SMS has the ability to compute volumes. Certain datasets and project features are required in order to complete this process.
Required data and project features.
- Geometry – 2D mesh, UGrid, or scatter set.
- Delta dataset on the geometry of the spatially varied elevation.
- This can be computed in the Dataset Toolbox.
- Examples include:
- Delta bed dataset computed by a sediment transport model.
- Delta water surface elevation computed from two different water surface values.
- Polygon of region to be evaluated.
- Can be defined interactively but defining it in a map coverage is recommended.
To compute volumes in SMS, use the following steps:
1. Load data files.
1. Gather and open image files.
Images are imported into the GIS module in SMS.
2. Import images from the web.
2. Select the desired "delta" dataset
- The delta dataset with the spatially varied elevation needs to be active to calculate volumes. The dataset can be on of the following:
- 2D Mesh
- 2D Scatter set
- UGrid
3. Load or define the polygon for the delta volume area.
- A polygon on an map coverage is needed to compute volumes.
1. Use an existing map coverage or create a new map coverage.
1. Create new coverage from scratch.
- Select Map Data in the Project Explorer and use the New Coverage right-click command.
- Use the New Coverage dialog to create a new coverage by selecting the desired coverage type, and naming the coverage.
2. Create new coverage from an existing coverage.
- Use the Duplicate command on an existing coverage. This will copy any feature objects on the coverage.
- Use the Rename command to give the coverage a new name.
- Change the coverage type.
2. Import a polygon for the delta volume.
- If there is a file with with the define polygon available, use this option.
- Use the File | Open menu command to open a file containing a polygon.
- Depending on the file type, the polygon may need to be converted to a map coverage.
3. Define the polygon for the delta volume.
- Use this option if a new polygon needs to be defined.
1. Create enclosed arcs for polygon area.
1. Create feature arcs, nodes and vertices.
- In the Map module, create feature objects in the active coverage.
- Use the Create Feature Arc
tool to create arcs in the map coverage.
- Begin creating a new arc by clicking in the Graphics Window at either arc end. If clicking on an existing feature node, vertex or arc, the new arc will snap to that object.
- Double-click or press the Enter key to terminate the arc.
- Use the Create Feature Node
tool to create additional nodes alone or to split arcs.
2. Modify arcs.
- Feature arcs often need to be edited after initial creation.
3. Split arcs.
- An existing arc can be split by:
2. Add a node the arc.
- Use the Create Feature Node
tool to add a node on an arc in order to split it into two arcs.
3. Add a new connecting arc.
- Use the Create Feature Arc
tool to start or end a new arc on an existing arc to split the existing arc into two arcs.
4. Merge arcs.
- Two arcs that share an end node can be merged together.
- Select the shared node using the Select Feature Node
- Right-click on the node and select the Convert to Vertex command to merge the arcs.
- If desired, the Select Feature Vertex
tool can be used to select and delete the new vertex.
4. Make certain the Volume option is on.
- Select the File | Info option... menu command.
- In the Selection Information dialog, make certain Volume is turned on.
- If desired, unselect quantities that are not of interest.
- If wanting to create a file with computed volume, turn on the Echo to File option.
5. Compute volume in the Select/Delete Data dialog.
- Select the polygon (or polygons) that cover the region you want to compute the volume for
- Use Select/Delete Data... command in the Feature Objects menu.
- Compute volume in the Select/Delete Data dialog.
- Leave the Data Domain setting as "Inside polygon(s)"
- Select the geometry in the tree on the lower right side then select
- "Elements" if the geometry is a mesh
- "Triangles" if the geometry is a scatter set
- "Cells" if the geometry is a UGrid
- SMS will switch the module to the geometry module and select the elements, cells, or triangles inside the polygon(s)
6. View results.
- The volume will be reported in the Status Bar at the bottom of the Graphics Window.
- The Echo to File option in the Selection Information dialog allows for the results to be saved to a file or displayed in a separate window.