Scatter data can be used in WMS with the following steps:
2. Generate scatter data.
- Scatter data can also be converted from a 2D grid in WMS.
3. Edit and modify scatter sets.
- Use the data calculator to modify a scatter set by first making sure the scatter set module is active, then go to the Data menu and select Data Calculator....
- The data set can also be manually modified.
1. Select scatter point.
- Use the Select Scatter Point tool to select an individual scatter point.
- Enter a number in the X, Y, or Z field in the edit window.
- Scatter points can also be moved by using the Select Scatter Point tool and dragging the point in the Graphics Window.
2. Create new scatter data point.
- Use the Create Scatter Data Point and click in the Graphics Window to create a new data point.
3. Edit scatter point data in a table.
- Right-click on the scatter point data set in the Project Explorer and select Properties....
- Click Edit Values... in the Data Set Info dialog window.
- Manually edit the scatter point data, point-by-point, on the table in the Edit Data Set Values dialog.
4. Export data.
- Go to File | Save As... to export the scatter set data.
- Alternatively, right-click on the scatter set in the Project Window and select Export Data Set... to bring up the File Formats dialog to export the scatter set data.