GMS:Feature Object Tool Palette

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Several tools are provided in the tool palette for creating and editing feature objects. These tools are located in the dynamic portion of the tool palette and are only available when the Map module is active. The table below describes the feature object tools.

Tool Tool Name Description
Select Object Tool.svg Select Objects Generic selection tool that selects existing feature objects, including: nodes, vertices, arcs, and polygons. A selected object can be deleted, moved to a new location, or operated on by one of the commands in the Feature Objects menu. The coordinates of selected points/nodes can be edited using the Edit Window. Double-clicking on a object with this tool brings up that Objects Attribute dialog.
GMS Select Node Tool.svg Select Points\Nodes Selection tool that will only select existing points or nodes. A selected point/node can be deleted, moved to a new location, or operated on by one of the commands in the Feature Objects menu. The coordinates of selected points/nodes can be edited using the Edit Window. Double-clicking on a point or node with this tool brings up the Point or Node Attribute dialog.
GMS Select Vertex Tool.svg Select Vertices Selection tool that will only select existing vertices on arcs. Once selected, a vertex can be deleted, moved to a new location, or operated on by one of the commands in the Feature Objects menu. The coordinates of a selected vertex can be edited using the Edit Window.
GMS Select Arc Tool.svg Select Arcs Selection tool that will only select existing arcs to perform operations such as deletion, redistribution of vertices, or building polygons. Double-clicking on an arc with this tool brings up the Arc Attributes dialog.
GMS Select Arc Group Tool.svg Select Arc Groups Selection tool that is used to select an arc group to assign attributes or to display the computed flux on the arc group. An arc group is created by selecting a set of arcs and selecting the Create Arc Group command. An arc group is deleted by selecting the arc group and selecting the Delete key or by selecting the Delete command in the Edit menu. Deleting an arc group does NOT delete the underlying arc objects.
GMS Select Polygon Tool.svg Select Polygons Selection tool that will only select previously created polygons for operations such as deletion, assigning attributes, etc. A polygon is selected by clicking anywhere in the interior of the polygon. Double-clicking on a polygon with this tool brings up the Table Attributes dialog.
Select Grid Frame Tool.svg Select Grid Frame Selection tool used to select grid frames, allowing for the editing of the grid frame. Once the grid frame is selected, the placement and size of the grid frame can be edited by clicking on small rectangles and dragging.
Create Points Tool.svg Create Point Creates new points. A new point is created for each location the cursor is clicked on in the Graphics Window. Once the point is created, it can be repositioned or otherwise edited with the Select Point/Node tool.
GMS Create Vertex.svg Create Vertex Creates new vertices along existing arcs. This is typically done to add more detail to the arc. A new vertex is created for each location the cursor is clicked on in the Graphics Window that is within a given pixel tolerance of an existing arc. Once the vertex is created, it can be repositioned with the Select Vertex tool.
GMS Create Arc Tool.svg Create Arc Creates new arcs. An arc is created by clicking once on the location where the arc is to begin, clicking once to define the location of each of the vertices in the interior of the arc, and double-clicking at the location of the end node of the arc.

As arcs are created, it is often necessary for the beginning or ending node of the arc to coincide with an existing node. If the user clicks on an existing node (within a given pixel tolerance) when beginning or ending an arc, that node is used to define the arc node as opposed to creating a new node. If the user clicks on a vertex of another arc while creating an arc, that vertex is converted to a node and the node is used in the new arc. If the user clicks within a given tolerance of an arc edge, a new node is inserted in the arc. If the user clicks on an existing point while creating an arc, the point is converted to a vertex, unless it is the beginning or ending location of an arc, in which case it is converted to a node.

While creating an arc, it is common to make a mistake by clicking on the wrong location. In such cases, hitting the Backspace key backs up the arc by one vertex. The ESC key can also be used to abort the entire arc creation process at any time.