WMS:GSSHA Groups Workflow

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To save and run multiple projects as a GSSHA group file, do the following:

1. Open multiple GSSHA projects.
  1. Follow the steps to open a project in WMS for each project to be used in the GSSHA group file.
  2. If the projects cover the same location, some of the tables can be overwritten.
  3. Open the projects in order so that the most accurate land use and soil types are imported last.
2. Save the GSSHA group project file.
  1. Select Save Group... under the GSSHA menu.
  2. Select all the projects to be saved.
3. Run the GSSHA group file in a simulation.
  1. Select GSSHA Group... under the GSSHA menu to run the files in one simulation.
  2. Put a check next to each project to be run in the group simulation.