WMS:HEC-1 Job Control

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The Job Control dialog is used to define general information about the HEC-1 model. Selecting the Job Control command from the HEC-1 or OC Hydrograph menu accesses this dialog. The Job Control dialog can also be accessed by toggling on the display of Job Control cards in the Edit HEC-1 Parameters dialog and then clicking on a Job Control related card in the text display window.

Computational Time Interval

The computational time interval entered here will be used to computed the effective precipitation and unit hydrograph.

Expected Value Analysis

Toggle this checkbox on to do an expected value analysis. Effective precipitation values and losses will be automatically updated for each sub-area if they have already been computed.

HEC-1 Job Control Parameters

The Job Control dialog is used to define general information about the HEC-1 model. Selecting the Job Control command from the HEC-1 menu accesses this dialog. The Job Control dialog can also be accessed by toggling on the display of Job Control cards in the Edit HEC-1 Parameters dialog and then clicking on a Job Control related card in the text display window.

Name (ID)

Enter a name and/or project description identifying the model. Three different name records up to 78 characters each can be entered. The name records will appear at the top of the HEC-1 input file.

Beginning Time

The beginning time of the simulation is defined in this entry. The time should be specified as a single integer number defining the hours and minutes. For example 7:45 am would be entered as 745 and 1:15 PM would be 1315. Do not place a colon between the hours and minutes.

Computation Time Interval (IT)

The computational time interval defines the length in time between hydrograph ordinates. The interval should be specified in minutes, with 1 being the minimum. The total simulation time of the model will be the number of ordinates minus one times the computational time interval.

Day Month Year (IT)

The day, month, and year fields correspond to the date of the first computational time interval. The year is entered as the last two digits only.

NOTE: The date should be consistent with dates defined on IN records for precipitation and other time series data.

Number of Ordinates (IT)

The number of hydrograph ordinates computed during the simulation is defined in this entry. The length of the simulation is determined by the number of ordinates times the computational interval. If a simulation is run and a complete hydrograph is not developed, then the number of ordinates can be increased to increase the length of simulation. Similarly the number of ordinates can be decreased if the simulation continues long past the falling limb of the hydrograph.

Output Control Options (IO)

HEC-1 generates an ASCII output file that can be printed or read into any standard word processing program. The information output is controlled by the output control options in this dialog.

Listing (*LISTING)

Tree Diagram (*DIAGRAM)

Units (IM)

Basin Data Optimization (OU)

Routing Optimization (OR)

Depth Area Storms (JD)

MultiFlood Storms (JR)

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