WMS:GSSHA Long Term Simulations Workflow

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There are two key parts to running a long-term simulation: setting up the precipitation file to cover multiple events, and setting up the evapotranspiration model with its hydrometeorological (or “hmet”) data. To create a long-term simulation with GSSHA, do the following:

1. Update the Job Control parameters.
  1. Check the box to the left of Long term simulation' and click the Edit parameter... button to the right.
  2. Enter the data for the simulation events.
  3. Attach an HMET (hydrometeorological) file to the simulation.
2. Set up the evapotranspiration model.
  1. Open the GSSHA Map Table Editor.
  2. Use the Evapotranspiration tab to enter the evapotranspiration parameters.
  3. Select Precipitation... under the GSSHA menu and define the Rainfall event(s) parameters.
3. Run the long-term simulation.
  1. Open the Job Control and select the Output Control... button at the bottom of the dialog.
  2. Update the output options to create smaller data sets.
  3. Save and run the long-term simulation.