SMS:ADH Wind Stations
Wind station data can be included in an ADH simulation to apply wind stress on the water surface. This data is in addition to and should not affect the mesh geometry, so stations are specified on a feature coverage in the Map module. The Spatial Data coverage is used because it allows the specification of generic time series data at locations represented by feature points. ADH wind station data is specified in SMS as wind speed data (NOTE: ADH currently expects wind stress data, but is planned to accept wind speed data.)
Creating Wind Stations
To create a wind station for ADH, first create a new Spatial Data coverage and give it a descriptive name. Using the Create Feature Point tool, add a point at the location of the wind station. Right-click on the feature point with the Select Feature Point or Node tool, point at the Add option, and select Time Series. This will open the Time Series editor. Select a velocity curve group (either "Velocity – Components" or "Velocity – Mag. & Dir.") and click on the New... button. Specify a name, curve data, and reference time. When finished, clicking the OK button adds the selected curve to the selected feature point's data. Right-clicking on the feature point again, this menu will display the added time series and provide options to view, edit, or delete this data.
After wind stations have been created on a coverage, the ADH simulation must be told to include this information on the Model Parameters page of Model Control. Since a specific coverage is choosen, the user can create multiple coverages and quickly switch wind conditions as necessary. The velocity time series data of a coverage is not specific to ADH, and consequently do not include ADH time series attributes which contains curve fit tolerance. Therefore, a general curve fit tolerance can be specified in Model Parameters to be attributed to every velocity time series in the selected coverage.
Steady State Simulation
If setting up a steady state ADH simulation, a spatial data coverage is still used to specify wind stations and their time series. However, SMS will write a steady state velocity series consisting only of the first condition values listed regardless of the reference time. The written series is created using the simulation start and end times (zero offset and the simulation length from the Time tab in Model Control, respectively) with the same condition values. To avoid confusion, it is suggested that only one row should be specified in the editor (zero offset value with any reference time) for all steady state velocity series. The user is responsible for specifying appropriate steady state data.
Boundary Condition File
When saving the ADH Boundary condition file (*.bc), SMS will check to whether wind station data is included and, if specified, that the selected coverage is still valid (exists). SMS will then proceed to iterate through every feature point in the selected coverage, formatting series data and writing XYC and XY2 cards (with XYT cards if curve fit tolerance is specified). Since the general velocity types (Velocity – Components and Velocity – Mag. & Dir. curve groups) include reference time, part of the series formatting includes extracting data and re-referencing it to the simulation start time. If the data does not cover the simulation start or end time, it will be appended with the time and the first or last specified condition values, respectively. The extracted series will start at the simulation start time and include all remaining data. Formatting also includes converting velocity data to component form (magnitude and direction to x,y components) and units expected by ADH (i.e. mph to ft/s) as necessary. A velocity time series in the file can appear different than as specified in the Time Series editor because of form and unit conversions, and validation. Any feature point without velocity data will be ignored along with all other feature objects the coverage may contain. If a feature point contains multiple velocity time series, then only the data of first time series found will be written. Coverages not included in the simulation can be saved separately if desired.
As SMS reads an ADH boundary condition file, wind station data will be added to a new spatial data coverage with the default name of "ADH Wind Station". This coverage will be automatically selected in Model Paramters. If the file contains any curve fit tolerances for wind station velocity time series, the minimum tolerance (the values may be different) will be used for the entire coverage.
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