WMS:OC Unit Hydro Post Processing

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By default WMS will read in the hydrographs computed by HEC-1 and display small icons representing the hydrographs next to their corresponding tree nodes. It is possible to view a larger plot of the hydrograph by selecting a hydrograph icon and choosing the Open Hydrograph Plot in the Display menu or just by double-clicking the icon. Right-click on the hydrograph plot for options that allow you to format, print, and export the plot and its data.

Use the commands on the Hydrographs menu to open or delete HEC-1 results (*.sol file) as well as to view and export the data.

View the HEC-1 output file by using the Edit File command in the File menu to open the *.out file. This file provides a detailed report of the HEC-1 calculations.

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