Line 23: |
Line 23: |
| ** '''Define Period''' – This button will allow a period to be defined. This will be active when no period has yet been defined, and it may gray out once one has been created. | | ** '''Define Period''' – This button will allow a period to be defined. This will be active when no period has yet been defined, and it may gray out once one has been created. |
| ** '''Delete Period''' – This button will delete the selected period. A dialog warning will come up first asking the user to confirm their decision to delete the period. | | ** '''Delete Period''' – This button will delete the selected period. A dialog warning will come up first asking the user to confirm their decision to delete the period. |
| ** '''Add Rows''' – This button will bring up an ''Add Stresses'' dialog. The following options can be used to help in adding the stresses: | | ** '''Add Rows''' – This button will bring up an [[#Add_Stresses_Dialog|''Add Stresses'']] dialog. <!--The following options can be used to help in adding the stresses: |
| *** Columns and Values – Numeric updowns and textboxes can be used to enter the values for their relevant columns for all the new stresses. These may include columns that are not actually present in the spreadsheet. | | *** Columns and Values – Numeric updowns and textboxes can be used to enter the values for their relevant columns for all the new stresses. These may include columns that are not actually present in the spreadsheet. |
| *** ''Number of rows to add'' – A numeric updown can be used to enter the number of rows that will be added to the spreadsheet. | | *** ''Number of rows to add'' – A numeric updown can be used to enter the number of rows that will be added to the spreadsheet. |
| *** ''Add to'' – There are two different options, only one of which can be selected at a time. | | *** ''Add to'' – There are two different options, only one of which can be selected at a time. |
| **** ''All defined periods'' – These stresses will be added to all the periods that have been defined. | | **** ''All defined periods'' – These stresses will be added to all the periods that have been defined. |
| **** ''Only this period'' – These stresses will be added only to the currently selected period. | | **** ''Only this period'' – These stresses will be added only to the currently selected period.--> |
| ** '''Delete Rows''' – This button will delete all of the stresses. A dialog warning will come up first asking the user to confirm their decision to delete the stresses. The dialog will also give them the option to either '''Delete From All Periods''' or '''Delete From Just This Period'''. | | ** '''Delete Rows''' – This button will delete all of the stresses. A dialog warning will come up first asking the user to confirm their decision to delete the stresses. The dialog will also give them the option to either '''Delete From All Periods''' or '''Delete From Just This Period'''. |
| ** '''Plot All Periods''' – This will allow the user to plot all the periods that have been defined. | | ** '''Plot All Periods''' – This will allow the user to plot all the periods that have been defined. |
Models & Tools |
GWF Model GWT Model Cell Properties Dialog Zone File |
Packages |
Flow: |
GWF: |
GWT: |
Other |
Mass Source Loading (SRC) Package dialog
The Mass Source Loading (SRC) Package dialog is accessed by double-clicking on the SRC package under a MODFLOW 6 simulation in the Project Explorer. It contains the following sections and options:
- Sections list – A list of sections that can be turned on or off:
- COMMENTS – Turn on to make the COMMENTS section visible.
- OPTIONS – Turn on to make the OPTIONS section visible.
- PERIODS – Turn on to make the PERIODS section visible.
- COMMENTS section – Enter general alphanumeric comments. Comments entered here get written at the top of the file, preceded by a '#' symbol.
- OPTIONS section – Options and settings:
- AUXILIARY – This allows an array of one or more auxiliary variables to be named. There are no limits to the number of auxiliary variables that can be provided, but subsequent blocks will require data for each of the auxiliary variables that are defined. Turning this on will activate an Auxiliary Variables... button. Clicking the button will bring up an Auxiliary Variables dialog.
- AUXMULTNAME – This allows for an auxiliary variable to be used as a multiplier of mass loading rate. A textbox to the right of the option can be used to specify the name.
- BOUNDNAMES – This indicates that boundary names are allowed to be provided with the list of mass source cells. This will add the BOUNDNAME column to the spreadsheet in the PERIODS section.
- PRINT_INPUT – This indicates that the list of mass source information input will be printed to the listing file immediately after it is read.
- PRINT_FLOWS – This indicates that the list of mass source flow rates will be printed to the listing file, for every stress period time step where “BUDGET PRINT” has been specified in Output Control. If PRINT_FLOWS has been specified but there is no Output Control option, then they will be printed for the last time step of each stress period.
- SAVE_FLOWS – This indicates that mass source flow terms will be saved to a budget file (specified in Output Control with "BUDGET FILEOUT").
- TS6 FILEIN – This allows time series files to be used as input to assign time-varying values. Specifying this option will allow a Files... button to its right to be clicked. Doing so will bring up a Files... dialog.
- OBS6 FILEIN – This allows observations files to be used as input to define observations for the Mass Source package. Specifying this option will allow a Files... button to its right to be clicked. Doing so will bring up an Observation Files dialog.
- PERIODS section – This deals with the PERIODS block.
- Period – A numeric updown can be used to enter which period is being examined in the spreadsheet.
- Define Period – This button will allow a period to be defined. This will be active when no period has yet been defined, and it may gray out once one has been created.
- Delete Period – This button will delete the selected period. A dialog warning will come up first asking the user to confirm their decision to delete the period.
- Add Rows – This button will bring up an Add Stresses dialog.
- Delete Rows – This button will delete all of the stresses. A dialog warning will come up first asking the user to confirm their decision to delete the stresses. The dialog will also give them the option to either Delete From All Periods or Delete From Just This Period.
- Plot All Periods – This will allow the user to plot all the periods that have been defined.
- Open Time Series – This will allow the user to open a time series file.
- Filter on Selected Cells – ???
- CELLID – This will display differently in the spreadsheet based on what type of grid is used for the simulation, specifically which type of DIS* input file is used in the model. The CELLID is the cell identifier, and the type of DIS* file used will change what will be determined to be the CELLID.
- For a structured grid that uses a DIS input file, these columns will be:
- LAY – This column represents the layers of the cells.
- ROW – This column represents the rows of the cells.
- COL – This column represents the columns of the cells.
- For a grid that uses a DISV input file, these columns will be:
- LAY – This column represents the layers of the cells.
- CELL2D – This column represents the CELL2D numbers of the cells.
- If the model uses a DISU (unstructured discretization) file, the column will be:
- CELLID – This column represents the node numbers of the cells.
- SMASSRATE – This column represents the SMASSRATE values, which are the mass source loading rates. Positive values indicate addition of solute mass and negative values indicate removal of solute mass. If time series files are used as input, entering a time series name instead of a numeric value can allow for values to be obtained from a time series.
- AUX – These columns represent the values of the auxiliary variables for each mass source, which previously may have been created if the AUXILIARY option was set. There will need to be values for the auxiliary variables for each mass source. If time series files are used as input, entering a time series name instead of a numeric value can allow for values to be obtained from a time series.
- BOUNDNAME – This column represents the names of the mass source cells, and will appear if the BOUNDNAMES option was set. BOUNDNAME values are ASCII character variables that can contain as many as 40 characters. If a BOUNDNAME value contains spaces within it, then the entire name will have to be enclosed within single quotes.
Auxiliary Variables Dialog
Auxiliary Variables dialog
The Auxiliary Variables dialog is accessed by clicking Auxiliary Variables... in the Options section of many package dialogs. It is used to define an array of one or more auxiliary variable names. It contains the following sections and buttons:
- At the top is an unlabeled section listing all of the variables, one per line. Double-click on a variable name to rename it.
- Insert Row
– Click to insert a row above the currently-selected row.
- Add Row
– Click to add a row below the currently-selected row.
- Delete Row
– Click to delete the selected row.
- Move Up
– Move the selected row up.
- Move Down
– Move the selected row down.
Note that each variable name must be unique. If two or more variables share a name, variables added since opening the dialog will not be saved.
Time Series Files Dialog
Time Series Files dialog
The Time Series Files dialog is accessed by clicking Time Series Files... in the Options section of many of the package dialogs. It is used to define an array of one or more time series files. It contains the following sections and buttons:
- At the top is an unlabeled section listing all of the time series files, one per line.
- Double-click on the first field to see the full file path and name.
- Click Edit... to open the time series file.
- Insert Row
– Click to insert a row above the currently-selected row.
- Add Row
– Click to add a row below the currently-selected row.
- Delete Row
– Click to delete the selected row.
- Move Up
– Move the selected row up.
- Move Down
– Move the selected row down.
Observation Files Dialog
Observation Files dialog
The Observation Files dialog is accessed by clicking Observations... in the Options section of many of the package dialogs. It is used to define an array of one or more observation files. It contains the following sections and buttons:
- At the top is an unlabeled section listing all of the observation files, one per line.
- Insert Row
– Click to insert a row above the currently-selected row.
- Add Row
– Click to add a row below the currently-selected row.
- Delete Row
– Click to delete the selected row.
- Move Up
– Move the selected row up.
- Move Down
– Move the selected row down.
Add Stresses Dialog
Add Stresses dialog for the HFB package
The Add Stresses dialog is accessed by clicking Add Rows
in the Periods section of several MODFLOW 6 package dialogs. It contains the following sections and options:
- Table – Table Options differ according to each package. See chart below.
- Number of rows to add – Use the Increment Up and Down
buttons to select the desired number of rows to add.
- Add to section – Radio buttons with the following options:
- All defined periods – Select to add the rows to all defined periods.
- Only this period – Select to add the rows to only this period.
Add Stresses Dialog Table Options
CHD Options
- LAY – Used to specify certain layers.
- ROW – Used to specify certain rows.
- COL – Used to specify certain columns.
- HEAD – Represents the head at the boundary.
DRN Options
- LAY – Used to specify which layer is being applied.
- ROW – Used to specify which row is being applied.
- COL – Used to specify which column is being applied.
- ELEV – Represents the elevation of the drain.
- COND – Represents the hydraulic conductance between the aquifer and the drain.
GHB Options
- LAY – Used to specify certain layers of the module.
- ROW – Used to specify which row is being applied.
- COL – Used to specify which column is being applied.
- BHEAD – Represents the boundary head.
- COND – Represents the hydraulic conductance between the aquifer cell and the boundary.
HFB Options
- LAY1 – Represents the first of two chosen layers.
- ROW1 – Represents the first of two chosen rows.
- COL1 – Represents the first of two chosen columns.
- LAY2 – Represents the second of two chosen layers.
- ROW2 – Represents the second of two chosen rows.
- COL2 – Represents the second of two chosen columns.
- HYDCHR – The hydraulic characteristic of the horizontal-flow barrier. When this variable is negative it multiplied by the conductance of two cells.
LAK Options
- LAKENO_OUTLETNO – A value that defines the reach number associated with the specified PERIOD data.
- SETTING – Information that is linked to keywords and values.
- VALUE1 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
- VALUE2 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
MAW Options
- WELLNO – A value that defines the reach number associated with the specified PERIOD data.
- MAWSETTING – Information that is linked to keywords and values.
- VALUE1 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
- VALUE2 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
- VALUE3 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
RIV Options
- LAY – Used to specify which row is being applied.
- ROW – Used to specify which row is being applied.
- COL – Used to specify which column is being applied.
- STAGE – Variable that represents the head in the river.
- COND – Variable that represents the riverbed hydraulic conductance.
- RBOT – Variable that represents the elevation of the bottom of the riverbed.
SFR Options
- RNO – A value that defines the reach number associated with the specified PERIOD data.
- SFRSETTING – Information that is linked to keywords and values.
- VALUE1 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
- VALUE2 – Value to be entered in relation to the specific project.
UZF Options
- IUZNO – An integer value that defines the UZF cell number associated with the specified PERIOD data on the line.
- FINF – A value that defines the applied infiltration rate of the UZF cell.
- PET – A value that defines the ET rate of the UZF cell and specified GWF cell.
- EXDP – A value that defines the ET extinction depth of the UZF cell.
- EXTWC – A value that defines the amount of water removed from the UZF cell through evapotranspiration.
- HA – A value that defines the amount of potential air that enters the UZF cell.
- HROOT – A value that defines the root potential of the UZF cell.
- ROOTACT – A value that defines how much root activity exists in the UZF cell.
WEL Options
- LAY – Represents which layer within the grid to which the chosen well will be assigned.
- ROW – Represents which row within the grid to which the chosen well will be assigned.
- COL – Represents which column within the grid to which the chosen well will be assigned.
- Q – Represents the volumetric well rate at which the recharge (positive value) and discharge (negative value) of the well will be.
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