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Hydraulic Models

The primary purpose of the hydraulic modeling interface within WMS is to process digital terrain and map data (TINs and coverages) to build the basic geometry necessary for a 1D Hydraulic model. Much of the information for developing models with these tools is described in the information on River Tools in the Map module.

It is possible to establish the hydraulic model with extracting cross section information from a TIN. Cross sections which have already been surveyed can be used by assigning them to an arc. This, along with geo-referencing the data is done using the cross section editor from the River Tools menu in the Map module (when River Tools is the active model).

Hydrologic Models

Hydrologic analysis is typically done using lumped parameter models such as HEC-1. The Tree module provides a graphical interface to HEC-1, TR-20, HSPF, TR-55, Rational Method, the National Streamflow Statistics Program (NSS), and other programs. In the absence of terrain data, topological or tree representations of a watershed can be created. Then all necessary input data to run one of the supported models can be defined using a series of dialogs.

Models Available in WMS

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