the user aborts.
*09550 CMS-Flow model does not write wind curve if no BC file is in the simulation
*09552 DMI Model Wrapper should change focus to a new process when it launches that process
*09561 Mapping .shp to Obstructions Coverage
*09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output
*09557 Slow Display Response - Create Node Example

In CMS-Flow the grid is automatically oriented so the origin is in the lower left. This was not working properly and has been fixed.
==SMS 12.2.6 - March 21, 2017==
*09540 Offset Arcs Defaults and Saved Values
*09449 Assigning two arcs boundary conditions at the same time give DMI error and doesn't work
*09450 Changing model version number in XML makes project crash
*09430 Node Transformation Not Saved
*09500 Dataset Toolbox Filter Issue
*09535 Crash After SRH Run
*09537 Repeating Error Message about Boundary Node

When adding points to a scatter set, all but the active dataset are deleted. At times the wrong dataset was left. This has been fixed.
==SMS 12.2.5 - March 14, 2017==
*09472 Help links for SRH-2D sediment transport dialogs don't work
*09436 Crash when using remote desktop
*09421 Inserting a row into a DMI table results in wrong row being active
*09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
*09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring
*09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors
*09428 Dialog appears behind the working window
*09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash
*09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
*09432 SRH Materials Coverage and Sediment Materials Coverage Bad After Building New Polygons
==SMS 12.2.4 beta - February 15, 2017==
*09219 ADCIRC Model Control Incorrect Tidal Amplitude
*09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
*09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring
*09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors
*09428 Dialog appears behind the working window
'''Display Options'''
*09351 Snap Preview when arc display option is off
*09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash
*09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
*09401 False model checker warning and SRH crash

==SMS 10.1.4 - Released Feb 12, 2010==
==SMS 12.2.3 beta - January 17, 2017==
Fixed a meshing bug that appeared in the last update.
*09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
*09309 Plot window appears when opening project with plots in community edition
*09307 Crash opening project in Community Edition
*09323 Recently opened file list is cleared when opening a project with a plot
*09321 Plot window is not restored when project with plot is opened
*09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version
*09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance
*09160 Incorrect Interpolation Menu for Rasters
*09346 Error message for overlapping arcs and error messages in general
*09310 The error message box has a redundant line that shows the type of error.
*09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
*09382 Combined XYZ Length is incorrect for multiple arcs
*09384 Element material type reported for generic mesh
*09314 Smoothing Dataset Taking a Very Long Time
*09187 Comparing Datasets Subtraction in SMS vs. Documentation
'''Display Options'''
*09290 Observation points not visible when display atts are turned on.
*09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working
'''Feature Objects'''
*09347 Lag in error message
*09342 Nodestring ID visibility
*09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
*09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
*09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
*09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
*09256 DMI polygon attributes lost
*09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly
*09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
*09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
*09280 Unexpected Warning Stating Bandwidth Unusually High
*09316 CGWAVE .cgi precision
'''Model Control'''
*08983 Curves and table values read from DMI H5 file not read in
*09322 Plot windows don't close on Delete All
*09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
*09239 Saving causes a crash when the data in the plot is not correct
*09328 Unable to save image file
*09390 SMS does not write SRH Input file for Internal Sink SRH Simulation
*09357 SRH QuickWin doesn't show Water Elevation Plot when run through SMS
*09199 UGrid Interpolator doesn't allow Map to Z option

Fixed a problem reading some ADCIRC fort.15 files.
==SMS 12.2.2 beta - November 14, 2016==
*09234 Crash performing Model Check
*09185 1D Summary Table Crash
*09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X
*09179 Unable to Perform Operation when Comparing Datasets in Data Set
*09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned
*09210 Transform Command Invalidates Dataset
*09220 Mesh disappears from project
*09237 SMS crashes when merging nodestrings
*09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
*09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
'''Online Maps'''
*09226 Map to Curvilinear function fails
*09228 Summary Table is only exported if the user types the file extension
*09227 Save File dialog has an Open button instead of Save
*09075 Check for Updates Not Working
*09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue
*09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
*09222 TUFLOW project loses Geometry Component
*09215 Converting Quadtree to UGrid sometimes creates an extra folder

Fixed displaying scatter scalar values colored by contour scheme.
==SMS 12.2.1 beta - October 10, 2016==
*09185 1D Summary Table Crash
*09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X`
*09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
'''Feature Objects'''
*09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
*09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
*09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed
*09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
*09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
'''Project Explorer'''
*09121 SMS DMI allows multiple coverages of same type to be added to a simulation if added by a single drag
*09122 Inconsistency of terminology when unlinking elements from a SRH-2D simulation
*09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line
*09075 Check for Updates Not Working
*09172 Crash opening project with SRH model

Fixed a BOUSS2D model crash that seemed to happen more with Vista and Windows 7.
==SMS 12.2.0 beta - September 10, 2016==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_12.2|Initial Release!!]]

SMS now opens project files correctly when you double click on them.
=[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_12.1|SMS 12.1 Release]] Notes=
==SMS 12.1.10 - January 25, 2017==
*09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
'''Dynamic Model'''
*09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working
'''Feature Objects'''
*09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
*09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
*09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
*09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
*09256 DMI polygon attributes lost
*09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly
*09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
*09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
*09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
*09298 Dataset imported after exporting in H5 format from UGrid can't be read
*09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
*09328 Unable to save image file
*09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version 11
*09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance

Fixed the data calculator Max(:all) and Min(:all) functions used to determine the max or min of a dataset through all timesteps.
==SMS 12.1.9 - November 16, 2016==
*09234 Crash performing Model Check
*09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned
*09220 Mesh disappears from project
*09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
*09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
*09075 Check for Updates Not Working
*09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue
*09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
==SMS 12.1.8 - October 19, 2016==
*09075 Check for Updates Not Working
*09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
*09172 Crash opening project with SRH model
*09053 Default Help Option is said to be Online but Actually takes you to Local Help
'''Spectral Data'''
*09124 Crash When Using Display Tools in Spectral Energy Dialog
*09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line
*09114 Isues with observation plots
*09020 Observation Plot Doesn't Look As Expected
*09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
*09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
*08824 Deleting points of a mesh in non-display projection forgets what it is doing
*09127 Can't make observation arcs visible
*09113 Bad grid created from Generic Grid generator coverage when set to "Mesh Centered" type
'''Feature Objects'''
*09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
*09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
*09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed
'''Dynamic Model'''
*09042 No default display of snapped arcs

Fixed an issue where the materials boundary lines were not updated correctly when changes were made to the assigned materials.
==SMS 12.1.7 - August 13, 2016==
*08955 Edit fields for Harmonic parameters in files tab of ADCIRC model control
*08937 Spatial Attribute changes not saved
*09008 Crash When Attempting to Save, Export, and Launch BOUSS-2D Simulation
*08957 Can't populate contours with proper range of values
*08974 Dataset conversion from vector to scalar not working for Quadtree from Toolbox
*09046 Raster Display Doesn't Update Properly when Changing Point Size and Maximum Points
*08962 Incorrect update of CMS-Wave cell attribute display
*08939 Display doesn't refresh after pan
'''Dynamic Model'''
*09029 Can't run or specify location of aswip
*09027 DMI crash when referencing nonexistent dialog
'''Feature Objects'''
*08956 Select by Dataset Value does not work on UGrid Z dataset
*08952 ADCIRC Mesh elevations revert back to old values when reopening SMS and project
*08954 Nodestrings with Unassigned Boundary Conditions aren't Being Saved
*08979 Text of the Coverage to Smooth Button is Overflowing
*09024 SMS Steering Menu Item
*09070 User gets error message when canceling out of ImportWizard
*09041 SMS is Trying to Read in Files that it Shouldn't
*08960 Open File Format appears instead of an error message
*09069 SMS Coverage Duplicate Issues
*08942 Can't access right-click menu for datasets
*08963 PTM particles remain in display after deletion
*09040 Arc BC data not saved
*09087 The Time Step time is not being displayed when the time is 12:00:00 AM
*08949 Can’t edit quadtree scalar datasets
*08975 Quadtree transform fails to transform refined cell points
*08882 Quadtree Grid menu items
*08921 Raster Frame and Display
*08914 Crash trying to open .las file as "Raster"
*08988 Crash When Creating New WAM Simulation
'''Spectral Data'''
*08972 The direction of the wave components converting from spectra to CGWAVE is not spectra dependent and is wrong
*08971 Converting spectra to CGWAVE wave components does not clear spectral list
*08940 Can't work with high number of spectral indices

Fixed an error with the generic model interface reading and writing model parameters.
==SMS 12.1.6 - June 2, 2016==
*08899 ADCIRC solution with small timestep won't read in
*08813 Incorrect NWS value written to control file
*08768 B2D Wave maker minimum period (tmin) is not filled in anymore
*08767 B2D Warning of time range is wrong
*08795 Map Elevation command doesn't use specified dataset
*08745 Floodway tool Crash
*08794 Scatter Visibility affects dataset used for interpolation
*08782 Data Calculator behavior type vs. paste
*08757 UGrid datasets generate their own dset contour options
*08880 CGWAVE nodestrings are numbered with bogus IDs
*08865 Color of snap preview does not change after hitting OK
*08797 DMI - If a curve is associated with a "set", it is not exported
*08765 BOUSS-2D damping dataset not computed completely
'''Feature Objects'''
*08766 Wave maker no longer shows direction
*08885 Weir from bug 8798 leaves elements in the interior
*08881 ADCIRC node strings not numbered correctly
*08798 Crash Creating ADCIRC Weir
*08777 Canceling In Select Dataset Dialog Changes Functional Surface Options
*08866 The Line Attributes dialog is not modal
*08868 XMDF File Not Loaded In Correctly
*08800 Functional Surface Won't Use User Defined Dataset
*08755 Interpoate from Quadtree to Scatter vector crashes
*08829 Incorrect polygon fill display
*08830 Preview Mesh leaves a gap in the mesh.
*08840 Issues with Functional Surface on Mesh
*08787 Map-2D Mesh with multiple rasters
*08856 Crash When Writing Particles Subset If the File Name Has not Been Set
*08763 Observation plots not consistent
*08764 Observation plot from Mesh is too long
*08762 DEM Observation plot of data doesn't show up
'''Project Explorer'''
*08769 SMS gets confused about the mesh module
*08746 Missing features for TUFLOW 1D
*08799 Missing Cross Section data in Summary Table
*08854 Crash After Reproject All
*08838 Incorrect Raster Elevations
'''Scatter Data'''
*08907 Saving an empty scatter set corrupts project.
*08908 Dialog indicates spacing is in meters when it is really in degrees
*08848 Crash Saving Project After Failed Interpolation
*08837 ADH Model Checker SI Units
*08847 Error When Using an Existing Dataset for Extrapolation
*08748 Can't Open SRH solution after model run
*08846 Crash Saving TUFLOW Project

Fixed some problems with the "Viz" package where features were not accessible like they should be.
==SMS 12.1.5 - April 20, 2016==
*08739 Loading CMS-Flow project from SMS 11.2 does not associate the projection correctly
'''CMS Flow'''
*08668 CMS Project Crash
*08695 CMS-Flow Registration Item Disrupts SRH Coverages
*08682 Selecting Polygons Takes a Long Time
*08690 SMS Does not Preserve "Bank" attribute type in the 1D Hydraulic Centerline Coverage
*08697 Splash Screen Causes SMS to Hang
*08702 SMS Main Menu, and Hot Key for Help Goes to Internet Only
*08642 GSSHA Upstream Culvert
*08711 Opening multiple surveys at a single time gives error message
*08730 Map->2D Mesh is too slow "Setting nodal z values..."
*08575 Observation Data Cannot be Defined for stream arcs with an arc type of "General Stream"
*08581 Drogue plot shifts when zooming out
*08673 Problems Rotating on Quadtree/CGrid with Grid Frame
*08672 Able to Create Quadtree When Quadtree Not Enabled
'''Scatter Data'''
*08720 Converting coverage to spacing scatter gives wrong values
*08719 Converting coverage to scatter hangs
*08747 Data sets don't appear under Mesh Data after running SRH-2D.
*08689 SMS Not Saving Populated WSE Value

Fixed an issue with reading some RMA2 solution files. The files this affected was quite rare.
==SMS 12.1.3 - March 03, 2016==
*08653 Contour options are not initialized on UGrid dsets after duplicate operation
*08593  Empty spreadsheet double cells crash xms
*08649 Crash opening .dep file
*08596 Polygon Fill Display Incorrect
'''Boundary Conditions'''
*08635 Snap Preview won't stay off
'''Dynamic Model Interface'''
*08622 DMI range type edit boxes change values on blur
*08623 DMI double clicking anywhere with polygon select tool enabled opens polygon attributes menu
*08637 DMI Building New Polygons Messes Up Dependencies on Old Polygons
*08597 Mesh Paving Crash
*08604 Renumbering a mesh with gaps while color fill contours is on causes a crash
*08595 UGrid Functional Surface doesn't display correctly when new active dataset selected
*08607 ADCIRC files not copied to run directory when executing ADCIRC
*08606 SMS does not read in ADCIRC data correctly
*08615 Vector to Scalars Command Generates Dataset with Incorrect Velocities
*08608 SRH-2D material coverage created from FESWMS coverage has bad attributes for polygons
==SMS 12.1.2 - January 24, 2016==
*08544 - Dataset compare feature is not working
*08527 - #file_name keyword is not accessible when process_on_condition is used in input_file
*08571 - PBL output grids not displayed correctly
*08536 - Crash After saving FESWMS Project and Reopening Saved Files
*08567 - Opening CMS-Wave simulation with the Display Projection set to Geographic creates incompatible display case
*08555 - Crash opening CMS-Flow project
*08478 - Contours change when they shouldn't
*08549 - Contour update issue on quadtrees after interpolating datasets from one to the Z of the other
*08542 - Summary table from 2dMesh uses elevation value for all datasets
*08550 - Cannot edit multiple nodes simultaneously on a vtk mesh
*08547 - Min and max not set when interpolating one quadtree dataset to Z of another
*08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types
*08566 - Date/Time stamps for the year 2000 - 2009 are read incorrectly when written with 8 digit format
*08563 - Cells in a table become blank
*08560 - SMS crashes when clicking the top left cell of the Linear BC table.
*08561 - Wording correcting in film loop error
*08557 - Merging coverages causes duplicate node ids
*08526 - Order, i_order, and j_order attributes have no effect on process_each_polygon operations on cgrids
*08481 - Redistribute Verices without cubic spline causes points in bad places
*08545 - Confirmation setting not used when deleting coverages with the "Del" key
*08404 - Saving and Reopening Coverages Removes Certain Characters
*08492 - Wrong Popup When Generating a CGrid with No Grid Frame
==SMS 12.1.1 beta - December 07, 2015==
'''CMS Flow'''
*08476 - Error Popup when Opening Old CMS-Flow Project File in 12.1
*08519 - Merged coverage has inappropriate atts that cause a crash when cleaning
*08501 - Crash Deleting All Coverages
'''Feature Object'''
*08513 - Double-Clicking on point in DMI Coverage does not bring up dialog
*08508 - DMI unable to conditionally retrieve cell i and j based on bound coverage attribute
*08511 - Points Snap to Incorrect CGRID Cells During CMS-WAVE2 DMI Export
*08496 - Strange Behavior and Crash When Merging Polygons
*08495 - Crash When Merging Polygons
*08452 - Redistribution of arc that is not in display projection causes problems
*08483 - Incorrect mesh preview in polygon attributes
*08499 - Incorrect Mapping of BC arc to mesh
*08491 - Crash committing mesh subset
*08502 - SMS deletes duplicate elements without reporting what elements are being deleted
'''Opening File'''
*08494 - Crash or Hang when opening project
*08507 - Cross sectional database with "." in the name gets trimmed
*08522 - Crash Opening SRH Tutorial
'''Project Explorer'''
*08330 - Project Explorer Items not updating their display properly
*08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types
*08488 - Observation plot options allow user to select images if raster is loaded, but then says it is invalid
*08473 - Crash during save of generic model
'''Scatter Data'''
*08482 - Crash loading project file merging dynamic database (MergeAfterAllFilesReadIn)

Fixed a problem with the scatter vertex tolerance in geographic coordinates. This duplicate node tolerance is now always m in geographic coordinates. The conversion isn't precise so it is an approximate value.
==SMS 12.1.0 beta - Release November 17, 2015==
*[[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS_12.1|Initial Release!!]]

Fixed an issue where the label on the initial water surface elevation in a RMA2 simulation was not being updated when the coordinate system of the project changed.
=Older Release Notes=
For older versions of SMS that are no longer actively supported, see the individual release note articles:
!width="200"|Release Note Article
!width="200"| Release Version Notes
|[[SMS:Release Notes SMS 10.0|Release Notes SMS 10.0]] || [[SMS:What's New in SMS 10.0|SMS 10.0 Initial Release]]
|[[SMS:Release Notes SMS 10.1|Release Notes SMS 10.1]] || [[SMS:What's New in SMS 10.1|SMS 10.1 Initial Release]]
|[[SMS:Release Notes SMS 11.0|Release Notes SMS 11.0]] || [[SMS:What's New in SMS 11.0|SMS 11.0 Initial Release]]
|[[SMS:Release Notes SMS 11.1|Release Notes SMS 11.1]] || [[SMS:What's New in SMS 11.1|SMS 11.1 Initial Release]]
|[[SMS:Release Notes SMS 11.2|Release Notes SMS 11.2]] || [[SMS:What's New in SMS 11.2|SMS 11.2 Initial Release]]
|[[SMS:Release Notes SMS 12.0|Release Notes SMS 12.0]] || [[SMS:What's New in SMS 12.0|SMS 12.0 Initial Release]]

Fixed the graphic and manual for FESWMS wind direction graphics and explanation.
= Related Topics =
* [[SMS:What's New in SMS|What's New in SMS]]
Fixed a problem in the last update where reprojecting cartesian grids removed variable cell widths in CMS-Flow.
==SMS 10.1.3 - Released Jan 11, 2010==
Fixed a problem where the incident wave condition was not being saved for CGWAVE
SMS defaults ADCIRC fort.73 files to more appropriate names when read in
Fixed a background image shift that was happening in transient animations
Fixed a problem that lead to a bad contour value with CMS-Flow solutions
Reintroduced ability to choose Map to 2D Mesh on an area property coverage to modify the materials in your mesh
Fixed a problem where build polygons was reseting the material types for the polygons
Fixed STWAVE so it ouputs ASCII files when they are selected for output
Fixed a problem reading PTM source files
Fixed a problem where doing a save as project with a PTM simulation referenced the old PTM files
Removed distinguishment of land and water cells in STWAVE and CMS-Wave since no such specification exists in the models. This was causing some cells with solution data to not be displayed.
Fixed an issue with CGWave 1d depth extraction not working.
Fixed a problem where vectors were not saved to a jpeg correctly if the scale was greater than 1.0
Fixed a problem where SMS would sometimes freeze when trying to delete duplicate nodes. This happened particularly when the tolerance was large compared to the average spacing between nodes.
Fixed a problem where CMS-Wave spectra were incorrectly read in as full plane spectra.
SMS now correctly stores the reflection coefficient for CGWAVE
Fixed a problem with displaying cellstrings that had portions with negative z elevations.
==SMS 10.1.2 - Released Nov 16, 2009==
SMS now reads in fort.61 files correctly.
SMS now creates FESWMS weir IDs correctly.
Fixed a problem where contoured functional surfaces were not displayed correctly.
The feature stamping dialog no longer truncates the words in dialog.
Fixed the roughness by depth image in the FESWMS material property dialogs.
Fixed a problem where you couldn't turn off the legend for contoured functional surfaces.
Readded the capability to do Map->2D Mesh from an area property coverage to copy roughness parameters to an existing mesh.
SMS now correctly updates the screen when triangle edges are swapped without requiring a manual refresh command.
Fixed a problem that profile plots with multiple arcs were not being displayed correctly.
SMS can again show images in the background of flow trace animations.
Fixed a problem with exporting meshes as tabular data files in the 64-bit version.
Fixed a problem where adding scatter points into an existing scatter set caused SMS to hang.
Fixed a problem where converting a scatter contour to an arc broke contour display in other modules.
Fixed some issues with vectors not updating correctly when changing the view.
Fixed an issue where time-series plots of flux were not being computed correctly in the Cartesian Grid Module.
Fixed a problem where splitting a BOUSS2D cellstring caused SMS to hang.
Fixed a problem interpolating vector datasets to a STWAVE grid.
==SMS 10.1.1 - Released Oct 26, 2009==
New Tutorial – Working with TINs (scattersets) in SMS. Includes guidance on using breaklines and other new features in SMS 10.1
Updated Tutorials – Google Earth tutorial has been updated to show the difference between exporting Raster and Vector KMZ files and to demonstrate how to build KMZ filmloops. The ADCIRC tutorial files have also been updated.
===Executables and dlls===
The CGWAVE executable for the original installation was incorrect. The correct executable is now being distributed
The correct BOUSS2D executable is now being distributed.
Some of the dll's in the original installation were the incorrect versions. These have been fixed.
Windows 7 File Management –  There have been some issues with the settings files used by SMS due to inablity to write in the program files area on Windows 7 and/or Vista. These files have been moved to a user area that can be written.
Importing Observation points – Some problems importing observation points have been fixed.
Fixed the “Zoom to “ menu items when right clicking on an object in the project explorer.
Fixed problems related to reproject scattersets.
Fixed a problem with how SMS writes TUFLOW input files when using weirs over structures.
Fixed some problems relating to merging/splitting rows or columns in CMS-Flow.
Fixed functional surface contour legends.
Fixed a problem reading some generic model interface files.
== Known Issues ==
We are currently working to find solutions to the following known issues:
* SMS 10.1 may not run on virtual machines
=SMS 10.0 Intermediate Release Bugfixes=
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.11 - February 10, 2009 ==
* Fixed a merge meshes crash
* Fixed a problem with RMA2 Marsh Porosity where all of the data was not being saved
* Fixed a problem with ADCIRC weirs
* Fixed a problem with zonal classification
* Fixed a crash in converting GIS shapefiles to feature objects
* Fixed a problem where RMA2 steering it always reports 0.0% of target
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.10 - December 10, 2008 ==
* Fixed a crash with converting Shapefiles (GIS) to Feature objects (Map module)
* Fixed a problem where Shapefile->Map created additional arcs
* Material Assignments to elements mixed up
* Fixed a problem with initial values not initializing correctly in the vector to scalar dialog
* Fixed a crash when opening sms or fpr file
* Fixed a problem where renaming an arc incorrectly closed a profile plot
* Fixed a problem where image pyramids were sometimes not setup correctly for large images
* Fixed a problem where SMS sometimes hung when doing a delete all command
* Fixed a problem where ADCIRC spatial attributes were not being seeded correctly from the specified dataset
* Fixed a problem where ADCIRC spatial attributes were not using the default values which caused larger files to be written then were necessary
* Fixed a problem where reading a partially complete ADCIRC solution was completely aborted rather than reading valid timesteps
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.9 - November 4, 2008 ==
*Fixed a crash with the material properties for generic model interface
*Fixed a problem with contour labels showing incorrect values
*Fixed a problem with the controls to adjust the size of the contour legend
*Fixed a crash with cleaning really complicated map coverages
*Fixed a crash with opening project files with plots that have incomplete data
*Fixed a crash with zonal classification feature
*Fixed a crash that occurred when moving SMS between monitors when using multiple displays
*Fixed a crash with the FESWMS global bed control
*Fixed a problem with demo mode that prevented the user from panning or zooming correctly
*Fixed a problem with using the virtual earth locator to download teraserver images
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.8 - October 6, 2008 ==
* Fixed a problem with merging cartesian grid rows and columns
* Fixed a problem where generating cellstrings along boundary produced overlapping strings
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.7 - August 29, 2008 ==
* SMS now correctly writes the viscosity data to the appropriate input files
* Fixed a problem with RMA4 nodestrings with midside nodes
* Changed find by node ID so that the red circle stays around longer
* Fixed a crash relating to flux plots
* Fixed a crash that occured when reading certain project files
* Fixed a crash relating to boundary conditions with the Generic 2D Mesh Model
* Fixed a crash that occured when running FESWMS
* Fixed a problem with an improper wave angle written out when steering with CMS-Wave
* Fixed a problem with specify input paths for PTM hydrodynamics
* Fixed a crash when selecting a cell in a grid with no elevation dataset
* Fixed a problem where the BOUSS2D Wave generator arrow was displayed in the wrong direction
* Fixed a crash that occured when reading an ADCIRC fort.61 file
* Fixed a crash that occured when observation coverages were deleted before their associated plots
* Fixed a problem with converting Cartesian Grid coordinates
* Fixed so the selection highlighting is done correctly when using the Cartesian Grid Find Cell command.
* Fixed a crash after deleting materials from the CGWave materials dialog
* Updated the PTM executable so it will work with hardware locks
* Fixed a crash when using nested STWAVE grids
* Fixed a crash that occured when you tried to read in scattered data when the scatter module is not enabled
* Fixed a crash when reading incomplete FESWMS .sed files
* Changed SMS to not report PTM warnings for "Mapping Output Interval" if mapping output is turned off
* You will no longer be prompted to save twice when working with STWAVE
* SMS now treats ADCIRC fort.73 and fort.74 files correctly in the model control tab
* Fixed a crash with some RMA4 project files
* Fixed problems with exporting multiple timesteps into a tabular data file
* Fixed a problem with functional surfaces not displaying correctly after changing the display options.
* Fixed an endless loop when trying to create "multiple view" filmloops
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.6 - July 15, 2008 ==
* A problem with the display getting fouled up after changing the z-mag until the next frame command has been fixed
* Fixed crash when trying to assign ADCIRC weirs to nodestrings with different numbers of nodes
* SMS now correctly uses external files specified in the TUFLOW grid options dialog
* Fixed a problem where invalid material references could be created when using the generic model interface
* Fixed a crash that happened on certain computers when saving scatter sets as TINs
* Fixed a problem with the tutorial files for the generic model interface
* Fixed a crash with multiple view filmloops
* Inverting cell selection with Cartesian Grids now works correctly
* Select Cartesian Grid cells by data value has been fixed
* The node ordering for boundaries and forcing files has been made consistent
* STWAVE now runs multiple events from SMS
* The display will now update correctly after changing a nodes x, y coordinates
* Fixed a crash with observation fluxes
* Fixed a problem with observation attribute names for arcs when using both nodes and arcs
* Scatter edges now display correctly when panning after swapping edges
* The display now updates correctly after reversing the direction of a feature arc
* Fixed a crash with zonal classification if you enter the dialog with zones defined that don’t have any criteria
* Fixed Ctrl+ key shortcuts to match the descriptions in the menu
* When mapping an elevation dataset the correct name is now used
* Fixed a problem saving TUFLOW event data
* Select by material type now refreshes appropriately
* Fixed select by dataset value for nodes
* Fixed a crash with certain FESWMS sed files
* Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes when loading a DEM from an asc file
* Fixed a crash that occurred with Cartesian Grid functional surfaces and ATI graphics cards
* Modified the Scatter Contour -> Feature dialog to work more cleanly
* Fixed a crash that occurred with reading some ADCIRC datasets
* Fixed creating cell strings for PTM from CMS-Flow
== Intermediate release SMS 10.0.5 - June 20, 2008 ==
* Fixed a problem with SMS accessing deleted temporary files.
* Fixed a crash with trying to access plot data after deleting feature arcs.
* Bouss-2D wave maker images now appear right side up.
* Fixed a crash with deleting nodes with nodal boundary conditions being displayed.
* Fixed a problem with creating PTM input data from an RMA2 solution.
* Fixed a crash that sometimes occured when smoothing size datasets in the mesh module.
* Fixed a problem with reading RMA2 mesh and solution files that have gaps in the node ids.
* Fixed a crash that occured when deleting improperly created Cartesian grid cell strings.
* Fixed a crash with exporting tabular data.
* We now give an explanation message if we cannot create a nautical grid.
* Fixed a problem where sometimes multiple scalar and vector datasets could appear active.
* SMS now updates the time window when datasets are referenced to a specific timeframe.
* Fixed a problem where SMS doesn't terminate on exit if a solution dataset has no valid values.
* Coordinate transforms are now applied to all the grids and not just the active grid.
* Fixed a meshing crash that sometimes happened with scalar density paving.
* SMS now writes the TUFLOW initial water level value in the tgc file so it can be overriden by water level polygons.
* SMS now writes the STWAVE nesting cells correctly.
* Fixed a problem where it was necessary to launch STWAVE twice before it would run successfully.
* Fixed a problem with Bouss2D probe dialog.
* SMS now saves the Cartesian Grid arc options.
* Changed the output format of the CMS Wave energy file to ensure proper spacing between numbers.
* The Refine point dialog now uses I and J rather than U and V to be consistent with other parts of the interface.
* SMS now handles the TUFLOW external grid file correctly.
* Trying to assign weirs to nodestrings of different numbers of nodes no longer crashes.
* Fixed a problem with changing the z-magnification that broke the display until the next frame occured.
==Intermediate release SMS 10.0.4 - June 11, 2008==
* Mesh contours will now display correctly when there are timesteps that are completely dry
* Fixed a CMS-Flow, CMS-Wave steering crash
* Fixed a crash that occured when creating arrowheads using the map draw tools
* Fixed GIS to Coverage when using a TUFLOW network coverage
* The profile plot now updates when adding and removing arcs from arc groups
* Map nodes were drawn in their old location after being dragged to a new location
* Arcs would sometimes disappear behind transparent contours
* The origin of observation arcs now save with map files
* Default stamp elevation for feature stamping is now used correctly
* Newly created coverages are now active in the project explorer
* Transparency for Cartesian Grid functional surfaces has been fixed
* Color filled and linear contours now appear at the same z elevation for Cartesian Grids
* Naming observation arcs no longer cause a crash
* Fixed a nodestring display update issue
* Fixed a crash reading shape files
* PTM post processing datasets are now saved with the project
* Triple clicking the same point when creating an arc no longer causes a crash
* Having multiple CMS Flow grids with cellstrings no longer causes bad cellstrings
* Trying to save a scatter set to a read only file no longer crashes SMS
* SMS again allows users to drag files onto the icon to open them
* An issue with the timestep window not showing up when using PTM has been fixed
* Fixed a crash when deleting points used by an observation plot
* There were times when newly created scatter points were not added to the triangulation. This has been fixed.
* At times SMS would hang when optimizing the triangulation
* Contour labels are no longer cut off by color filled contours
* Fixed a selection problem with scatter vertices by when using a polygon
* Some DEM files were not reading in correctly but they do now
* TUFLOW 1D Flow vs WSE boundary conditions were not be written to the TUFLOW files correctly
* The get info dialog for meshes no longer reports information from unused models
* Fixed the DEM import dialog so that the feedback is correct and makes sense
* Fixed a problem with display updates when assigning flowrate boundary conditions
* Functional surfaces now frame correctly
* The screen refreshes correctly when interpolating between nodes
* It is now always possible to exit selecting with a box by using the escape key
* Fixed a crash that occurred when copy a coverage with selected entities
* Removed excess information from the zonal classification logs
* Fixed a crash when reading an invalid RMA2 solution
* SMS now stores Bouss2D grids the right size and with the correct indices
* Fixed some problems with Bouss2D probes
* SMS now displays coverages in the correct order
* Fixed a problem where multiple CGrids sometimes displayed
* Fixed 1D element contours
* Fixed problems with grid frames (dragging, deleting, and copying)
* Fixed a problem with 1D element node updates
* Coastline files can be created even if you don't have CGWave enabled
* Fixed a crash with deleting cell strings
==Intermediate release SMS 10.0.3 - May 1, 2008 ==
* PTM executable updated to version 2.025
* Saving out coastline file available if CGWAVE or ADCIRC is enabled
* ADCIRC 63/64 file crash
* Slow deletion of feature points
* STWAVE coverage issue specifying land polygons
* GIS to Feature data crash
* Generic model interface - global parameter definition bug
* Import wizard problem where z elevations not properly mapped to feature points
* Fixed multiple views film-loop
* GIS to Map for TUFLOW network coverage fixed
* Relocated map node displayed at old location until refresh
* Origin of observation arc is now saved in the map file
* Cartesian grid Color fill and linear contours are now displayed at consistent elevations to improve visualizing them in 3D
* Name observation arc crash
* Nodestring display issue
* Fixed create arc tool crash
* Editing scatter points and overwriting HDF5 file problem
* Crash when deleting feature points in specific situations
==Intermediate release SMS 10.0.2 - March 14, 2008==
*Crash when performing change/delete when triangles selected
*Print preview not functioning
*Scale legend does print correctly
*Text and drawing objects not printing correctly
*Transform feature objects was not working for PTM coverages
*STWAVE Boundary conditions types not saved correctly
==Intermediate release SMS 10.0.1 - February 19, 2008==
*Fixed the inability to  select Southern hemisphere UTM zones
*Fixed several graphical  glitches including texture mapping on a surface and several update  problems
*Fixed various problems  with the spectral energy dialog
*Removed misleading  messages that originate from the generic model  interface
*Fixed a crash that  sometimes occurred when using zonal classification
*Fixed a problem with  PTM traps that was reporting the open/closed state  incorrectly
*Fixed some issues with  models that only support metric units
*Fixed a crash that  sometimes occurred when trying to use LTEA
*Changed STWAVE to write  out all datasets by default
*Fixed coordinate  conversions for PTM sources
*Fixed a bug that  sometimes caused poor meshes to be generated
== Related Topics ==
* [[SMS:What's_New_in_SMS|What's New in SMS]]
* [[SMS:Downloads|Downloads]]
* [[SMS:Downloads|Downloads]]
* [[SMS:Setting_up_SMS - Introduction|Installing and Setting up SMS]]
* [[SMS:Introduction to Setting up SMS|Installing and Setting up SMS]]
* [[SMS:System Requirements|System Requirements]]
* [[System Requirements|System Requirements]]
* [[SMS:License Agreement|License Agreement]]
* [[License Agreement|License Agreement]]

{{Template:Navbox SMS}}
{{Template:Navbox SMS}}
[[Category:SMS General Information]]
[[Category:What's New]]
[[Category:Release Notes|SMS]]

Latest revision as of 20:28, 11 July 2024

The SMS Intermediate Release Bugfixes page for released versions of SMS:

SMS 13.3 Release Notes

SMS 13.3.12 - July 10, 2024


  • 15197 Simulations with duplicate names can be created


  • 15155 Compare Datasets Function in Dataset Toolbox is Giving Reverse Results


  • 15191 Point dataset with cell activity rendering issue
  • 15213 Mapping to Quadtree/Octree doesn't update canvas correctly

File IO

  • 15218 Generic Model Path Change


  • 15208 STWAVE Progress in the run queue does not update through multiple spectral times (jumps to 100% at end)


  • 15207 CMS-Flow point based Manning datasets


  • 15212 observation plot not showing the bridge


  • 15234 Incorrect Legend Label For Observation Coverages

SMS 13.3.11 - May 15, 2024


  • 15031 GUI Test: List index out of range error when trying to save CMS-Wave simulation


  • 15077 SRH BC Dialogs Don't Accept Values When Using German Language Settings
  • 15093 Ceiling dataset from 3D structure not applied correctly to simulation
  • 15096 SMS freezes when attempting to generate SRH-2D Summary Report for Gila River model
  • 15110 HY-8 Culvert crest length not saved in SRH-2D BC


  • 15099 Plot Time Series Crashes SMS

Bridge Scour

  • 15069 Energy Grade Line Values Are Filling as NaN In Bridge Scour


  • 15079 GUI Test: Issues with coverage cleaner


  • 15085 13.3 Does Not Read in Spectral Data For .eng Files


  • 15078 GUI test: Scatter display options issues


  • 15055 GUI Test: Issues with vector display options


  • 15090 UGrid from Surface tool reports unhelpful error when input needs to be renumbered


  • 15072 Reproject image fails


  • 15119 SMS crashes when trying to preview mesh in mesh generator polygon attributes dialog

File IO

  • 15095 SMS not importing .trop files correctly

SMS 13.3.10 - March 22, 2024


  • 14934 GUI Test: Error when trying to insert EWN feature arc into mesh
  • 14916 GUI Test: Inserting EWN feature arcs creates a huge hole in the new mesh


  • 14977 Unprojected mesh is a nuisace
  • 15002 GUI test: SMS hangs while trying to create drogue plot animation
  • 14975 Issues with inserting arcs into a mesh
  • 14979 Selection info to a window does not show the min/max as it should
  • 14972 Hydrotec request when interpolating to the elevation function


  • 14957 ADCIRC Check/Fix Levee Crest Elevations creates coverage with no attributes
  • 14990 Interpolate from priority raster fails with different raster sources
  • 15006 Interp priority rasters issue with different projections
  • 15000 Extract Subgrid tool results in extra "Z" dataset
  • 14999 Sample time step tool in Python toolbox results in single timestep when five expected
  • 15012 Extracting subgrid tool creates empty mesh when running with coverage that doesn't have a polygon
  • 15009 Having Nodes Instead of Vertices in Certain Polygons Causes the Extend Raster Tool to Fail
  • 14951 Polygons from Arcs - Jan 22 cases


  • 14980 HydroAS-2D calibration very slow
  • 15034 GUI Test: Spectral data appears at a weird time after opening DWS file


  • 14992 CMS-Wave Spectral times from old project are loaded in non-sequential order
  • 14978 GUI test: Error when trying to delete rows in CMS-Wave structure list and properties dialog


  • 14985 Checkbox in CMS-Flow model control dialog doesn't stay checked
  • 14892 GUI Test: Error when trying to Generate Arc at Contour from CMS-Flow simulation
  • 14991 CMS coupled simulation steering interval needs to be changed
  • 14809 GUI Test: CMS-Flow Save Points labels disappear when changing the symbol


  • 15015 GUI Test: Unexpected error when trying to enter values into SRH-2D BC Time series dialog
  • 15016 GUI test: Error when adding row to SRH-2D sediment materials dialog
  • 15045 Remember sizing of Model Run Queue


  • 14918 .2dm Files Can't Load All Time Series Charts if Their Numbering is Not Sequential

Cartesian Grid

  • 14703 GUI Test: Data to Select changes when it shouldn't when selecting a CGrid
  • 15029 GUI test: SMS crashes when trying to interpolate scatter to CGrid with Inverse distance weighted


  • 14382 ADCIRC Simulation fails to save with NWS set to 3 and the error is unclear
  • 15014 GUI Test: Errors in ADCIRC Model control dialog


  • 14997 WMS Crash with DEM option


  • 14989 Loading display theme with a single contour theme adds 16 color ramps to the "This project" area of the color ramp dialog
  • 15046 Increasing Tick Label Size in Display Options Crashes SMS
  • 15048 Issues with color ramp for mesh vectors


  • 14936 GUI Test: Spectral data doesn't appear after opening DWS file
  • 14731 Hang when converting shapefile to feature objects

Polygon Properties

  • 15035 The "Ugrid from Coverage" tool gets elevations for internal arcs from the arc rather than the polygon souce

3D Structures Coverage

  • 15042 "Point Is Not On Line" Error Message in 3D Structures Coverage
  • 15044 GUI Test: Error when trying to save SRH Simulation with 3D Structures


  • 14982 Help button in Contour label options dialog does nothing


  • 15022 CGWAVE Coverage Is Not Creating Nodestrings on the Generated CGWAVE Mesh

SMS 13.3.9 - February 07, 2024


  • 14923 GUI Test: CMS-Flow Save Point names not being written to .cmcards file correctly


  • 14917 GUI Test: SMS crashes when trying to open CMSWAVE spectral files


  • 14925 GUI Test: Trying to create Spectra for spectral grid with no parameters set crashes SMS
  • 14906 Dragging a vertex to another vertex results in duplicate arcs


  • 14929 SMS Software Grapics does not open from start menu


  • 14632 The quartile method of populating contour values fails for raster

Polygon Properties

  • 14912 Issue selecting UGrid Cells when using the Select intersecting objects tool
  • 14931 GUI Test: List index out of range error when trying to run Polygons from Arcs tool


  • 14926 Problem converting point datasets to cell datasets


  • 14704 GUI Test: Cell Locations doesn't work in Select Intersecting objects dialog

Online Maps

  • 14794 GUI Test: Can't see map from new source


  • 14948 Converting specifc shapefile to feautre objects causes a crash


  • 14965 When SRH Monitor Arcs Snap to Only 1 Element, They Add Extra Mesh Nodes to the Simulation


  • 14986 GUI Test: SRH PEST fails to run successfully with new version of xmssrh

SMS 13.3.8 - January 10, 2024


  • 14871 Selecting a cell in a UGrid and selecting "Refine" fails


  • 14898 GUI Test: Grid that is applied to BOUSS-2D simulation gets removed when saving

3D Structures Coverage

  • 14904 3D structure computes the wrong number of elements through the structure if different skews are used.
  • 14883 "cord" typo (should be "chord") in 3D structure dialog


  • 14325 Bringing up CMS-Wave Model Control dialog hangs (or appears to)


  • 14611 Observation plot from raster is wrong if the arc leaves the raster
  • 14806 The ARR plot in the SRH-2D Summary Report doesn't look like it is real

Feature Objects

  • 14905 Connecting in feature point results in a corrupt coverage


  • 14823 Some Color Palette Options in the Color Ramp Have a Fixed Range and Values That Can't Be Edited

Polygon Properties

  • 14887 Polygons from arcs tool creates bad polygons


  • 14909 GUI Test: Trying to Generate Snap Preview in CMS-Flow simulation with no Grid brings up python error

SMS 13.3.7 - December 01, 2023


  • 14831 GUI Test: Python error when saving CMS-Wave simulation that says "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'".

Film Loop

  • 14428 Crash when generating flow trace film loop with UGrid.


  • 14834 ADCIRC unit 22 format incorrect for NWS=8.
  • 14836 Unexpected Error when adding rows to Levee table with old ADCIRC project.

File IO

  • 14855 Error loading datasets saved with project.
  • 14792 Specific shapefile cases crash in 13.3 but not 13.2.

Cartesian Grid

  • 14853 Incorrect interpolation from CGrid to Quadtree.


  • 14805 The "Coverages | Features from Raster" tool creates extra datasets that should be deleted.


  • 14859 Using restart files in SRH for 13.3 causes significant calculation differences from 13.2.


  • 14852 Box Culverts in 3D Structures coverage seem to use "Rise" for both rise and span.


  • 14790 Info bar no longer reports min, max, and average for selected mesh nodes.

SMS 13.3.6 - November 02, 2023


  • 14626 UGrid vector options not scaling with UGrid.


  • 14791 Clicking Project|Open Project folder doesn't work after saving file to a new location.


  • 14773 New test cases for "arcs to polygons" that have issues.
  • 14803 Raster Difference tool not resulting in a raster that is the difference between the two inputs.


  • 14782 GUI Test: Unexpected warnings when loading CMS-Wave solution.


  • 14786 Error when setting ADCIRC Boundary Condition arcs with a project created in a previous version of xmsadcirc.

SMS 13.3.5 - October 24, 2023


  • 14631 The tool to convert a raster to polygons should be renamed and should require that the raster be an index raster.
  • 14728 "Smooth UGrid" tool outputs a mesh and not a UGrid.
  • 14770 The "Features from Raster" tool in toolbox needs adjustments.
  • 14768 The "Isobasins" tool (Rasters folder) does not handle output file names with a decimal point (".") correctly.
  • 14769 The "Polygons from Index Raster" tool doesn't create coverage as expected.


  • 14289 Zonal Classification tool works consistently on some machines, and has different results every time on others.


  • 14727 Merging stamping coverages erases their data.


  • 14724 SMS hangs when opening .eng file from CMS-Wave solution as an STWAVE file.
  • 14734 GUI Test: Mud dataset not saved in CMS-Wave simulation.
  • 14750 GUI test: Opening CMS-Wave .sim file opens a grid with no elevation.
  • 14723 GUI Test: No error comes up when trying to read a CMS-Wave simulation that doesn't exist.
  • 14761 GUI Test: Python error when applying coverage to ADCIRC simulation.
  • 14721 Issues with CMS-Wave Model Control/Saving model; python related errors and errors processing script.


  • 14762 Populate tool message for mesh/scatter appears for raster.
  • 14757 Progress bar for SRH run queue not accounting for SRH-Post.
  • 14776 SRH sediment transport does not run.


  • 14730 GUI Test: Opening CMS-Wave .sim file with no other files brings up python error.


  • 14760 GUI Test: Error when trying to assign ADCIRC BCs.


  • 14733 Export of STWAVE simulation fails because of python errors.


  • 14765 CMS-Flow export fails when trying to save Boundary Conditions with empty salinity and temperature curves.


  • 14524 Can't save as package, fails to zip the files.

3D Structures Coverage

  • 14772 Various 3D Structure bugs.
  • 14777 3D Structures box culvert results are still trying to make round culverts.

SMS 13.3.4 - September 25, 2023


  • 14686 GUI Test: Issues with ADCIRC Station plots. Selecting Station Plots generates an error saying to contact tech support with details reading "attempt to get argmax of an empty sequence". Specify time range generates ASCII plots when they shouldn't exist.
  • 14693 GUI Test: Tidal constituents applied when constituents are turned off.


  • 14641 GUI Test: Polygon from UGrid boundary tool fails to name the coverage correctly.


  • 14653 GUI Test: Map Flood can't be downloaded.


  • 14711 Element distortion when opening mesh as part of a project.


  • 14522 Insert EWN tool fails when inserting multiple features.

SMS 13.3.2 beta - August 06, 2023


  • 14514 Name of the XY series plot in spatial data coverage changes every time the project is saved and reopened. New project doesn't wipe the time series data and the plot from the previous project will still appear.
  • 14602 WMS Crash when clicking delete button in XY Series Editor dialog
  • 14655 GUI Test: SRH Structure Plots values on the time axis don't match the minimum and maximum time values in the textboxes.


  • 14533 Toolbox tree is disabled when running a modal tool while also running a non-modal tool.
  • 14612 Trimmed raster is larger file than original.
  • 14598 Raster tools in the SMS toolbox fail when rasters are in different projections.
  • 14523 Foreign Characters block Dataset to Raster tool execution.


  • 14347 Error when trying to use Update ADH Friction with no materials defined.
  • 14352 Unexpected error saying to contact tech support with details of error saying "float division by zero" when computing sediment volume management.
  • 14482 EWN Mesh preview is off when using bounding box polygon.
  • 14572 Unexpected error when selecting UGrid with no cells in Generate elevation raster tool. Error comes up that says to contact tech support. The details of the error say this: "float division by zero"


  • 14613 Unable to create PTM coverages anymore.


  • 14615 Contour legend shows 0s as long strings of decimals instead of 0.
  • 14623 Color ramp display in the vector dialogs (for the vector color) is wrong.
  • 14635 SMS crashes when opening color ramp dialog when the Display Options dialog is opened through the menu.


  • 14535 Crash when copying to clipboard with a high bitmap scale factor.
  • 14647 Time Series data lost for Generic Model in .2dm file.


  • 14610 Color ramp / Pal not displaying entries containing currently used palettes, and forces all values between 0 and 1 as if it is a percentage.


  • 14617 Misleading "Make Editable" option in the right-click menu of ADH data sets.
  • 14573 User-defined inactive values for the Compare Datasets tool are getting switched.

File IO

  • 14621 Save issues occur if a file explorer is open to the _data folder during an SMS save.


  • 14442 CGWAVE interface refers to depth when it is using elevation.
  • 14451 CGWAVE tutorial produces bad solutions.


  • 14629 Duplicate UUIDs created for snap previews.

Bridge Scour

  • 14570 "Unit Discharge" in the bridge scour scenario calculations is pulling data from the wrong time step.


  • 14640 "Wier b" misspelled as "Weir b" in 3D Structures dialog.
  • 14654 GUI Test: Issues with 3D Structures coverage. Items in the log are written twice.


  • 14637 Error comes up when trying to create 3D structures saying to contact tech support with details reading "math domain error". When culvert width is 0, the Preview Mesh button log says "Must select a Pier type when the coverage has pier arcs" when culverts do not have pier type options.


  • 14648 Retriangulate voids option not working as expected.


  • 14634 The progress message for raster difference tool is insufficient.


  • 14659 GUI Test: Error when turning all display options off in RSM coverages.
  • 14638 GUI Test: SMS can't save RSM coverages.
  • 14636 GUI Test: Various issues: Cancel button wipes table values. The "New Component" menu item should not be present. On the mesh tab in model control, select dataset button creates an error saying to contact tech support. Save simulation generates an error in the log saying "'numpy.float64' object has no attribute 'split'".
  • 14666 GUI Test: Unexpected error when turning off RSM Boundary condition.


  • 14651 Save as Package in SMS no longer works, error "failed to create zip archive".


  • 14652 New CMS-Flow installation is missing a .dll.


  • 14668 GUI Test: Issues with STWAVE model: model checker says no spectral coverage has been linked to the siumation. On the Boundary control tab in the model control, delete row button generates error saying to contact tech support with details reading "'CaseDataTable' object has no attribute 'select_col'".
  • 14672 GUI Test: Attempting to export STWAVE Simulation without a CGrid applied breaks.
  • 14674 GUI Test: Nothing happens when reading STWAVE solution with no files.

SMS 13.3.1 beta - July 05, 2023


  • 14540 Unexpected error stating there was an error processing script when opening SRH-2D Structure plots from empty 3D Structure coverage.
  • 14526 GUI Test: irest fails to be written to _dip file.
  • 14548 The sediment size class cutoff is printed with a decimal, which causes pre-SRH to error.


  • 14412 The UGrid single layer toolbar disappears when deleting 3D UGrid cells.


  • 14534 GUI Test: When working with SRH monitor line plots, the assigned minimum is ignored when displaying plots.
  • 14537 GUI Test: When turning off display of monitor point plot with specify time range, an error directing to contact tech support appears.


  • 14483 Time series plot generation is very slow when containing a large number of timesteps.
  • 14566 GUI Test: Y-axis plot values are larger than they have been previously even though the project data has not changed.
  • 14568 Observation profile plot only plotting one arc even with all arcs turned on.
  • 14510 Spectral energy plot generates extraneous lines when rotating the plot.

Bridge Scour

  • 14564 Bridge pier angle override value not saved.


  • 14552 Can't add materials to SRH Project.


  • 14563 Refining mesh subset, operations that edit or add boundary nodes are not prevented.


  • 14486 Raster from Dataset tool does not produce correct elevation ranges, the raster contains holes and are not mapped to look like the elevations of the mesh.


  • 14543 In ADCIRC Tidal Forcing, "forcing" in "Use periodic water level forcing" misspelled as "focing".
  • 14567 Python script to read an ADCIRC fort.14 file generates error message stating "listed index out of range" if there is a blank line at the end of the file.

SMS 13.3.0 beta - June 13, 2023

SMS 13.2 Release Notes

SMS 13.2.18 - August 16, 2023


  • 14548 The Sediment Size Class Cutoff is Printed With a Decimal, Which Causes Pre-SRH to Error
  • 14629 Duplicate UUIDs Created for Snap Previews


  • 14552 Can't add materials to SRH Project


  • 14563 Refining mesh subset does not have appropriate restrictions


  • 14510 Spectral energy plot gets screwed up when rotating
  • 14602 WMS Crash when clicking delete button in XY Series Editor dialog


  • 14442 CGWAVE interface refers to depth when it is using elevation
  • 14451 CGWAVE tutorial produces bad solutions


  • 14647 Time Series data lost for Generic Model


  • 14652 New CMS-Flow Installation is Missing a .dll

SMS 13.2.17 - June 06, 2023


  • 14472 SRH-2D solution files seem to be applying the wrong arcs when assigned to use BCDATA.


  • 14371 Node inlet type flags for TUFLOW 1D culverts are not printing to the output files.
  • 14504 SMS crashes when trying to do anything in TUFLOW Cross sections Attributes dialog when no points have been created.
  • 14453 SMS not exporting correct .mif data for TUFLOW model.
  • 14508 An empty item exists when changing the thickness of a TUFLOW Z shape which does not produce an error dialog upon closing. Error later comes up prompting user to select a thickness.

File IO

  • 14495 SMS hangs when clicking new project macro.


  • 14401 GUI Test: Cross section contours change when opening and closing dialogs.


  • 14484 STWAVE Model Control | Boundary Conditions - Populate button does not update reference time to match spectral coverage.

SMS 13.2.16 - May 10, 2023


  • 14329 Add SRH timestep to model checks.
  • 14342 GUI Test: Saving SRH-2D floodway simulation without a materials coverage brings up python errors.
  • 14380 SRH Error if monitor line definitions contain too many nodes.


  • 14301 STWAVE model control help button doesn't open correct wiki article.


  • 14365 Z dataset for mesh disappears when clicking no to dialog that appears when triangulating with all mesh elements selected.


  • 14366 SMS crashes when triangulating mesh with all elements selected.
  • 14369 Created mesh node fails to get correct default Z value when created outside the scatter boundary.
  • 14376 GUI Test: Error about node not being found does not come up directly after closing the find by ID dialog.


  • 14356 The ADH interface is not enabled with the ADH Hydro Interface item.


  • 14204 SMS detects an issue with saving a project but does not give opportunity to abort and corrupts data when clicking OK to exit the dialog.


  • 14364 Error not shown when model requires a missing .dll file.


  • 14414 GUI Test: Smooth raster tool no longer comes up when right-clicking DEM and selecting convert to|smoothed raster.
  • 14344 "Feature Contours at Elevation" in SMS works on some rasters but not others.
  • 14426 GUI Test: Smooth raster tool fails to create a smoothed raster correctly with a .dem despite the tool reporting it ran successfully.


  • 14394 UGrid nodestring fails to be saved with project.

SMS 13.2.15 - March 14, 2023


  • 14233 Warning about problems getting scalar data from an HDF5 file.


  • 14237 GUI Test: SMS crashes when loading aborted BOUSS Runup simulation.


  • 14206 Vector arrows drawn in NULL cells.
  • 11935 All data disappears while spectral energy dialog is open.


  • 14252 The Manning's N dataset tool is creating dataset, recognizing arguments, tool fails.
  • 14282 Trimming an integer raster converts raster type.


  • 14208 2dm file does not have a "Do not show again" toggle when prompting to select desired reader.
  • 14315 Mesh node elevation snaps to zero when creating a polygon rather than maintaining the same elevation as the vertices.


  • 14269 WN crashes while editing polygons in the EWN Polygon Properties dialog if Edit Subset is active.


  • 14236 Voids left in output scatter when merging scatter sets.

Online Maps

  • 14276 When importing an online map, the DGM2 Schummerung online source shows up in the project explorer, but nothing shows up in the graphics window.


  • 14305 Duplicate UUID message appearing in notes.


  • 14195 Help button in Sediment Volume management dialog does nothing when it should be either grayed out or take the user to the wiki.


  • 14178 Default coverage type can be changed to Dynamic Model type coverages.


  • 14191 All annotations can be selected regardless of which layer is active.


  • 14186 Quadtree widget icon changes to a UGrid widget when deleting cell.


  • 14318 Using Build Polygons command erases PTM coverage data in existing polygons.


  • 14223 "NoneType" object in project breaks the simulation export for a TUFLOW FV simulation.

Model Run

  • 14331 Parameter tables don't allow floating point values and can't cut or paste values into or from the table.

SMS 13.2.14 - January 06, 2023


  • 14180 Typo in floodplain mapping options dialog, "Use FEMA Cross Seciton WS Elevations".


  • 14129 Compare dataset not functioning as designed, error says "Invalid arguments: Dataset 2: Datsets must have the same number of values".


  • 14147 Extrude to 3D UGrid fails because of attribute error.


  • 14149 Unexpected error directing user to contact Tech Support when changing mesh in Convert to 2D Mesh tool.


  • 14151 Convert to UGrid tool runs when "--None Selected--" is chosen as the input.
  • 13915 Illegal mesh created with adding nodes to existing mesh.
  • 14183 Deleting mesh nodes with "retriangulate voids" active hangs SMS.


  • 14135 View display theme not functioning correctly when working in "Zoom to coverage".
  • 14207 Can't change font color of number labels on the contour legend.


  • 14185 Deleting the simulation causes SMS to show as unable to save.


  • 14152 PNG is an option to be used as a raster in raster tools.


  • 14181 SRH-2D Summary Reports are not portable when sent to another machine.
  • 14226 Limitation (<100) on number of arcs/nodestrings in an SRH model.


  • 14126 Cannot enter decimal points to SMS while in German language windows settings.
  • 14199 German language system settings cause "Snap Mesh to Arcs" tool to malfunction.


  • 14200 ADH saves its solution data to the [Project Name]_data Folder.

File IO

  • 14220 Project files locked when file browser open.

Hydrologic Data

  • 14192 Exporting .hyd in the Bridge Scour Properties causes SMS to force close.

SMS 13.2.13 - December 09, 2022


  • 14037 Dropdown in CMS-Flow Model control is enabled in times when it should be disabled.
  • 14086 GUI Test: Option in CMS-Flow model control doesn't stay turned on.

File IO

  • 13946 Points imported from clipboard added to recent file list despite referencing temp directory.


  • 14102 Blend raster to edges tool crashes when selecting the same raster as primary and secondary.
  • 14103 Bounds to polygon tool fails because of an overloaded function.
  • 14104 Extend raster tool fails when using a coverage with no polygons.
  • 14105 TypeError makes Interpolate Priority rasters tool fail.


  • 14109 Help Button in Functional Surface dialog non-functional.
  • 13953 Info dialog is empty when attempting to create a nodestring where there is no node.
  • 14142 SMS crashes when triangulating 3D UGrid.
  • 14145 SMS crashes when adding nodes to 3D UGrid.


  • 14126 Cannot enter decimal points to SMS while in German language windows settings.


  • 14101 ARR plot doesn't display mesh elements in 13.2.11.
  • 13910 Observation plot does not update when dragging an arc in the graphics window.
  • 14133 An Observation Profile plot gets the wrong length when selecting a specific raster to extract from.


  • 14144 The SMS Graphics window is cleared while the Spectral Energy dialog is up.


  • 14148 Tuple index error out of range when saving SRH-2D simulation with a 3D UGrid.
  • 14163 SMS mesh IDs don't match exported SRH mesh IDs.


  • 14139 Help button in Interpolate to raster dialog shows results for "QDlgInInterpNatural" on the wiki.
  • 14098 ADCIRC BC dialog help button does nothing.


  • 14155 GUI Test: Floodway tool generates random arcs.


  • 14045 CMS-Wave simulation spectra written incorrectly for "Zero spectrum" option.
  • 14048 CMS-Wave Model Control dialog displays incorrectly and generates the incorrect wiki help page.
  • 14141 CMS-Wave STD file labeled incorrectly when exported.
  • 14143 The reference time in a CMS-Wave simulation is not populated when the boundary control values are populated.


  • 14111 SMS hangs while redistributing vertices with a high number of segments.


  • 14117 ADCIRC Model Control dialog fails to open, error message appears when processing the script.
  • 14116 ADCIRC DMI thinks the mesh has changed when it has not, incorrectly displays warning that simulation has been edited.
  • 14120 Previously linked fort.19 file is lost when project is saved and zipped.

Bridge Scour

  • 14170 Bridgescour auto selects data based on elevation.


  • 13892 GUI Test: Can't download flood data.
  • 13914 Following first steps of “Creating a Fast Floodplain Map” tutorial (using Map Flood tool) results in warning and no data.


  • Various minor improvements

SMS 13.2.12 - November 14, 2022


  • 14071 Warning when applying tidal constituents to ADCIRC Simulation saying that year 0 is out of range.
  • 14073 Tidal Constituents warning note tells user to choose "New General Component" but constituents are now found under "New Simulation".

Bridge Scour

  • 14018 Add check to verify that all values in "Distance" column of 3D bridge profile editor are larger than all previous values.


  • 14079 SMS hangs after changing spacing for map annotations to 0.


  • 14076 All On button appears when clicking table with coverages.


  • 14008 X, Y, and Z fields appear editable when the rotate tool is active.
  • 13951 Map -> Mesh hangs when trying to force breaklines.
  • 14095 Map -> 2D mesh gives "Void in breakline" error message
  • 14096 Map -> 2D mesh hangs in 13.2 (works in 13.1)


  • 14017 GUI Test: SMS crashes when trying to select grid cells after refining cells.


  • 14058 No feedback to save process in XMSSTWAVE interface when saving STWAVE simulation.


  • 13997 The flow plots for "sinks" with rating curves does not come up in plot window.
  • 14108 Having an Internal Sink in an SRH BC Coverage prevents Pressure Arcs from generating Structure Plots.


  • 14069 Merge UGrids tool fails after turning on option to stitch non-overlapping grids with matching boundary points.
  • 14106 Time Derivative tool fails when a tuple doesn't have the attribute "lower".


  • Various minor improvements

SMS 13.2.11 - October 19, 2022


  • 13943 Can't copy and paste data from statistics table.


  • 13911 Trim Coverage Tool doesn't give an error if there are no polygons in the coverage you are trimming with.


  • 13932 Pt spacing tool has long run times, the result has values of 0.0 caused by duplicate vertices that aren't attached to any triangles.
  • 13945 Dataset Precision issues when working with datasets containing very small values.
  • 13912 "Iterpolate to UGrid" tool creates non-editable dataset.
  • 13955 Unselected dataset contours go crazy when refining UGrid cells.


  • 13913 Color displayed for elevation raster don't match expectations for user selected settings.
  • 13983 Online image transparency not saved with project.


  • 13999 Pathline Shapefile Exports won't load into ArcPro.
  • 14044 Export to Shapefile doesn't work for UGrids.

File IO

  • 13972 Reading an SRH-2D "srhhydro" file with Exit-H rating curve boundaries not set correctly.
  • 13985 Save as package includes a TIF that is not in the project.
  • 14014 Scary warning makes SMS crash after clicking New Project macro.


  • 13902 Depths flipped for CMS-Wave Grid, shows positive where they should be negative.
  • 14051 Converting Cgrid generator coverage to grid takes a long time to load when the grid is large, user warning should be added.


  • 13981 SMS tries to read an open Excel file when it shouldn't and hangs.


  • 13922 EWN Tool not displaying preview tab with multiple polygons selected.
  • 14046 SMS hangs after redistributing vertices with a Size Function.
  • 14047 SMS crashes after trying to add blank rows in arc property types table, blank rows cannot be added.


  • 13926 Materials not mapping correctly to polygons in mesh.
  • 14030 Select Intersecting Objects selects some nodes outside of the polygons.


  • 13909 SRH-2D Structure plot for weir says solutions don't exist, when they do.
  • 14031 Issues with Plot display options.


  • 13881 Crash when saving project after loading PTM solution.


  • 13862 Unit conversion issue when generating flood depth rasters.


  • 13908 SMS takes a long time to select triangles by area.


  • 13920 SRH-2D Advanced Simulation doesn't show the computed value at monitor points.
  • 13937 BC Arc Snapping Errors
  • 13936 Default SRH Model exe path incorrect.
  • 13991 Reading the SRH solution crashes SMS.
  • 13996 Populate water levels for rating curve goes into infinite loop in the tool when maximum flow is entered.


  • 13941 STWAVE native model read in with elevations incorrect.
  • 13940 STWAVE depth file written out incorrectly.
  • 14042 Unresponsive STWAVE project due to reference time error.


  • 13930 Merging UGrids tool hangs when executed.
  • 13931 Trim Raster tool in the Toolbox fails to run.
  • 13907 Interpolate Priority Rasters Tool gives error about dataset not matching.
  • 13960 Trim Rasters tool runs successfully when the polygon is located outside of the raster.
  • 13961 Trim Rasters tool runs successfully without any polygons and creates an empty raster file.
  • 13948 Saving multiple identically named rasters overwrites the file multiple times.
  • 13979 Toolbox tools not linking to wiki documentation.
  • 13918 Merging rasters in the Toolbox creates bad pixels along the edge of the priority raster.
  • 13957 Arcs to Polygons tool hangs when executed.
  • 13958 Arcs to Polygons tool leaves unexpected gaps causing polygons to not be created that should have been created.
  • 13984 SMS keeps referencing raster created by the toolbox in temp directory after it has been saved with the project. This causes an overwrite message to appear in error.
  • 14034 Inconsistent handling of NODATA cells between displayed rasters and trimmed rasters.


  • 13968 Reproject single point Help button doesn't go to correct wiki article.
  • 14022 Generate mesh with a maximum slope that is too high causes generation to hang.

SMS 13.2.10 - August 10, 2022


  • 13896 Dynamic Model Interface Component is needed for several Tutorial workflows using EWN, but is not being included on customer licenses.


  • 13788 Merge Raster tool sets the incorrect vertical units for the new raster.


  • 13885 Scalar to Vector tool in the Toolbox creates a bad dataset for cell based datasets.


  • Various minor improvements

SMS 13.2.9 beta - August 04, 2022


  • 13837 Snap preview for STWAVE and CMSWAVE disappears.
  • 13806 CMS-Wave elevations migrated from 13.1 have values inverted.


  • 13848 Mesh→Scatter command has invalid results for selected nodes.
  • 13858 Warning when opening .h5 file which incorrect states the mesh has an invalid unique identifier.

Project Explorer

  • 13859 All Project Explorer items disappears after reading SMS project file.


  • 13785 "Problems in fnGetVectorDataFromHDF5File" warning comes up when trying to run simulation.
  • 13868 Running SRH-2D simulations srashes SMS when empty coverages included.
  • 13895 Fall velocity option option in the SRhHYDRO file left as an empty string when it should be "None".
  • 13888 Channel Calculator values don't reappear when reopening the Channel Calculator.
  • 13879 Simulation plots fail to update with specified time ranges.


  • 13849 The Convert Mesh/Scatter/Cartesian Grid to UGrid tool in the Toolbox fails when using a scatter set.
  • 13850 Interpolate to UGrid tool in Toolbox gives errors with incorrect interpolated values and null values.
  • 13851 Filter Dataset Values in Toolbox gives errors with incorrect interpolated values and null values.
  • 13853 Interpolate to Ugrid in Toolbox offers invalid option to interpolate to cells for 2D meshes and scatter sets.
  • 13775 Map activity tool in the Toolbox does not map activity.


  • 13712 UGrid Clipping using scalar range gives errors then crashes SMS.

SMS 13.2.8 beta - July 06, 2022


  • 13840 ADCIRC overlapping nodestring warning appears when reapplying a BC coverage.


  • 13873 Vector and node color changed from default.


  • 13877 Dataset Toolbox won't allow comparisons without reloading SRH-2D solutions.


  • 13883 Clicking on vector or scalar macros for a UGrid brings up display attributes with wrong UGrid highlighted.
  • 13884 Display issues on UGrid – values not displayed and disjointed nodes not displayed.


  • 13886 Material name fails to display in Graphic Window until polygon is unselected.


  • 13788 Merge Raster tool messes up the vertical units for the new raster.


  • 13865 Summary report plots of culverts missing information and is generated incorrectly.


  • 13843 Implement fix for solution sets conversion for UGrids with Tuflow FV.


  • Various minor improvements.

SMS 13.2.5 beta - June 7, 2022


  • 13711 Save ADCIRC simulation causes a script error and fails.


  • 13799 Unexpected folders under BOUSS2D simulation data in the Project Explorer.


  • 13776 Converting Mesh vector dataset to scalars results in datasets that can not be renamed or edited.

Display Options

  • 13753 Light set definitions get separated from their names in sorting in the Lighting tab.
  • 13757 Exceptions thrown related to Display Themes in debug mode.
  • 13754 Auto z-mag not being set by elevation rasters when turned on.
  • 13730 New UGrid does not inherit the display options of the default UGrid.

Display Theme

  • 13795 List of names associated with display theme either fails to update or creates a blank line.
  • 13794 If theme folder name conflicts with theme name, the folder organization gets messed up.
  • 13676 Display Themes for "Contours" affect the UGrid vectors as well even though vector display is not part of the theme.


  • 13733 Select Intersecting Objects tool gives option to select inactive objects when it should not.
  • 13709 Assigning the S value for selected cells in the Cgrid module has a long processing delay.


  • 13765 Convert UGrid to 2D Mesh tool does not convert dataset folder structure.
  • 13761 Adding an arc to a mesh has errors in node locations.
  • 13717 The geometry UUID in dataset files is not synced when converting UGrids to a 2D mesh.
  • 13701 Scalar paving generating disjointed nodes in mesh.

Online Maps

  • 13737 Unexpected warning about getting image when exporting GIS data.


  • 13727 Channel Calculator Plot not updating when changing datasets.

Project Explorer

  • 13763 Project explorer tree items fail to show up after opening project.


  • 13759 Save a project with new name then delete original project data causes major errors.
  • 13743 When saving project an warning come up about an "expected display list not found".
  • 13747 Project save with "." character creates a second _data folder containing map and materials file.

Scatter Data

  • 13734 SMS freezes when trying to optimize triangles.
  • 13742 The Scatter | Merge Sets command creates a new scatter set in the wrong projection.


  • 13793 Summary Report Dialog is very small and must be expanded.


  • 13659 Progress bar in the Simulation Run Queue for STWAVE does not progress during the run.

Time Series

  • 13792 Time step panel remains open after deleting all transient datasets in project.


  • 13756 Convert to UGrid command gives an error and the python script crashes.
  • 13716 Lidar Toolbox tools do not open when run tool command is executed.
  • 13783 Incorrect errors when trying to convert scatter to UGrid.
  • 13657 The projection of a coverage created from the Nodata to Polygon tool is not the display projection.


  • 13720 TUFLOW FV interface not supporting some advanced cards and has missing components.


  • 13746 Import a CMS-Flow *.cmcard generates a quadtree with incorrect rotation and orientation.


  • 13710 SMS appears to go to sleep for several minutes after interpolating elevations from raster.


  • 13732 Options to convert geometries to UGrids are not consistent; some options appear for some geometries and not others.
  • 13713 UGrid Project Explorer check box not hiding/showing as expected.
  • 13666 SMS hangs after converting Ugrid to scatter data.

SMS 13.2.4 beta - April 28, 2022

CMS Flow

  • 13647 Deleting CMS-Flow simulations crashes SMS.


  • 13634 Visibility affecting active dataset value shown by the cursor.


  • 13612 Pruning distance in geographic space must be specified in degrees instead of the user specified unit.


  • 13669 DMC file serialized into a shared file.


  • 13645 Restoring factory settings switches copy protection to "Legacy" and hides new license.

Opening File

  • 13685 SRH-2D materials coverage missing polygons when opened.
  • 13680 Crash when using the New command.
  • 13672 Vector solutions from SRH-2D on Voronoi grid loaded incorrectly; do not cover entire domain.


  • 13679 Error vs. Time Step plot option in the Plot Wizard crashes SMS when the Finish button is clicked.


  • 13648 Crash saving project with CMS-Flow quadtree converted to scatter.


  • 13682 Save causes crash and corruption due to dataset file path issue.


  • 13625 SMS switches active Cartesian grid when project saved.


  • 13655 The Edit Elevations raster tool converts the elevation values from meters to feet when elevations are already in feet.


  • 13675 Display of UGrid "point" values in the Edit Window showing node-centered values when should only show cell-centered values.

SMS 13.2.3 beta - April 13, 2022

Cartesian Grid

  • 13626 Cartesian Grid cell S and Z values not consistent for datasets are saved out correctly.

Display Options

  • 13576 Quadtree constrained Ugrid display of edges appear broken.

Map Module

  • 13654 Map module polygon generated from a shapefile display shapefile artifacts when fill turned on.
  • 13661 Z values of polygon fill get overwritten with bad value (0.0?) that drop below the polygon.
  • 13636 Merge SRH-2D material coverage polygons causes SMS to crash.


  • 13559 SMS reports zero points in LAZ file when there should be visible points.


  • 13635 Importing SRH-2D materials from a shapefile are not mapped correctly.
  • 13638 PreSRH fails when detailed obstructions include in a simulation.

SMS 13.2.2 beta - March 29, 2022

Bridge Scour

  • 13630 Bridge Scour Coverage not reporting correct values a pier value goes dry.


  • 13611 Display artifact with some CAD data not being converted to feature objects.

CMS Flow

  • 13623 Error when opening project with Rubble Mound Jetties coverage in the project.
  • 13620 Lag in CMS-Flow Boundary Condition option availability in the Arc Boundary Conditions dialog.

Display Theme

  • 13596 UGrid display settings not working with display themes.


  • 13606 Opening 13.1 projects with lots of components is slow.

Map Module

  • 13613 Pruning a loop sometimes prunes away the whole loop when it should not.
  • 13603 Texture mapping setting option not saved with project file.


  • 13532 Incorrect display location of TIF file with certain projections.
  • 13558 Vertical projection of a merged raster does not match the input or display projection.
  • 13615 Display update for map coverages with the arc direction arrows turned on is slow.

Project Explorer

  • 13608 For large projects, when deleting all data, items in the Project Explorer are deleted incrementally and slowly.


  • 13564 Status/progress prompt for raster states that it is interpolating when no such action has been taken.


  • 13627 Right-click simulation menu has both a Remove and Delete command when only should have one of those options.


  • 13601 Running SRH-2D with an empty materials depth curve causes SRH-2D to crash.
  • 13592 Changing the HY-8 Inlet Configuration causes SRH-2D to fail during the simulation run.
  • 13618 Plots working for SRH Monitor Lines but not working for Monitor Points.
  • 13633 User unfriendly error messages in SRH-2D Save Simulation that does not help users troubleshoot the issue.


  • 13556 GDAL 3.4.1 update breaks the Raster Difference tool.
  • 13561 Trim Raster tool fails to create a new raster.
  • 13562 Trim coverage tool fails the buffer distance is set to 0.0.
  • 13563 Crash duplicating coverage that was generated from tool in the Toolbox.

SMS 13.2.1 beta - March 12, 2022

Display Options

  • 13217 Erase behind labels option is wrong (appears as a solid block) in oblique view.


  • 13555 Projection from SMS projects not added to "Recent Projections" list in the Horizontal Projection dialog.


  • 13568 Run all simulations command does not work; fails to initiate any simulation runs.


  • Various minor improvements.

SMS 13.2.0 beta - February 10, 2022

SMS 13.1 Release Notes

SMS 13.1.24 - August 10, 2022


  • Installer permissions error when running as non-admin user.

SMS 13.1.23 - August 05, 2022


  • Various Minor Improvements.

SMS 13.1.20 - May 12, 2022

Online Maps

  • 13737 Unexpected warning when exporting GIS data.


  • Various Minor Improvements.

SMS 13.1.19 - April 13, 2022


  • 13643 Floodway materials polygons are not generated properly and some polygons are missing.

Project Explorer

  • 13607 When opening large projects, the Project Explorer will rapidly flash when updating.


  • 13532 Incorrect display location of TIF using an Austrian projection.


  • 13601 SRH-2D crashes when blank materials depth curve added to project.
  • 13592 HY-8 inlet configuration changes after an initial run causes SRH-2D to fail.
  • 13618 Plots work for SRH monitor lines but not monitor points.

SMS 13.1.18 - March 03, 2022


  • 13544 EWN insert ADCIRC levee causes tool to crash.


  • 13546 EWN generate roughness not matching expected values.

SMS 13.1.17 - January 25, 2022


  • Various minor improvements.

SMS 13.1.16 - January 19, 2022


  • 13391 Duplicating ADCIRC Simulation causes errors like boundary conditions and tidal constituents needing to be reapplied.


  • 13398 ADH eddy viscosity dropdown settings reset to default values after closing window.


  • 13451 Breaklines|Force Breaklines command hangs SMS.


  • 13431 Unit-Q floodway boundary is bogus above Q=10.0 cfs/ft.
  • 13471 Resizing Stamping Arc Attributes dialog disables Add/Remove buttons.

Display Options

  • 13450 Triangulation goes awry when importing a LandXML file created by a CAD program.

Feature Object

  • 13488 Crash when closing Observation Coverage dialog that is opened when Feature Objects|Attributes... command is used.
  • 13393 Observation Coverage dialog does not appear without a selected feature object when Select Feature Point tool is active.


  • 13402 Interpolating between nodes causes mesh corruption when mesh object projection and display projection differ.

Opening File

  • 13432 Plot loses link to dataset.
  • 12652 Unable to open KMZ and properly convert to shapefile. Nothing appears when imported.


  • 13438 Plots get shifted and have bad values.


  • 13396 Vertical Datums don't seem to function. Directory for relevant files not being set automatically.

Scatter Data

  • 13459 Populate BC tool does not work for scatter sets.


  • 13441 SRH solution loads to scatter set instead of desired mesh.
  • 13452 Script error when changing simulation name.


  • 13401 SMS crashes (and project gets corrupted) when trying to run STWAVE in parallel.

Time Series

  • 13389 Time Series plot doesn’t show time-varying observation data when using absolute dates/times.


  • 13496 Crash after using Create Nodestrings tool.


  • 13490 Vector Display Options not behaving as expected. Not appearing at every point/cell as desired.


  • Various minor improvements.

SMS 13.1.15 - November 11, 2021


  • 13369 ADCIRC fails when there's a recording station.
  • 13307 ADCIRC model check does not catch quadrilateral elements in mesh. ADCIRC requires using only triangular mesh elements.
  • 13413 Unhelpful “tuple index out of range” error message when attempting to run ADCIRC, and ADCIRC BC coverage has to be re-applied.


  • 13378 CMS-WAVE datasets become duplicated after saving and reopening.
  • 13279 Dataset calculator for max gives unhelpful error message for mismatched timesteps.
  • 13299 When attempting to display vectors at nodes with large mesh, SMS hangs or crashes.
  • 13293 Using the Data Set Info button in the Data Set Toolbox crashes SMS.
  • 13339 Datasets in QuadTree and UGrids in SMS only have the option to Export when multiple datasets are selected. But selecting multiple datasets and then exporting them crashes SMS.


  • 13288 Double-clicking in the same spot with the Create Cartesian Grid tool results in an extreme grid size.

Map Module

  • 13187 SRH swaps WSE and flow data columns in rating curves with a link structure.
  • 13357 Converting the Nodestrings that are in a mesh to the Map Module while its a subset invalidates subset edit.


  • 13376 SMS crashes when selecting Convert|Map→2D Mesh on a mesh generator coverage with an invalid polygon.
  • 13347 Map to 2D mesh doesn't assign elevations for one polygon when assigning to elevation to multiple polygons.
  • 13368 Current module changes from Map to Mesh unexpectedly.
  • 13304 Gaps in Mesh numbering cause bad project files. No warnings appear when importing the mesh back in.
  • 13298 2dm file without generic model interface definitions not read in correctly as a generic mesh.

Project Files

  • 13419 Error importing CDIP file that have a variable number of bands.
  • 13241 Datasets become duplicated after saving, closing, and reopening a project without closing SMS.


  • 13250 Interpolation of elevation from raster to selected nodes fails to assign elevation values.


  • 13275 GFGEN/RMA2 won't launch from SMS if there are spaces in the file name.

Scatter Data

  • 13367 Auto z-magnification display option uses inactive scatter sets when it should not.
  • 13412 Merging scatter sets hangs when too little tolerance is used.


  • 13370 STWAVE Nesting Output Point created in wrong location during the model run.
  • 13224 STWAVE path for model executable not set by default.


  • 13318 Replacing Mesh2D link with UGrid link while a TUFLOWFV simulation is running does not work.

SMS 13.1.14 - September 15, 2021


  • 13279 Dataset calculator max function gives unhelpful error message for mismatched time steps.


  • 13276 The Existing Nodes meshing option brings up an error when used.
  • 13269 SMS crashes when interpolating Mesh to a Scatter with no datasets.


  • 13249 Cannot get elevation data out of rasters when converting to a mesh.


  • 13242 SMS crashes when saving after importing the NST files.


  • 13238 Monitoring Line Simulation Plot confuses results when there are multiple simulations in the project.

SMS 13.1.13 - August 24, 2021


  • 13218 SMS gets confused about which dataset is active causing the contours to not update.
  • 13114 Incorrect bridge scour computed values that are too high.

Display Options

  • 13178 Turn on the fill display option for polygons causes SMS to stall for a few seconds.


  • 13203 Selection status at bottom of screen does not update as expected when addition elements are selected.
  • 13215 Elevation (Z) dataset cannot be renamed. There is no Rename command available.

Online Maps

  • 12730 Floodplain missing flood extent arcs.

Opening File

  • 13202 Issues importing CDIP file from CDIP website into spectral coverage.


  • 13183 Time series plot legend does not update, and the settings do not save. Remains at default settings.


  • 13177 Reprojecting all corrupts certain coverages.
  • 13179 Horizontal projection questions/issues where new coverages are in local projections instead of global, points can't be edited, and redistribution is not working.


  • 13152 Quadtree dataset specific data options are lost when saving the project.


  • 13168 Trimmed raster name doesn't change in the Graphics Window legend; it keeps the name of the original raster.
  • 11912 Raster in "*.grd" format not displaying in Graphics Window.

Scatter Data

  • 13204 Selection of many triangles in scatter set is very slow when the same operation in the mesh or UGrid modules is not.
  • 13188 Breaklines not forced properly into scatter set when there are duplicate nodes.


  • 13220 Summary Report simulation section includes links back to the various coverages that were applied to that simulation. The mesh used appears to also try to link back, but there is nothing in between the quote marks where the mesh name should be.
  • 13219 Report Summary doesn't recognize simulation has results and so does not include them in the report.
  • 13216 SRH-2D Post detects pressure flow when no pressure flow should be present.
  • 13189 Can't delete SRH Sediment Layers in the Material List and Properties dialog.


  • 13196 Full-Plane Simulation shift in results when loaded into SMS.
  • 13105 Vectors orientation is wrong on solution for STWave Full plane mode simulation.


  • 13205 Converting a scatter set to a UGrid creates invalid cells.
  • 13206 The Select Cells tool does not have a "Invert Selection" option for cells in the UGrid module.

SMS 13.1.12 - July 02, 2021


  • 13154 Saving CMS-Flow simulation fails and brings up a python script error.
  • 13158 CMS-Flow boundary condition arc are labeled with double text.
  • 13137 When exporting, there is not a model check or export warnings for broken file references.
  • 13119 CMS-Flow BC file paths saves to temp directory instead of correct project directory.
  • 13121 CMS-Flow dataset selector gets filtered prematurely when using folders, placing datasets in the wrong location in the Project Explorer.
  • 13123 Loading and saving CMS-Flow project files can be very slow.


  • 13116 Selected arcs display differently when using the Select All command vs. dragging a box selection.
  • 13094 When extracting features, channel extractor prefers secondary (overflow) channels over main channel.
  • 13093 Feature extraction from raster fails and causes bank arcs to cross each other.

Feature Object

  • 13115 Shapefile not being converted correctly to feature objects. The new feature objects are not completely matching the original shapefile objects.


  • 11563 Using GenCade Model Control clears INIFILE value when it should not.


  • 13143 Display Options, specifically the contour method, don't stay constant when trimming a raster.


  • 13107 Default name for "Save as package..." not set in the dialog.


  • 13148 Python process id dialog appears when opening the Advanced SRH-2D Simulation dialog.


  • 13138 Error message appears when running TOPAZ on network drives.

SMS 13.1.11 - June 07, 2021


  • 13066 Exporting ADCIRC simulation with missing files, such as a missing hot start file, should give a warning.
  • 13037 ADCIRC grd file fails to import.

CMS Flow

  • 13061 Incorrect vector values for CMS Wind dataset where the Vx is correct but the Vy is not.
  • 13041 In the CMCARDS, project has strange collapsed rows going through it.
  • 12976 CMS-Flow simulation takes several minutes to export, then gives errors related to python script for BC snapping.


  • 13040 Aligning a contour to an elevation moves points to the wrong place.


  • 13032 Error retrieving scalar data from solution file when there is no matching geometry.
  • 13050 Elevations not populating when using Channel Calculator.


  • 13051 3D bridge swapping the upstream and downstream profiles.

Project Explorer

  • 13031 Error messages cut off full file path in dialog and there is not a way to resize the window to see the full path.


  • 12963 Reproject all command should set projections for floating objects.


  • 13062 Resampling time steps of vector dataset on quadtree grid produced incorrect values.
  • 13059 Dataset Properties not showing correct time step for all datasets.


  • 13033 Datasets to Rasters tool not functioning.


  • 13053 Unable to convert file path to relative when saving project with a CMS-Flow simulation.

Scatter Data

  • 13017 Triangles in the scatter module won't swap due to tolerance.


  • 13065 Can't access SRH-2D Boundary Condition dialog where arcs associated with a structure have been split.
  • 13055 SRH2D migration issues where not simulation data is preserved when opening an older SRh-2D model project.
  • 13027 Sediment table gets confused when there are more than 9 grain sizes.
  • 13036 Exporting SRH-2D Material file to a polygon shapefile does not assign correct properties to the shapefile.
  • 13019 Solution folder duplicate command doesn't organize the duplicate datasets correctly, causing the datasets to be assigned to the wrong parent.

SMS 13.1.10 - April 26, 2021


  • 12933 The tidal constituent parameters written to the fort.15 (ADCIRC control) file need to have matched precision.


  • 12894 Map elevation on Cgrids causes reference time information to be lost when swapping datasets.

CMS Flow

  • 12976 CMS-Flow simulation takes several minutes to export, then gives errors related to python script for BC snapping.
  • 12989 CMS-Flow model native import issues causing invalid quadtree cells and arcs.
  • 13014 CMS-Flow Arc Boundary Condition file paths not preserved causing the files to not open through SMS.
  • 13012 Can't specify initial conditions file for CMS-Flow simulation.
  • 12976 CMS-Flow simulation takes several minutes to export, then gives errors related to python script for BC snapping.
  • 12954 CMS-Flow boundary from ADCIRC issues where BC file is exported with the wrong BC format.
  • 12922 CMS-Flow boundary conditions written missing entered time series data.


  • 12966 Arcs in Bridge Scour Coverage not displaying in the Graphics Window.
  • 12965 Converting a polygon shapefile to SRH-2D materials coverage does not assign polygon attribute.
  • 12968 Inserting an ADCIRC Levee in an EWN coverage corrupts the EWN coverage.
  • 12923 CMS-Flow Boundary Conditions in version 13.0 not migrating to 13.1 correctly causing the boundary conditions to be empty.
  • 12913 3D Bridge to UGrid saves in the component directory by default.


  • 12955 Precision of Properties dialog not sufficient for many datasets, showing only values to 2 digit precision.
  • 12906 Datasets in solution folder not converted correctly when using the duplicate and Convert to Scatter commands.
  • 12892 Dataset Properties are incomplete. Missing reference time, min/max etc for the current time step and all timesteps as well as range, Mean, Std Dev, etc....


  • 12881 Installation of SMS *13.1 does not create desktop shortcut.


  • 12967 Mesh created by the EWN Insert Features operation does not have a projection.
  • 12950 Mesh Element selection is incorrect after clicking the Save command, with some elements being deselected.
  • 12924 Hydro-AS mesh gets corrupted when imported causing the elements to be scrambled.
  • 12901 The "Look at point" for rotation (center of rotation) not computed correctly.
  • 12880 Force Breakline in mesh doesn't give correct results, selected random points instead of the correct location.
  • 12927 2D Mesh vector display options do not stay consistent when switching between meshes.
  • 12931 Crash when clicking Force Breaklines command twice.

Opening File

  • 13010 Reading currupt projects process needs to be changed to keep SMS from crashing or freezing.


  • 12914 User can select 3D Ugrids to try to extract observation profiles even though this is not supported at this time.


  • 12908 Restore Factory settings should remove PlotDefaults.ini along with restoring defaults.
  • 12940 Right-click Time Preferences does not open Time tab in the Preferences dialog.
  • 12897 Missing notice to notify user SMS requires restart to apply icon size changes.


  • 12963 Reproject all should set projection for floating objects instead of ignoring them.
  • 12962 Object projections set to fully floating (no projection with no units) when reading an ".srhhydro" file.
  • 12911 Gauss-Kruger projection causes points to shift 1.6-1.7 meters.


  • 12916 Dataset to raster tool not working. Gives a script error instead of generating the raster.
  • 12930 Crash converting raster to scatter when using a large raster.


  • 12688 Error given when trying to run RMA2: "Error running GFGEN. Cannot continue to RMA2."


  • 13002 Advanced simulation tools will cause the project to not save.
  • 12944 Unnecessary prompt to save when using the New command and there is nothing to save.
  • 12953 Datasets for CMS-Flow Quadtrees are not being saved in the projname_datasets folder or restored.
  • 12960 EWN Project save as does not work: no components or datasets are created during the save.


  • 12975 Model Checker does not detect Monitor Point issue when monitor point is outside of the mesh.
  • 12977 SRH-2D Error of missing sediment transport file during the simulation run even though the file is present and available.
  • 12973 Element not snapped to material when exporting an SRH-2D simulation.
  • 12958 Structure Output Plot shows no solution even when solutions have been loaded into the project.
  • 12961 Monitor Line Plots not accessible using “Monitor Line Plots…” right-click menu item for monitor line arc as the command is missing.
  • 12969 Print the SRH simulation path to the output dialog when saving SRH simulation files. Feature request.
  • 12934 Can't run SRH-2D simulation with many monitor points. Could not run an SRH-2D simulation with more than 14 monitor points.
  • 12904 Selecting Advanced Simulation (Beta)... does nothing instead of opening the Advanded Simulation dialog.
  • 12925 SRH-2D solution won't load as a solution. Trying to load a solution causes SMS to process for a bit, then load nothing.
  • 12907 SRH-2D Turbulence parameter can be assigned bogus values. Should be limited to a value range of 0.01 to 1.0.
  • 12926 SRH material export not writing the *.srhmat file correctly as it included materials that do not have assigned elements.
  • 12909 Save All Simulations and Run command works but gives the user a pop up message with no message.


  • 12895 STWAVE solutions are swapped (left to right) when read in causing the solution to display incorrectly.
  • 12890 STWAVE cell size precision is too high caused by a mismatch between the file and the sim file.
  • 12891 STWAVE depth not loaded in transient depth case. The depth and time steps failed to load.

SMS 13.1.5 beta - December 1, 2020


  • 12190 CMS datasets not read correctly, resulting in SMS displaying the datasets incorrectly.
  • 12697 Importing CMS-Flow CMCARDS or TEL files creates Quadtrees/UGrids with inverted Z values.
  • 12539 Time series plot of CMS-Flow has odd behavior including: appearing flat when it should not be flat, portions being blank, and not showing the entire range.


  • 12542 Problem automatically determining contour label spacing causing contour labels to not show up when automatic labels are turned on.


  • 12637 BC Data lines do not show up in snap preview mode.
  • 12641 Channel calculator not updating the dataset name and not updating the plot.
  • 12607 Channel Calculator doesn't update SRH BC definition if there are existing curve values.
  • 12614 Newly created coverages including extracted features are not placed correctly in the Project Explorer.
  • 12602 Synthetic Storms Coverage is missing when should be available for paid licenses.


  • 12695 Dataset time reference is not maintained through interpolation resulting in no reference time being used.
  • 12665 Data calculator gives wrong answers for Quadtree where the time steps and data ranges are wrong.
  • 12666 Dataset toolbox "ave" function doesn't work on Vy datasets.
  • 12667 Dataset toolbox doesn't recognize dataset because of inconsistent handling of variable names.
  • 12658 Converting CMS-Flow Solution "vector" datasets to scalar has the values aligned to the local space instead of the global space.
  • 12657 Vector datasets loaded from dataset file are not aligned correctly.

Display Options

  • 12659 UGrid vector displays don't update when using the zoom or pan tools.
  • 12649 Vector colors do not vary when the length option is "Fixed length".

Feature Objects

  • 12707 Default for extracting banks of a channel or toes of an embankment should be "Closest to previous" instead of "Closest to centerline".
  • 12705 Coverages generated by feature extraction have wrong vertical projection.
  • 12698 Redistribute vertices gets bad data where the vertices are far too course.
  • 12613 Feature extraction has the OK button dimmed when the it should not be dimmed.
  • 12589 SRH BC labels z location is off from where the points are displayed.
  • 12584 Copy/paste does not work in levee attribute dialog of ADCIRC BC coverage.
  • 12562 ADCIRC Levee BC table cannot be edited using the Assign BC command.


  • 12566 Term of "Bathymetry" for polygon attributes is confusing and should be "Elevation (terrain & bathymetry) source" instead.


  • 12670 Inactive cells (based on "Z" dataset) are not set correctly importing from CMS-Flow and are being displayed when they should not.


  • 12570 Inserting nodes into a geographic mesh does not update the neighbor element's ID as it should.
  • 12571 Specified duplicate node tolerance not being applied correctly when inserting new nodes in a mesh, allowing nodes to places outside the tolerance level.
  • 12569 Inserting nodes into a mesh on either side of a levee gap gets the boundary confused and SMS won't insert the node.

Opening Files

  • 12646 KMZ file does not load as expected when asked to convert it to a shapefile. The conversion does not happen and the file fails to load.
  • 12635 Problem with datasets and plots not opening with the SRH-2D project in SMS. Displays an error message that the files cannot be found.
  • 12591 Loading a mesh from *.h5 file is 5x slower than loading it from a *.2dm file. The *.h5 file should open faster than the *.2dm file.
  • 12564 Double-clicking on "*.sms" file hangs or crashes instead of opening in SMS when the file type has already been specified to be opened with SMS.
  • 12595 JSONDecodeError when opening older SRH-2D projects.


  • 12710 Loading a project results in plot finding in no active dataset for the mesh module.


  • 12598 SMS is not using the user specified temp directory override set in the Preferences dialog.

Project Explorer

  • 12565 Project explorer tree behaves inconsistently in displaying the entries.


  • 12615 Raster Projections are missing a "vertical" component causing a block when setting a projection.


  • 12561 Cell edges permanently displayed on Quadtree grids.
  • 12723 Crash after converting Quadtree to 2D Scatter.
  • 12655 Mapping a new dataset to the elevation for a quadtree destroys the source dataset.
  • 12510 Splitting/Merging cells of quadtree messes up datasets attached to the quadtree.


  • 12626 DEM converted from a LiDAR has holes in the data.
  • 12627 Merged TIF raster has bad values causing messed up data ranges.


  • 12696 New TABS executables won't launch from SMS.


  • 12616 Saving a project as a package incorrectly lists the package file in current working directory and recent files list.
  • 12625 Folders and tree order in the GIS Data section of the Project Explorer tree are not maintained when the project is saved.
  • 12629 Save as Package results in project name change when it should retain the original project name.

Scatter Data

  • 12694 SMS crashes when deleting scatter points.


  • 12719 Report generation gives warnings for projection even though projection is valid. Fails when reprojected as well.
  • 12701 Floodway tools in 13.1 not complete with missing unit q method, computation commands, etc.
  • 12704 Summary report fails showing a script error when first launched.
  • 12645 Copy from model run queue to the command line window doesn't work.
  • 12653 Snapping of internal BC (Pressure zone) is wrong with the snap being misaligned.
  • 12677 SRH PEST bug where PEST fails immediately when trying to run it.
  • 12633 SRH Snap preview will always frame when used.
  • 12590 SRH2D: Solution sets remain when geometry is changed or deleted. Solution sets are specific to geometry and should be deleted if the geometry is changed.
  • 12600 Y axis label is incorrect for the Net Q plot for SRH-2D, stating an error.
  • 12599 Garbage RST files are left behind after a simulation runs. These RST files should be deleted when loading the solution.
  • 12593 Unable to run SRH-2D. SRH-2D fails immediately after the pre-processor runs.
  • 12586 Problem snapping structures where HY-8 structures are not either missing or snapping to a smaller number of nodes than they should.


  • 12592 Converting a mesh to a ugrid does not convert the nodestrings.

SMS 13.1.2 beta - September 20, 2020


  • 12451 Dataset toolbox for a mesh asks for location of the new dataset (nodes vs cells) even though the mesh does not support cell based datasets.
  • 12454 Dataset toolbox crash for some projects.
  • 12453 Some datasets are not shown in summary table.


  • 12457 Import shapefile for SRH-2D material coverage not mapping correctly.
  • 12448 Important model paths for model executables are not set in Preferences.


  • 12424 The filtering of displayed vector arrows based on magnitude range is not working.

SMS 13.1.1 beta - August 6, 2020


  • 12421 Unable to run the ADCIRC Model Checker. An error appears when trying to run the model checker.


  • 11451 Change All command for Arc BC display options not useful and should be removed.

Display Options

  • 12439 Inactive coverage displaying on mesh after model native import causing the display to change when it should not.


  • 12396 Observation profile plot has an unexpected gap.


  • 12441 Old CMS-Flow import does not create geometry and displays error that there are too many layers.
  • 12440 Depths ↔ elevations transform does not change Cell Z value for quadtrees.


  • 12418 Arc labels not re-projected after display projection changed.
  • 12444 SRH sediment transport data migration issues including changing the active thickness and thickness units.
  • 12433 Migration of an SRH-2D project from 13.0 project creates invalid Node ID.
  • 12420 When importing SRH-2D with a restart file, the RST file does not come through.

SMS 13.1.0 beta - June 21, 2020

SMS 13.0 Release Notes

SMS 13.0.14 - June 24, 2020


  • 12336 Feature stamp gives meaningless "void in breakline" message and doesn't create stamp.


  • 12369 Scatter set interpolated onto a quad tree grid creates a point dataset not a cell dataset.
  • 12368 Quadtree x location and y location should be on cells icon not on points icon in the Project Explorer.
  • 12365 Incorrect vector values when converting vector sets to scalar.
  • 12399 Unable to convert a Quadtree cell dataset to a node dataset.


  • 12375 Bridge Scour Crash. SMS crashes when attempting to View Values or Export Hydraulic Toolbox File for the Bridge Scour coverage.


  • 12407 Vector values not interpolated from scatter set to mesh.

Opening File

  • 12360 Crash importing some CMS models.
  • 12390 Loading *.grd file crashes SMS 13.0.


  • 11976 Projection that appears valid does not work with Layout tool.


  • 12364 Vector Values for selected cells not displayed.


  • 11596 Monitor Line snapping (internal) gets confused when the line follows the mesh boundary.

Summary Table

  • 12307 Erroneous values in Summary Table. Some of the reaches show 'NaN' when there should be flow, and the Hydraulic Radius is unreasonably large.

SMS 13.0.13 - April 29, 2020


  • 12277 Crash occurs when using the Convert | Stamp Features command on a Feature Stamping coverage.


  • 12284 SMS hangs when using source arc redistribution with cubic spline.

Feature Object

  • 12228 Exterior snapping counts the corner cell twice.

Generic Model

  • 12254 ALOS Global Digital Surface Model Data not recognized in XMS.

Opening File

  • 12255 Merging image tiles for some raster file types ends up failing with an unrecognized elevation.


  • 12263 Lighting Display Options do not show up for the Quadtree module.
  • 12192 No volume value found in Status bar for the Quadtree module.


  • 12258 Smoothing Raster converts static raster to dynamic when there are data gaps. A section of 'no data' in the raster appears to cause issues when smoothing the raster. Although all XMS softwares include the no data area when the raster is smoothed, which messes up the contours, only SMS then displays the raster as if it were dynamic. Since it's a GIS layer, the contours cannot be adjusted to truncate the range to correct the display manually.

XY Series Editor

  • 12193 The Xy series editor cuts off the vertical label initially when using an empty dataset.

SMS 13.0.12 - January 31, 2020


  • 12094 Delete CAD Prompt is out of place. Happening when closing a project, even when no CAD data is present.


  • 12163 Map to Mesh Extrapolation only gives null values. Mesh generator properties set to use IDW for Extrapolation from a Scatter set bathymetry source only give null values. When directly "interpolating" from the same scatter to the mesh once created, the values are as expected from IDW. Even though large amount of extrapolation, such as in this case, may be unwise, it is still expected that SMS would honor the extrapolation method specified.
  • 12173 Some Bridge Scour generated arcs are not properly geolocated.


  • 12164 ADCIRC Model Checker flags errors but model runs without any errors.


  • 12123 Exported shapefile values are invalid. When mesh contours are exported from SMS, the values in the attribute table are not accurate. For example, some of the values are larger than the original dataset's maximum across all time steps. The minimum/average/maximum values are also constant for some of the exported polygons, even though the nodes those polygons intersect have different values.

Feature Objects

  • 12117 "Constant Paving" attribute not saved when the project is saved and closed.


  • 12131, 12121 Crash when using the Create Cartesian Grid tool in the Cartesian Grid module.
  • 11503 Crash opening project and performing the Map→2D Grid command.


  • 12090 Including HY-8 slows down SRH simulations beyond what is expected.


  • 12178 Can't open images from directories with unusual characters such as ä ö ü Ä Ö Ü. The image appears to load, but it is not visible in SMS.


  • 12134 SMS crashes when importing a LiDAR file created by merging two or more LiDAR files.


  • 12138 Only one constant value for the bathymetry polygon attribute honored when mapping Mesh Generator coverage.
  • 12116 Meshing attributes from the 2D Mesh Polygon Attributes dialog are not saved with project when "Constant Paving" is selected.

Opening File

  • 12119 When opening a project containing a TIF image, a prompt appears asking for the TIF to be unnecessarily converted to a geoTIFF.


  • 12124 Converting a raster to a flood depth raster crashes SMS.

Scatter Data

  • 12153 Removing duplicate points distorts breaklines on FHWA machines. When working with a scatter set with several duplicate points, by removing the duplicate points lines shoot out from the model, far outside of the project's bounds. Only replicates on the FHWA machines.


  • 11942 SRH Project won't open in SMS 13.0 when there are errors with online images, mismatched datasets, and voids in the mesh.
  • 12095 SRH solution can be loaded into a project where the geometry (mesh) has been changed or edited. A warning should appear instead.


  • 12087 STWAVE angle appears to be off by 90 degrees when compared to the wave height by direction output dataset.

XY Series

  • 12089 The XY Series Editor does not allow for an empty data frame.

SMS 13.0.11 - November 11, 2019


  • 12026 Raster elevation not referenced when creating a mesh. The raster is selected in the 2D Mesh Polygon Properties, but after converting the map to a 2D mesh the elevation is zero. Interpolating the raster to the mesh generates the correct elevations.


  • 11816 Node elevations not mapped for offset arcs.


  • 11852 Exit-H 'Populate' button appears unresponsive with certain datasets where there is no elevation data under the arc.


  • 12020 Selected elements, when duplicating a mesh, cause selection anomalies. Only elements outside the polygon are selected. The elements that were selected when the mesh was duplicated can't be selected.
  • 12015 If boundary condition arcs for the inflow and outflow BC are too far into the mesh, Snap Preview crashes SMS.
  • 11715 Assigning a new elevation dataset for a mesh deletes the previous elevation dataset. Should only update the values in the current Z dataset.

Model Control

  • 11997 CMS-Flow Sediment Transport Conflict between Model Control and Model Check. When the nonequilibrium formulation is selected, adaptation, size classes, and bed composition are visible. After switching to either of the equilibrium formulations, these are hidden. However, the model check still throws a warning regarding the missing size class information.

Online Maps

  • 11230 In the Virtual Earth Map Locator Tool, the "Show Navigation Tools" option is not working.

Opening File

  • 12046 Sample TIF loads in SMS 12.3.5 but not in 13.0.10. TIF file had a different projection than what was set in SMS.
  • 12037 Can't read LandXML files.


  • 12060 Plot line style changes not being implemented in the plot after setting them in plot display options on the style tab.
  • 11837 Start time field not populated properly in step 2 of Film Loop Setup. Not allowing user to specify a starting time when generating the flow trace with the default simulation run (full length) set.
  • 12049 Observation profile arc does not work when plotted along a Cartesian Grid geometry. Plot is not generated.
  • 12022 Plot settings reset to default when they should not be. Occurs when changing the setting then generating an animation. Reset to default after the animation run.
  • 12013 Observation plot line color resets after changing plotted time step. Occurs when changing the plot line color in the plot, then going back into plot data to change the time step.


  • 12002 Observation profile of arc that goes through holes in mesh doesn't find all "gaps".


  • 11988 MPI executable option missing from Preferences dialog.

Spectral Data

  • 12064 Generate Contour Breaklines creates nonsensical breaklines. The command has been removed.


  • 11978 SMS crashes when a point in a spectral coverage is moved. SMS should allow you to move the point in the spectral coverage without closing.
  • 12029 SRH obstructions dialog contains misleading punctuation. A line in the Obstructions dialog box contains a colon that confused at least one end user.
  • 12024 SRH-Post fails because the monitor coverage was not restored when reading the model native files.
  • 11979 SRH not representing internal links correctly. Values are off from what is being monitored.
  • 12019 INLET-SC BC not written correctly to srhhydro file.
  • 11871 SRH Model Check Processing Script Error. Occurs when a poorly designed mesh is included in the simulation.


  • 12088 Active coverage isn't really active. The active Spectral coverage isn’t really active until activating a different coverage and then clicking back on the Spectral coverage to make it active again.


  • 12082 Stamped Feature Endcap spreadsheet is missing a row to enter data.
  • 11937 Tutorial Review: STWAVE Nesting Files Will Not Open. When attempting to load a STWAVE nesting file, an error message appears.


  • 12085 Vector arrow location at 'Center' sometimes causes crash.

Feature Objects

  • 11971 Feature Stamping with Overlapping Channels Crashes SMS. When stamping features on a scatterset, overlapping items in a single stamping coverage crashes SMS.

SMS 13.0.10 - September 18, 2019


  • 11925 Script error for ADCIRC NWS6 wind data


  • 11880 SMS crashes when trying to open BOUSS2D Spectral Analysis


  • 11952 CAD Files lost when saving project


  • 11915 Can't remove rows in Feature Stamping dialog

CMS Flow

  • 11940 CMS-Flow BC arc does not snap to edge cells of transformed Quadtree Grid and computed vectors not aligned with grid


  • 11749 Datasets are never "editable" except for the "Z" dataset.
  • 11720 The activity flags for time derivative datasets is not correct. The resulting dataset has a time step for the midspan of each of the pairs of input time steps, but the values outside of the channel are not contoured (inactive). The nodes have values, but they are not being contoured.
  • 11922 Error with ADCIRC dataset time reference. The problem was with the classes SMS creates to represent script data.

Display Options

  • 11677 Snapping of Monitor Lines in SRH simulation gives illegal set of nodes. The snap does not go all the way through the domain so non-adjacent nodes are listed as "in order" in the node string for SRH-2D.
  • 11904 SMS Display Settings inconsistent. When clicking on various datasets, the assigned display themes don't always load.


  • 11924 Scalar paving not generating mesh that matches size function. The mesh has "tongues" of smaller grid spacing radiating out from the inlet that don't match the desired size function.
  • 11921 Some Paving gives inappropriate distribution of points. Elements get bigger on first, then get small again.
  • 11972 Using the Patch method, it can create element with bad interior angle of more than 180 degrees.
  • 11664 Preview Mesh generation in 2D Mesh Polygon Attributes dialog is slow when using a raster for elevation.
  • 11646 vector<T> too long. The map coverage issues an error creating a mesh when the SMS project is loaded in. When the map data is loaded in independently, the mesh is created without issue.


  • 11916 Crash updating observation plot when using the Extract Profile From command.


  • 11859 Update display is very slow with selected polygon. With the polygon selected, Update Display takes around 20 seconds on my computer. Without it selected, it is almost instantaneous.

Scatter Data

  • 11963 Crash when attempting to export scatter set to a text file. Only occurs when there are multiple points.


  • 11846 Deleting a layer in an SRH Sediment Materials coverage leads to crash. The 'Insert Below' button does not insert below if a line is not selected. If the top row is then deleted, it appears to corrupt the existing line. If the dialog is closed to save those changes, attempting to reopen the properties dialog crashes SMS.

Time Series

  • 11719 Sampling datasets in time using the Dataset Toolbox is not clear and gives too many time steps.
  • 11926 When reading NWS6 fort.22 file the time steps should start at 0.0. The time steps should start at 0:00:00 if it is NWS = 6. They should start at the hot start time if NWS = -6.


  • 11808 TUFLOW option for ASCII or binary file for grid elevations unavailable. When the option for using ASCII or binary files for grid elevations is toggled on in 2D Model Control, the 'Browse' button remains grayed out so no files can be selected. However, when the option is toggled on and the user attempts to exit the 2D Model Control, an error appears that no file has been selected.

SMS 13.0.9 - July 17, 2019


  • 11826 ADCIRC not licensed in SMS 13.0 for some users located within time zones in India.


  • 11863 SMS crashes when attempting to run BOUSS-2D with training exercise/tutorial. Crash occurs when using the simulation Save Project, Export, and Run BOUSS-2D command.


  • 11741 CMS-Flow sediment transport gives empty results. When running the simulation, no sediment transport occurs.


  • 11938 Cartesian Grid and CMS-Wave simulation disappear when deleting a point in the spectral coverage.
  • 11890 CMS-Wave XMDF solution format not read correctly. Errors appear that the "wav" files could not be loaded and an empty folder is added to the grid.
  • 11872 Error loading CMS-Wave solution. SMS looking for ASCII output, even though the output format was set to XMDF.


  • 11806 Quadtree Dataset Contours not correct. Dataset contours are ignored in preference of the general contour settings.


  • 11865 The time step associated with a scour scenario is lost in file I/O. When setting the time step in the Bridge Scour Coverage Properties dialog, the setting is not saved.
  • 11696 Prune arc leaves a leg of the arc that should be pruned.
  • 11866 When computing the station on the contracted arc on a bridge scour coverage, the value doesn't appear.


  • 11681 The ability to assign multiple dataset specific contour options at once is missing in 13.0.
  • 11868 Bridge Scour Properties using the View Values and Export Hydraulic Toolbox File buttons cause SMS to crash. Happens when a bridge scour arc is not defined.


  • 11927 Datasets read from NWS6 format not read correctly. The S value is correct, but Vx and Vy values are not.
  • 11821 Select SRHHYDRO files do not import. Loading in an older SRHHYDRO file to recover a simulation works in 12.2 but fails in 12.3 and 13.0.


  • 11860 SRH-2D (DMI) Solution is loaded in the wrong folder in the Project Explorer.

Main Menu

  • 11892 Macros for Contours and Vector options not available in Quadtree module.


  • 11822 Converting CAD to Feature Objects hangs in SMS. Mapping CAD layers to feature objects takes much longer in newer versions of SMS than in SMS 11.2.


  • 11772 Huge memory leak on DMI model native import. Memory not clearing after closing the project.


  • 11824 Infinite value in a mesh dataset causes the mesh to not display.. Truncating the dataset fixes the issue.
  • 11754 Interpolating elevation value from a raster does not function as is customary. Interpolate bathymetry from rasters command was missing.
  • 11867 Bridge Scour Properties crash SMS after creating new mesh. Occurs when creating the bridge scour coverage and opening opening the bridge scour properties before a mesh exists in the project.
  • 11861 Selecting a lot of elements is slow. Taking around 30 seconds for SMS to select all elements in a mesh with more than 1000 elements.
  • 11743 Meshes in different projections no longer align correctly. With the switch from Global Mapper to GDAL, some existing meshes no longer align. The original mesh can be reprojected again and will appear to align in SMS 13.0, but the X and Y coordinates will not actually have changed. This means that although the new mesh is set to the new projection, the coordinates are still numerically in the old projection.


  • 11864 Observation profiles have "gaps" at the vertices of the observation arc when viewing the plot window.

Opening File

  • 11874 Read of NWS 8 is broken causing a script error.
  • 11827 Can't load SRH Solution File. Error occurs when solution does not match geometry. A warning message has been added.


  • 11908 Plot of BOUSS2D solution crashes when accessing the Plot Options and changing the plot the extract the profile from points and vertices.


  • 11838 Polygon material assignment lost when polygon id changed in file using a text editor.


  • 11800 Quadtree 'Map Elevation' button doesn't work. When attempting to switch which dataset sets elevation for a Quadtree, the dataset is either ignored (if node dataset) or overwritten by the existing elevation data (if cell dataset).

Scatter Data

  • 11737 Converting large elevation TIF to Scatter crashes SMS.

Spectral Data

  • 11936 Spectral energy not plotted in Spectral Energy dialog.
  • 11811 CMS-Wave Spectra does not import correctly. When first opening the SMS project, an error appears that the spectral data is not assigned to a model. There is a spectral point with data written to a new spectral coverage. However, the existing 'Spectral' coverage has a point that appears to be empty.


  • 11894 Residual and Monitor Plots not visible in Simulation Run Queue.
  • 11833 SMS Hangs with Multiple Simulations. Loading more than two simulations into the Simulation Run Queue causes SMS to hang after closing the queue.
  • 11807 SRH-2D Pressure arcs revert to wall type in roundup sturctures NHI exercise.

Time Series

  • 11891 Spectral Time is modified in "write" and "read" of the project. When editing the time for a spectral point, the time is not saved.


  • 11825 SMS Crashes when triangulating a UGrid.

SMS 13.0.8 - May 02, 2019


  • 11771 Warning appears when attempting to merge coverages. Warning dialog pops up stating "invalid map <K,T> key".
  • 11786 Error duplicating material coverage. A warning message comes up saying "invalid map<K, T> key. On clicking OK the geometry in the coverage is duplicated to a new SRH Material coverage, but the material list an polygon attributes are gone.
  • 11704 Dataset not acknowledged by Observation coverage. The Observation coverage is not recognizing all datasets in the scatter module and gives an error: "Error. No dataset specified for interpolation".


  • 11781 Unlink coverage command is labeled as delete.

Display Options

  • 11775 Selecting a polygon doesn't work when using the Select Polygon tool.
  • 11776 Dragging to zoom doesn't work. Instead was acting like the Rotate tool.


  • 11517 DMI: double-field does not work. Causes issues when entering numeric values when using the German language setting.


  • 11753 Symmetric storm (for.22) not written correctly (or at all) when exporting an ADCIRC simulation.

Online Maps

  • 11794 Add online maps doesn't load an image, nor does it download the requested data.

SMS 13.0.7 - April 16, 2019


  • 11357 Copy protection broken for PADCIRC. States that a license is needed when increasing the number of computational processors being used above 1.

CMS Flow

  • 11607 CMS-Flow solution folder named incorrectly (not matching the simulation name) and doesn’t include the WSE solution.


  • 11614 Graphics Window doesn't update after deleting ADCIRC solution from project.


  • 11705 Opening fort.14 file issue 1. The BC locations were getting lost when opening a fort.14 file.


  • 11716 Gradient, Gradient Angle, and Directional Derivative dataset tool should operate on all time steps of the selected dataset.


  • 11751 ADCIRC script fails (gives errors) if a source file is already in the right place. Happens when making a change to the simulation and then exporting.
  • 11687 HEC-RAS 2D export encounters issues when there is a void in the mesh. A warning has now been added if a void is detected in the mesh when exporting to HEC-RAS.


  • 09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output where the tool did not correctly identify all selected values. Unable to consistently reproduce the issue.

Project Explorer

  • 11747 Importing ADCIRC project from SMS 12.3 issues. When bringing in an ADCIRC project built in SMS 12.3 or earlier, SMS 13.0 would incorrect open the project with extra meshes and coverages.
  • 11710 Copying a DMI coverage is too slow. When using the Duplicate command, could take several minutes to copy a coverage.
  • 11692 Collapse All in Project Explorer hides all tree items except "Project". Should be able to see Map Data, GIS Data and other folders.
  • 11660 No "Link" Menu Option on SRH-2D Map coverages when trying to link to a simulation.


  • 11726 Errors getting NLCD data when EPSG code is not available.
  • 11714 “NAD 1983 HARN StatePlane Montana FIPS 2500 (US Feet)” Projection Missing from new projection dialog.

Scatter Data

  • 11695 Converting raster to scatter results in unexpected behavior where the points and triangles cannot be selected.
  • 11676 Feature stamp with interpolated cross sections results with bad center line elevations.


  • 11721 Using the Properties right-click menu command on some DMI (SRH, ADCRIC, etc.) coverages causes SMS to crash.

SMS 13.0.6 - March 20, 2019


  • 11622 SMS not reading ADCIRC max files correctly. Was giving unreasonable maximum elevation and velocity values that did not match the maxele.63 and maxvel.63 files.

CMS Flow

  • 11606 CMS-Flow model checker checks for sediment datasets when sediment transport is turned off.
  • 11603 CMS-Flow wind dataset disrupts load solution. When running the CMS-Flow model, it runs successfully but then gives the error "File not found: 'model4_wind.h5'" When attempting to load the solution. None of the solution files then load. In the model files folder, loading in the individual h5 files loads in the results. The wind magnitude and velocity datasets are loaded from 'model4_met.h5'.


  • 11616 Mesh Contour Intervals overlap in exported shapefile. When exporting mesh contours to a shapefile, the min/max do not always fall inside of the designated contour interval.


  • 11612 Coverage legend display shows both default and specific display outcomes instead of only the specific outcome as selected.

Opening File

  • 11650 Cannot open ADCIRC .grd file.

Popup Menu

  • 11675 Project Explorer right-click menu is cut off by the top of the screen when SMS is maximized.

Project Explorer

  • 11660 No "Link" Menu Option on Map Data Item. After unlinking coverages from an SRH-2D simulation, the right-click "Link" menu command for coverages was missing when attempting to link new coverages to the simulation.

SMS 13.0.5 - February 20, 2019


  • 11577 The selected polygon does not get highlighted correctly when selecting a channel polygon. The interior polygons (bendway weirs) are highlighted rather than the channel polygon.

SMS 13.0.4 - February 5, 2019

Scatter Data

  • 11573 Converting map coverage to a scatter set causes SMS to crash.
  • 11475 FFP Scatter set loses data values after being saved. When re-opening the scatter set, all elevation values are 0.

SMS 13.0.3 beta - January 25, 2019

Display Options

  • 11451 Change All command for "Arc BC" display options not useful.

Opening File

  • 11445 Large LANDXML file either not opening or taking a long time to open.


  • 11480 Extra projections being added to the recent projections list in the Projections dialog.

SMS 13.0.2 beta - January 22, 2019

2D Grid

  • 11427 2D Mesh elevations from boundary of patch not using the Coon's Patch as designed


  • 11505 Need consensus on positive/negative depth convention

Display Options

  • 11474 Map flood fails if scatter contour options not linear


  • 11466 In the Run Queue, the simulation associated with a set of plots is not clear - add simulation name label to plot
  • 11486 DMI - Database error when combobox option has apostrophes in it
  • 11469 Crash when trying to select dataset with DMI dataset selector


  • 11526 Hide Help-Button when help_button_url is unset


  • 11497 Opening dat file attempts to open as an image (GM)
  • 11471 13.0 - Project import causes crash
  • 11472 13.0 - SRHHYDRO import crashes SMS


  • 11450 Interpolate command causes confusion and loss of functionality


  • 11487 GUI Test: Popup does not appear when attempting an invalid Quadtree cell merge

Scatter Data

  • 11190 Convert Map -> Scatter does not work if node or vertex is selected but not used


  • 11473 Nodes on the wet/dry edge not getting negative depth as expected
  • 11495 Launching SRH-2D simulation unloads datasets from another projection
  • 11314 SRH-2D unable to run Sediment Transport
  • 11502 SRH Wall BC requires extra roughness height even when turned off
  • 11495 Launching SRH-2D simulation unloads datasets from another projection
  • 11467 Double quote character {"} in SRH-2D case name causes SRH-Post script to fail
  • 11492 GUI Test: Error when running multiple SRH2D simulations


  • 11513 OBSE results in STWAVE not projected correctly
  • 11198 Import of STWAVE solution reads vector dataset incorrectly


  • 11496 SMS crash when attempting to open TUFLOW node attributes

SMS 13.0.1 beta - November 20, 2018


  • 11353 User cannot view the Command Line output in the Simulation Run Queue
  • 11313 Crash when mapping to 2D mesh using Raster bathymetry in coastal training exercise


  • 11401 CAD data does not get recognized as having a range


  • 11293 Reference time changed when performing dataset calculator operation on Quadtree dataset

Display Options

  • 11408 Projection overlay issues
  • 11333 There is no polygon fill option in the display options for Constant Paving Density


  • 11406 Run Queue plot colors should be more contrasting

Feature Object

  • 11399 Polygons selection using a map polygon not quite right


  • 11367 SRH Interface Slow to Respond


  • 11291 Interpolate to 2D Cartesian Grid


  • 11368 Corrupt Materials Table when deleting rows


  • 11417 Converting selected mesh nodes to a scatter set produces an empty scatter set
  • 11383 Progress report for mesh generation goes above 100%
  • 11386 Setting the contour range uses inactive values. It should not.

Opening File

  • 11371 Processing Conversion of SRH Project from 12.x to 13.x


  • 11405 Observation profile plot does not update timesteps when "active" selected and user changes time step selection


  • 11363 Mesh Preview button causes SMS to hang

Project Explorer

  • 11374 Right-click in project explorer causes SMS crash
  • 11382 Right click menu when scalar and vector selected is missing


  • 11398 Mesh that is not displayed when saving a project is displayed when read in


  • 11395 Error Exporting SRH Simulation
  • 11381 User can edit text in the Model Checker
  • 11364 Flow trace option in Floodway tool not accessible


  • 11318 text is unset

SMS 13.0.0 beta - October 15, 2018

SMS 12.3 Release Notes

SMS 12.3.5 – December 5, 2018

CAD Data

  • 11455 Converting CAD to Scatter set has crashes


  • 10718 CMS-Wave crash: insuffcient virtual memory Windows 10

Feature Objects

  • 11426 Converting to Feature Objects with nothing displayed crashes SMS
  • 11143 SMS switched module from Map to Mesh after dragging a vertex
  • 11151 Converting a coverage from "Generic Model" to "Mesh Generator" loses node attributes


  • 11092 HY-8 Culvert with Embedment Depth Specified Fails to Generate Valid Table
  • 10763 Trouble Launching HY8 if the .hy8 file is Stored in a Network Location


  • 11433 Previously supported Scatter format doesn't import
  • 11436 Crash when opening the project

Map Module

  • 11425 Adding arcs to map coverage changes node Z values

Mesh Module

  • 11289 Generic Model BCs not correct
  • 11219 GUI Test: 2 arc intersection error
  • 11152 Mesh Generator coverage still references boundary conditions and crashes
  • 11150 Map to 2D Mesh for Generic Mesh crashes

Project Explorer

  • 11374 Right-click in project explorer causes SMS crash


  • 10933 SRH-2D Sediment Transport Solution not Generating in SMS 12.3
  • 11448 Progress script error during SRH-2D run
  • 11395 Error Exporting SRH Simulation
  • 11107 PostSRH-2D does not run, might be missing a dependency
  • 11057 SRH-2D Pre-Processor not Formatting Internal Sink


  • 10724 Infinite loop in map module working with TUFLOW materials file

SMS 12.3.4 – August 8, 2018

CMS Flow

  • 11096 Crash Opening Project
  • 10886 CGWAVE Reset 1D spacing command causes crash


  • 11056 SMS Crashes Deleting Monitor Points
  • 11064 GUI Test: TUFLOW 2D materials not being renamed
  • 10934 Clicking Help Button in Create Coverages Dialog Does Nothing
  • 10924 Create coverages Dialog for New CSHORE Simulation isn't Modal


  • 11001 Using Scatter Transform Tool Applies Transform to All Datasets and Not Just the Active Dataset
  • 10843 Crash Deleting Datasets

Display Options

  • 10837 SMS Hangs with Specific Vector Display Options

Feature Object

  • 11143 SMS switched module from Map to Mesh after dragging a vertex


  • 10810 SMS Crashes Opening (*).sdf File


  • 10549 Project stuck in Build Culvert Tables


  • 10770 Source Arc Resdisribution Challenge
  • 10732 Two arcs get linked to same attributes


  • 11085 Dialogs pop in front of SMS when closing the material dialog


  • 10896 Read script crashes SMS after a linked geometry is deleted from the project tree

Opening File

  • 10867 Crash Opening project
  • 10864 Crash opening project


  • 10817 Plot file added to list of recent files but can't be read in

Project Explorer

  • 11050 Computed Values Don't Update Until Datasets Moved to a Folder


  • 11116 Generic Model Definition Not Saving Curve Data In SMS

Scatter Data

  • 10968 Importing LandXML Files Build Corrupt Scatter Sets
  • 10780 Crash deleting points in duplicated scatter set


  • 11107 PostSRH-2D does not run, might be missing a dependency
  • 10982 HY8 File with No .hy8 Extension Causes Invalid Path to Table File
  • XMDFC output option no longer supported. So use projects that previously used the XMDFC output option:
    1. Go into the model control and change the output option to something that is not "XMDF".
    2. Click OK on the dialog to exit out.
    3. Re-open the model control and set the output option to "XMDF" and click OK.

SMS 12.3.3 - May 30, 2018


  • 010484 Multiple issues with FESWMS structures
  • 010732 Two arcs get linked to same attributes
  • 010816 Crash converting shape to map
  • 010473 ADH project saved from SMS does not run
  • 009794 Polygon material assignment not clear


  • 010810 SMS Crashes Opening (*).sdf File
  • 010614 Can't drag online images to change order of display in Project Explorer


  • 010506 False SRH Model Checker message for International Feet
  • 010507 SRH Geometry Units not written for Intl Feet
  • 010557 SRH-Pre failure in 12.3 but works in 12.2
  • 010685 Spaces Preceding SRH-2D Dataset Names

SMS 12.3.2 - May 8, 2018


  • 010644 SMS write the IHOT value incorrectly
  • 010646 SMS gives a warning on ADCIRC run that appears to be wrong (the file looks okay)
  • 010643 The ADCIRC "Run ID" is not saved correctly


  • 010551 Hydrotec Related Feedback - Create and Move Point Lag
  • 010572 Import of native SRH files does not read time series BC data
  • 010547 BC Arc Options shows all possible options
  • 010656 Crash After Deleting All Coverages
  • 010676 Geometric surface of mesh disappears for some view directions
  • 010484 Multiple issues with FESWMS structures
  • 010663 Crash assigning Island weir to arcs
  • 010689 When opening an image (GIS Object) the file is not added to the recent list. It should be
  • 010605 HY-8 Build Tables Executable Filepath not Specified for New Installs of 12.3
  • 010553 Scalar Paving Values not Saved with the Project

Dynamic Model

  • 010601 Sample Dynamic XML cause crash on start-up


  • 010612 Add Arcs To Mesh Destroys Mesh
  • 010552 Crash after extrapolation value warning

Model Control

  • 010494 Widget Confusion in SRH Output Control

Online Maps

  • 010614 Can't drag online images to change order of display in Project Explorer

Scatter Data

  • 010576 Import of XML preserves triangulation but not boundary


  • 010506 False SRH Model Checker message for International Feet
  • 010507 SRH Geometry Units not written for Intl Feet
  • 010557 SRH-Pre failure in 12.3 but works in 12.2
  • 010685 Spaces Preceding SRH-2D Dataset Names
  • 009944 SRH-2D pre-processor crashes.
  • 010703 SRH-2D Requires Initial Conditions WSE Value in SI Units
  • 010232 SRH-2D Sediment Discharge Type Rating Curve not Working

SMS 12.3.1 beta - March 21, 2018


  • 10380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project


  • 10342 SMS Writes Scatter ASCII Dataset Files Incorrectly


  • 10490 Crash Assigning Materials


  • 09413 Saving Mesh Contours as Shapefiles: Incorrect Polygon Attributes


  • 10461 Crash in Plot Wizard


  • 10460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active


  • 10483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated


  • 10476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names


  • 10259 Tuflow Multiple 2D Domains Not Exporting Correctly


  • 10369 SMS Not Reading WAM Spectra Files
  • 10364 WAM Spectra_User format Incorrect

SMS 12.3.0 beta - February 24, 2018

SMS 12.2 Release Notes

SMS 12.2.14 - May 8, 2018


  • 010644 SMS write the IHOT value incorrectly
  • 010646 SMS gives a warning on ADCIRC run that appears to be wrong (the file looks okay)
  • 010643 The ADCIRC "Run ID" is not saved correctly
  • 010380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project


  • 010551 Hydrotec Related Feedback - Create and Move Point Lag
  • 010572 Import of native SRH files does not read time series BC data
  • 010547 BC Arc Options shows all possible options
  • 010656 Crash After Deleting All Coverages
  • 010663 Crash assigning Island weir to arcs
  • 010490 Crash Assigning Materials
  • 010689 When opening an image (GIS Object) the file is not added to the recent list. It should be
  • 010461 Crash in Plot Wizard
  • 010553 Scalar Paving Values not Saved with the Project
  • 010483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated

Display Options

  • 010676 Geometric surface of mesh disappears for some view directions


  • 010601 Sample Dynamic XML cause crash on start-up


  • 010612 Add Arcs To Mesh Destroys Mesh
  • 010552 Crash after extrapolation value warning

Model Control

  • 010494 Widget Confusion in SRH Output Control


  • 010460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active

Scatter Data

  • 010576 Import of XML preserves triangulation but not boundary


  • 010488 Merging SRH-2D BC coverages causes arc numbering error
  • 009944 SRH-2D pre-processor crashes.
  • 010476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names


  • 010259 Tuflow Multiple 2D Domains Not Exporting Correctly


  • 010369 SMS Not Reading WAM Spectra Files
  • 010364 WAM Spectra_User format Incorrect

SMS 12.2.13 - March 21, 2018


  • 10380 ADCIRC parameters lost when saving project with multiple meshes, relaunching SMS and opening project

CMS Flow

  • 10075 Velocity checkbox in CMS-Flow BC coverage arc attributes dialog doesn’t allow user to specify velocity dataset


  • 10312 TUTORIAL REVIEW: CMS-Wave contour display legend issue
  • 10212 Select with Polygon delete dataset contour options

Display Options

  • 10106 Vector colors not correct


  • 10342 SMS Writes Scatter ASCII Dataset Files Incorrectly
  • 09976 CMS-Flow Salinity Statistical output times incorrect

Feature Object

  • 10221 TUTORIAL REVIEW:Redistribute Arc using a truncated size function removes all vertices


  • 09991 Multiple issues with editing storm track


  • 10490 Crash Assigning Materials


  • 09413 Saving Mesh Contours as Shapefiles: Incorrect Polygon Attributes

Opening File

  • 10309 Crash opening CMS File


  • 10461 Crash in Plot Wizard
  • 10288 TUTORIAL REVIEW: BOUSS-2D ETA probe plots are not popped out like other plots


  • 10393 Projections of TINs gets confused in 12.2, 12.3 and 13.0
  • 10239 Incorrect unit label exported to SRH-2D
  • 09693 Reproject is slower in SMS 12.2 than in previous versions of SMS.


  • 10460 Scalar dataset in quadtree not editable when selecting cells while Z dataset is active
  • 10258 Conversion from CMS-Flow domain to scatterset is no longer supported


  • 10483 FESWMS Ceiling Dataset Duplicated
  • 10108 Opening old FESWMS project and resave results in invalid project

Scatter Data

  • 10333 Editing scalar value wipes out timesteps


  • 10299 Incorrect Precision Exported for WAM Nested Grid and Spectral Site Location Coordinates


  • 10476 Unable to run SRH with duplicate coverage names


  • 09882 GUI Test: TOPAZ runs with an error when the folder path is too long

SMS 12.2.12 - December 20, 2017


  • 10083 Annotations have gray shading with lighting turned on


  • 10058 CAD Data Not Being Displayed After Being Generated

CMS Flow

  • 10130 Can’t delete multiple rows in spatially constant wind CMS-Flow table


  • 10132 Contour Labels Partially Obscured


  • 10078 Smoothing a dataset on a scatter set gives wrong answer

Display Options

  • 10082 Dragging of Feature Nodes Not Shown

Feature Object

  • 10124 Bad arc resulting from redistributing based on source arc
  • 10107 Clean coverage hangs or gives wrong results when attempting to "extend" an arc to intersect


  • 10158 Align Arc with Contour Tool Not Functional
  • 10102 Select connecting arc function not working
  • 09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering


  • 09922 WMS Crashes Exporting HMS with Diversions from Basin


  • 10067 Can't import XML file


  • 10186 Crash generating AdH Mesh
  • 10063 Duplicate Node Tolerance Incorrect


  • 10151 Incorrect Plot for BC Populate
  • 10105 Time series plot range is not saved


  • 09858 Location of HY8 Executable in Preferences cannot be Changed

Scatter Data

  • 10136 Incorrect Pt Names saved to *.h5 file for scatter set


  • 09946 SRH BC Populate Tool doesn't work properly unless vertices redistributed

Summary Table

  • 10093 Summary Table Flows Incorrect

SMS 12.2.11 - October 24, 2017


  • 09998 Selected nodestring during saving causes renumbering
  • 10067 Can't import XML file
  • 09979 Map Legend is using Global Lighting making it hard to read.
  • 09984 Numerical Precision not clear in GMI
  • 09825 Depth Varying Roughness XY series only displays metric units
  • 09695 Status Window Message Gives Wrong Impression of What Is Actually Happening


  • 09960 TUFLOW Cross Section Plot not functioning correctly
  • 10028 Plots in 12.2 are much slower than previous versions


  • 09983 Crashing when editing BC value


  • 09737 Compare datasets tool does not assign correct values in non-overlap region


  • 09921 Linear contours not exported to CAD when using dataset contour options
  • 09803 Mesh Contours to CAD Issue


  • 10053 Bad Snapping


  • 09824 Multi-Select and Add to SRH Simulation Issue

SMS 12.2.10 - September 26, 2017


  • 09927 SRH “Assign Material Properties” dialog opens when double-clicking outside of any polygon
  • 09999 Minor spelling issue with feature stamping
  • 09965 SMS Incorrectly loading fort.22 wind file
  • 09975 .dat file export does not contain data
  • 09945 The river module commands cause SMS to crash.
  • 09917 Typo in the Redistribute Vertices dialog
  • 09972 GUI Test: Error updating widget value
  • 09926 Project metadata remains after selecting “File | Delete All”
  • 09852 Can't open file with umlaut in name


  • 09933 Dataset contour options not defaulting correctly for datasets in a folder
  • 09958 Can’t edit quadtree grid scalar dataset interpolated from scatter


  • 09959 SMS appears to hang when accessing material properties
  • 09898 Materials numbering error


  • 09903 Summary Table give bad values with RMA2 mesh


  • 09906 Modifying Polygons in SRH-2D Materials Coverage causes Other Polygons to Lose Polygon Attributes
  • 09947 SRH Interface doesn't understand comma input


  • 09993 TUFLOW Form Loss Coefficients

SMS 12.2.9 - August 16, 2017


  • 09811 Crash when loading project or when attempting to modify model control of Bouss-2D Simulation without grid
  • 09623 Update for the min recommended depth for BOUSS2D


  • 09733 Summary table gives results for only one cross section coverage
  • 09732 Must select centerline coverage for each cross section when generating a summary table


  • 09503 Smoothing dataset in scatter has no effect
  • 09830 CMS-Flow Bed Layer Section of Card File Exported Incorrectly
  • 09718 CSDB not being saved with the project
  • 09676 Dataset Toolbox Grid Spacing Tool very slow
  • 09755 Selecting radio buttons in the Extract Cross Sections window turns off radio buttons in other sections
  • 09785 Incorrect Unit Label in "Populate" WSE Tool
  • 09771 Summary Table spreadsheet too big
  • 09729 Feature Stamping doesn't properly trim/intersect surface


  • 09724 CAD to Map Snapping Options Ignored
  • 09780 Crash opening map file


  • 09719 Plot settings get reset when they shouldn't
  • 09774 Incorrect Errors Reported in Error Plots


  • 09766 Converting Quadtree to Ugrid changes the cell centered datasets to pt centered 06-19-2017
  • 09763 SMS 12.2 missing ability to compute volume on a Quadtree 06-14-2017

Scatter Data

  • 09629 Map->Scatter Not using arc elevations as specified

Summary Table

  • 09819 Generating Summary Table with Mesh Toggled Off Generates Unreliable Results
  • 09818 Summary Table Flows
  • 09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table
  • 09720 Summary Table not working as it should
  • 09734 Specified Datasets not used in Summary Table

SMS 12.2.8 - June 20, 2017

Display Options

  • 09655 Display appears to be missing some curved arrows

Feature Objects

  • 09634 SRH-2D Boundary condition gets corrupted
  • 09632 Can't merge CGrid Rows or Columns


  • 09742 GUI Test: Crash when redistributing vertices after doing a Delete All
  • 09730 Changing Temp Directory can create multiple file browser dialogs
  • 09678 Can't change temp directory
  • 09567 SMS hangs creating water level arcs for TUFLOW coverage
  • 09633 Dimming of widgets in Feature Stamping Dialog
  • 09363 Minor PTM error message when saving project
  • 09717 Line properties from HEC-RAS not read into SMS


  • 09663 Crash Merging Meshes


  • 09653 ARR Plot takes too long to come up and is too sensitive


  • 09654 Converting mesh boundary to "unprojected" coverage gives wrong result

Scatter Data

  • 09625 The Scatter Contour to Feature arc dialog can become too small
  • 09566 SMS hangs merging scatter sets


  • 09681 Incorrect formatting for Supercritical BC for SRH
  • 09616 SRH-Pre Cannot read Sediment Gradation XYS files that Have a Space in the Name

SMS 12.2.7 - April 11, 2017


  • 09425 SMS Freezes in Spacial Attributes Dialog


  • 09571 Crash opening cmcards file


  • 09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
  • 09551 The DMI puts a lock on the executable and doesn't release it
  • 09330 Polygon attributes in DMI coverages not being saved/read correctly
  • 09461 DMI control_set not functioning as expected
  • 09555 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn red when process fails
  • 09549 DMI Model Wrapper progress bar does not turn green when process completes
  • 09556 DMI Model Wrapper should uncheck "Load Solution" when the user aborts.
  • 09550 CMS-Flow model does not write wind curve if no BC file is in the simulation
  • 09552 DMI Model Wrapper should change focus to a new process when it launches that process


  • 09561 Mapping .shp to Obstructions Coverage


  • 09481 Incorrect Zonal Classification Output


  • 09557 Slow Display Response - Create Node Example

SMS 12.2.6 - March 21, 2017


  • 09540 Offset Arcs Defaults and Saved Values


  • 09449 Assigning two arcs boundary conditions at the same time give DMI error and doesn't work
  • 09450 Changing model version number in XML makes project crash


  • 09430 Node Transformation Not Saved


  • 09500 Dataset Toolbox Filter Issue


  • 09535 Crash After SRH Run
  • 09537 Repeating Error Message about Boundary Node

SMS 12.2.5 - March 14, 2017


  • 09472 Help links for SRH-2D sediment transport dialogs don't work
  • 09436 Crash when using remote desktop


  • 09421 Inserting a row into a DMI table results in wrong row being active


  • 09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
  • 09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring


  • 09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors


  • 09428 Dialog appears behind the working window


  • 09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash


  • 09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
  • 09432 SRH Materials Coverage and Sediment Materials Coverage Bad After Building New Polygons

SMS 12.2.4 beta - February 15, 2017


  • 09219 ADCIRC Model Control Incorrect Tidal Amplitude


  • 09424 Extra nodestring created when reading AdH model
  • 09423 SMS corrupts AdH nodestring


  • 09158 CMS-Flow Sediment Errors


  • 09428 Dialog appears behind the working window

Display Options

  • 09351 Snap Preview when arc display option is off


  • 09434 Generating a large quadtree causes SMS to crash


  • 09422 Cursor spins and spins in DMI
  • 09401 False model checker warning and SRH crash

SMS 12.2.3 beta - January 17, 2017


  • 09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string
  • 09309 Plot window appears when opening project with plots in community edition
  • 09307 Crash opening project in Community Edition
  • 09323 Recently opened file list is cleared when opening a project with a plot
  • 09321 Plot window is not restored when project with plot is opened
  • 09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version
  • 09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance
  • 09160 Incorrect Interpolation Menu for Rasters
  • 09346 Error message for overlapping arcs and error messages in general
  • 09310 The error message box has a redundant line that shows the type of error.
  • 09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
  • 09382 Combined XYZ Length is incorrect for multiple arcs
  • 09384 Element material type reported for generic mesh


  • 09314 Smoothing Dataset Taking a Very Long Time
  • 09187 Comparing Datasets Subtraction in SMS vs. Documentation

Display Options

  • 09290 Observation points not visible when display atts are turned on.


  • 09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working

Feature Objects

  • 09347 Lag in error message
  • 09342 Nodestring ID visibility
  • 09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
  • 09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
  • 09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
  • 09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
  • 09256 DMI polygon attributes lost


  • 09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly


  • 09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
  • 09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data
  • 09280 Unexpected Warning Stating Bandwidth Unusually High
  • 09316 CGWAVE .cgi precision

Model Control

  • 08983 Curves and table values read from DMI H5 file not read in


  • 09322 Plot windows don't close on Delete All
  • 09289 Plot Wizard Display Options
  • 09239 Saving causes a crash when the data in the plot is not correct
  • 09328 Unable to save image file
  • 09390 SMS does not write SRH Input file for Internal Sink SRH Simulation
  • 09357 SRH QuickWin doesn't show Water Elevation Plot when run through SMS


  • 09199 UGrid Interpolator doesn't allow Map to Z option

SMS 12.2.2 beta - November 14, 2016


  • 09234 Crash performing Model Check


  • 09185 1D Summary Table Crash
  • 09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X


  • 09179 Unable to Perform Operation when Comparing Datasets in Data Set


  • 09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned


  • 09210 Transform Command Invalidates Dataset
  • 09220 Mesh disappears from project
  • 09237 SMS crashes when merging nodestrings
  • 09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
  • 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes

Online Maps

  • 09226 Map to Curvilinear function fails


  • 09228 Summary Table is only exported if the user types the file extension
  • 09227 Save File dialog has an Open button instead of Save
  • 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
  • 09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue


  • 09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module
  • 09222 TUFLOW project loses Geometry Component


  • 09215 Converting Quadtree to UGrid sometimes creates an extra folder

SMS 12.2.1 beta - October 10, 2016


  • 09185 1D Summary Table Crash
  • 09186 Can't close summary table dialog with X`


  • 09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly

Feature Objects

  • 09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
  • 09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
  • 09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed


  • 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
  • 09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray

Project Explorer

  • 09121 SMS DMI allows multiple coverages of same type to be added to a simulation if added by a single drag
  • 09122 Inconsistency of terminology when unlinking elements from a SRH-2D simulation


  • 09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line


  • 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
  • 09172 Crash opening project with SRH model

SMS 12.2.0 beta - September 10, 2016

SMS 12.1 Release Notes

SMS 12.1.10 - January 25, 2017


  • 09306 Can't use a German "umlaut" in an annotation string

Dynamic Model

  • 09264 DMI export of coverage arcs and points of a polygon not working

Feature Objects

  • 09343 Renumber Nodestrings Changes Nodestring Direction
  • 09335 Renumbering nodestrings messes up weir directions
  • 09304 Select all for triangles does not show information
  • 09283 Mesh visibility affects extracted data in observation coverage
  • 09256 DMI polygon attributes lost


  • 09276 The weirs in an ADCIRC mesh don't save correctly


  • 09333 Two types of unassigned ADCIRC nodestrings
  • 09205 Exported shapefile does not contain elevation data


  • 09289 Plot Wizard Display Options


  • 09298 Dataset imported after exporting in H5 format from UGrid can't be read


  • 09301 Organizing Linked Coverages Causes SMS to Become Unresponsive
  • 09328 Unable to save image file
  • 09286 Displaying Cartesian grids in version 12 (and 13) is up to 2 orders of magnitude slower than version 11
  • 09208 SMS Disk I/O Performance

SMS 12.1.9 - November 16, 2016


  • 09234 Crash performing Model Check


  • 09255 CMS-Wave save creates invalid file if no spectra assigned


  • 09220 Mesh disappears from project
  • 09231 Writing ADCIRC weirs nodestrings corrupted when a mesh is duplicated
  • 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes


  • 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
  • 09200 SRH normal depth boundary condition issue


  • 09221 TUFLOW results opening switches to scatter module

SMS 12.1.8 - October 19, 2016


  • 09075 Check for Updates Not Working
  • 09145 SMS Exporting HY8 Culvert Arc Nodestrings Incorrectly
  • 09172 Crash opening project with SRH model
  • 09053 Default Help Option is said to be Online but Actually takes you to Local Help

Spectral Data

  • 09124 Crash When Using Display Tools in Spectral Energy Dialog


  • 09146 Opening ADCIRC mesh in geographic coords does not set the projection if the data spans the international date line


  • 09114 Isues with observation plots
  • 09020 Observation Plot Doesn't Look As Expected


  • 09139 ADCIRC BC types not correctly maintained when merging meshes
  • 09057 Interpolating nodes puts mesh into disarray
  • 08824 Deleting points of a mesh in non-display projection forgets what it is doing


  • 09127 Can't make observation arcs visible


  • 09113 Bad grid created from Generic Grid generator coverage when set to "Mesh Centered" type

Feature Objects

  • 09142 Revert subset hangs or crashes
  • 09138 Working in subset mode confuses ADCIRC boundary conditions
  • 09144 ADCIRC nodestring with multiple instances of same node not detected and fixed

Dynamic Model

  • 09042 No default display of snapped arcs

SMS 12.1.7 - August 13, 2016


  • 08955 Edit fields for Harmonic parameters in files tab of ADCIRC model control
  • 08937 Spatial Attribute changes not saved


  • 09008 Crash When Attempting to Save, Export, and Launch BOUSS-2D Simulation


  • 08957 Can't populate contours with proper range of values


  • 08974 Dataset conversion from vector to scalar not working for Quadtree from Toolbox


  • 09046 Raster Display Doesn't Update Properly when Changing Point Size and Maximum Points
  • 08962 Incorrect update of CMS-Wave cell attribute display
  • 08939 Display doesn't refresh after pan

Dynamic Model

  • 09029 Can't run or specify location of aswip
  • 09027 DMI crash when referencing nonexistent dialog

Feature Objects

  • 08956 Select by Dataset Value does not work on UGrid Z dataset
  • 08952 ADCIRC Mesh elevations revert back to old values when reopening SMS and project
  • 08954 Nodestrings with Unassigned Boundary Conditions aren't Being Saved


  • 08979 Text of the Coverage to Smooth Button is Overflowing
  • 09024 SMS Steering Menu Item
  • 09070 User gets error message when canceling out of ImportWizard
  • 09041 SMS is Trying to Read in Files that it Shouldn't
  • 08960 Open File Format appears instead of an error message
  • 09069 SMS Coverage Duplicate Issues
  • 08942 Can't access right-click menu for datasets
  • 08963 PTM particles remain in display after deletion
  • 09040 Arc BC data not saved
  • 09087 The Time Step time is not being displayed when the time is 12:00:00 AM


  • 08949 Can’t edit quadtree scalar datasets
  • 08975 Quadtree transform fails to transform refined cell points
  • 08882 Quadtree Grid menu items


  • 08921 Raster Frame and Display
  • 08914 Crash trying to open .las file as "Raster"


  • 08988 Crash When Creating New WAM Simulation

Spectral Data

  • 08972 The direction of the wave components converting from spectra to CGWAVE is not spectra dependent and is wrong
  • 08971 Converting spectra to CGWAVE wave components does not clear spectral list
  • 08940 Can't work with high number of spectral indices

SMS 12.1.6 - June 2, 2016


  • 08899 ADCIRC solution with small timestep won't read in
  • 08813 Incorrect NWS value written to control file


  • 08768 B2D Wave maker minimum period (tmin) is not filled in anymore
  • 08767 B2D Warning of time range is wrong


  • 08795 Map Elevation command doesn't use specified dataset
  • 08745 Floodway tool Crash
  • 08794 Scatter Visibility affects dataset used for interpolation
  • 08782 Data Calculator behavior type vs. paste
  • 08757 UGrid datasets generate their own dset contour options


  • 08880 CGWAVE nodestrings are numbered with bogus IDs
  • 08865 Color of snap preview does not change after hitting OK


  • 08797 DMI - If a curve is associated with a "set", it is not exported
  • 08765 BOUSS-2D damping dataset not computed completely

Feature Objects

  • 08766 Wave maker no longer shows direction
  • 08885 Weir from bug 8798 leaves elements in the interior
  • 08881 ADCIRC node strings not numbered correctly
  • 08798 Crash Creating ADCIRC Weir
  • 08777 Canceling In Select Dataset Dialog Changes Functional Surface Options


  • 08866 The Line Attributes dialog is not modal
  • 08868 XMDF File Not Loaded In Correctly
  • 08800 Functional Surface Won't Use User Defined Dataset


  • 08755 Interpoate from Quadtree to Scatter vector crashes


  • 08829 Incorrect polygon fill display


  • 08830 Preview Mesh leaves a gap in the mesh.
  • 08840 Issues with Functional Surface on Mesh
  • 08787 Map-2D Mesh with multiple rasters


  • 08856 Crash When Writing Particles Subset If the File Name Has not Been Set


  • 08763 Observation plots not consistent
  • 08764 Observation plot from Mesh is too long
  • 08762 DEM Observation plot of data doesn't show up

Project Explorer

  • 08769 SMS gets confused about the mesh module
  • 08746 Missing features for TUFLOW 1D


  • 08799 Missing Cross Section data in Summary Table
  • 08854 Crash After Reproject All


  • 08838 Incorrect Raster Elevations

Scatter Data

  • 08907 Saving an empty scatter set corrupts project.
  • 08908 Dialog indicates spacing is in meters when it is really in degrees
  • 08848 Crash Saving Project After Failed Interpolation
  • 08837 ADH Model Checker SI Units
  • 08847 Error When Using an Existing Dataset for Extrapolation


  • 08748 Can't Open SRH solution after model run


  • 08846 Crash Saving TUFLOW Project

SMS 12.1.5 - April 20, 2016


  • 08739 Loading CMS-Flow project from SMS 11.2 does not associate the projection correctly

CMS Flow

  • 08668 CMS Project Crash
  • 08695 CMS-Flow Registration Item Disrupts SRH Coverages


  • 08682 Selecting Polygons Takes a Long Time
  • 08690 SMS Does not Preserve "Bank" attribute type in the 1D Hydraulic Centerline Coverage


  • 08697 Splash Screen Causes SMS to Hang
  • 08702 SMS Main Menu, and Hot Key for Help Goes to Internet Only


  • 08642 GSSHA Upstream Culvert


  • 08711 Opening multiple surveys at a single time gives error message


  • 08730 Map->2D Mesh is too slow "Setting nodal z values..."


  • 08575 Observation Data Cannot be Defined for stream arcs with an arc type of "General Stream"


  • 08581 Drogue plot shifts when zooming out


  • 08673 Problems Rotating on Quadtree/CGrid with Grid Frame
  • 08672 Able to Create Quadtree When Quadtree Not Enabled

Scatter Data

  • 08720 Converting coverage to spacing scatter gives wrong values
  • 08719 Converting coverage to scatter hangs


  • 08747 Data sets don't appear under Mesh Data after running SRH-2D.
  • 08689 SMS Not Saving Populated WSE Value

SMS 12.1.3 - March 03, 2016


  • 08653 Contour options are not initialized on UGrid dsets after duplicate operation


  • 08593 Empty spreadsheet double cells crash xms
  • 08649 Crash opening .dep file
  • 08596 Polygon Fill Display Incorrect

Boundary Conditions

  • 08635 Snap Preview won't stay off

Dynamic Model Interface

  • 08622 DMI range type edit boxes change values on blur
  • 08623 DMI double clicking anywhere with polygon select tool enabled opens polygon attributes menu
  • 08637 DMI Building New Polygons Messes Up Dependencies on Old Polygons


  • 08597 Mesh Paving Crash
  • 08604 Renumbering a mesh with gaps while color fill contours is on causes a crash


  • 08595 UGrid Functional Surface doesn't display correctly when new active dataset selected


  • 08607 ADCIRC files not copied to run directory when executing ADCIRC
  • 08606 SMS does not read in ADCIRC data correctly


  • 08615 Vector to Scalars Command Generates Dataset with Incorrect Velocities


  • 08608 SRH-2D material coverage created from FESWMS coverage has bad attributes for polygons

SMS 12.1.2 - January 24, 2016


  • 08544 - Dataset compare feature is not working


  • 08527 - #file_name keyword is not accessible when process_on_condition is used in input_file


  • 08571 - PBL output grids not displayed correctly


  • 08536 - Crash After saving FESWMS Project and Reopening Saved Files


  • 08567 - Opening CMS-Wave simulation with the Display Projection set to Geographic creates incompatible display case


  • 08555 - Crash opening CMS-Flow project


  • 08478 - Contours change when they shouldn't
  • 08549 - Contour update issue on quadtrees after interpolating datasets from one to the Z of the other


  • 08542 - Summary table from 2dMesh uses elevation value for all datasets
  • 08550 - Cannot edit multiple nodes simultaneously on a vtk mesh


  • 08547 - Min and max not set when interpolating one quadtree dataset to Z of another
  • 08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types


  • 08566 - Date/Time stamps for the year 2000 - 2009 are read incorrectly when written with 8 digit format
  • 08563 - Cells in a table become blank
  • 08560 - SMS crashes when clicking the top left cell of the Linear BC table.
  • 08561 - Wording correcting in film loop error
  • 08557 - Merging coverages causes duplicate node ids
  • 08526 - Order, i_order, and j_order attributes have no effect on process_each_polygon operations on cgrids
  • 08481 - Redistribute Verices without cubic spline causes points in bad places
  • 08545 - Confirmation setting not used when deleting coverages with the "Del" key
  • 08404 - Saving and Reopening Coverages Removes Certain Characters
  • 08492 - Wrong Popup When Generating a CGrid with No Grid Frame

SMS 12.1.1 beta - December 07, 2015

CMS Flow

  • 08476 - Error Popup when Opening Old CMS-Flow Project File in 12.1


  • 08519 - Merged coverage has inappropriate atts that cause a crash when cleaning
  • 08501 - Crash Deleting All Coverages

Feature Object

  • 08513 - Double-Clicking on point in DMI Coverage does not bring up dialog


  • 08508 - DMI unable to conditionally retrieve cell i and j based on bound coverage attribute
  • 08511 - Points Snap to Incorrect CGRID Cells During CMS-WAVE2 DMI Export


  • 08496 - Strange Behavior and Crash When Merging Polygons
  • 08495 - Crash When Merging Polygons
  • 08452 - Redistribution of arc that is not in display projection causes problems


  • 08483 - Incorrect mesh preview in polygon attributes
  • 08499 - Incorrect Mapping of BC arc to mesh
  • 08491 - Crash committing mesh subset
  • 08502 - SMS deletes duplicate elements without reporting what elements are being deleted

Opening File

  • 08494 - Crash or Hang when opening project
  • 08507 - Cross sectional database with "." in the name gets trimmed


  • 08522 - Crash Opening SRH Tutorial

Project Explorer

  • 08330 - Project Explorer Items not updating their display properly


  • 08493 - Quadtree Created in the Wrong Direction after Changing Coverage Types


  • 08488 - Observation plot options allow user to select images if raster is loaded, but then says it is invalid


  • 08473 - Crash during save of generic model

Scatter Data

  • 08482 - Crash loading project file merging dynamic database (MergeAfterAllFilesReadIn)

SMS 12.1.0 beta - Release November 17, 2015

Older Release Notes

For older versions of SMS that are no longer actively supported, see the individual release note articles:

Release Note Article Release Version Notes
Release Notes SMS 10.0 SMS 10.0 Initial Release
Release Notes SMS 10.1 SMS 10.1 Initial Release
Release Notes SMS 11.0 SMS 11.0 Initial Release
Release Notes SMS 11.1 SMS 11.1 Initial Release
Release Notes SMS 11.2 SMS 11.2 Initial Release
Release Notes SMS 12.0 SMS 12.0 Initial Release

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