WMS:HEC-HMS Job Control

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The HMS Job Control dialog is where parameters for the HMS model run can be set. All the HMS data is entered using one of three tabs in the HMS Job Control dialog . These tabs are meant to correspond to the three different types of data entered in HMS: the HMS meteorologic data, the control data, and the basin data.

The dialog is reached through the HEC-HMS | Job Control menu command.

Control Options

The control option data entered in WMS is exported to the HMS project and used to set the appropriate HMS parameters when reading the project into HMS. After reading the project into HMS, the data entered in the Control Options tab shows up in the Control Specifications of the HMS model. The data included in the basin model include the name, description, and the other items in the Control Options tab shown below:

HMS Job Control dialog showing the Control Options tab.
  • Control Specifications – Define control specifications here.
    • Name: – Enter or change name.
    • Description: – Enter description of data.
    • Starting date: – Calendar start date for data used in model.
    • Starting time: – Time of day to start model.
    • Ending date: – Calendar end date for data used in model.
    • Ending time: – Time of day to end model on end date.
    • Time Interval: – Drop down selection menu of time steps, from 1 minute up to 24 hours.

At the bottom of the dialog are the following buttons:

  • Help – Opens up a wiki page.
  • OK – Clicking this will accept inputs and close the HMS Job Control dialog.
  • Cancel – Clicking this will close the dialog without saving inputs.

Basin Options

The basin option data entered in WMS is exported to the HMS project and used to set the appropriate HMS parameters when reading the project into HMS. The data included in the basin model include the name, description, and the other items in the Basin Options tab shown below:

HMS Job Control dialog showing the Basin Options tab.
  • Basin Model Options
    • Name:
    • Description:
    • Allow subbasin and source flow ratios in basin model
    • Compute local flow at junctions
    • Set missing discharge to zero
    • Basin Model Units
      • SI (Metric)
      • US customary (English)

At the bottom of the dialog are the following buttons:

  • Help – Opens up a wiki page.
  • OK – Clicking this will accept inputs and close the HMS Job Control dialog.
  • Cancel – Clicking this will close the dialog without saving inputs.

Meteorological Options

The meteorological option data entered in WMS is exported to the HMS project and used to set the appropriate HMS parameters when reading the project into HMS. The data included in the basin model include the name, description, and the other items in the Meteorological Options tab shown below:

HMS Job Control dialog showing the Meteorological Options tab.

Define all other meteorological data in the Defining the Meteorological Model dialog.

  • Meteorologic Model Options
    • Name:
    • Description:
    • Include evapotranspiration method in meteorologic model
    • Include snowmelt method in meteorologic model
    • Meteorologic Model Units
      • SI (Metric)
      • US customary (English)

At the bottom of the dialog are the following buttons:

  • Help – Opens up a wiki page.
  • OK – Clicking this will accept inputs and close the HMS Job Control dialog.
  • Cancel – Clicking this will close the dialog without saving inputs.

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