- GIS Module
- Faster/more robust GIS parameter computations directly from shapefiles.
- Faster shapefile to feature object conversion.
- Improved display speed of large raster files.
- Addition of Web-based Google tile map services as Online Maps that can be displayed as background maps.
- Additional features to online maps to use tile map services and other types of services as online maps.
- Improvements to display and operations on images and raster files of various types.
- View multiple scenario hydrographs in GSSHA solution:
- Added capability to run calibration on Richard’s Equation parameters in GSSHA.
- Map Data
- Extract Features tool that allows directly converting raster data to stream and ridge/embankment centerlines.
- Map flood tool: Add an option to use local shapefiles for Base Flood Elevations and floodplain boundary polygons when web service data are not available.
- Rational Method
- Better support for entering/computing Rational Method IDF curves.
- Models
- Fix various issues in GSSHA, HEC-1, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, NSS, Rational, and MODRAT models and make improvements/updates to model interfaces.
- Updated to the latest versions of the HEC-HMS (HMS 4.4.1) and GSSHA (7.13) models.
- Updated versions of HY-8 and Hydraulic Toolbox used with WMS.
- General
- Added option to change the directory used to store temporary WMS files.
- Bugfixes
- 2018 Aug - beta
- 2018 Nov - final
- Map Flood Tool
- A new Map Flood tool was added to automatically offset 100-year floodplain maps to analyze extreme flood scenarios. This option can be used to define a vertical offset from a baseline 100-year FEMA floodplain map. This vertical offset is used with readily available web service data to automatically delineate a new floodplain and determine a new, wider floodplain boundary that accounts for this offset. These modified floodplain maps can be used to determine the impacts of extreme weather and flood scenarios on existing and proposed roadways and other structures.
- Floodplain Delineation Improvements
- The floodplain delineation capabilities in WMS 11.0 have been streamlined and improved. In many cases, the floodplain delineation has been sped up by a factor of 10.
- Worldwide Elevation Data
- Support for Amazon Terrain Tiles has been added to the various Import from Web and Get Data tools in WMS. This service provides high resolution elevation data for the entire world with resolutions as high as 3 meters per pixel.
- HEC-RAS Cross Section Database Improvements
- Better support for managing and editing cross section databases for HEC-RAS modeling has been added. A new dialog that allows WMS users to select, manage, and edit cross sections and cross section databases has been implemented.
- Support for Reading, Viewing, and Converting LIDAR Data
- Improved support for reading, viewing, and converting LIDAR data to other formats to use with your model has been added.
- HEC-RAS and HEC-HMS Updates
- Support has been added for the most recent version of HEC-RAS (5.0.3) and the most recent version of HEC-HMS (4.2.1).
- The option to import HEC-RAS GIS (*.sdf) files has been sped up and improved.
- GSSHA Updates
- Support has been added for the most recent version of GSSHA (7.12).
- LandXML Import/Export
- Support for reading and writing LandXML files from the hydraulic modeling module for the SWMM, HY12, and EPANET models has been added.
- Higher Resolution Icons
- Higher resolution icons allow the icon size to be changed. This is done in the Preferences dialog under the General tab.
- Image Crop Collar Option Removed
- The Crop Collar command is no longer available for images.
- Bugfixes
- 2016 Jan - beta
- 2016 Jun - final
- Community Edition
- If WMS is unlicensed, it runs as a "Community Edition". This version of WMS is the full version of WMS with the following limitations:
- Maximum number of sub-basins: 1
- Maximum number of GIS layers: 2
- Maximum number of map module coverages and attribute grids: 3
- Maximum number of terrain data layers (DEMs and TINs): 1
- Maximum number of storm drain pipes: 50
- In addition, 2D scattered data, CAD data, 2D grid data, and 1D open-channel hydraulic data (HECRAS) are not allowed in the community edition. Purchase licenses that enable more layers in each of these modules at http://www.aquaveo.com.
- The community edition has an interface to HY12 that is completely free of charge. This means HY12 models with more than 50 pipes are supported as long as the other conditions of the community edition are met.
- The community edition allows reading and viewing Rational, NSS, SWMM, EPANET, and other models that exceed these limits, but WMS does not allow saving changes to models that exceed the limits. This edition also allows building storm drain, water distribution, and sanitary sewer models that meet the above criteria as long as the maximum number of pipes is not exceeded. More information about the features enabled in the community edition of WMS and how to purchase WMS packages can be found on the WMS pricing page.
- EPANET Model Support
- WMS 10.1 adds support for the EPANET model, a widely used water distribution model. Read GIS data files and map their attributes to the EPANET model attributes, or read and edit existing EPANET models.
- Improved EPA-SWMM Model Support
- WMS 10.1 fully supports both sanitary sewer options and storm drain options associated with EPA-SWMM models. Read GIS data files and map their attributes to the EPA-SWMM model attributes, or read and edit existing EPA-SWMM models.
- Improved HY12 Model Support
- HY12 is an Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)-sponsored storm drain and hydrology model developed by Aquaveo. The Community edition of WMS 10.1 includes a completely free interface to HY12. There are four new tutorials that describe how to import and use various types of data into WMS to build an HY12 model.
- WMS 10.1 includes a simplified interface to HY12 that makes developing an HY12 model much easier than before. The spreadsheet-like interface is similar to the EPA-SWMM and EPANET interfaces and much of the data can be transferred between HY12 and EPA-SWMM so data can be shared between these models.
- In addition, a tool exists that allows editing link/node elevations in an HY12 model using a profile editor.
- Time Series Data Calculator
- Use the Time Series Calculator in the Time Series Editor program to perform simple mathematical operations using time series data.
- GSSHA Model Improvements
- Several GSSHA model improvements have been made related to better calibration and renumbering streams.
- Mine Water Balance Model (MWBM) Wizard
- The MWBM wizard steps through the process of editing and modifying a GSSHA model based on changes to the terrain, land use, pumping stations, embankments, and other parameters in a mine model that is tracking sediment output from the mine.
- Bug fixes
- Model Calibration Updates
- The newest version of GSSHA supports PEST-style automated calibration methods. WMS 10.0 has an interface to these automated calibration methods in GSSHA. WMS 10.0 allows you to have multiple calibration points and allows you to calibrate to observations other than outlet flow values such as depths, snow water equivalent, and other parameters. More information about automated calibration in GSSHA using WMS 10.0 is located here and here.
- Depth Varying Overland Flow Roughness
- The newest version of GSSHA has a mapping table that supports a depth-varying overland flow roughness exponent. This parameter is used in addition to the roughness mapping table. Without the addition of this table, a default exponent of 0.0 is used, which means the roughness does not change with overland flow depth.
- Link/Node-Specific Overbank and Backwater Options
- GSSHA previously had two options that could be defined globally. The first option, the overbank flow option (OVERBANK_FLOW), increases the level of connection between the overland flow and the channel in the 1D hydraulic model by allowing water to spill from the channel back onto the overland flow plane. If the second option, the overland backwater option (OVERLAND_BACKWATER), is turned on, flow from the overland flow model to the channel in the 1D hydraulic model is restricted if the elevation of the water in the channel exceeds the overland cell elevation. This option can now be defined at each of the arcs (links) in your GSSHA model in the GSSHA arc properties dialog. If this option is defined for one of the arcs, the global option is turned off.
- Storm and Tile Drain Interface Tools
- WMS 10.0 contains many new GSSHA storm and tile drain interface tools. A detailed description of all the tools is available here.
- New GSSHA Tutorial
- Several of the GSSHA tutorials have been updated to reflect changes to GSSHA and its interface, especially the storm and tile drain tutorial and the calibration tutorial.
- Also, a new tutorial has been added to the list of WMS tutorials under the Spatial modeling section. This tutorial describes how to convert an HMS model to a GSSHA model using simple, easy-to-follow steps from the WMS interface.
- Support for HMS 4.0
- WMS 10.0 supports HMS 4.0. This new version of the HMS model is included with the WMS installation.
- DSS Grid Parameters
- The capability of computing several gridded DSS parameters and exporting them to a DSS file for use in HMS has been added to the HMS ModClark interface. In addition, several types HMS grids can be computed and exported with your HMS model. A grid can be defined at any resolution and Green Ampt, SMA, and Curve Number parameters can be computed using land use and soil maps. In addition, snowmelt parameters, evapotranspiration parameters, infiltration parameters, and other hydrologic parameters can be interpolated to your grid from scattered data and then exported to your HMS ModClark model.
- New HMS Tutorial
- National Streamflow Statistics (NSS) 6.0 Support
- WMS 10.0 supports NSS version 6.0 with the updated database, which contains all the latest regression equations for the United States as of May 2014.
- Sanitary Sewer Modeling Options
- Sanitary sewer modeling tools have been added to the EPA SWMM interface in WMS. The following tools have been added to the WMS interface that allow you to define sanitary sewer models and read existing sanitary sewer models:
- A sanitary sewer coverage.
- An option to define diurnal curves and assign curves to nodes/manholes.
- An option to import infiltration and domestic flows from ESRI shapefiles and to export these values to EPA SWMM.
- An option to import a peaking factor for the domestic flows and export these values to EPA SWMM
- An option to import SWMM 5 models with sanitary sewer options and export these models to ESRI shapefiles
- SWMM 5.1 Support
- WMS 10.0 Supports the most recent version of SWMM, version 5.1.
- FEMA Flood Maps
- The capability to read FEMA Flood Maps using web services has been added to WMS 10.0. Options to import both raster flood images and vector floodplain boundary maps are available.
- Flood Map Legend
- The FEMA flood map legend for FEMA flood images downloaded to WMS 10.0 is shown below:
- NOAA Atlas 14 Data
- Getting a precipitation value has never been easier with the option to get NOAA Atlas 14 data for a delineated watershed in WMS. Options are available to get the mean, upper confidence interval value, and lower value for most watersheds delineated within the United States. The button to get NOAA atlas 14 precipitation values data is available for the commonly used watershed models in WMS, including HMS, HEC-1, and GSSHA. Just select the rainfall hyetograph option for any of these models and a button will appear that allows you to get the precipitation from the web.
- NCDC Station Wizard
- The NCDC Station Wizard allows you to view rainfall gage stations surrounding your watershed, analyze the data associated with these stations, and download the rainfall data. When the data is downloaded, WMS creates creates a rain gage coverage and assigns the rainfall data to gages in this coverage. These gages can then be used in the GSSHA, HMS, or HEC-1 hydrologic models. This exciting tool makes it possible to download historic rainfall data for many areas directly from WMS and then use this historic data in your watershed model.
- Bug fixes
- Add GIS Data Command
- The Add GIS Data command in the Get Data toolbar allows a user to read many formats of vector and raster GIS data. After reading the data, it can be viewed or converted to a format that can be used for hydrologic modeling in WMS.
- Raster Display Options
- If there is raster elevation data read using the Add GIS Data command or if there is online data that contains raster elevations, there are various options for displaying hill shading on the raster data. A user can also convert any raster elevation data to a DEM.
- GIS Vector Data Conversions
- GIS Vector Data can be converted to a shapefile. Once the GIS data is converted to a shapefile, it can be used in any of the hydrologic modeling computations for tasks like computing curve numbers and infiltration coefficients.
- Raster Data Conversions
- Raster data with information about land use or soil type can be converted to a land use or soil type grid by right-clicking on the layer. USGS NLCD and European CORINE Land use data can also be downloaded for anywhere in the United States and Europe using the Get Data tool. More information about the new data sources available in WMS 9.1 can be viewed here.
- WMS DEMs can be exported to several digital elevation file formats, including the following:
- GeoTiff
- ERDAS Imaging IMG
- Surfer ASCII Grid
- Surfer Binary Grid
- ArcInfo ASCII Grid
- DXF 3D Point
- Float/Grid
- MapInfo Grid
- GlobalMapper Grid
- Windsim GWS
- All these files as well as many other formats can also be imported using the Add GIS Data button.
- Vector/Shapefile Data Conversions
- Vector GIS data that is read into WMS can be converted to a shapefile and used in WMS or saved to one of the many other supported formats. The supported formats include:
- DXF Files (*.dxf)
- Area Shapefiles (*.shp)
- Line Shapefiles (*.shp)
- Point Shapefiles (*.shp)
- Google Earth KMZ Files (*.kmz)
- MapInfo MIF/MID Files (*.mif)
- MapInfo TAB/MAP Files (*.map)
- Simple ASCII Text Files (*.txt)
- CSV (Comma-separated value) Files (*.csv)
- SVG Files (*.svg)
- GIS Module
- All images, raster GIS data, and vector GIS data are now stored in the GIS module. In the GIS module, a user can import, export, and convert GIS data to different formats. A user can also map data in the GIS module to data in WMS that can be used to build the watershed models.
- TIN Elevations from LandXML Files
- WMS 9.1 allows the user to read LandXML files as a TIN. This command to import LandXML files preserves the points and the triangle connections that were built in the CAD program that was used to generate the LandXML file.
- DGN, DWG, and other CAD File Support
- WMS 9.1 supports most of the latest DGN, DWG, and DXF file formats through the Teigha library. Currently, WMS 9.1 uses version 3.05.01 of the Teigha library.
- Multiple DEMs
- WMS 9.1 allows the user to read and manage multiple DEMs in the project explorer. Each of these DEMs can have flow directions and accumulations for watershed delineation. A user can clip and modify single DEMs or merge multiple DEMs from different sources into a single DEM. A user can convert raster elevation data in the GIS module to DEMs. These DEMs can be merged and exported to any of the raster elevation formats supported by WMS.
- Improved Web Service (Online Data) Tools
- WMS 9.1 has three tools for obtaining online data: The Get Data tool, the Get Data From Map command, and the Get Online Maps command. All of these tools can be used to obtain various types of raster data: Images, elevation data, land use data, vegetation data, and more.
- Get Data
- The Get Data tool and the Get Data From Map command work in much the same way. The user needs to set the current projection before using either of these tools. The difference is that with the Get Data tool, the user selects the area where data is desired from the WMS window. With the Get Data From Map command, the user selects the area from the Virtual Earth Map Locator window. This Virtual Earth window pops up after selecting the Get Data From Map command. In either case, the user goes to the area of interested and WMS will bring up another window that allows the user to select the type of data to be downloaded. With all the raster data sources, specify a resolution of the data to be downloaded and WMS will download the data.
- Several new data sources have been added to the Get Data tools in WMS, including various sources for high-quality imagery. Samples of many of the data sources are shown in the new Get Data dialog.
- Get Online Maps
- The Get Online Maps command allows a user to define online data sources to be added to the display. This command was introduced in WMS 9.0, and has been improved in WMS 9.1. WMS 9.1 launches a separate process to download the online data when it is downloading so the user no longer needs to wait for the data to download before working. WMS 9.1 also has tools to convert online data to static data and to convert it to various formats that can be used for watershed modeling.
- Texture Mapping on TINs
- The capability to texture map images to TINs has been added. This capability allows a user to read or download an image using the Get Data tools and then texture map the image on a TIN. This gives the option to create a nice image of the watershed model and to visualize the locations and terrain surrounding hydraulic structures in the watershed. A user can also use the texture mapping capabilities to view flood locations and contours from a HEC-RAS analysis.
- GSSHA Snowmelt
- Several options to support the GSSHA snowmelt models have been added to the WMS interface. When running long-term GSSHA simulations, the GSSHA snowmelt parameters can be modified in the easy-to-use WMS interface. WMS 9.1 also has options to define raster HMET files for use in GSSHA long term simulations.
- HEC-RAS Water Surface Elevations
- If there is an existing HEC-RAS model and the user wants to bring it into WMS, there has not previously been a way to read the water surface elevations from the HEC-RAS solution. Now if the user exports the water surface elevations with the GIS file that's exported from HEC-RAS, WMS reads these water elevations.
- SWMM Attributes
- If the correct attributes have been assigned to arcs in a shapefile, WMS now imports storm drain attributes such as names, shapes, diameters, lengths, and upstream and downstream invert elevations to the SWMM model in WMS. This makes the SWMM modeling easier because the user doesn't have to re-enter the pipe attributes that are already defined in a shapefile.
- Bug fixes
- 2012 Jan - beta
- 2012 Oct - final
- Updated Interfaces
- The NSS (National Streamflow Statistics) interface has been updated to use the latest NSS database. The MODRAT interface has also been updated. Renumbering has been improved in the MODRAT interface and several issues have been fixed. Several new features and enhancements have been added to the GSSHA interface. First, the storm and tile drain modeling capability of GSSHA has been improved by adding the capability to add multiple pipes in a "superlink", which represents a network of pipes in GSSHA. The algorithm for determining embankments has also been reworked to make the algorithm more efficient and more accurate. The GSSHA tutorials have also been updated and improved to include the latest enhancements in the GSSHA code. Also, GSSHA itself has been reworked to make the program more stable.
- FHWA HY-12 Storm Drain Modeling
- WMS now includes an interface to FHWA's HY-12 storm drain modeling program. This interface allows you to create a storm drain layout and assign rational method computations, curbs and gutters, access holes, pipes, channels, and other storm drain network features to the storm drain layout. Much of the data can be computed automatically using the interface, and other data values can be entered in the easy-to-use windows. The other storm drain modeling interfaces, including the SWMM and xp-swmm interfaces, have also been upgraded to make your model easier to build and maintain.
- Online Image (Web Map Service) Capabilities
- One of the most exciting new features in WMS is the Get Online Maps tool in the Get Data Toolbar. This tool allows you to open a web map service as an "online image" and use it as you would any other image in the WMS interface. Since the web can be a little slow, there is an option to convert the online image to a static (locally saved) image that is saved with your WMS project and that displays much faster than the online image.
- Improved Web Service Tools
- Six new web services have been added to the list of web data that can be downloaded from the WMS Get Data Toolbar. These web services include some that were previously available, such as United States National Elevation Datasets, as well as newly available datasets, such as the CORINE European land cover database, the NLCD US National Land Cover database, and the ASTER Worldwide Elevation Data database. These new datasets are much faster than previously available datasets and include a progress bar so you can view the progress of your data download.
- Support of New File Formats
- We have added support for almost all the commonly used vector file formats in the new version of WMS. Some vector files, such as DXF, DWG, and ESRI Shapefile format, still read the way they have always read into WMS. But support for "Vector-based images" has been added to WMS that allows you to read any file that can be read using the Global Mapper software in WMS (A license to Global Mapper is not required). For a complete listing of the vector formats supported in WMS, visit the Global Mapper web site. Right-clicking on a vector image allows you to export to one of many formats or convert linear data to feature objects or scattered data (XYZ). The following formats can be exported using the right-click command:
- DXF Files (*.dxf)
- Area Shapefiles (*.shp)
- Line Shapefiles (*.shp)
- Point Shapefiles (*.shp)
- Google Earth KMZ Files (*.kmz)
- MapInfo MIF/MID Files (*.mif)
- MapInfo TAB/MAP Files (*.map)
- Simple ASCII Text Files (*.txt)
- CSV (Comma-separated value) Files (*.csv)
- SVG Files (*.svg)
- FHWA HY-8 7.3 and Hydraulic Toolbox 3.0 Support
- The FHWA's HY-8 7.3, which includes many new culvert modeling capabilities, is supported in the new version of WMS. The new version of the FHWA's Hydraulic Toolbox (3.0) is also supported with the new version of WMS. The new tools in HY-8 7.3 include modeling of hydraulic jump profiles, broken back culverts (culverts with a change in slope), and horizontal and adverse slopes in culverts. Documentation showing the capabilities included in the latest version of HY-8 is included on the HY-8 wiki. The newest version of the hydraulic toolbox includes tools for culvert assessment and for determining a riprap or streambed gradation curve using a digital image.
- Bug fixes
- What's new in WMS 8.4
- Updated to be compatible with the latest version of GSSHA. New tutorials are available for use with WMS.
- Integration with FHWA's HY-8 and Hydraulic Toolbox software.
- HY-8 modeling wizard: Allows you to design or analyze culverts using the linkage between WMS, HY-8, and the Hydraulic Toolbox.
- Integration of the Time Series Editor with WMS. This tool allows you to find and download data from the internet and to modify existing time series data.
- New method of computing Flow Directions/Accumulations for basin delineation using TauDEM, allowing for multiprocessor computation of Flow Directions and accumulations.
- Full compatibility with 64-bit computers, allowing for faster processing and the ability to process larger datasets than ever before.
- Bug fixes
- DEM contours to feature objects crash in WMS 8.3: 2180
- Save GSSHA Group Dialog: 2183
- Multi-Select index map grid cells: 2143
- converting dem contours to feature objects: 2175
- Issues with GSSHA Automated Calibration: 2151
- Error reading GSSHA Stochastic Simulation results: 2147
- WMS crashes when right clicking on a TIN Tree Item for a TIN that's been deleted: 2141
- Error building pyramids: 2131
- DEM File won't read in: 2084
- Error message when trying to open an image: "The application has failed to start because gmp-vc90-mt.dll was not found": 2075
- Zoom tool not working in Edit DEM Elevations plot window: 2071
- The "Select Shapes Tool" in the GIS module should be an active tool but it is inactive.: 2065
- Changes to GSSHA .cmt file requested by Chuck: 277
- Allow users to set the GSSHA NUM_INTERP value
- Sediment interface enhancements: GSSHA
- Error in GSSHA Calibration: 2156
- GSSHA calibration output files: 2153
- Allow editing polygon-selected index map ID's in the properties window: 2060
- Hydrologic modeling wizard Define project boundary: 2288
- WMS does not read observed data file: 2248
- Check while reading parameter and calibration file in GSSHA automated calibration: 2249
- Add GSSHA Calibration Parameters in WMS: 2247
- flow vectors don't read in: 2244
- Save File button not working in Coverage Overlay dialog: 2239
- Crash when deleting GSSHA model: 2236
- Report the name of the contaminant when reading the contaminant transport solution: 2235
- Add option to select whether to export contaminant mass and concentration to GSSHA output control: 2234
- WMS not writing all lakes to file: 2217
- Simple dam Break not finding Cross Section: 2215
- Tutorial change request: 2184
- Display options: 2366
- problems numbering Branch: 2332
- Run GSSHA model button in the Hydrologic modeling wizard not working: 2321
- Contour Options button not working: 2311
- Distinguish Data/Model/Solution in GSSHA project explorer. 1) Use a different color scheme, 2) Separate the sections out, and 3) Put a symbol M for models as we have S for solutions
- If groundwater head and aquifer bottom is available in the model, display the following in the Smooth stream arcs dialog and allow user to edit all of these
- Add the new Tc method to MODRAT
- In Hydrologic Modeling wizard, the coordinates for project boundary are not defaulted properly. Dr Nelson thinks it is good idea to default them to 0
- In the same dialog of the modeling wizard, if you change the project coordinates, it looks like WMS tries to transform the coordinates in the project bound coordinates list also causing WMS to crash
- While saving GSSHA project, the .cmt file had a soil type index map assigned to several processes even though those processes were not turned on. The processes that were not turned on include evapotranspiration, soil erosion, and possibly others. GSSHA r
- In GSSHA Job Control/Storm-tile drain Edit parameter button, change the text to "Allow GSSHA to redistribute Superlink Vertices"
- Super link/ Super Junction numbering is still not working. If you create the superlinks and turn the Storm/Tile Drain option on Job control, the numbering is not correct. Turning the Storm/Tile Drain option on Job control and then creating the arcs seemed
- In Job Control/Edit parameters for storm/tile drains, put an option to select a method that specifies how water gets into the drains. The default option should be Cook Method (need to make sure if the name is correct) and next option should be Drain Mod M
- Be able to specify a depression mask for running cleandam so you don’t change areas for specified zones
- Change the user interface to turn this option on, specify the XY boundary condition files, and specify the larger GSSHA model so the mask can be written to this location
- Change the user interface to turn this option on for the larger model and to specify the small GSSHA model so the mask can be used in running the simulation.
- Read and write the project file cards and data files required to implement this option
- Read and write DEMs as GeoTIFF files
- Create a display option to display the wetland parameters from the GSSHA polygon attributes dialog if this display option is selected
- WMS cannot load images after converting DEM to TIN: 2629
- Severe WMS/Global Mapper bug when converting DEM to TIN: 2627
- Modrat Wrapper not finishing: 2624
- Joining SSURGO data bug: 2623
- When loading the hydrograph solution to HEC-1 WMS Gives an error: 2597
- WMS crashes when converting DEM to TIN after editing TOPAZ generated streams: 2578
- WMS crashes when reversing directions of a stream network: 2577
- The Cross Section Attributes dialog gives bogus help strings: 2566
- Click on GSSHA Smooth Stream Dialog causes a crash: 2565
- Add Autocheck for updates to WMS interface
- Write KMZ file animations as Super-overlays
- Fixed several MODRAT bugs
- WMS crashing when loading GIS data: 2436
- Build Polygons Crash: 2400
- WMS 8.3 unable to Connect to Sever when selecting from web service: 2389
- Export rainfall datasets to KMZ (Google Earth) animation files
- Using WMS 8.3 you are able to select the solution dataset, the scattered data dataset, and the rainfall dataset and export all three to a KMZ file. In the film loop dialog, you can specify the display elevation associated with your rainfall dataset, and view rainfall intensity at the same time you are viewing its effects in the overland plane and the river network.
- Export index map cells to Google Earth as vector polygons
- With WMS 8.3 you get a variety of visualizing options. For example, the different index maps that can be created in WMS can now be exported as .kmz files that can be displayed in Google Earth.
- Import GSSHA index map files
- WMS 8.3 allows you to import any index map file, such as Land Use, Soil Type, Combined Index Map, etc. from one GSSHA project to another GSSHA project with the same grid.
- Support of Contaminant Transport and NSM modeling in GSSHA
- WMS 8.3 supports constituent transport modeling, which can be simulated as simple first order reactants or with the full nutrient cycle using NSM. You can input a constituent concentration at any point in your watershed (point and/or non point source) or on a stream and then GSSHA outputs maps of mass and concentrations at each point in your watershed and in your stream network.
- NSM can be coupled with any hydrologic and hydrodynamic model transport component; this means that NSM deals with transforming processes of water quality constituents in the overland plane and receiving water bodies. Tutorials for each of these capabilities are available on gsshawiki.com.
- Ability to create mass and concentration plots for NSM constituents and for simple first order constituents
- Not only can constituents be visualized in the overland flow plane at any cell in your watershed, but specific plots of constituent mass and concentrations can be generated in the outlet of your watershed using WMS 8.3. This works both for simple first order reactants and for NSM constituents such as nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon species.
- Support of Overland flow boundary conditions in GSSHA
- Using WMS 8.3 you can model coastal storm surges or areas around a standing water body using overland flow boundary conditions, which can be defined as constant slope, constant stage (water surface elevation), or variable stage (water surface elevation). GSSHA will take a map of the boundary conditions and apply that condition at the beginning of each time step.
- Improvements on Joining SSURGO Data
- Using the “Join SSURGO Data” command in WMS 8.3, you can now join more attributes besides those associated with the *.dbf file. Attributes such as hydrologic soil group (HYDGRP), texture, hydraulic conductivity (KSAT), moisture, field capacity (FIELDCAP) and wilting point (WILTINGPT) can now be mapped to the WMS soil coverage.
- Improvements on GSSHA Stochastic Model Calibration
- Besides having the capability of running in calibration mode or batch mode, with WMS 8.3 you can automatically read in and run a model with the calibrated parameters and decide whether or not to substitute them into your model.
- Capability to define an input hydrograph and/or contaminant source at any location in the stream network
- As mentioned previously, WMS 8.3 allows you to specify a contaminant source at any point in your stream network that can account for point-sources in the stream network. In addition, you can define an input hydrograph at any point in your stream network, which can be particularly useful if you want to account for the hydrology of upstream areas into your watershed.
- 2009 Mar - beta
- 2009 Apr - final
- Support of calibration and batch mode processes (stochastic modeling) in the GSSHA interface
- Using WMS 8.2, you can run GSSHA in calibration mode to determine optimum parameters or in batch mode to run using a range of input values.
- Improved stream model checker, better stream visualization, stream adjustment to match grid, and improved stream smoothing
- The hydrologic modeling wizard has been improved in WMS 8.2 to allow for editing stream elevations before creating a 2D grid. When the 2D grid is generated, the grid cell elevations are set to match the stream elevations. Matching up these elevations reduces the chance for errors in running your GSSHA model when stream routing is defined.
- Ability to create multiple GSSHA scenarios (multiple GSSHA job controls, sets of index maps, mapping tables, solutions, etc.)
- Multiple scenarios, such pre-development and post-development conditions, can be defined in a single instance of WMS. Each of these scenarios can be run and the results from each scenario can be compared.
- Support of wetlands, sediment transport, and groundwater/surfacewater interaction routines in GSSHA
- WMS 8.2 contains full support for wetland, sediment transport, and groundwater/surfacewater interaction capabilities in GSSHA. Tutorials for each of these capabilities are available on gsshawiki.com.
- Improved ability for defining embankment arcs
- WMS 8.2 has improved ability for defining embankment arcs and running GSSHA embankment routines that was not available in previous version of WMS.
- Support of HEC-RAS 4.0 and sediment transport
- WMS 8.2 contains support for the latest version of HEC-RAS, version 4.0, which has sediment transport capabilities.
- Improved web service client tools
- WMS 8.2 Includes all types of NED and SRTM elevation data downloads, Terraserver images, and a web catalog that allows you to download any type of data if the data is available. These data sets can be downloaded directly from WMS and from the hydrologic modeling wizard. In WMS 8.2, practically all of the data required for a hydrologic study can be downloaded directly from WMS for any location in the world.
- Output animated KMZ files to Google Earth
- One of the results from running a GSSHA model is water depth at any location of your watershed for any time during your simulation. With WMS 8.2, you can export an animation of the water depth contours and any other parameter that is computed in GSSHA to a file that can be read by Google Earth. This capability is great for presentations of GSSHA model results.
- Dataset zonal classification
- Using WMS 8.2, you can combine datasets such as erosion and deposition to view areas of low erosion and high deposition or high erosion and low deposition based on certain criteria. You can view the results of these queries throughout your watershed.
- Storm water quality and quantity modeling with xpswmm and EPA SWMM interfaces
- The Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a popular model used to simulate the hydrology and hydraulics of storm water runoff. SWMM is primarily used for urban areas, and can be used to model single event or long-term (continuous) simulation of runoff quantity and quality.
- With WMS 8.1, you can delineate a watershed and then export the delineated watershed boundaries and the WMS-computed watershed data to xpswmm or EPA SWMM.
- Spatially Distributed Hydrologic Modeling with GSSHA™
- New to WMS 8.1 is full support and documentation for the distributed hydrologic model GSSHA™. Several improvements have been made to the GSSHA™ interface in WMS 8.1. The entire process of creating GSSHA™ models and running GSSHA™ models has been streamlined in the Hydrologic Modeling Wizard. The water quality modeling interface and capabilities of GSSHA™ have been significantly improved. Nutrient modeling capabilities have also been improved. Several post-processing features have also been added that allow you to more effectively view water depth along each of the stream channels in the GSSHA™ model. We have added two new tutorials and a new volume (Volume 6) to our list of WMS tutorials that walk you through the process of setting up a basic GSSHA™ model with overland flow and stream routing and using NEXRAD Radar precipitation with your GSSHA™ model. A new web site, gsshawiki.com, has also been launched. This web site contains all the latest GSSHA™ documentation and a wealth of information for GSSHA™ modeling.
- HMS gridded rainfall (NEXRAD) support
- WMS 8.1 supports an exciting new feature that makes it easier to work with quasi-distributed hydrologic models. This feature makes it simple for you to use NEXRAD RADAR rainfall data in XMRG format, such as archived rainfall data from the National Weather Service. This feature allows you to read a set of NEXRAD rainfall grids and compute the Thiessen polygon-based gage weights for each sub-basin and the total precipitation (or a precipitation distribution) for each gage based on the rainfall grids.
- WMS 8.1 also has features that allow you to convert radar-derived precipitation grids directly to formats that can be used in two different hydrologic models: The quasi-distributed MODClark model, which is part of the HMS interface and the distributed GSSHA™ model.
- Improved HMS interface and MODClark modeling support
- Several improvements have been made to the HMS interface in WMS 8.1.
- One of the most exciting improvements allows you to define a grid representing an HMS MODClark model at any resolution and compute a Curve Number, rainfall value, and travel time at each cell on the grid. After defining the MODClark model in WMS, you can export the model to HMS and run the MODClark simulation. The powerful MODClark modeling capabilities in WMS are not available in any other software product.
- Storm water quality and quantity modeling with xpswmm and EPA SWMM interfaces
- Besides supporting hydrologic modeling with xpswmm and EPA SWMM, WMS supports hydraulic modeling through the "Storm Drain" coverage and the River module. You can import or draw a conceptual model of your storm drain networks in the storm drain coverage and then convert your conceptual model to a schematic in the River module. From the river module, you can export your storm drain network to xpswmm or EPA SWMM where the model can be run. Using the new WMS feature to export (and import) xpswmm and EPA SWMM files, you can build your model and perform model computations in the familiar and GIS-enabled WMS interface. After building and defining your model in WMS, you can export your model to SWMM and finish your model and view the results in the SWMM interface.
- Updated HY-8 7.1 culvert analysis computations and an improved interface
- WMS 8.1 has an improved interface with the FHWA HY-8 culvert analysis program. Since HY-8 7.1 was developed by Aquaveo (the developers of WMS), we were able to integrate the HY-8 7.1 culvert analysis interface and code directly into WMS. With the new HY-8 Culvert coverage, you can define the location of your culvert and edit the data associated with a culvert. The WMS software developers have also linked the HY-8 culvert coverage with the detention basin calculator, allowing you to route a hydrograph through a culvert and determine the effect of the culvert on the hydrograph. The WMS HY-8 interface offers report generation, energy dissipation structure analysis capabilities, and many other powerful features directly within the WMS interface.
- Improved support of FHWA hydraulic modeling tools
- WMS 8.1 has improved the support of the FHWA hydraulic modeling tools. The channel calculator, weir calculator, and the curb and gutter calculator have all been improved to more effectively coincide with FHWA's HEC 22 computation guidelines.
- General Enhancements
- Virtual Earth map locator tool
- The "Get Data From Map" button brings up the WMS Virtual Earth map locator tool. This tool is powered by Microsoft Virtual Earth, and accesses data from the internet to allow you to view maps anywhere in the world. Once you zoom into the region you're interested in modeling, WMS will bring up a web data service client which will allow you to select from several data download options. From this dialog, you can select to download NED (DEM), Land Use, or Microsoft TerraServer aerial imagery and topographic data. The data you select is downloaded and read into WMS. This powerful combination of tools will allow you to streamline your data collection process so much of your data collection can be done within the WMS interface.
- Improved web service client tools
- Along with the virtual earth map locator tools, the web service client capabilities of WMS have been greatly improved. In previous versions of WMS, WMS had difficulties downloading data. Many of these difficulties originate from the web service servers, and WMS cannot improve much on these problems. However, the WMS developers have streamlined our web service client tools to give you feedback on the status of your downloads and to fix several problems that were in previous version of the web service client.
- Hydrologic modeling wizard
- The "Hydrologic Modeling Wizard" button in the Get Data toolbar steps you through the process of building a hydrologic model. This powerful wizard starts by helping you define your project coordinate system and gather your data, then steps you through the process of delineating your watershed and computing the parameters for your hydrologic model. When you are done with the wizard, you will have a hydrologic model that is completed or nearly completed for any of the hydrologic models supported in WMS.
- Improved graphics
- The WMS graphics display speed has been dramatically increased. Previous versions of WMS used a software-based approach to rendering your data, but WMS 8.1 uses your graphics hardware to render your data. Along with this modification, the WMS software developers have added Windows Vista graphics support to WMS 8.1.
- A new user-editable WMS "Wiki" online help
- The WMS software developers have developed the xmswiki.com home page. Instead of the traditional WMS help file, all the help is now available online from the xmswiki.com site. This help site uses the "Mediawiki" engine, which is the same code base used by Wikipedia to run their site. This means that anybody who knows about WMS, including you, can modify a help topic or create a new topic. Be assured that the WMS software developers will monitor changes to the WMS wiki, so the xmswiki.com content will be accurate. But with this powerful online editing tool, the WMS help will be much more comprehensive and up-to-date. The xmswiki.com site also features a Google search engine, bringing the power of Google search to the WMS help pages.
- XMDF file I/O
- The WMS 8.1 file format has been modified to use the XMDF file format as the default format. This format provides for faster WMS file I/O and good WMS file viewing capabilities with the NCSA HDFView editor which can be used to edit any XMDF-formatted file.