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The GSSHA model has two menus: one that can be accessed through Map Module Map Module Icon.svg and the other through the 2-D Grid Module 2D Grid Icon.svg.

Map Module GSSHA Menu

This menu is available when a GSSHA coverage is the active coverage, or if WMS is switched to the Map Map Module Icon.svg module.

Smooth Stream/Pipe Arcs...
Opens the Smooth GSSHA Streams dialog.
Read Stream Elevation...
Brings up the Open dialog. Select the desired elevations file to import, then click Open.
Update Lake Cells
Updates lake cells after changes have been made to the project that would affect the lake cells (such as a change in elevation of an embankment arc crossing a stream). In order for the changes to be visible, open the Display Options dialog, select "2D Grid Data" from the list on the left, and turn on the three Lake Cells options on the 2D Grid tab.
Renumber Links
Automatically reorders and numbers links and nodes in a stream channel. See the GSSHA Channel Routing article for more details.
Renumber Storm Drains
Automatically reorders and numbers links and nodes in a storm drain arc.

2-D Grid Module GSSHA Menu

This menu is available when the 2-D Grid Module 2D Grid Icon.svg is active.

Open Project File...
Brings up the Open dialog. Browse to and select the desired GSSHA project file, then click Open. A GSSHA project file begins with the first content line either being "GSSHAPROJECT" or "CASC2DPROJECT". Once a valid project file has been identified, WMS will import all of the files needed for input to GSSHA.
Note that the channel input file is not imported. Instead, the channel input information is re-created from the WMS map file that stores the GSSHA coverage.
To import a GSSHA output file, use the Read Solution command.
Open Group...
Brings up the Open dialog. Browse to and select the desired GSSHA group file, then click Open. See the GSSHA Multiple Simulations article for more details.
Save Project File...
Opens a Save GSSHA Project File dialog. Browse to the desired save location, enter the desired File name, and click Save to save the GSSHA project file and all associated GSSHA input files. WMS automatically uses the GSSHA project file name as a prefix for all GSSHA input files. The only exception is for index map files, which are assigned default names using the convention "id_map_##.idx", where "##" is automatically generated by WMS. All files are saved to the same directory. For long term simulations, WMS copies the HMET file from its original location to the new GSSHA project directory.
GSSHA currently supports file names (including path and file name) with lengths up to 128 characters. If GSSHA files are placed in a directory with a path that causes the combined path and file name to exceed 128 characters, then GSSHA will not run. For more detailed management of the GSSHA input and output files names, see the Save GSSHA Project File dialog.
Save Group...
Opens the Save GSSHA Group File dialog for saving a GSSHA group file.
Job Control...
Opens the GSSHA Job Control Parameters dialog, where options and data are specified for computational processes in a GSSHA simulation.
Clean Digital Dams...
Runs the CleanDam algorithm. Digital dams occur where a stream leaves a cell at or near a corner.
Opens the GSSHA Precipitation dialog.
Opens the GSSHA Maps dialog.
Map Tables...
Brings up the GSSHA Map Table Editor dialog.
Renumber Links
Automatically reorders and numbers links and nodes in a stream channel. See the GSSHA Channel Routing article for more details.
Renumber Storm Drains
Automatically reorders and numbers links and nodes in a storm drain arc.
Model Check...
Opens the GSSHA Model Check dialog, which lists potential problems with the GSSHA model run.
Run GSSHA...
Opens the GSSHA Run Options dialog. Launches the GSSHA model run.
Run GSSHA Group...
Opens the Save and Run GSSHA Group dialog to select which projects to run.
Read Calibration Output...
Import calibration output files into the current project.
Read Solution...
Brings up a browser to open a GSSHA solution file and all of the associated datasets. After import, WMS lumps the solution file and all associated datasets together into a solution folder Generic Folder Locked.svg in the Project Explorer. All of the datasets in the folder are treated as regular datasets. Organizing the datasets into a solution allows several solutions to be in memory at the same time. Several dialogs look for solutions and the associated datasets to set up and display output graphs. Along with the regular datasets, the summary file for the project is also accessible for each solution by double-clicking the summary file project explorer item under the solution folder.
Individual solution output time series data for a cell may be viewed from the Solution Results dialog accessed from the Feature Point/Node Type dialog. This dialog will only show the output dataset time series for the cell that underlies the feature point selected. To compare the solution output at a cell with observed data, see the GSSHA Observations section.