WMS:TR-20 Reading Existing Files

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WMS is capable of reading TR20 files created manually using a text editor or other program. However, there are a couple of problems which need to be considered, and may have to be altered either before or after reading in one of these files.

  • WMS reads analysis hydrograph results from the *.thy file. Many existing TR20 files will not specify output to this file and you may need to define it for all hydrograph stations before you will be able to read in analysis results. This can be done by selecting all basins/outlets and bringing up the respecting output control dialog. Saving the TR20 file and running it will then create the *.thy file.
  • WMS will not read in TR20 files with more than one COMPUT record. Only one COMPUT record will be read in, and it will be the last COMPUT record in the file. If you need to make more than one computation, simply change the necessary input parameters in WMS, save the file, and run TR20 again.
  • WMS will not read in data from ALTER, DELETE, INSERT, IPEAKS, PEAKS, or DURINC records.
  • WMS adds basin, reservoir, outlet, reach, and diversion names in columns 73 through 78 of TR20 files. These names are not necessary to run TR20 or to read existing TR20 files into WMS.

If you run into any other problems reading TR20 files, please contact the distributor you purchased WMS from.

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