To adjust a GSSHA model to account for roughness, do the following.
1. Create the necessary land use data.
- Create a Land Use coverage.
- Map all the necessary data to the Land Use coverage. This may include shapefiles, feature objects, etc..
2. Create an index map from the land use data.
- Open Maps... under the GSSHA menu.
- Add the Land Use coverage to the index map.
3. Create a mapping table from the index map.
- Open Map Tables... under the GSSHA menu.
- Add the index map to the Roughness tab.
- Fill out other roughness attributes.
4. Create a combined index map.
- Run the GSSHA simulation.
- Open Maps... under the GSSHA menu to add the input coverages to the index map.
- Define the infiltration parameters for the combined index map in the infiltration mapping table.