WMS:Command Line

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Several command line arguments can be used with WMS when it is launched. These commands can modify the properties of the shortcut that launches WMS and edit the target file. More than one command line argument can be used at the same time.

The following command line arguments are available for WMS. Be sure to include the quotes around the path if it includes spaces:

  • -about
    Outputs a list of copyright and vendor information for WMS.
    "C:\Program Files\WMS 11.0 64-bit\WMS110.exe" -about
  • -av
    Specifies an ArcView/WMS Super file to open by WMS at startup.
    "C:\Program Files\WMS 11.0 64-bit\WMS110.exe" -av C:\models\wmsav1.sup
  • -dm <module>
    Specifies the default module. Possible values include the following strings: data, drain, map, gis, tree, river, 2dgrid, and 2dscat.
    "C:\Program Files\WMS 11.0 64-bit\WMS110.exe" -dm drain
  • -f <file file file...>
    Specifies a file or files for WMS to open at startup.
    "C:\Program Files\WMS 11.0 64-bit\WMS110.exe" -f C:\models\flood.wpr C:\models\flood2.wpr C:\models\flood3.wpr
  • -gsshakmz <file>
    Opens a GSSHA project file and solution and writes a KMZ animation from the solution.
    "C:\Program Files\WMS 11.0 64-bit\WMS110.exe" -gsshakmz C:\models\gsshamodel.prj
  • -help
    The -help command displays usage information for WMS command line commands. The output should be directed at a text file.
    "C:\Program Files\WMS 11.0 64-bit\WMS110.exe" -help > C:\Users\jsmith\Desktop\tmp.txt

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