WMS:GIS Module

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The GIS module has been separated from the Map module in order to define a more integrated and separate approach to linking with GIS data. The GIS module has two separate modes, although the primary functions are available in either mode. The main reason that the GIS data has been separated from the map module is to allow handling large files more efficiently when creating hydrologic models. For example the GIS module allows importing large files then selecting and converting to feature objects only the portions that are needed. The conversion to feature objects is both time consuming and potentially memory intensive, and so managing the GIS data in this fashion is more efficient (the equivalent GIS functionality is to clip out just the parts of the data necessary for import).

Some of the key functionality available in either mode includes:

  • Efficient management of large datasets
  • Graphical selection of features
  • Mapping of selected features to feature objects in map coverages
  • Viewing attribute tables
  • Joining additional attribute tables based on a key field (i.e. joining the hydrologic soils group attribute to a STATSGO/SSURGO shapefile).

The GIS Data module is included with all paid editions of WMS.

Using the GIS Module with a License of ArcView®

WMS uses the ArcObjects to incorporate much of the ArcMap functionality directly. Open any file format (coverages, shapefiles, geodatabases, images, CAD, grids, etc.) that is supported by ArcView® and use all of the ArcView® Display Symbology properties to render the GIS data. WMS actually uses ArcView® to display the GIS layers and then copies the bitmap generated by ArcView® into WMS.

Using the GIS Module without a License of ArcView®

Most of the same functionality that exists with licenses of ArcView® is available without a license. The primary differences are that only layers that are in the shapefile format can be imported, and all of the display and symbology available with ArcView® is not available. Points, lines, and polygons are displayed in a single color and not filled. Further some of the queries for selection are not supported without a license to ArcView®.

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