In general, to build a TUFLOW model in SMS, use the following steps:
1. SMS project setup.
1. Start SMS, or clear existing projects in SMS.
- If SMS is already running, select File | Delete All.
- A new project can also be started by using CTRL + N.
2. Import data.
1. Gather and open image files.
Images are imported into the GIS module in SMS.
2. Import images from the web.
4. Define model limits (domain).
- Generate a TUFLOW Grid Extents coverage in the map module.
- Digitize arcs to define grid limits.
- Create arcs along key breaklines and notable features (banklines, structures, piers, road embankments, etc.).
- Assign scatter data.
- Create the grid frame.
- Generate grid.
5. Set-up boundary conditions.
- Create a TUFLOW 1D/2D BCs and Links coverage.
- Assign boundary conditions to arcs.
6. Define general material properties.
- TUFLOW requires both general material data properters and TUFLOW specific materials.
- Open the Materials Data dialog.
- Add materials.
7. TUFLOW simulation setup.
- Create new simulation.
- Add components to simulation.
8. Define TUFLOW material sets.
- Create new material set.
- Add define material properties.
9. Run TUFLOW.
- Check model simlation.
10. Review results.
- Open _XMDF file.
- Results layers.
- Observation lines.
- Summary table.
- Run the Plot Wizard.
- Data calculator.