To build a feature stamp, use the following steps:
1. SMS project setup.
1. Start SMS, or clear existing projects in SMS.
- If SMS is already running, select File | Delete All.
- A new project can also be started by using CTRL + N.
2. Import data.
1. Gather and open image files.
Images are imported into the GIS module in SMS.
2. Import images from the web.
3. Create a feature arcs, nodes and vertices.
- In the map module, feature objects should be created in the active coverage.
- Adjust image transparency as needed to be able to clearly see feature objects as they are created.
- Use the Create Feature Arc File:Create Feature Arc icon.bmp tool to create arcs in the map coverage.
- Use the Create Feature Node File:Select Feature Point or Node.bmp tool to create additional nodes alone or along arcs.
4. Edit feature objects.
- Before building polygons, it's recommended that arcs be edited.
- Use the Create Feature Vertex toll to add vertices along arcs.
- Convert vertices to nodes to create more arcs.
- Convert extra nodes to vertices to merge arcs.
- Use the Select Feature Vertex tool and the Select Feature Node File:Select Feature Point or Node.bmp tool to adjust the shape and position of arcs.
- Use the Select Feature Arc File:Create Feature Arc icon.bmp tool to move entire arcs if necessary.
- Select multiple arcs to create arc groups.
- Use the Select Arc Group tool to select and move entire groups of arcs.
- Renumber vertices on arcs.
5. Create polygons.
- Polygons are not created automatically when arcs are enclosed. To create polygons:
- Select arcs to be converted into polygons. Can select adjoining arcs or select all arcs.
- Use the Build Polygons command to create polygons.
6. Continue with project.
- After creating a feature objects, continue the project using the desired model workflow.