AHGW:GeoSection to Points

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GeoSection to Points tool in the Geoprocessing pane

The GeoSection to Points tool is accessed by double-clicking on "ArcGISPro Toolbx Tool.png GeoSection to Points" under the "ArcGISPro Toolset.png Features" toolset under the "ArcGISPro Toolset.png Subsurface Analyst" toolset under the "ArcGISPro Toolbx Item.png ArcHydroGroundwater.pyt" toolbox. This tool creates BorePoint features along the top and bottom of GeoSection features, at specified distances along the multipatch features.

ArcGIS Notes – In older versions of ArcGIS, this tool appears as a dialog and is accessed through the "Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools" toolbox.
The icons vary between ArcGIS and ArcGIS Pro.

The following fields are available. Required fields are marked with a ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.png icon. In ArcGIS, they are marked with a ArcGIS required - green circle icon.png icon. Fields marked with a ArcGIS Pro Warning Red.png icon may not be supported or the table may not exist.

  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.png Input SectionLine Features – Click the ArcGISPro Open.png button to bring up the Input SectionLine Features dialog in order to specify the SectionLine features in Arc Hydro Groundwater Data Model format.
  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.pngInput GeoSection Features – Click the ArcGISPro Open.png button to bring up the Input GeoSection Features dialog in order to specify the multipatch GeoSection features in the Arc Hydro Groundwater data model. The GeoSection features are multipatches that represent cross sectional data. They are related back to the SectionLine features by the SectionID attribute.
  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.pngInput BorePoint Features – Click the ArcGISPro Open.png button to bring up the Input BorePoint Features dialog in order to specify the BorePoint features in the Arc Hydro Groundwater data model. New BorePoint features are created along the top and bottom of the GeoSection features.
  • ArcGIS Pro Red Required Symbol.pngSampling Distance – Enter the distance along the SectionLine features at which new BorePoint features are read and created.
  • Overwrite Existing BorePoint Features – Turn on to overwrite existing BorePoints if HydroID values are assigned to the GeoSection feature. If the HydroID values are null, the GeoSection features cannot be related to the BorePoint features. Turn off to append any new BorePoint features, keeping all existing BorePoint features. This can result in duplication of BorePoint features.