- 2023 June - beta
- 2023 Sept - final
- General
- Community Version
- Expanded Community Version to include basic functionality for:
- AdH
- CMS-Flow
- Toolbox
- Toolbox reorganization (Naming convention)
- Toolbox updates
- Auto-Backup
- 2D Mesh folder
- Coverages tools
- Contours from Raster Elevations
- Polygons from UGrid Boundary
- UGrid tools
- Fill Holes in UGrid
- Refined UGrid
- UGrid from Coverage
- UGrid from Surface
- 2D Data from 3D Data
- Lloyd Optimizer
- Dataset to Raster tools (Total refactor)
- Raster from Dataset
- WSE/Depth Raster from Dataset
- Refactored Raster tools
- Smooth Raster
- Reproject Raster
- Polygons from Arcs (Total refactor for automation)
- Curvilinear grid tools (CH3D, EFDC)
- Import Curvilinear Grid
- Export Curvilinear Grid
- Polygons from UGrid Boundary (boundary to polygons)
- Misc.
- Normal depth calculator modified to support DEM geometry source
- Improved advanced web services support
- New support of color palettes and management of same
- Improved ARR plot
- Improved terminology for the mesh generation methods to indicate quadrilateral or triangular mesh generation
- Models
- 3D Structures
- Autogeneration of mesh through structure
- Generation of 3D UGrid to represent structure
- Concave polygons
- Fill a hole
- Lock nodes
- Preview in separate window
- Improved display controls
- SRH-2D
- UGrids supported for simulations
- Model execution update
- No false positives
- Only calls HY-8 one time if multiple sims run – no collision
- Scour calculator updates
- DIP file support
- 2022 Feb - beta
- 2022 Aug - final
- General
- Toolbox (beta)
- Tools
- Tool History
- Replay from history with modifications
- Stored with project
- Data Portability
- Export/import of model specific coverages (transfer data between projects)
- Changes to how files organized for saved project. Files that go with a project file are now in a folder created next to the project file.
- Display Options
- Display Themes
- New Contour label generation option to generate 1 label per contour line.
- New Contour label display options
- New GIS module display options
- Mass balance tool
- Modules
- Quadtree/UGrids
- Quadtree constrained UGrids replace the Quadtree module (used in CMS-Flow interface)
- Map
- Improved Blend function
- Improved Source/Target redistribution
- Cross section processing tools
- Create cross section from sequential points in xyz file
- Split cross section (Remove long arc segments tool)
- Orient cross sections to centerline (Reverse Right → Left Cross sections tool)
- Detect/remove invalid cross sections segments relative to centerline (Remove invalid cross section segments tool)
- Reproject cross sections relative to centerline (Reproject cross sections tool)
- Interpolate cross sections (tool)
- Trim cross sections (tool)
- Option to export map coverage attributes
- CAD type operations
- UGrid
- Models
- Additional DMI tools and scripts
- CMS-Wave
- CMS-Wave interface updated
- Engineering with Nature (EWN)
- SRH-2D
- Support for SRH-2D v 3.3.0
- Pressure simulated using ceiling dataset (generated from 3D bridges)
- Support for specified flow direction through a 1D structure
- Support for modeling HY-8 structures as "links" to allow for 2D flow overground
- Support for BC Data lines for 1D structures
- Automatic calibration of models based on modifying Flow rates or Manning's N values to match field data
- Advanced simulation management to review scenarios with modified boundary conditions (inflow and exit), roughness values, initial conditions,
- Model summary report generation (HTML report)
- Update to sediment transport options.
- Simplified population of boundary condition wave cases from spectral coverage
- Consistent specification of boundary condition wave cases as offsets form simulation reference time
- TUFLOW FV interface updated
- 2020 Jun - beta
- 2021 Apr - final
- General Features
- 1D Module
- 1D Module added back into SMS to support HEC-RAS 1D.
- GIS Module
- Map Module
- 1D Cross Section Tools
- Updates to the floodway extraction command on 1D Hydraulic Centerline coverages
- Option to compute a floodway using a unit flowrate corridor. This can use a combination of specified depth and velocity magnitude datasets or a single unit flow dataset. The user specifies a unit flow (cubic foot per second per foot) value.
- Capability to create a new material coverage from a specified material coverage. The coverage is trimmed to the computed floodway boundary. This functions for both floodway methods (equal conveyance reduction and the new unit flowrate method).
- New Feature Extraction functionality
- New universal Select Objects tool.
- New Select Intersecting Objects selection tool.
- Ability to export shapefile files by right-clicking on a coverage and selecting Export.
- Support to export shapefile files in community version.
- New Copy to Coverage command.
- New arc annotation options, direction and stationing.
- New create blended arc tool
- Updates to the bridge scour tool.
- Updates to the ADCIRC interface.
- Note: SMS 13.0 ADCIRC project files should not be imported into 13.1. Instead, use the native ADCIRC files to rebuild the project.
- CMS-Flow
- SRH-2D
- Tools available on simulation right click
- Advanced simulation
- Multiple scenario management
- Automatic calibration (Parameter Estimation or PEST) using Manning's n and/or flowrates.
- View Simulation Plots (see new plots discussion)
- Statistical Analysis
- Summary Report Generation. Generates an HTML report summarizing contents and attributes of the project. This is designed to be a first pass at model review.
- Datasets to Rasters
- SRH-2D specific floodway tools available on simulation right click (New): These are in addition to the general floodway delineation tool available on the 1D centerline coverage.
- Generate Floodway Simulation: This generates a new simulation and a new boundary condition coverage.
- Generate Floodway Cross Section: These cross sections can be used to evaluate rise and velocity comparing a floodway simulation to a floodplain simulation.
- Compare Floodway Simulation Data: This generates a customized cross section summary table to compare water levels and velocities between a floodplain simulation and a floodway simulation.
- New plots - displayed in the Run Queue as well as accessible in Tools|View Simulation Plots menu command when right clicking on a simulation:
- Simulation plots:
- Net Q (Outflow - Inflow)/Inflow
- Mass Balance. This includes both mass balance for each time step and the cumulative mass balance
- Simulation plot for number of wet elements
- Structure plots available when right-clicking on a BC arc for Culverts, Weirs, Gates, and Links
- Monitor line and monitor point plots available when right-clicking on these entities.
- New boundary condition options:
- Option to instruct SRH-2D to allow 2D flow for overtopping an HY-8 culvert
- Option to specify boundary condition arcs as data lines and associate these lines with structures. This allows the controlling water levels used for structures such as weirs and culverts to not be right on top of the structure.
- Option to define pressure zones as a dataset. This allows arbitrary bridge geometry. This is coupled with a tool that will convert 3D bridge objects into a "ceiling" dataset for this purpose,
- New "Water Surface Elevation Dataset" initial condition option in the SRH-2D Model Control dialog.
- Option to output spatial datasets of "maximums" and "times of maximum".
- Updates to SRH-2D material coverage and material properties.
- Sediment transport parameters are now set on in the SRH-2D Model Control dialog.
- The Populate dialog has been replaced by the Channel Calculator dialog.
- Improved management of HY-8 linkage.
- Functionality to import "Model Native" files (srhhydro, etc.) and create representative simulations.
- 2018 Oct - beta
- 2019 Feb - final
- General Features
- Updates to the measure tool.
- Coordinate system preview option.
- New GIS tab showing GIS module information in the Information dialog.
- New Notes tab included in property dialogs.
- Updates to projections.
- Toolbox and scripting updates.
- Select by features in the Edit menu:
- Find commands in individual menus to find objects (nodes, vertices, elements, cells, triangles, polygons) by ID or X,Y moved to "Select by..." option.
- Select by coverage option. Coverage
- Removed the Web menu and moved many of its commands to the File menu.
- STL files can be imported.
- Bridge scour tool.
- Ability to import a flood map.
- Floodway delineation tool.
- New Simulation Run Queue that allows running multiple simulations at once for SRH-2D, ADCIRC, and STWAVE.
- Plot option improvements:
- The background of all plots used to have alternating light/dark bands. The user can now control the display of this feature with a toggle in the plot options dialog.
- Plots can now be saved in one session and restored/loaded in another. The plots are saved using the File | Save As command and specifying the type to be ".plt". When a plot is loaded, SMS looks for a mesh and datasets that were specified for the plot display. If a mesh doesn't exist, SMS looks for another mesh that contains an appropriately named dataset. If the dataset doesn't exist in the folder named in the plot file, SMS looks for another dataset with a matching name in a different folder.
- Mesh generation changes:
- During the mesh generation process, SMS will no longer redistribute vertices on the boundary arcs based on a size function. This process is available in the Redistribute Vertices dialog and is done on an arc-by-arc basis.
- The Map → Mesh command used to bring up the 2D Mesh Options dialog. This dialog is now no longer used. See the archived article for more information.
- GIS Module
- Faster lidar file import process.
- New lidar tools and display options.
- Hill shading display option has been removed.
- Map Module
- Constant paving density option.
- Arc redistribution based on size function. This impacts mesh generation because it is not done automatically during mesh generation anymore.
- New Snap Mesh to Arcs command which changes mesh nodes to match arc nodes and vertices.
- Faster meshing.
- Meshing now handles single segment breaklines.
- Meshing no longer redistributes the arcs when scalar paving is used.
- Mesh Module
- Ability to interpolate solution sets to another mesh.
- Scatter Module
- Convert 2D scatter sets to raster data.
- Laplacian interpolation option removed.
- ADCIRC graphical interface changed to allow having multiple simulations in a single project.
- HEC-RAS 2D grid generation tool.
- Creation of DEM for HEC-RAS and autolink to this DEM.
- Use of material coverage with polygons defining zones and material list defining attributes.
- HEC-RAS translator process completed when exporting files.
- FESWMS is no longer supported in SMS. The interface has been removed.
- SRH-2D
- Link to HY-8 for culvert calculations via a table of flow rates - significantly reduces for HY-8 computation time.
- Update to internal links to allow for a rating curve inflow condition to these structures.
- Support for internal momentum-less source/sinks.
- STWAVE graphical interface changed to allow having multiple simulations in a single project.
- 2018 Feb - beta
- 2018 May - final
- General Features
- Updated icons to higher resolution.
- Selection to echo window.
- Updates to the Virtual Earth Map Locator.
- Default Contour Range options added to the Preferences dialog.
- Data points on plots can be selected to show the point values.
- Map
- A transparency can be set for filled polygons (such as materials) in the map Display Options.
- Right-clicking on an arc in an observation coverage now has the option to directly generate an observation plot from that arc.
- SRH-2D
- Ability to create inflow-outflow link structures that model flow between two separate meshes.
- Update to internal links to allow for a rating curve inflow condition to these structures.
- Link to HY-8 for culvert calculations via a table of flow rates—significantly reduces for HY-8 computation time.
- 2016 Sep - beta
- 2017 Mar - final
- Community Version
- The SMS Community Version is an unlicensed version that allows using a basic interface to:
- Open and view files.
- Generate a mesh (limited to one mesh).
- Use the SRH-2D interface (limited to one simulation).
- General Features
- Options added to Smooth Arc tool.
- Size functions can be used to redistribute vertices along an arc.
- Curvilinear Grid
- SMS can now use multiple curvilinear grids.
- Curvilinear grids can now be duplicated.
- UGrid Module
- UGrid module added to SMS.
- CMS-Flow
- Structures coverage added.
- Monitoring stations coverage added.
- Now uses the simulation process similar to that used in SRH-2D.
- Can be used to export geometry generated in SMS for use in HEC-RAS.
- SRH-2D
- New sediment materials coverage.
- Pressure zones with arched ceiling elevations.
- Weir flow over pressure zones.
- Internal links to connect internal source and sinks.
- Internal source/sinks.
- Option to use energy total head instead of water-surface elevation for culverts.
- Removed Features
- The GIS to Feature Objects Wizard no longer allows creating a new coverage during the conversion process. Existing coverages can still be selected.
- 2015 Nov - beta
- 2016 Jan - final
- General Features
- An option was added to restore factory defaults in the File | Save Settings command.
- A new tool was added to the dataset toolbox to perform a comparison between datasets on different geometry.
- Functionality to load/use cross section and centerline data from HEC-RAS simulations added.
- An option to create a summary table to compare 2D Hydrodynamic results with traditional 1D model results at river cross sections.
- Polygons that share a common arc(s) can be merged into a single polygon.
- Data from the Coastal Hazards System can now be imported into SMS on Spatial Data coverages.
- New tool in the Dataset Toolbox allows comparison of datasets from different geometry without interpolation to a common geometry first.
- New Workflow Outlines are available to simplify learning and remembering the steps for performing modeling processes.
- Model Interfaces
- GIS Module
- A new GIS module was introduced in version 12.0 and has been significantly enhanced in SMS 12.1. All images, rasters, shapefiles and lidar tiles are loaded into this module for common management.
- Rasters, previously accessed through the Raster module are now economically managed as GIS objects.
- Display options include an image representation or a point cloud.
- Tools for interpolation of elevation data to grids, meshes and scatter sets.
- Tools for conversion to scatter set, resampling, smoothing, trimming and editing.
- Tools for extracting land use data for mapping to ADCIRC spatial or nodal attributes.
- Map Module
- New Arc tools
- Redistribution from a source arc to an adjacent target arc. This feature is very useful to coordinate vertex placement for patch construction.
- Arc offsetting and selecting tools.
- Spectral Coverage
- A spectral coverage can now be copied by right clicking on the coverage and selecting Duplicate. This allows spectral points to be broken into smaller sets or spectra to be modified.
- Mesh Module
- Mesh elements can be selected and converted into feature arcs. The arcs have the default attributes of the coverage they are assigned to.
- Quadtree Module
- Cartesian grids (both regular and irregular) can be converted to Quadtrees by right clicking on the grid
- A Quadtree can be edited to conform to sizes specified on a polygon by polygon basis in a Quadtree Generation coverage by right clicking on the Quadtree and selecting the refine command.
- Quadtrees can be edited manually by selecting on or more cells, right clicking and selecting the Split Cell(s) or Merge Cell(s) commands.
- The split command subdivides each selected cell into four cells.
- The merge identifies the three sibling cells for each selected cell. If those cells have not been subdivided, the four cells are merged into a single cell. A cell at the base level cannot be merged.
- The elevation dataset on Quadtrees can be smoothed by right clicking on the Quadtree object and selection the Smooth... command.
- Datasets on a Quadtree can be interpolated to other geometric objects by right clicking on the Quadtree and selecting Interpolate to....
- A Quadtree is saved as a *.tel file when a CMS-Flow simulation is exported to native input files.
- Improved utilization of NLCS raster data for population of nodal/spatial attributes (fort.13 file)
- Update to the version of "aswip.exe" that is installed with SMS and how SMS calls this utility to convert NWS = 8 to NWS = 19 format.
- SMS was modified to read/maintain "Generic" nodestrings that are defined on a grid.
- Attributes of a cyclonic storm stored in PBL Trop or ADCIRC Cyclonic storm models (NWS = 8 and 19) are now converted as far as possible when converting between formats.
- When an ADCIRC grid is read in, the range of the coordinates is computed and if it is within geographic limits, the projection of the grid is set to geographic.
- Various minor improvements in the interface to SEDLIB
- CMS-Flow
- The CMS-Flow development team has produced a new version of the model itself. Implicit mode is now recommended as the normal methodology resulting in much shorter run times.
- The entire interface is now simulation based. This means that a simulation is explicitly represented in the project explorer with links to the components of the simulation such as a quadtree to represent the geometric domain and a coverage storing the boundary conditions.
- SRH-2D
- The simulation based interface that was unveiled as part of the interim release 12.0 is now available with full functionality.
- A new tool to compute an EXIT-H depth or rating curve has been added. The user specifies one or more flow rates, a friction slope and a source of topology. SMS computes either the normal or critical depth for each specified Q based on the cross sectional area of the associated arc.
- The snap preview functionality was significantly sped up.
- New version of HY-8 allows reuse of culvert crossings in multiple simulations and projects.
- Support of 1D structural elements including:
- Weir flow not represented in the mesh
- HY-8 culvert crossing – This is a significant improvement over the initial link between SRH-2D and the HY-8 culvert calculation engine.
- User can now define the crossings before setting up the SRH-2D simulation allowing the model to use existing HY-8 files
- HY-8 files can be reused in multiple simulation or projects.
- Internal culvert – This structure uses the definition of a simple culvert used by the FST2DH program (previously sponsored by FHWA). This structure allows for faster calculation of culvert flow than can be supported by the current version of HY-8.
- Pressure zones – This feature allows the user to define regions that have a ceiling elevation. SRH-2D includes the pressure forces and flow resistance from the bottom side of the deck in 2D hydrodynamic calculations.
- Gates – This structure can be used to represent a sluice gate condition.
- Obstructions – This feature allows general representation of flow blockage around a point (such as a pier) or along a line (such as a bridge deck).
- STWAVE nesting functionality is now supported through the spectral coverage option.
- New version of the TUFLOW-FV model was incorporated along with an updated version of the tutorial.
- A new function was added to convert WAM output to spectral coverages. This allows them to be used as input for STWAVE or CMS-Wave.
- Model Interfaces
- Modules
- New Quadtree Module will be utilized in the future for CMS-Flow or other models that perform computations on a quadtree geometry.
- Contours
- A new command has been added to the Data menu to populate the contour range from either the visible or selected nodes/vertices. The Data menu has two new commands:
- Set Contour Min/Max – this command sets the contour options based on the current options and the selected nodes/vertices or zoom level.
- Contour Range Options – This allows the user to control if the Set Contour Min/Max command applies to dataset specific contour options or the general contour options (for the mesh or scatter modules). It also sets the flags for precision and fill above and below.
- Performance Enhancement
- Cell selection for large grids.
- The time required to merge two meshes and the options when performing these types of merged were sped up and improved.
- Preferences
- The Preferences dialog now allows users to specify third-party help using the Dynamic Model Interface Schema.
- The settings option now allows the user to reset the settings to either factory defaults or the users specified defaults.
- Projections
- The functionality of the display projection was modified to make it more intuitive. If the user specifies a projection, it will be used for all data being loaded into the system. If the display projection is "Local" or "Not projected" and data with a projection is loaded, an inconsistency is created. At that point, SMS requests that the user specify the desired projection to use for display.
- Rotate Tool
- The Rotate tool now rotates around the center of the graphics window rather than using the center of x, y, and z coordinates of the data. This allows users to more easily rotate around specific areas of the model.
- Quadtree Module
- Telescoping grids have been expanded into a more versatile Quadtree Module.
- The Map→Quadtree command has been added.
- GIS Module
- The GIS module has been revised to include all Geographic Information data including:
- Images
- CAD Data - Better data extent information on layer by layer basis
- Shapefiles
- Rasters/DTM/DEM – new display options for Rasters, new interpolation options
- GIS objects are opened in SMS using the Global Mapper library unless specific functionality for a file type is supported.
- GIS objects loaded into SMS can support
- Color data (images)
- Elevation data (DTM)
- Raster data (land use)
- Vector data (features)
- SMS includes tools to convert between formats and extract data from the GIS objects.
- Map Module
- SMS can now force an arc from a coverage into an existing mesh/unstructured grid or TIN. The command creates new nodes/vertices and forces the arc as a breakline. Elevations for the new nodes can be assigned from the arc to force a new feature into the geometry or from the mesh/TIN to only force connectivity.
- A new clean option was added to look for "near" intersections. If an node is within the specified tolerance of another arc, the node is snapped to the arc. This can be thought of as the corollary to intersecting two arcs that just barely overlap and deleting the resulting dangling end.
- SMS now autoselects the scatterset/dataset for interpolation onto a polygon if there is only one scatterset and it only has one dataset.
- SMS can now select arcs/nodes by attribute type.
- Scatter Module
- SMS now includes an option to optimize all or part of a TIN triangulation using a smooth contour algorithm. This algorithm attempts to minimize the variability or jaggedness of contours in the selected region by swapping triangle edges. This is an addition to the two previous optimization methods that utilized minimum angles (Delaunay) or minimum triangle area variation.
- Distance Tool
- SMS now computes distances between two selected vertices on a TIN in both 2D and 3D space. The info options control which values are displayed.
- In ADCIRC when there is a weir boundary condition on two nodestrings, the user can right-click on the nodestrings and now there is a new menu called Remove Weir. Selecting this brings up a dialog asking the user if they want to pave over the weir or merge nodestrings which will result in new nodes down the center.
- There is a new menu item called Add Weir when right-clicking on a single boundary condition nodestring. This brings up a dialog asking the user what width they want for the weir. When OK is clicked a new weir is created.
- New option to more efficiently search hurricane storm paths in the HURDAT storm database. When opening the the data base SMS now displays a dialog that allows the user to filter by date range, intensity, location (storm must pass within specified distance of specified point). The user can then select the desired storm/storms and load them into SMS as hurricane coverages.
- SMS now supports the ice-field option that is has been added to the ADCIRC model in version 51.
- CMS-Flow/CMS-Wave
- The interfaces to CMS Flow and CMS Wave are not included in SMS 12.0. These interfaces, along with an updated version of the CMS numerical models, will be available in SMS 12.1. Current CMS users should continue to use SMS 11.2.
- GenCade
- A new option to support Adaptive Time Stepping was added to the interface.
- A new option to support Tidal Current was added to the interface.
- Issues related to setup when generating a GenCade model were resolved.
- Support for an enhanced Inlet Reservoir Model was added.
- An SBAS Connection was added to the interface.
- Support for spatially variable parameters was added to the interface.
- Generic Model Interface/2dm files
- A preference has been added to allow the user to specify the precision used when writing a 2dm geometry file.
- Since the addition of support for multiple meshes in SMS 11.2, the interface now allows multiple generic model interface templates to be loaded at the same time. An option was also added to allow the user to remove/delete a template that is loaded and is no longer needed. This command is in the Edit menu in the Mesh module.
- When duplicating a coverage of type Generic Model Interface, all attributes of arcs, nodes and polygons are now preserved in the duplicate.
- SRH-2D
- The SRH-2D interface has been modified to use a simulation based modeling approach rather than the traditional mesh/grid based approach. This allows the user to create a mesh/grid without associating it with a specific model.
- A simulation is then created near the bottom of the project explorer by right-clicking and selection the New Simulation command and selecting the appropriate type.
- Components of the simulation including the geometry, boundary conditions, material zones, monitor lines and points, etc are associated with the simulation by linking the geometry or coverages to the simulation. Linking can be accomplished by right-clicking or drag/drop.
- Simulation attributes are specified by right-clicking on the simulation and selecting the appropriate command(s).
- Simulations can be duplicated and edited to represent multiple scenarios in a single SMS project.
- STWAVE now runs all spectra as time values.
- This means that the solution is loaded as a single dataset with time steps for each spectra.
- Each input spectra is associated with a date/time.
- The user can control the reference date for a simulation.
- STWAVE now supports ice datasets.
- Spectral coverages have been added to store the spectral data used to represent wave states.
- Spectra in a spectral coverage are full plane spectra with source specified frequency and directional parameters.
- Spectra in a spectral coverage can be globally oriented (North = 0) or locally oriented depending on the source.
- New boundary condition specification
- User specifies the resolution of half or full plane spectra to be generated for an STWAVE simulation.
- Boundary condition can be specified as a spectral coverage with a single spectral site to match historic operation.
- Boundary condition can be specified as a spectral coverage with multiple spectral sites to allow for spatially varied boundary similar to previous nested simulations.
- Boundary condition can be specified as a parent/child relationship.
- User can now right-click on the TUFLOW root tree item to remove all simulations.
- 2014 Feb - beta
- 2014 Jun - final
- Contour Options
- The default values for contour options in a dataset will be that of the module.
- The user can now select multiple datasets and assign dataset specific contour options to all selected at the same time.
- User defined color palette files can now be saved as part of the initialization of SMS.
- Dataset Toolbox
- A Merge Datasets option is now available in the Dataset Toolbox. This allows two datasets that do not overlap in time to be concatenated together.
- DGN CAD Files
- SMS will now import ".dgn" CAD files.
- Dynamic Model Interface
- We are excited to present a more flexible and powerful alternative to the generic model interface that has been supported by SMS for several years. This methodology allows a model developer to define all the attributes of an interface for a specific model in an XML file. SMS will read this file when launched, and then interact with the model. This schema is defined in Dynamic Model Interface Schema. The dynamic model interface includes:
- Model specific menu commands.
- Model specific parameters.
- Model specific boundary conditions.
- Model specific file formats (for both reading and writing).
- Model specific execution procedures including as many different pre-run utilities or execution steps as are required by the model.
- Help
- SMS now supports help using either the online help document (wiki) or a local help file. The user selects which method is active in the preferences dialog.
- Interface Components
- Projection commands have been moved to the Display menu.
- A Reproject All command has been added in the Display menu.
- Help buttons in dialogues will open the corresponding page in the XMSWiki.
- LIDAR File Support
- SMS can now recognizes a LIDAR file when a user asks the system to read such a file. The user can choose the import methodology to load selected layers from the file as either a scatter set or a raster. SMS also loads an image of the data in the specified format.
- MIKE 21 (*.mesh) File Support
- MIKE 21 (*.mesh) files can now be loaded into SMS. See the article MIKE 21 *.mesh.
- Saving Color Palettes
- Color palettes will now be saved when doing File | Save Settings. When SMS is loaded, any saved palettes will automatically be loaded as defaults.
- NOAA HURDAT File Support
- SMS will now load storms for the standard NOAA HURDAT format. The file will need to have a *.hurdat2 extension to be recognized by SMS.
- Project Explorer
- Right-clicking in the project explorer now has commands to Expand All and Collapse All.
- Vector Display Options
- New display option feature for showing vector arrows at a constant elevation. See Vector Display Options for more information.
- New display option for vector arrows to follow flow path (vectors curve). This is done by selecting "Arrows follow flow path" under the Vectors tab in the Display Options dialog.
Warning: this can be slow if displaying lots of vectors.
- Spectral Coverage
- Spectral coverages are now used to store all spectral data by location and time. These coverages are then used as spectral input for CMS-Wave and STWAVE, and are also used to view spectral output generated by the models in observation and nesting files.
- Annotations
- The user can now assign a time range (beginning date/time to ending date/time) for the objects in an annotation layer to appear. This allows annotations to appear/disappear during an animation to highlight specific features when they are significant.
- Curvilinear Grid
- Cartesian Grid
- When creating a grid the grid name is defaulted to the name of the coverage used for generation. User is given an opportunity to specify the name.
- Rasters
- SMS 11.2 now supports NOAA Nautical Charts. They can be read in using the "generic vector/raster" option. The raster data from the chart is loaded.
- Map Modules
- When creating a new coverage, the default name is now set based on the coverage type.
- When assigning polygon attributes, internal arcs are now displayed similar to internal feature points. These are incorporated into the paving and scalar paving processes.
- New arc redistribution option was added that attempts to match the spacing of vertices on one arc (the target) to the spacing of vertices on another arc (the source). This can be useful when trying to keep vertices on opposite sides of a rectangular feature (like a channel) aligned to prevent skew.
- A new command to allow the creation of offset arcs was added to the arc right-click menu.
- A new command to smooth arcs was added to the arc right-click menu.
- Mesh Modules
- SMS 11.2 allows for use of multiple meshes.
- When creating a mesh the mesh name is defaulted to the name of the coverage used for generation. User is given an opportunity to specify the mesh name.
- Mesh node selection has been refactored to speed up the process of selecting a large number of nodes (using a polygon, rectangle, selection inversion, ...)
- There is now support for time varying bathymetry in ADCIRC.
- Users can now do a spatially average interpolate from a raster/DEM to an ADCIRC mesh.
- There is now support for parallel ADCIRC in windows. The user can specify the number of processors and SMS will launch the model in parallel mode.
- Added support for the time varying bathymetry option that will be released in a future version of ADCIRC.
- SMS will now import sparse output files created by ADCIRC.
- Added ability to define boundary conditions to arcs in a coverage as part of a conceptual model.
- Added a new command to read in all components of an AdH solution.
- Added support for the PC LVL 1 card.
- Added support to add weirs to a simulation by selecting nodestrings defined on the upstream and downstream faces.
- The CSTORM-MS coupler has been updated to now include AdH meshes in addition to ADCIRC. This is in preparation for linking to AdH simulations for sediment transport in the CSTORM-MS.
- SMS now uses a simulation based approach to manage BOUSS2D model runs rather than grid based. This means:
- Simulations for BOUSS2D now appear near the bottom of the Project Explorer window and are created independently from the grid.
- Wave conditions are now assigned to a feature point in a BOUSS2D boundary condition coverage.
- Damping layers are specified using arcs in a BOUSS2D damping coverage rather than on nodestrings in the grid. This eliminates the loss of resolution of a damping layer specification when it is read in.
- Simulation components including the grid, wave conditions, damping layers, etc are "linked" to a simulation by right-clicking or dragging/dropping into the simulation.
- Model parameters are specified for the simulation rather than on the grid. The same grid (or other component) can be used in multiple simulation.
- Simulations can be duplicated and modified to evaluate multiple scenarios.
- Added support for "Force" probes/sensors.
- SMS now supports an option to autocompute the floating dock coefficient.
- CMS-Flow
- The cards, values, and comments are now displayed in color in the CMS-Flow Advanced tab
- Added projection cards
- New wave tab in the model control dialog.
- The Sediment tab in the Model control dialog has been revised to match new model capabilities.
- CMS-Wave
- The model control dialog was revised for clarity.
- All input spectra is now handled in a spectral coverage. This allows the user to utilize multiple observed spectra to drive the model in the same manner that a nested simulation has been used in the past. The time stamps assigned to the spectral data are matched up (or interpolated to match) with the times specified for each case. In order to correctly assign spectral data for each case, SMS now requires CMS-Wave simulations to have a reference time.
- SRH-2D
- There is now a custom interface for the SRH-2D model developed by the United States Bureau of Reclamation (http://www.usbr.gov/pmts/sediment/model/srh2d/index.html). This model is a finite volume engine that is very stable in wetting/drying conditions. It has been tested extensively by various agencies, academic and commercial users.
- The model control now uses a spectral coverage to specify the cases/wave states that will be included in a simulation. This allows a user to utilize multiple observed spectra to drive the model in the same manner that a nested simulation has been used in the past. The time stamps assigned to the spectral data are matched up (or interpolated to match) with the times specified for each case. In order to correctly assign spectral data for each case, SMS now requires STWAVE simulations to have a reference time.
- Added support for the time varying bathymetry option that will be released in the next version of STWAVE.
- Geometry components can use grid extents coverages in addition to grids. This allows geometry generation by the model during run.
- Improvement to the 1D–2D water level lines. SMS now allows the user to specify the water level lines vertical offset.
- 2012 Oct - beta
- 2013 Apr- final
- Dynamic Images
- SMS can now link to dynamic image sources on the web so that the background image is updated as user pans/zooms around the domain. These images can be converted to static images for speed or if internet access may be lost.
- New Online Image Sources
- Recently, the terraserver web service that had been available in SMS was discontinued. SMS now accesses a number of new web sources for image and/or elevation data using the previous web source tools.
- Project on the fly
- All data in the SMS instance is now projected to a user specified projection for display. This makes working with data in various projections much easier and less prone to round-off or conversion errors.
- Dataset Toolbox
- Angle convention conversion for scalar datasets. For more information, see Dataset Toolbox.
- Open as... command
- General data formats such as raster, vector and image files are not always supported as native in SMS. This new command allows SMS to use the Global Mapper library to convert the data in these files to be read in to SMS.
- Import Wizard column association
- The import wizard can now associate Northing/Easting headers with Y/X.
- Annotations
- In addition to previous annotation capabilities, users can setup annotation layers so they are only visible during user specified time intervals. This would apply to film loops and stepping through time steps. See SMS:Annotations for more information.
- MIKE 21 (*.mesh) File Support
- MIKE 21 (*.mesh) files can now be loaded into SMS 11.1 and later. See the article MIKE 21 *.mesh.
- Convert GIS data to Generic model coverage
- Users can now bring in GIS data (shape file or mif/mid) and convert this to generic model node or arc attributes. For more information, see GIS to Feature Objects Wizard.
- Read in a boundary condition file into the GIS module. For more information, see PTM Boundary Condition File.
- Map Module
- Select all arcs connected sequentially to define a polygon. Can be used to detect poor connectivity in a conceptual model. For more information, see Select Connected Arcs.
- Split arcs based on user specified criterion. For more information, see Split Feature Arcs Utility.
- Convert Map feature arc and point attributes (Generic 2D mesh coverage) to mesh nodestring and node attributes. For more information, see Generic Mesh Coverage.
- The Select/Delete Data function (Feature Objects menu) now gives the user the ability to set how points that lie on the selection polygon will be treated. For more information, see Select/Delete Data....
- Map data can be imported/exported in MIF/MID format. For more information, see MapInfo MID/MIF.
- Export map data in shape format. For more information, see Export Map Data in Shape Format.
- Map files have been optimized to load faster.
- Converting a area property coverage to a 2D grid has been optimized to convert faster.
- Mesh Module
- Nodestrings now contain an id. For more information, see 2D Mesh Nodestrings Menu.
- A subset of the mesh can be selected and edited on its own. For more information, see Editing 2D Meshes.
- Meshes can be imported/exported in MIF/MID format. For more information, see MapInfo MID/MIF.
- An option now exists for mesh to scatter conversions where only selected mesh nodes are converted.
- Automatic zoom was removed when generating a mesh from a map coverage.
- Reduce nodal connections. For more information, see Reduce Nodal Connectivity.
- Global mesh renumbering done using the Cuthill-Mckee renumbering scheme replaces nodestring based renumbering.
- Mesh quality scatter set creation. For more information, see 2D Mesh Module Menus.
- ARR plot creation. For more information, see ARR Mesh Quality Assessment Plot.
- Particle Module
- Extract particle subset – Export a portion of the times and/or particles to a new file to reduce file sizes of particle solutions.
- Raster
- New raster set tree item folder in the project explorer. For more information, see Raster Module.
- New "Options" dialog in the raster set project explorer. This is used specify if raster values are/aren't elevations. For more information, see Raster Functionalities.
- Ability to convert part of a raster to a scatter set (TIN).
- Scatter Module
- Ability to autogenerate TIN breaklines following elevation values. For more information, see Generate Contour Breaklines.
- New option to use Laplacian interpolation when interpolated to a Cartesian Grid. For more information, see Laplacian Interpolation.
- Merging scatter sets will now show a report of the number of vertices, triangles, breaklines before and after the merge. For more information, see Scatter Menu.
- New scatter filter using VTK Decimate Pro algorithm. For more information, see Scatter Filter.
- Cartesian Grid Module
- AdH
- Support for version sediment and constituent transport.
- Preservation of "unsupported" or "advanced" cards in an "Advanced" tab in model control
- Support for weir structures.
- Support for PC LVL card (output control).
- New "Sediment Library Control..." dialog.
- Support for version 50.0. New distribution of the model.
- Support for running ADCIRC in parallel (PADCIRC) on windows environment.
- Support for the new NWS 19 option
- Support for version 4.5 of the CMS. This includes both CMS-Flow and CMS-Wave in a single executable.
- Complete overhaul of the CMS-Flow model parameters.
- New parameters to the "Sediment" tab. For more information, see CMS-Flow Model Control.
- Calculate morphology change during ramp period
- Avalanching
- Made the D50 Dataset optional
- Added a new dataset called Sediment Standard Deviation (mm)
- Changes to the wave model control tab
- Added new Harmonic WSE-forcing boundary condition. This is located in the CMS-Flow Model Control options under "Tidal" tab. For more information, see CMS-Flow Model Control.
- Added Longitude dataset. You will see this option in the CMS-Flow Model Control options under "Flow" tab. For more information, see CMS-Flow Model Control.
- Added 29 new Tidal Constituents bringing the total to 37. For more information, see CMS-Flow Model Control.
- Added Grid modification flag. For more information, see CMS-Flow Grid Modification Flag.
- Added ability to read netCDF files for visualization.
- Added ability to read fleet wind data. For more information, see Fleet Wind Files.
- New save point coverage and file support. For more information, see CMS-Flow/Save Points.
- Ability to extract levee/structure height from an unstructured (ADCIRC) grid.
- CMS-Wave
- Support for updated version
- We now write the *.std file according to the new format.
- Users can associate times/dates with the simulation.
- We now support full plane simulations.
- Ability to create input spectral locations in spectral coverage. For more information, see CMS-Wave Spectral Coverage.
- Support of the new permeable structures.
- Support spatially varied wind input fields.
- Support for 8 (yymmddhh) or 12 (yyhhddhhmmss) date fields for temporally changing spectra.
- GenCade Model Interface
- GenCade is the newest version of USACE-ERDC coastal morphology model. It combines the capabilities of previous models GENESIS and Cascade (the source of the model name).
- The GenCade interface is managed in the 1D Grid Module in the Surface Water Modeling System.
- Generic Model Interface
- Converter utility provided to model developers to facilitate migration from previous template to SMS 11 template.
- Ability to only show material options for active material group.
- You can now read in PTM trap files. For more information, see PTM Trap File.
- Ability to use an ADCIRC ascii fort.45 files for hydrodynamics.
- Improved smoothing of display of 3D solution of fence diagrams.
- Support to read in BC file.
- Improved interface with CMS-Flow.
- You can now run stwave in parallel if you have multiple processors. For more information, see STWAVE.
- Can specify which TUFLOW executable (double or single precision as well as 32 and 64 bit) to use for each simulation.
- Improved model check for boundary conditions for specified event.
- Add ability to specify a clip region.
- Convert GIS rainfall data to TUFLOW boundary conditions
- Provide option for GIS check/outputs to be shapefiles
- Support mass balance corrector toggle
- Support new Source over Area commands
- Support storage reduction feature
- Support variable z shape restore/repeat
- Rearrange grid options dialog
- Improvements to multiple file import dialog (open TCF file)
- Support for customary units option
- We now can interface with CSHORE.
- CStorm
- We now write the STWAVE and ADCIRC files into a single directory along with the ESMF mapping information.
- Allow users to specify file links instead of data ojects for ice and currents.
- Curvilinear (Orthogonal) Grid Generation
- Users can specify in the simulation's model control how many layers there are for their curvilinear grids.
- Users can now use a masking coverage to create more precise curvilinear grids.
- New feature for relaxing curvilinear grids using predictor/corrector algorithm.
- User can now display 3D solutions mapped onto fence diagrams cut through the domain.
- Support for the LTFATE/CH3D model parameters and file formats.
- Curvilinear Grid LTFATE supports Tidal and Inflow boundary conditions.
- Added support for Sediment river boundary conditions.
- Added support for wind.inp file.
- Support for SEDZL-J sediment transport parameters.
- Support for the EFDC model parameters and file formats
- VTK Dataset Interpolation
- Can interpolate from a VTK dataset to mesh2d, cgrid, scatter, vtk mesh or curvilinear geometric object. For more information, see Interpolation (VTK).
- New Module – Raster Module
- You can now work with raster data (DEM) in SMS without needing to convert the data into a scatterset (TIN). Raster formats are more space efficient and quicker to draw than TIN based formats with the same number of points. This allows you to work with larger DEMs than previously possible within SMS.
- Rasters can be used to interpolate elevations to a scatter, mesh, or grid. You can create observation profile plots of raster data to see cross-section views of raster data.
- Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL)
- The PBL model is used to compute wind fields from tropical storms and hurricanes. The PBL engine is developed and maintained by Oceanweather Inc., experts in wind forecasting and hind casting. The PBL model takes an input storm track and outputs wind fields that can be used to force an ADCIRC model. Currently, distribution of the model itself is controlled by OWI. Negotiations to use the model, or get output files from the model, which can then be used in SMS as part of CSTORM or ADCIRC model runs, must go through OWI.
- Adaptive Hydraulics (AdH)
- The 2D shallow water component of the ADaptive Hydraulics Modeling system (AdH) now has an interface within SMS. AdH was developed by the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, ERDC, USACE (www.chl.erdc.usace.army.mil). AdH solves the 2D shallow water equations, features an adaptive mesh solution to dynamically alter the resolution of the mesh based upon where it is needed, supports wetting and drying, boat effects, and wind effects. See the AdH website for more information on AdH (https://adh.usace.army.mil/).
- Note: The sediment and AD transport portions of AdH are not currently supported in the SMS interface.
- The global ocean WAve prediction Model called WAM is a third generation wave model. WAM predicts directional spectra as well as wave properties such as significant wave height, mean wave direction and frequency, swell wave height and mean direction, and wind stress fields corrected by including the wave induced stress and the drag coeffieient at each grid point at chosen output times. (http://chl.erdc.usace.army.mil/chl.aspx?p=s&a=software;8)
- The WAM interface in SMS supports building WAM grids, creating WAM simulations, nesting WAM grids, post-processing support (contours and spectra), and generating spectra for STWAVE input (requires the STWAVE interface).
- Bouss2D Runup/Overtopping
- It is now possible to run Bouss2D in 1D mode to simulate run-up and overtopping. The runup/overtopping interface supports the ability to extract transects, position gages, specify roughness zones (Chezy or Manning), and define multiple wave cases. Post-processing includes 2D profile plots along transects, time-series plots of gage output, generated summary statistics such as height of highest 1/10, 1/50 of waves, and the point of furthest encroachment on each transect.
- TUFLOW Advection/Diffusion Module
- There is a new Advection/Diffusion (AD) module for TUFLOW. TUFLOW AD simulates depth-averaged, two and one-dimensional constituent fate and transport. Both dissolved and particulate constituents can be simulated. TUFLOW AD adaptively expands its computational stencil (between third to ninth order) in areas where strong constituent gradients are identified. The module is fully supported within SMS including the ability to support spatially varied initial concentrations and transport coefficients.
- Generic Model New Features
- We have added several features to the generic model interface to offer more options for providing a user-interface for models without a custom SMS interface.
- Now boundary condition and material parameters can now support more than just a floating point or curve value. Each parameter can be enumerated options, boolean, integer, float, curve, text, or float/curve (user chooses which).
- Now multiple boundary conditions can be assigned to the same entity (node, nodestring or elements). This is particularly handy if you have bc information for multiple solution types (flow and sediment transport).
- The generic model designer can show/hide parameters based upon an enumerated option parameter. For example, the user could choose between chezy and manning roughness approaches and show the appropriate parameters depending upon the choice. Boundary condition and Material properties can use global parameters or their own parameters to base the hide/show logic.
- The designer can also choose to have multiple material groups (roughness/sediment).
- In order to accomplish the features above and make parameters as consistent as possible, some existing card definitions have changed. This will necessity changes for models using the generic model interface and migrating from SMS 10.1 to 1.0.0.
- CMS Updates
- CMS Flow now supports the ability to run a coupled CMS Flow/CMS Wave model without the use of the steering module (inlined). Running the models inlined minimizes the file IO for the models decreasing runtimes.
- CMS Flow also supports an optional Implicit solution scheme allows for longer time-step sizes and parallel runs so you can distribute your work across all of your processor cores. The option to change which mode (2D or 3D) CMS Flow runs in has been removed. By default, CMS Flow will run in 2D.
- CMS Wave has several new features including the ability to define a muddy bed, non-linear wave effects, infragravity wave effects, spatially varied wind field, xmdf output, and a Gauss-seidel solution scheme that allows you to run across multiple processor cores.
- TUFLOW Updates
- You can now import projects created outside of SMS. Multiple TCF files can be read together to maintain sharing of objects where supported by SMS. Makes it easy for someone familiar with SMS to pick up on a model started by someone else or to help transition to using TUFLOW within SMS.
- You can now choose to output datasets in XMDF format which is much faster (basically instant) for loading datasets into SMS. You can also add custom text to the output options to choose items not supported by SMS.
- You can now create, manage, and use irregular culverts from inside the SMS interface.
- You can now choose to have SMS write zpts to a new xf file format that is binary and very fast to read/write.
- Includes manhole support for the new TUFLOW manhole features. You can specify options for the automatically generated manholes and override these settings using a TUFLOW manhole coverage.
- You can now select grid cell locations (9 cell locations used by TUFLOW) using the “Feature objects->Select/Delete Data” command.
- Cartesian grids store their own projection and reproject on the fly
- You can now have a projection associated with each of your cartesian grids. The grid will be reprojected on the fly into the working projection for display purposes. You can right-click on the grid and choose “Work in grid projection” to easily change your working projection to the grid’s projection which is required for working with the grid and using tools.
- Note: Bouss2D and CMS-Wave do not currently have the ability to save this projection information.
- STWAVE Updates
- We are now linked to STWAVE version 6 which has new file formats and improvements made by the model developers. You can now extract boundary conditions from a larger WAM run and have improved iteration control for the full-plane version. The new interface/model allows you to specify names for your boundary condition cases.
- Improved Crash Reports
- The crash reports from SMS now contain more information often enough for our developers to fix the issue without any user interaction. Please allow SMS to post this information so our developers can fix issues that arise.
- Dynamic background images from the web through ArcGIS
- If you have ArcGIS on your computer, you can use the GIS module within SMS to get background imagery that updates on the fly from the internet.
- Particle module/PTM changes
- Particle sets can have a projection defined and are reprojected on the fly.
- You can estimate the number of particles that will be generated in by a PTM source coverage. This helps ensure you don’t accidentally generate so many particles that the computations take to long.
- Virtual gages - You can use virtual gages to determine concentrations and other data around a point or within a polygon.
- Particle filters - You can use particle filters to display a subset of particles to use for display, selection and compute grid datasets. You can use this to look at particles from particular sources, etc.
- Bouss2D changes
- You can now have variable roughness defined by map polygons for a Bouss2D simulation
- GenCade changes
- Wave gage event wave directions can now be specified in conventions other than shore normal, such as meteorological and oceanographic.
- Left and right bypass coefficients can be specified for inlets. The Y Left and Y Right have been removed and replaced by the left and right bypass coefficients.
- General Features
- If you do File | Save as and choose an image file, SMS writes an associated world and projection file
- You can change the symbol size used in plots
- You can convert mesh elements to polygons using Mesh→Map. This makes it possible to get your mesh elements into a shapefile
- SMS now uses the existing background for flowtrace and drogue plots rather than have this specified separately
- Zoom to options to easily see specific information including: zoom to mesh, grid, scatter, and selections
- Option to always use white when printing rather than current background color
- You can now import TINs from LandXML files
- Find/select map points, arcs, and polygons by id (use zoom to selection to find in busy coverages)
- 64-bit Version
- SMS now distributes a 64-bit version. This version can access far more memory than the 32-bit version can so it is useful for working with large sets of data. The installation is the same for the 32 and 64 bit versions of SMS. You can choose the version to install if you have a 64-bit operating system. Both versions can be installed by running the installation twice. The performance (speed) of this version is basically the same as the 32-bit version. This version requires a 64-bit operating system (Vista-64 bit recommended).
- General Features
- Dataset Toolbox – New dataset toolbox has new methods to create datasets as well as organizing some of the existing options. The new features include: creating comparison datasets, sampling datasets at specific times, computing derivatives or changes through time, and filtering datasets.
- Annotations – New annotation tools allow the creation of scale bars, North Arrows, screen space images for Logos, as well as rectangles, ovals, and lines in either screen or world space.
- Data Calculator – The data calculator now includes functions to take the average, minimum, or maximum of all the time steps of a dataset and is included in the dataset toolbox.
- KMZ Filmloop Export – In addition to saving raster or vector data from SMS, you can now create animations that can be opened in Google Earth.
- Graphical Selection Tools – The modifier keys for graphical selection tools have been expanded and made consistent.
- Projections – SMS now includes many more GIS projection systems (previously referred to as Coordinate Systems) and can use projection (prj) files associated with images and GIS files. SMS can also create projection files.
- Image Projection Changes – Images now store their native projection and will automatically be displayed in the working projection.
- Measure Tool – SMS now includes a simple tool for measuring distances.
- Web Menu - New menu for accessing importing data from the web.
- Model Priority – There is a new preference that allows the user to specify the priority to launch numeric models.
- Vector Display Options – Vectors can now have their center or tip positions at the node or grid location being drawn at. This can be useful to prevent vector arrows to appear on land.
- Stick Plots – Vectors can now be displayed on specified points from a map coverage at points or along vertices on an arc. This can be useful for comparing data obtained along a transect.
- Save As Image – You can now save the contents of the graphics window to a jpeg or bitmap by doing a file save as and changing the save type.
- Remote desktop – In SMS 10.0, the screen would go blank if you started a remote session to look at an already running instance of SMS. This has been resolved.
- Edge Swap – You can now set a general preference to turn on/off automatic refreshing after an edge swap.
- Cartesian Grid Module
- Interpolate Bathymetry to cells – You can now interpolate new bathymetry to the selected cells in a Cartesian grid without updating the entire grid.
- Smoothing – The smoothing options for a cartesian grid have been expanded to allow smoothing only on a portion of the grid.
- Duplicate Grid – You can duplicate an entire cartesian grid to create a second simulation that can be changed without altering the initial simulation.
- Cartesian Grid mapping – Map to grid attributes are now stored with the grid frames so it is easy to go back and create new grids with modified parameters (such as cell size).
- Transformed Cartesian Grid – You can transform an STWAVE or CMS-WAVE grid to realign it to the directions of the waves.
- Steering Module – The steering module now allows you to choose the grids to use when multiple cartesian grids exist.
- Map Module
- Animating profile plots now supports multiple datasets – (before only the active dataset could be animated)
- Observation Profile Plot – Profile plots now have the ability to plot multiple time steps on a single plot.
- Feature Stamping – Feature stamps now automatically create breaklines appropriately when stamping to a scatter set (TIN).
- Spatial Data Coverage – New coverage type can be used to display compass plots at locations (such as wind velocities/directions).
- Scatter Module (TINs)
- Scatter Breaklines – SMS now supports breaklines on scatter sets. Breaklines can be manually created, created from converting Map data (CAD or GIS to Map then scatter), created automatically when using feature stamping, or can be imported using the import wizard.
- Merge Scatter Sets – Merging scattersets can now preserve triangulation of initial scattersets where the scattersets to merge do not overlap.
- CAD/GIS faces to triangles – AutoCAD or ESRI 3D shapefiles with polygons representing faces can be converted directly to scatter triangles. This makes it easy to get AutoCAD or ESRI TIN data (export DWG/DXF or 3D Shapefile format) into SMS without having to retriangulate and fix the triangulation.
- Process Boundary Triangles – This new tool can be used to remove unwanted boundary triangles converted on the edge of the domain.
- Move Scatter Vertices – You can now unlock the scatter set using the vertex menu and move scatter vertices.
- File Import Wizard Additions for breaklines – Breaklines can be imported using the import wizard.
- Generic Mesh Model
- 2D Mesh Files (*.2dm) – The generic model interface can now export full curves rather than sampling the curves based upon the time step value.
- STWAVE Model
- STWAVE Time Support – You can now reference input spectra to specific time values or have each spectra independent of time.
- TABS Model
- RMA4 Element Loading – You can now add a mass loading directly to individual elements for an RMA4 advection/dispersion simulation.
- TUFLOW ZShape – New coverage type used to modify geometry. It is similar to the geometry modification coverage but has more options including the ability to have the geometry vary with time.
- TUFLOW 2D Flow Constriction Shape coverage – New coverage type used to create 2D structures. These structure can be layered flow constrictions which allow flows both below and above a bridge deck.
- TUFLOW Inlet Database – For urban storm drain models, you can provide curves that describe the amount of flow captured by storm drain inlets based upon the depth of flow in the 2D cells rather than the shape options previously available.
- TUFLOW Network Node SX Additions – 1D nodes can be directly connected to a 2D domain without the need for SX lines or a connection coverage.
- TUFLOW Eddy Viscosity Options – The eddy viscosity used in the model can now be specified as a combination of a fixed eddy viscosity added to a computed smagorinsky viscosity value.
- Features No Longer Supported
- The models HECRAS and GENESIS are no longer supported in SMS. Our sister program WMS has an interface for HEC-RAS for those who are interested.
- The RMA4 interface no longer supports BOD/DO since this functionality does not function correctly in RMA4.
- General New Features
Vista Support – Text rendered in earlier versions of SMS did not display correctly when run under Windows Vista. This has been fixed in SMS 10.0.
Graphics Improvements – The display pipeline has been completely overhauled in order to support hardware acceleration and reduce memory usage. In addition fill behind labels and aligning automatic contour labels with linear contours now work.
Improved DWG Support – SMS 10.0 now supports AutoCAD files up to and including version 2008. In addition, AutoCAD files are displayed in 3D rather than 2D background data as in SMS 9.2.
KMZ File Export – SMS can now export the currently displayed image as a raster with geo-referencing in a *.kmz file. Kmz files can be visualized inside of Google Earth.
Import Data From Web – When importing data from Terraserver, SMS brings up a locator tool where you can locate the area to download using Microsoft Virtual Earth.
Arc Groups in Profile Plots – When observation arcs are joined into arc groups, profile plots will join the data end to end rather than seeing separate curves. This allows the creation of a single curve in a profile plot from several arcs. Since each arc can have its own color it makes it easy to identify specific locations in the data.
Hide Unavailable Features and Unused Options – The display options dialog by default only shows options for data that currently exist in SMS. When selecting a coverage type only coverages associated with registered features or models are put into the list. The preferences dialog also only works with registered features. These changes make it easier for users to find the options they want to use by hiding irrelevant features or options.
- Filmloop Compression options – You can now select a compression codec and associated quality in order to build smaller filmloop files.
- Functional surface options – It is now possible to color a functional surface using all of the options available for color filled contours.
- Help system is a Wiki – Rather than distribute chm files with SMS, the help is now found on a Wiki. This allows more people to get involved in updating the information. We are working hard to improve the help contents currently available.
- Spatial Attributes – The ADCIRC interface now supports distributed spatial attributes (fort.13) files.
- Spatially varied bed friction and floating docks – An updated version of CGWAVE (version 2.0) is now supported in SMS 10.0. This version includes options for spatially varied bed friction and floating docks.
- Test Problems - A new set of test problems is also provided to illustrate model capabilities
- CMS-Flow (previously M2D)
- Model Improvements – The CMS-Flow interface in SMS 10.0 has been refreshed and updated to support for CMS-Flow v3.5. This version uses XMDF simulation files and can be run in explicit or implicit mode.
- Interface Improvements – Project management has been simplified, improved model parameter checking, and you can now work with input wave climate datasets outside the steering module.
- Model Improvements – The latest version of PTM (version 2.0) is now supported in SMS 10.0. PTM 2.0 supports hydrodynamic input from ADCIRC, ADCIRC3D, CH3D, CMS-Flow, AND CMS-Flow3D. Additional computation and output options are also available in PTM 2.0.
- Interface Improvements – The PTM Model Control has been redesigned. Mathematical operations can be performed on particle datasets using the Data Calculator. The particle display options have been expanded. New post processing features include creating datasets on a cartesian grid of particle count, accumulation, rate of accumulation, deposition, exposure, concentration, and dosage.
- Model Improvements – A new boundary condition type has been added for a stage vs flow rating curve generated automatically from a water surface elevation slope.
- Interface Improvements – The TUFLOW interface for boundary conditions has been simplified for ease of use. The interface now supports the ability to generate and manage multiple 2D domains to allow for changes in resolution. The interface now also supports 2D flow constrictions to model bridges, peirs, or large culverts in 2D.
- CMS-Wave (previously WABED)
- Version/Feature Update – SMS 10.0 interfaces with CMS-Wave v 1.67. This version of CMS-Wave includes functionality to allow wetting and drying, consider constant or spatially varied bed friction, and use constant or spatially varied forward and/or backward reflection. Parameters have also been added to allow user control of the intensity of diffraction and the type of wave breaking formula to use.
- Models Removed From SMS
- The following models are no longer available or supported in SMS 10.0: