WMS:Grid Options

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Example of the Grid Options dialog.

When entering new vertices or entering a polygon or polyline, it is often useful to have the coordinates snap to a uniform grid. This allows accurate placement of the objects when the desired coordinates are even multiples of some number.

A drawing grid can be activated using the Grid Options command in the Display menu.

Grid Spacing
The Grid Spacing edit field specifies the spacing of the grid nodes and grid lines in the drawing grid. The Grid color window specifies the color that is used to display the drawing grid in the Graphics Window.
Snap to Grid
If the Snap to grid option is selected, all new vertices, nodes, points, etc., snap to the closest grid point as they are being created or when they are dragged interactively.
Display Grid Lines
If the Display grid lines option is selected, grid lines are displayed according to the Grid line spacing increment. For example, if the Grid Spacing is set to 10 and the Grid line spacing increment is set to 5, a grid line will be drawn every 50 units.
Display Grid Points
If the Display grid points option is selected, grid points are displayed according to the Grid point spacing increment.
Display X/Y Coordinates
If the Display X Coordinates or Display Y coordinates are selected then text with the coordinate values are displayed along the bottom (X coordinates) and left (Y coordinates) of the screen.
Display X-Y Axis
If the Display X-Y Axis is selected then an X-Y coordinate axis is displayed along the left and bottom of the screen. In combination with the Display X/Y Coordinates this is an excellent way to indicate the scale of the model.

Related Topics

Display Menu