WMS:HSPF Modules

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Input for the modules in HSPF is handled in WMS by a dialog box created for each module. These dialog boxes share many common features and function in the same basic way. A brief description of the functionality of these dialogs will simplify the input of parameters to HSPF.

First, many parameters in HSPF may be input as a single value or monthly values depending upon a flag that can be set in the module input. Such variables appear in the module dialogs with an edit field and a Monthly Values button. Either the edit field or the button will be highlighted to indicate what input is expected. The expected input can be changed by finding the appropriate check-box or drop-down box in the flag section of the dialog and setting it on/off. Similarly, some data tables may be required or omitted depending upon flags set in the module input. The check-boxes in the flags section of each dialog control the accessibility to fields and button for input to such tables. The correlation between flags and required input is covered in detail in the HSPF manual in the sections covering module input.

Next, in each dialog you will find a button entitled External Sources This button leads to a dialog where the input time series for the selected land or reach/reservoir segment may be selected and assigned from a WDM file according to the EXT SOURCES block format (see Section 4.6.2 of the HSPF manual). In a like manner, you will find an External Targets button that leads to a dialog where output time series to be generated by HSPF can be assigned to WDM datasets (Section 4.6.5 – EXT-TARGETS block of the HSPF manual[1]). These dialogs will be discussed in detail later in this document.

Next, each dialog contains a button entitled Apply Parameters to Segments This button accesses the Apply Parameters to Segments dialog. The purpose of this dialog is to allow the user to select one or several segments to which module input parameters will be copied. This can greatly reduce the time and effort necessary to develop the input for an HSPF run. The layout and use of the Apply Parameters to Segments dialog is fairly simple. The window on the left side displays the names of all segments of a given type in the model. For example, if the dialog were brought up from the IWATER Parameters dialog all of the impervious segments in the current model would be shown. The window on the right side of the Apply Parameters to Segments dialog lists the selected segments to which parameters will be copied. Segments may be moved to and from the two windows by selecting the segment, then clicking the move arrows located between the windows. By moving segments to the Selected Segments window and clicking on OK, a list of those segments is stored so that when OK is clicked in the calling dialog (such as IWATER Parameters) parameters are copied from the selected segment to all segments in the list. Clicking Cancel in the calling dialog will delete the list.

Finally, the default parameter values for each module will appear in the input fields for all data tables in the module input dialogs and help strings associated with each field give a reasonable range of values.

The items above are common to all module input dialogs in WMS. Further discussion of each dialog follows in the next section, but the general topics covered should be sufficient to allow you to use any of the dialogs.

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