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Specific model coverage can be selected by right-clicking on the map module data in the Project Explorer and selecting ''Type'' | '''Models''' or by right-clicking on the "Map Data" and selecting '''New Coverage'''.
Specific model coverage can be selected by right-clicking on the Map Data [[File:Map Folder.svg|16 px]] item in the Project Explorer and selecting ''Type'' | ''Models'' followed by selecting the model coverage; or by right-clicking on the Map Data [[File:Map Folder.svg|16 px]] item and selecting '''New Coverage''' command followed by using the [[SMS:Coverages#Creating_a_New_Coverage|''New Coverage'']] dialog.
The following model specific coverages are available:
*[[SMS:3D Structure|3D Structure]]
**3D Structure
**[[SMS:3D Bridge|3D Bridge (legacy)]]
* [[SMS:ADCIRC Coverages|ADCIRC]] – Used to build a conceptual model of an ADCIRC project.
** Boundary Conditions
** Recording Stations<!--
** Pipes
** Wind Stations-->
* AdH &ndash; Has three coverage options.
**  [[SMS:AdH Boundary Conditions|Boundary Conditions]]
** [[SMS:AdH Materials|Materials]]
** Sediment Materials
<!--**[[SMS:ADH|ADH]] &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model of an ADH project.
**[[SMS:ADH Vessel Coverage|Vessel]] &ndash; Used to add vessels to the simulation and give them paths to follow.-->
* [[SMS:BOUSS-2D|BOUSS2D]] &ndash; Used to build feature objects and parameters for a BOUSS-2D model simulation.
**[[SMS:BOUSS-2D_Using_the_Model#Damping_.2F_Porosity_coverage|Damping]] &ndash; Used to create arcs with damping attributes.
**[[SMS:BOUSS-2D_Using_the_Model#Damping_.2F_Porosity_coverage|Porosity]] &ndash; Used to create arcs with porosity attributes.
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Roughness Coverage|Roughness]] &ndash; Uses polygons to define the varying roughness.
**[[SMS:BOUSS-2D_Using_the_Model#Wave_Maker_coverage|Wavemaker]] &ndash; Used to create arcs that define wave parameters.
* [[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping|BOUSS Runup/Overtopping]] &ndash; Uses multiple coverages to create the Runup/Overtopping model simulation. The coverages are:
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Probes Coverage|Probes]] &ndash; Used to create feature objects for probes.
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Damping / Porosity Coverage|Damping]] &ndash; Used to create arcs with damping attributes.
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Damping / Porosity Coverage|Porosity]] &ndash; Used to create arcs with porosity attributes.
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Roughness Coverage|Roughness]] &ndash; Uses polygons to define the varying roughness.
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Transects Coverage|Transects]] &ndash; Used to create arcs to represent the 1-d grid used for a run-up simulation.
**[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Wavemaker Coverage|Wavemaker]] &ndash; Used to create arcs that define wave parameters.
* [[SMS:CGWAVE|CGWAVE]] &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model of a CGWAVE project.
* [[SMS:CMS-Flow Coverages|CMS-Flow]] &ndash; Utilize two different coverage types.
**Rubble Mound Jetties
**Boundary Conditions &ndash; Used to create the computational domain (or grid).
**[[SMS:CMS-Flow/Save Points|Save Points]] &ndash; Used to define special output locations from the computation.
* [[SMS:CMS-Wave|CMS-Wave]]  &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model of a CMS-Wave project.
**Observation Cells
**Nesting Points
<!--* [[SMS:EFDC Coverage|EFDC]] &ndash; Used to create curvilinear grids for use with the EFDC model (EFDC grid format).-->
* [[SMS:ESMF - Earth System Modeling Framework|ESMF]] &ndash; Used to couple ADCIRC and STWAVE models.
* [[SMS:EWN|EWN]] &ndash; Engineering with Nature (EWN).
**EWN Features
**Sediment Volume Management
<!--* [[SMS:FESWMS|FESWMS]] &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model of a FESWMS project.-->
* [[SMS:GenCade|GenCade]] &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model of a GenCade project.
* [[SMS:Generic Model Coverage|Generic Model Coverage]]
* [[SMS:PTM|PTM]] &ndash; Allows simulating particle transport processes.
* [[SMS:SED-ZLJ|SED-ZLJ]] &ndash; Sediment model used with the EFDC coverage.
* [[SMS:SRH-2D Coverages|SRH-2D]] &ndash; Uses multiple coverages to create the SRH-2D model simulation. The coverages are:
** [[SMS:SRH-2D Coverages#Boundary Conditions Coverage|Boundary Conditions]] &ndash; Used to create boundary conditions for hydraulic computation.
** [[SMS:SRH-2D Coverages#Obstructions Coverage|Obstructions]] &ndash; Used to create feature objects that represent obstructions, such as bank protrusions and boulder clusters.
** [[SMS:SRH-2D Coverages#Monitor Points Coverage|Monitor Points]] &ndash;  Used to gather specific information for that location at all time steps.
** [[SMS:SRH-2D Coverages#Materials Coverage|Materials]] &ndash; Allows creating material zones specific to the SRH-2D model.
* [[SMS:STWAVE_Graphical_Interface#STWAVE_Map_Coverages|STWAVE]] &ndash; Used to create an STWAVE project.
** Monitoring Cells
** Nesting Points
* [[SMS:TABS|TABS (RMA2/RMA4)]] &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model for a RMA2 or RMA4 project.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages|TUFLOW Coverages]] &ndash; Used to create feature objects for a TUFLOW simulation. Includes several coverages.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#1D Cross Section Coverage|1D Cross Sections]] &ndash; Used to define open channel cross section data for 1D networks.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#1D Network Coverage|1D Networks]] &ndash; Used to create channels and nodes for a 1D domain.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#Water Level Lines Coverage|1D Water Level Lines]] &ndash; Define the locations where 1D solutions will be written as 2D output.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#Water Level Points Coverage|1D Water Level Points]] &ndash; Used in conjunction with water level lines to guide TUFLOW on creating 2D output for 1D networks.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#Boundary Conditions Coverage|1D/2D BCs and Links]] &ndash; Used to specify cell code (active/inactive) areas of the 2D model domain.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#1D/2D Connections Coverage|1D/2D Connections]] &ndash; Used with the 2D BC coverage to link 2D and 1D domains.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#2D Flow Constriction Shape Coverage|2D Flow Constriction Shapes]] &ndash; Used to define flow constrictions in TUFLOW.
** 2D Flow Constriction (cell based)
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#Grid Extents Coverage|2D Grid Extents]] &ndash; Used to create TUFLOW grids.
** 2D Materials &ndash; Used to assign material data for use in the TUFLOW simulation.
** 2D Miscellaneous (FLC, WRF, IWL, SRF, and AD)
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#2D Z Lines (Advanced) Coverage|2D Z Lines (advanced)]] &ndash; Modifies geometry through time to simulate levee failures or other changes to elevation data within the model run.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#2D Z Lines/Polygons (Simple) Coverage|2D Z Lines/Polygons (simple)]] &ndash; Used as geometry modifications and force grid elevation values using arcs or polygons.
** [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#2D/2D Links Coverage|2D/2D Linkages]] &ndash; Used to setup TUFLOW to use multiple 2D domains.
**Boundary Conditions
* [[SMS:WAM|WAM]] &ndash; Used to build a conceptual model of a WAM project.
* [[SMS:ADCIRC Wind Coverage|Wind]] &ndash; Represents a storm as an arc or series of arcs that follow the storm track and define the storm attributes at the nodes along the arc.
**[[SMS:PBL|Holland/PBL]] &ndash; Used to create a storm track for a PBL project for use in ADCIRC.
**[[SMS:Synthetic Storm Coverage|Synthetic Storm]] &ndash; Provides a mechanism for creating a PBL coverage based upon user specified parameters.

* [[SMS:1D Hyd Centerline Coverage|1D Hyd Centerline Coverage]] &ndash; used to identify the centerline in the hydraulic model.
* [[SMS:1D Hyd Cross Section Coverage|1D Hyd Cross Section Coverage]] &ndash; used to identify the cross section stations in the [[SMS:1D River Conceptual Model|hydraulic model]].
* [[SMS:ADCIRC Coverage|ADCIRC]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of an ADCIRC project.
* ADH &ndash; has two coverage options.
*[[SMS:ADH|ADH]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of an ADH project.
*[[SMS:ADH Vessel Coverage|Vessel]] &ndash; used to add vessels to the simulation and give them paths to follow.
* [[SMS:BOUSS-2D|BOUSS2D]] &ndash; used to build feature objects and parameters for a BOUSS-2D model simulation.
* [[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping|BOUSS Runup/Overtopping]] &ndash; uses multiple coverages to create the Runup/Overtopping model simulation. The coverages are:
*[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Probes Coverage|Probes]] &ndash; used to create feature objects for probes.
*[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Damping / Porosity Coverage|Damping]] &ndash; used to create arcs with damping attributes.
*[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Damping / Porosity Coverage|Porosity]] &ndash; used to create arcs with porosity attributes.
*[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Roughness Coverage|Roughness]] &ndash; uses polygons to define the varying roughness.
*[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Transects Coverage|Transects]] &ndash; used to create arcs to represent the 1-d grid used for a run-up simulation.
*[[SMS:BOUSS Runup / Overtopping#Wavemaker Coverage|Wavemaker]] &ndash; used to create arcs that define wave parameters.
* [[SMS:CGWAVE|CGWAVE]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a CGWAVE project.
* [[SMS:CMS-Flow Coverages|CMS-Flow]] &ndash; utilize two different coverage types.
*Boundary Conditions &ndash; used to create the computational domain (or grid).
*[[SMS:CMS-Flow/Save Points|Save Points]] &ndash; used to define special output locations from the computation.
* [[SMS:CMS-Wave|CMS-Wave]]  &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a CMS-Wave project.
* [[SMS:CSHORE|CSHORE]]  &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a CSHORE project.
* [[SMS:EFDC Coverage|EFDC]] &ndash; used to create curvilinear grids for use with the EFDC model (EFDC grid format).
* [[SMS:ESMF - Earth System Modeling Framework|ESMF]] &ndash; used to couple ADCIRC and STWAVE models.
* [[SMS:FESWMS|FESWMS]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a FESWMS project.
* [[SMS:GenCade|GenCade]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a GenCade project.
* [[SMS:Generic Mesh Coverage|Generic Mesh Coverage]]
* [[SMS:Generic Cartesian Grid Coverage|Generic Cartesian Grid Coverage]]
* [[SMS:PTM|PTM]] &ndash; allows simulating particle transport processes.
* [[SMS:SED-ZLJ|SED-ZLJ]] &ndash; sediment model used with the EFDC coverage.
* [[SMS:SRH Coverages|SRH-2D]] &ndash; uses multiple coverages to create the SRH model simulation. The coverages are:
* [[SMS:SRH Coverages#Boundary Conditions Coverage|Boundary Conditions]] &ndash; used to create boundary conditions for hydraulic computation.
* [[SMS:SRH Coverages#Obstructions Coverage|Obstructions]] &ndash; used to create feature objects that represent obstructions, such as bank protrusions and boulder clusters.
* [[SMS:SRH Coverages#Monitor Points Coverage|Monitor Points]] &ndash;  used to gather specific information for that location at all time steps.
* [[SMS:SRH Coverages#Materials Coverage|Materials]] &ndash; allows creating material zones specific to the SRH-2D model.
* [[SMS:STWAVE|STWAVE]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a STWAVE project.
* [[SMS:TABS|TABS (RMA2/RMA4)]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model for a RMA2 or RMA4 project.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages|TUFLOW Coverages]] &ndash; used to create feature objects for a TUFLOW simulation. Includes several coverages.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 1D Cross Section Coverage|1D Cross Sections]] &ndash; used to define open channel cross section data for 1D networks.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 1D Network Coverage|1D Networks]] &ndash; used to create channels and nodes for a 1D domain.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW Water Level Lines Coverage|1D Water Level Lines]] &ndash; define the locations where 1D solutions will be written as 2D output.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW Water Level Points Coverage|1D Water Level Points]] &ndash; used in conjunction with water level lines to guide TUFLOW on creating 2D output for 1D networks.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW Boundary Conditions Coverage|1D/2D BCs and Links]] &ndash; used to specify cell code (active/inactive) areas of the 2D model domain.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 1D/2D Connections Coverage|1D/2D Connections]] &ndash; used with the 2D BC coverage to link 2D and 1D domains.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 2D Flow Constriction Shape Coverage|2D Flow Constriction Shapes]] &ndash; used to define flow constrictions in TUFLOW.
* 2D Flow Constriction (cell based)
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW Grid Extents Coverage|2D Grid Extents]] &ndash; used to create TUFLOW grids.
* 2D Materials &ndash; used to assign material data for use in the TUFLOW simulation.
* 2D Miscellaneous (FLC, WRF, IWL, SRF, and AD)
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 2D Z Lines (Advanced) Coverage|2D Z Lines (advanced)]] &ndash; modifies geometry through time to simulate levee failures or other changes to elevation data within the model run.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 2D Z Lines/Polygons (Simple) Coverage|2D Z Lines/Polygons (simple)]] &ndash; used as geometry modifications and force grid elevation values using arcs or polygons.
* [[SMS:TUFLOW Coverages#TUFLOW 2D/2D Links Coverage|2D/2D Linkages]] &ndash; used to setup TUFLOW to use multiple 2D domains.
* [[SMS:WAM|WAM]] &ndash; used to build a conceptual model of a WAM project.
* [[SMS:ADCIRC Wind Coverage|Wind]] &ndash; represents a storm as an arc or series of arcs that follow the storm track and define the storm attributes at the nodes along the arc.
*[[SMS:PBL|Holland/PBL]] &ndash; used to create a storm track for a PBL project for use in ADCIRC.
*[[SMS:Synthetic Storm Coverage|Synthetic Storm]] &ndash; provides a mechanism for creating a PBL coverage based upon user specified parameters.

==Related Topics==  
==Related Topics==  
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[[Category:SMS Map|M]]
[[Category:SMS Map|Model]]
[[Category:SMS Coverages|Model]]

Latest revision as of 15:07, 22 August 2024

Specific model coverage can be selected by right-clicking on the Map Data Map Folder.svg item in the Project Explorer and selecting Type | Models followed by selecting the model coverage; or by right-clicking on the Map Data Map Folder.svg item and selecting New Coverage command followed by using the New Coverage dialog.

The following model specific coverages are available:

  • 3D Structure
  • ADCIRC – Used to build a conceptual model of an ADCIRC project.
    • Boundary Conditions
    • Recording Stations
  • AdH – Has three coverage options.
  • BOUSS2D – Used to build feature objects and parameters for a BOUSS-2D model simulation.
    • Damping – Used to create arcs with damping attributes.
    • Porosity – Used to create arcs with porosity attributes.
    • Roughness – Uses polygons to define the varying roughness.
    • Wavemaker – Used to create arcs that define wave parameters.
  • BOUSS Runup/Overtopping – Uses multiple coverages to create the Runup/Overtopping model simulation. The coverages are:
    • Probes – Used to create feature objects for probes.
    • Damping – Used to create arcs with damping attributes.
    • Porosity – Used to create arcs with porosity attributes.
    • Roughness – Uses polygons to define the varying roughness.
    • Transects – Used to create arcs to represent the 1-d grid used for a run-up simulation.
    • Wavemaker – Used to create arcs that define wave parameters.
  • CGWAVE – Used to build a conceptual model of a CGWAVE project.
  • CMS-Flow – Utilize two different coverage types.
    • Rubble Mound Jetties
    • Boundary Conditions – Used to create the computational domain (or grid).
    • Save Points – Used to define special output locations from the computation.
  • CMS-Wave – Used to build a conceptual model of a CMS-Wave project.
    • Observation Cells
    • Nesting Points
    • Structures
  • ESMF – Used to couple ADCIRC and STWAVE models.
  • EWN – Engineering with Nature (EWN).
    • EWN Features
    • Sediment Volume Management
  • GenCade – Used to build a conceptual model of a GenCade project.
  • Generic Model Coverage
  • PTM – Allows simulating particle transport processes.
  • SED-ZLJ – Sediment model used with the EFDC coverage.
  • SRH-2D – Uses multiple coverages to create the SRH-2D model simulation. The coverages are:
    • Boundary Conditions – Used to create boundary conditions for hydraulic computation.
    • Obstructions – Used to create feature objects that represent obstructions, such as bank protrusions and boulder clusters.
    • Monitor Points – Used to gather specific information for that location at all time steps.
    • Materials – Allows creating material zones specific to the SRH-2D model.
  • STWAVE – Used to create an STWAVE project.
    • Monitoring Cells
    • Nesting Points
  • TABS (RMA2/RMA4) – Used to build a conceptual model for a RMA2 or RMA4 project.
  • TUFLOW Coverages – Used to create feature objects for a TUFLOW simulation. Includes several coverages.
    • 1D Cross Sections – Used to define open channel cross section data for 1D networks.
    • 1D Networks – Used to create channels and nodes for a 1D domain.
    • 1D Water Level Lines – Define the locations where 1D solutions will be written as 2D output.
    • 1D Water Level Points – Used in conjunction with water level lines to guide TUFLOW on creating 2D output for 1D networks.
    • 1D/2D BCs and Links – Used to specify cell code (active/inactive) areas of the 2D model domain.
    • 1D/2D Connections – Used with the 2D BC coverage to link 2D and 1D domains.
    • 2D Flow Constriction Shapes – Used to define flow constrictions in TUFLOW.
    • 2D Flow Constriction (cell based)
    • 2D Grid Extents – Used to create TUFLOW grids.
    • 2D Materials – Used to assign material data for use in the TUFLOW simulation.
    • 2D Miscellaneous (FLC, WRF, IWL, SRF, and AD)
    • 2D Z Lines (advanced) – Modifies geometry through time to simulate levee failures or other changes to elevation data within the model run.
    • 2D Z Lines/Polygons (simple) – Used as geometry modifications and force grid elevation values using arcs or polygons.
    • 2D/2D Linkages – Used to setup TUFLOW to use multiple 2D domains.
    • Boundary Conditions
    • Materials
  • WAM – Used to build a conceptual model of a WAM project.
  • Wind – Represents a storm as an arc or series of arcs that follow the storm track and define the storm attributes at the nodes along the arc.
    • Holland/PBL – Used to create a storm track for a PBL project for use in ADCIRC.
    • Synthetic Storm – Provides a mechanism for creating a PBL coverage based upon user specified parameters.

Related Topics