To build a SRH-2D model in SMS, use the following steps:
1. SMS project setup.
1. Start SMS, or clear existing projects in SMS.
- If SMS is already running, select File | Delete All.
- A new project can also be started by using CTRL + N.
2. Import data.
- Import any of the following data as needed:
- Background images (World Image, static image, resolutions, etc.).
- Elevation data (cover range of formats, Lidar, DEM, XYZ, Raster, etc.).
- GIS data (Land Use, etc.).
- CAD data (project features, alignment, etc.).
4. Define model limits (domain).
- Generate a Mesh Generator map coverage.
- Digitize arcs to define mesh limits.
- Define mesh density and type (in Mesh Generator coverage).
- Create arcs along key breaklines and notable features (banklines, structures, piers, road embankments, etc.).
- Set vertex spacing on arcs to define mesh element size.
- Specify mesh type for each polygon (pave / patch / none).
- Assign scatter data.
- Generate mesh.
5. Define materials.
- Create a SRH-2D Materials coverage.
- Digitize material areas (polygons).
- Define material types and Manning’s roughness values.
- Defining materials from land use GIS data.
6. Set-up boundary conditions.
- Create a SRH-2D Boundary Conditions coverage.
- Assign boundary conditions to arcs.
- Inlet Q (options).
- Exit-H (options, including new normal/critical depth tool).
- Internal inflows and outflows (highlight approach – hole in mesh).
- Monitoring Lines.
- Optional Wall boundary conditions.
- Structures (culverts, weirs, bridge pressure flow).
7. Set monitoring points.
- Create a SRH-2D Monitoring Points coverage.
- Create feature points in the coverage.
8. Define obstructions.
- Create a SRH-2D Obstructions coverage.
- Add arcs to coverage.
- Assign obstruction parameters to arcs.
10. Review results.
- Open _XMDF file.
- Results layers.
- Observation lines.
- Summary table.
- Run the Plot Wizard.
- Data calculator.