WMS:GSSHA Streamflow Workflow

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In order to increase the accuracy of a simulation and to add more detail to a hydrologic model, 1-D hydraulic channels can be added to a previously constructed GSSHA model. To include stream flow in the GSSHA model, do the following.

1. Define channel geometry.
  1. Create the stream arcs.
  2. Set the stream arcs to a GSSHA stream arc type.
  3. Open Attributes... under the Feature Objects menu and enter the necessary data.
2. Smooth the channel thalweg elevations.
  1. Redistribute the vertices along the stream arcs.
  2. Use Smooth Stream/Pipe Arcs... under the GSSHA menu.
  3. Interpolate the stream elevations as many times as needed to create a smooth stream segment with no uphill flow.
3. Change the output control options.
  1. Use the GSSHA Job Control Parameters dialog to change the output control.
4. Run the GSSHA model.
  1. Run the GSSHA simulation.
  2. Select a hydrograph to view the hydrograph plot.
  3. A spreadsheet will have been generated outside of WMS after running the simulation, which can be viewed in an external spreadsheet program.