GMS:Converting TINS to Other Data Types

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TIN Module
Creating a TIN
Editing a TIN
Converting TINS to Other Data Types
Building Solids and 3D Meshes with TINs
Map to MODFLOW with TINs
TIN Settings
TIN Display Options
TIN Tool Palette
TIN Commands
TIN Files

TINs may be converted to other types of data used in GMS, such as a 2D mesh or 2D scatter points. TINs can be converted by right-clicking on the TIN in the Project Explorer, Right-clicking on the TIN in the Graphics Window, or using the following commands in the TIN menu:

TIN → 2D Scatter Points
The TIN → 2D Scatter Points command creates a 2D scatter point set from the active TIN . One scatter point is created for each vertex in the TIN. A copy is made of each of the datasets associated with the TIN and the duplicate datasets are stored with the new scatter point set.
TIN → 2D Mesh
The TIN → 2D Mesh command creates a 2D finite element mesh from the active TIN . One triangular element is created for each triangle in the TIN. Any datasets associated with the TIN are copied to the new mesh.
Fill Between TINs → 3D Mesh
See Creating a 3D Mesh.
TIN Boundary → Polygons
This command creates one or more polygons in the active coverage in the Map module corresponding to the outer boundary of the active TIN.
TIN Thiessen → Polygons
This command calculates the thiessen polygons from the TIN and converts them to feature polygons.
TIN → UGrid
Converts the TIN to a 2D UGrid.
Vertex Strings → Arcs
The Vertex Strings → Arcs command creates an arc in the active coverage of the Map module for each of the selected vertex strings.
Horizons → Solids
See Horizons → Solids.
Horizons → 3D Mesh
See Horizons → 3D Mesh.